MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 92 Father and Son Night Talk (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

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  Chapter 92 Night talk between father and son (ask for monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

  He wants Thales to take the blood potion, there is no doubt about it!

  But compared to material supply, simply providing resources, Leiter believes that shaping inner quality and forming good habits is more important.

  Material wealth guarantees the lower limit, while spiritual wealth raises the upper limit.

  I returned to the territory today and listened to Ruilai's report. When he learned that he was not in the territory, Thales slackened down again, and had to supervise everything without any self-discipline.

  Think about Thales' performance after he retreated from the front line and returned to the territory. He was impatient and easy to give up halfway.

  Let Lei Te realized that he had fought on the front line for more than ten years, a long period, which led to a lack of sufficient understanding of the child's situation.

Jade is not cut, not a device. The child does not teach, the father too.

  So the moment Leiter entered the door, he decided to make up for it and teach Thales.

  The purpose is not to punish, let alone to cancel the treatment of blood medicine. It is purely to take this opportunity to make Thales reflect.

  After listening to his father's inquiry, Thales showed a dazed look on his face.

   After being stunned for a while, he rubbed his eyes and said aggrievedly: "Why did my lord father say that... I can't become a magician, let alone study alchemy..."

   "What if... is it really possible?" Leiter stared at the other party, he knew Thales' dedication to alchemy.

  However, there are lessons learned from the past. He is worried that if Thales does not get rid of his bad habits, after three minutes of enthusiasm, he will end up with an alchemy book that is also dusty in the corner.

   This is a scene he doesn't want to see.

   "After all, habits really have a great influence on people!" Leiter sighed inwardly. Therefore, there is only the inculcation of entering the door.

  He also wants to see Thales go further on the road of alchemy, do anything, and never give up lightly!

   "Then I will definitely study hard and persevere in the future!" Thales clenched his fists, and a look of seriousness flashed in his eyes. But soon he lowered his head again, and said discouragedly: "What's the use of talking about it. I've imagined it countless times before."

   "Come here, Thales." Leiter looked at his younger son with concern, and beckoned, "Sit beside me."

   "Okay, my lord father." Thales was obedient, he pinched the corner of the bed sheet, still feeling a little uneasy.

   Just as he was guessing what his father would say next, he felt something stuffed in his hand, which felt like a cold bottle.

  Thales raised his hand in surprise, saw that it was filled with black liquid, and asked suspiciously, "Father, what is this?"

   "Forget what I just said? This is the blood potion that can make you a magician!" Leiter patted Thales on the shoulder, and added: "It can satisfy your desire to study alchemy..."

  Thales was shocked and speechless for a while.

   It took a long time before he recovered, his lips twitched.

   "It turns out... my father has already considered me!" Thales was deeply moved, and a strong sense of paternal love welled up in his heart.

  At this moment, he felt that the medicine in his hand became very hot, but he squeezed it even tighter.

  Thales jumped to his side excitedly, put his arms around his father's neck, put his head on his shoulders, and said, "Thank you, Father!"

   "Hehe." Rubbing Thales' fluffy hair, Leiter smiled and said softly: "Family, there is no need to say that."

   This scene was warm and lasted for more than a minute.

   "But you have to remember what you just said!" Leiter patted the back of Thales' head lightly, and said, "I hope you said those words for yourself, not to fool me!"

  Thales raised his head and said seriously: "I understand, Father!

  I will definitely stick to it in the future, whether it is alchemy...or other things! "

   "You can say that, I'm very happy!" Lei Te's eyes showed relief, and he said: "Of course, if it is done, I will be even happier!"

   "I won't let you down, Father!" Thales' eyes flashed determination!

  Leite stood up and walked to the base of the wall: "Absorb the potion now, Rilai and I will watch over you!"


  Thales opened the blood potion, drank it in two gulps, then tensed up, closed his eyes and entered a serious state!

  From the outside, it looks like nothing happened, but Thales is undoubtedly suffering from severe pain.

  Looking at Thales, who was frowning tightly and dripping sweat on his face from time to time, Leiter held his breath. Even though he knew the result, he was still a little nervous.

  Ten minutes passed, and the boot fell to the ground.

  Thales successfully absorbed the blood potion of the black-eyed phantom snake. Although the whole body was drenched, there was a look of joy on his face, he opened his eyes and said, "Father, Ruilai, I have succeeded!"

   "Congratulations, Thales!" Rilai congratulated from the side.

   "How do you feel now?" Rhett asked.

   "Well, I feel a strange change in my mind, but I can't tell what it is." Thales scratched his head and said.

  Leite thought to himself: "Maybe it's because Kong has talent, but he doesn't have the foundation of a magician."

  So he handed the melting pot meditation method that he had prepared for a long time to the other party, and said: "This is a medium meditation method. With it, you can meditate in the future!"

  Take out a few bottles of potions from the gift bag and throw them on the soft bed beside Thales, "This is Moonlight Potion, which can improve your cultivation progress.

  I hope you will break through as an apprentice magician as soon as possible. Only then will you be eligible to learn alchemy! "

  At this time, Riley interjected: "By the way, Father, we don't seem to have books related to alchemy..."

  Thales brought the potion and meditation method to him, crossed his legs, and then looked up at his father, "That's right, we don't seem to have the inheritance of alchemy, and I won't be able to practice it when I become an apprentice magician."

