MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1297 Knife VS card!

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"not good!"

The face that has been killing has been discolored.

He can recognize the "eye worm" because the high-level intelligence obtained by the Sanmu consortium from the hound dog knows that 24k is likely to be able to command the zerg.

Because the Zerg belongs to the main unit in the 22nd administrative star plot, the information about the Zerg can still be found on the forum.

Although it is behind the information of the twenty-second administrative star for nine months, "War of War" has been open for more than a year. There are some information about the leading-level unit of "eyeworm", and because "eyeworm" has anti- The hidden characteristics, killing nature is the key memory.

Therefore, at this time, he could not help but be alert.

After waking up to enter the building and letting his stealth expire, he has not been able to kill the real digital cat, and immediately turned and tried to retreat!


However, a mysterious poker with a pattern of "Plum 9" has been flying like a sniper bullet, and it has locked his way back with a broken air.

The wind has fallen, and it has already caught up.

Although the wind did not find traces of killing before, but now there are only four people left in the city, Phoenix does not need his protection, and another foreign aid, has also been killed in the previous moment.

Therefore, he does not need to consider at all.

It is possible to determine which target will be selected if the invisible player continues to target the city that never sleeps.

The reason why I rushed to the area where mystery poker exploded was just to retreat all the lost playing cards by my mental power.

Speaking of it, after the ecstasy consumes light.

The wind found that in fact, the spiritual strength is not unlimited. After continuous and fierce battles, his mental manipulation has become somewhat dull.

At this time, both coverage and accuracy have declined.

Even more is the ability to release "spiritual impact" skills, but fortunately, the simple control of mystery poker can also be done, after all, mysterious poker itself is subject to the spirit of manipulation.


It seems that there is a certain kind of perceptual attack skill. "Kill" senses the danger at the moment of turning around. The narrow epic level in the hand is too slashing, even in the extreme case, it blocks the one that is aimed at his head. Zhang "Meihua q"!

However, the strong impact from the card, but also let him directly hit back, lost the opportunity to rush out!


The wind fell with a sullen figure, shrouded in the black air of the tumultuous life protozoa, blocking the entrance to the building.


I didn't give any adjustment time at all. In a moment, it was a "box 8" shot, and I flew again toward the repulsed inverted triangle. The speed even brought a burst of sound!

Although just because of the attack, the current mystery poker does not have enough time to recharge and cannot carry any energy impact.

However, the card made of thin, flap-like memory material is a super-killing weapon in the wind and the strength of the overweight A warrior!


The eyes of the killing were fierce. In the face of this repeated playing card, there was no use of the knife to block it. It was only a strong force fluctuation that broke out on the body, forming a force field covering the top of "Box 8".



"Block 8" hit the chest of the kill.

Passing in from the front, flying with a yellow damage value from behind!


The brow of the wind fell.

Obviously, this inverted triangle eye kills a very high sense of fighting. After just a short touch, I have already discovered that using a knife to block mystery poker is better than letting mystery wear through.

Because the power of the wind is too high, if you use a knife to stop, he will inevitably continue to repel and fall into a suppressed situation.

Instead of blocking, let the playing cards wear more and more cost-effective.

Because these pokers have neither energy attacks nor additional force damage, they are very thin.

This kind of pure physical attack, as long as he deflects through the force field, greatly reduces its speed, so that poker can not hit his key, it is impossible to kill spike!

Moreover, the attack of eating this second piece of poker can also make him equalize the disadvantage of losing the opportunity.


However, after realizing this, the face of the wind has not changed.

The third mystery poker was thrown again in the hand, a "red peach j"!

This time, the position of the flight is to "kill" the center of the pair of inverted triangle eyes, the most deadly eyebrow position.


The triangle of the killing flashed through the fierce light, and the body shape suddenly chose not to move.

The Force Field once again exerted its power toward the "Red Peach J", letting this mysterious poker flying towards his eyebrows, the flight route directly shifted to his ear side!


However, the knife in his hand has been lifted, ready to counterattack for the time.

The trajectory of this "red peach j" is suddenly changed again, and it is once again changed back to the original flight path at a position one meter away from him!


If it is not the last moment, his epic helmet skill triggers, forcibly moving the angle of this "red peach j".

