MTL - Farm Gate Escape: There is Room For Full-level Bosses-Chapter 23 royal people

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   Chapter 23 The Royal Family

   All the elders and children in Zhaojia Village add up to nearly 200 people.

   Among them, young adults account for a quarter.

   All the food in their village was brought by the villagers.

  Children, women and old people walked in the middle, and all the young and middle-aged people protected the outside with the weapons left by the bandits.

  The gleaming weapons, the huge team, and the scattered refugees looked at the mule carts, donkey carts, and ox carts in the middle, but they basically didn’t dare to approach, instead they were afraid that they would be robbed.

  Lin Yue was driving the mule cart, and Bai Wutong hugged the stink like that, leaning on Chu Tianbao's shoulder to doze off.

   Riding a mule cart is much more comfortable than riding a horse.

   If I hadn’t glimpsed the yellow-faced and thin-skinned refugees from time to time, I would have thought they were traveling.

  Suddenly, the mule cart stopped.

   Before Bai Wutong opened his eyes, he heard a familiar stammering line.

   "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If I want it, if I want to pass it, I will leave it to buy road money!"

  Bai Wutong raised his head and saw the little bandit who was talking, kicked away by the big-bellied second master, "What a fart."

   He held a huge long knife and pointed at Lin Yue on the mule cart: "Brothers, kill them and avenge the big boss!"

   Bai Wutong knew that they would follow, and there would be trouble, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

   said that they would not bother their villagers, and when they saw the bandits in groups, they immediately approached their mule carts.

   Timid and even shouted directly: "Mrs. Bai help!"

  "." Why was it called her.

The villagers shouted   , and the bandits focused their attention on the face of Bai Wutong on the mule cart.

   The second master saw her appearance, and immediately lost his appetite. He thought it was a beautiful bitch, but it turned out to be such an ugly ugly monster, and immediately said with disgust: "You don't want to give such an ugly **** to a dog."

   The third master raised his mouth and his face was vicious: "Then use it to feed the dog."

   As soon as Lin Yue heard them open their mouths, he knew that their lives were in danger.

as predicted.

   "Whoosh", a dark shadow jumped out of the mule cart, and the sharp blade fell.

   Jianguang flashed the frightened eyes of the second master, and in the next second, he watched the blood spurting out of his throat and sprayed onto the frightened third master's face.

   Before everyone could react, the burly body of the second master smashed to the ground like a mountain collapsed.

The moment the    raised dust dissipated, the bandits behind the second master all took a step back in fright.

   But in the blink of an eye, they could all see how Chu Tianbao made his move, and the second master died just like that.

   Killing them is easier than killing chickens!

   The third master saw the dead body of the second master, and looked at Chu Tianbao's dark eyes, and finally understood why the master brought so many people to Zhao Nongzhuang and never returned.

   They are the masters of the masters.

   This kind of person is not something that these bandits who are half-way out of the family can offend.

   The third master reflected, the first thing was, run fast, the farther you run, the better!

   Before his thoughts could be put into action, his footsteps froze.

The bandits behind    took a step back in horror.

  Chu Tianbao pulled out the sword that pierced through his body, the third master twitched twice with a ferocious expression on his face, and collapsed with a bang, he was unwilling to breathe.

  Chu Tianbao glanced at the corpse on the ground, his expression indifferent, like a **** killer.

  The children in the village were all scared to tears by this scene.

  The women quickly covered their eyes, swearing in their hearts that they would never whisper in private that Bai Wutong was ugly again.

  The bandits turned into frightened birds and beasts and fled everywhere.

   Zhao Pengfei didn't even move his knife, and the danger to the troops was lifted.

   Village Chief Zhao was even more convinced that he would follow Bai Wutong and the others 100%.

   As long as they follow closely, they will be fine.

   For this reason, he once again urged Mrs. Yang and his daughter-in-law to increase their eyesight and make sure to coax Bai Wutong.

   Bai Wutong reached out to Chu Tianbao, Chu Tianbao immediately took the handkerchief, wiped the sword that killed the two people just now, and got back into the mule cart.

   Bai Wutong glanced at his articulated hand, Chu Tianbao stretched it out and said happily, "It's not stained at all, it's still a clean Tianbao."

  Bai Wutong retracted his gaze and chuckled, "Well, it's still a clean Tianbao."

  Chu Tianbao smiled happily, then sat back next to Bai Wutong, straightened his back, and patted his shoulder: "Come on, madam go to sleep."

  Lin Yue glanced back, wishing to plug his ears.

   It's so boring!

   When he gets married in the future, he must not be like Chu Tianbao.

   Bai Wutong was supposed to correct his rhetoric, but he was probably sleepy, and after staring at him, he leaned his head up again.

The    is very close, and the strong heartbeat has a reassuring power.

   When Bai Wutong closed his eyes, he thought of his grandparents.

  Her parents died in a car accident when she was a child. The person who killed them lost a lot of money and got forgiveness from her grandparents. In the end, she was released after a few years of sentence.

   When she was a teenager, she accidentally learned the news from relatives, and once complained about her grandparents, why should she forgive them.

   Later, my grandmother was terminally ill and refused to use the compensation.

   Bai Wutong realized that they did this for themselves.

   Losing her son and daughter-in-law, and the white-haired person sending the black-haired person, their pain will never be less than the fact that she had no parents since she was a child.

   Later, my grandmother died, and my grandfather went with him not long after.

   She is alone.

   The end of the world is coming, and she has also met many companions.

   In the end, she was the only one left.

   Xiao Xiou moved in his arms, Bai Wutong adjusted him to a comfortable position, and glanced at the well-behaved Chu Tianbao, wondering how long it would last this time.

   The rain started to fall again.

   The weather in this Yan Kingdom is also strange.

   Don’t go down when you should, and keep going down when you shouldn’t.

  The mule cart walked for a long time, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

   The refugees on the road have become scumbags, wearing little clothes, shivering in the rain.

  Some just fell into the water from starvation and couldn't get up again.

Before the villagers of    Zhao Farm Village left, they took all the luggage they could take with them.

  The adults are not counted, and the children can all wear hoods or hats.


   Lightning thundered, dark clouds rolled, and torrential rain fell.

  White Indus and the others had to temporarily go under the woods to take shelter from the rain.

   When the rain stopped, they continued on their way.

   encountered a group of huge teams fleeing in the opposite direction of Ling Guo.

   Bai Wutong took a closer look. Not only were there a few super luxurious carriages, but also a large number of attendants, accompanied by the army, guarding a large amount of food and supplies, and more importantly, they were still relying on the royal family!

  The reliance of the royal family, the people of the royal family must be sitting in this carriage.

   Bai Wutong asked Lin Yue, "Do you know who is sitting in the carriage?" He was also a man who followed the richest man, so he should know.

  Lin Yue took a closer look, frowned, hesitant and full of doubts.

   "It should be King Ping, the younger brother of the current emperor."

   Bai Wutong looked at him still confused and asked, "What's wrong with them?"

  Lin Yuedao: "There are three kinds of honor guards for the royal family, the big car, the legal frame, and the small frame. Except for the emperor, other clans can only take the legal frame and the small frame to accompany them, but the specifications in front of them are the big car."

   exceeds the specification and is suspected of conspiracy.

   Thank you all for your support. Tomorrow is a new book test, which is more important to me. I hope I can advance. Please vote more~ I love you! Will continue to work hard!



   (end of this chapter)