This blow is absolutely right in his eyebrows!


Even so, this third "red peach j" also hit the "kill" cheek, after cutting off a piece of meat, a set of blood was set on the metal wall dozens of meters behind!

Yes, the wind has indeed been unable to use the original force field.

However, the spiritual control from the "Little King" is more strange and flexible than the original force manipulation.


Obviously, after detecting that the wind is still able to manipulate the poker.

Killing is not courageous and so big, and because this blow is once again passive, then only can resist.

The knife that is held in the hand bursts out with a strong force fluctuation, and it is a shadow in the air!


In the building that has been blown up a bit riddled with holes, the sound of a series of playing cards and a knife hits.

The inverted triangle of the code-name killing, the knife in the hand shows super speed and accuracy.

The playing cards that have been continuously shot by the wind are all blocked by the long and narrow knife in his hand!

The difficulty of this point is obviously more difficult than the "knife bullet" under normal circumstances.

Because the speed of mystery poker itself is faster than the average bullet, and it is also manipulated by the wind and spirit.

Of course, this is also the same as the inverted triangle eye, and the wind is falling because of the previous battle, even if the life of the original worm quickly recovers, but because the original power consumption is too serious, these cards can not be attached to the additional skills The reason is related!

Otherwise, the range of energy attacks attached to the epic gear and the horrific impact of the Force bonus.

Even if he can stop playing cards, he can't stop hurting!


The strange thing is that in the face of this seemingly futile attack, the wind has not changed the attack method, and the hands continue to launch mysterious poker!

I didn't even choose to launch more than one shot at a time, but instead flew one by one to "kill."

Three, five... ten... twenty...


A piece of mysterious poker was shot with a spark, flying into the walls of the building, on the ground, and even one-third of the playing cards, was directly killed and directly split by the blade.

This is the knife that was carefully prepared by the Sanmu consortium.

The evaluation is a perfect epic level, the material coefficient of the "a+" level, even more than the mysterious poker!

However, the material of Mystery Poker is special, even if it is split, it can be combined once it is put together.


The forty-fourth playing card was hit heavily, and after playing on the wall, it hit a side of his side a dozen meters away, a steel beetle that was originally shrouded in black air.

The residual power above also makes the collared steel beetle almost penetrated!


The next 45th "Spades 5" was also damaged in some cases in the previous battle, and now the last card in the wind is still in the air.


"Killing" in the hands of the knife to draw a light and shadow, without the slightest deviation in the last mysterious poker.

And it is almost from the middle of the front, and the knife cuts the card in half.


A cracked sound.

However, this time it is not just mysterious poker.

The black knife on the "kill" hand, also "snap" from the middle position directly into two!

Mystery Poker is also an epic-level device. The materials of these cards are up to the "a" level. The "a+" material of the knife is perhaps more advanced than a single piece of poker, but it carries a lot of power in dozens of pieces. Under the impact of the impact of the poker, it is impossible to say that it will remain intact!


The cracked pieces of the knife are scattered in the air under the impact force.

However, the "killing" eyes reflected in the remaining half of the knife are filled with intense coldness.

The knife is broken, it doesn't matter!

For a top killer, don't say that a broken knife, even if it is just a piece of a knife, can kill!

However, for the wind and the wind, there is no force on the body.

In addition to the previous battle with death roar, the sniper rifle and even the Skywalker have been damaged.

Now, it consumes playing cards and how can he stop him from killing?

The smack turned and stared at the digital cat that was attacked by the hit poker cards a dozen meters away, and violently rushed out of the black gas beetle to reveal the real figure.

He does not seem to be rushing out!

However, the next moment, the pupil in a pair of triangular eyes contracted again.


Because the playing card that was inserted in the steel beetle turned out to be detached from the top and rushed toward the wind.

The most important thing is that in the direction in which the playing cards fly, a fluctuation of the original force is emitted.

Mysterious card box skills - the card!

After this round of battle, the wind has returned enough to restore the original force through the life of the original worm.


The fierce light in the inverted triangle of "killing" was a dumb fire, and the mouth was always indifferent and could not help but lick a dirty word.

Then, he did not hesitate to choose to give up attacking the digital cat, and turned and rushed to the other gap that was blown out by the missile.