  Leite smiled mysteriously, and said in a closed manner: "Do you know what happened to me when I went out for two months?"

   dong dong dong

   dong dong dong

   "Open the door! Father, open the door! I know you must be inside!" There was a loud voice outside the door.

  Riley and Thales showed curiosity on their faces, ready to listen, but they were interrupted by knocking on the door and shouting.

  Tales muttered dissatisfiedly: "Tuck doesn't sleep at night, why come to harass us!"

  Leite smiled helplessly, opened the door, looked at the burly figure standing in front of the door, and said, "Good evening, Tucker."

   Standing in front of the door, Tucker grinned when he saw his father, and said excitedly, "Father, I miss you so much."

   Immediately, he opened his hands, intending to wrap them around.

But this time Leiter was on guard, glared fiercely, took a step back, and said: "Stop! Tucker. You are such a big man, please be more cautious. Also, it is night, please lower your noise!"

   "Understood, my lord father." Tucker jumped at nothing and smiled.

  He kicked on his hind legs and closed the door. Looking around the room, Tucker scratched his head and found that both Rilai and Thales were there, "No wonder I went up to look for you just now, and I wasn't in the room, nor at Rilai's place. I ran to Thales."

   "Father, you are eccentric. You don't call me when you come back, you only look for Thales." Tucker muttered.

  Tales interrupted: "Hey Tucker, Riley and I are both single, you and Vanessa are in the room, it's inconvenient for Father to go, of course he won't go!"

"Nonsense, how could you and Rilai be single." Tucker glared, and said triumphantly: "Hmph, don't think I don't know, Rilai and Knina have been dating for a long time, and Thales You boy, the relationship with Mina is not normal."

   "Ahem." Relai rarely blushed, "Tuck, please correct me, it's Kerina, not Kerina!"

  Tuck scratched his head: "Oh? Is that right? I might have misremembered it..."

Rilei wanted to confess to his father alone at the party, but it was obvious that this opportunity was gone, so he took a deep breath and said, "My lord, I proposed to Clina last month, and Sir Gary also agreed that we should be together .”

   "You were not in the territory at the time, so I couldn't inform you in advance..."

   "It doesn't matter if you tell me or not, child." Leiter shrugged: "Love and impulse often go hand in hand. Sometimes, impulse makes the taste of love more delicious. I hope you can taste it."

   "Well, thank you, Father, for your understanding. I hope you can accompany me to Dam Town to finalize my marriage with Kelina." Rilai's face was extremely serious.

   "I'm extremely happy!" Leiter smiled: "I hope you will bear fruit soon, and let me hug your grandson!"

   "Ahem!" Reilly, who was usually calm, lost his composure when this topic came up.

  Looking wildly, not knowing how to reply.

   "So, what about you? Thales." Leiter cast his eyes on his youngest son and said with a smile, "When I was not in the territory, you also found someone?"

   "Ah... yes." Although Thales was a little embarrassed, he immediately admitted.

   "That's right, when love comes, don't be cowardly and dodge. When you meet the right person, take courage and go ahead and attack!" Leiter encouraged without asking for details.

   "Understood, my lord father!" Thales responded, and the figure of Mina Linglong unconsciously appeared in his mind, as well as the kiss under the red maple tree that day, and he couldn't help swallowing. I thought to myself: "I haven't seen Mina for half a month, but I miss her a little bit. Let's find her again in a few days!"

   "Father, what did you encounter when you went out? You haven't finished telling us just now!" Relai reminded at this time.

   "Just in time, Tucker is here, and everyone is here. I will tell you some things I have experienced in the past two months!" Leiter said in a deep voice.


  A slightly abridged narrative.

  Leite focused on the extermination of the evil alchemy organization. After all, the day of promotion is not far away, and people around him will know sooner or later.

  When the three of them found out that their father had actually eradicated a huge evil alchemy organization, they all beamed with joy!

   "That's amazing, Father!" Tucker admired his father's strength. The process just now sounds like an understatement, but in the face of many opponents of the same level, beheading them one by one is not something ordinary people can do. It can only be said that it is his father!

   "This is a considerable feat!" Ruilai's eyes sparkled, and he murmured, "Maybe you can use this to be promoted to Viscount, Father!"

  Hearing that they could be promoted to viscount, both Tucker and Thales were excited, and their minds couldn't help but imagine.

  A moment later, Thales was brimming with joy, "No wonder Father has been away for so long, so he did something earth-shattering.

   Moreover, my future alchemy inheritance is also settled, hehe, thank you, Father! "

   "You're welcome!" Rhett smiled.

"Rylai, Thales can't learn alchemy at the moment, but you can. Why don't you try to study it?" Leiter looked at Rylai and said, "It doesn't need to be so advanced that it can reach the level of an apprentice. A certain level is enough.”

  He didn't forget that family members can also gain destiny points by advancing their sub-professions.

   Alchemy is difficult to study in depth, but getting started is relatively simple, so Leiter thinks that the price-performance ratio is quite high for an apprentice.

  Rilei looked a little surprised. He wasn't very interested in alchemy, but he thought it wouldn't be difficult for him to reach the entry level, so he nodded and agreed.

  The night was getting darker, and the family chatted happily until the early morning before they dispersed.

  The next day, the clouds were overcast, and it was pouring rain outside soon after.

   The rain had just fallen, jolting him out of his meditative state.

  Lightning and thunder filled the whole world. Standing in front of the window, Leiter could smell the evaporating rainwater with a little earthy smell in the scorching heat.

  Look up.

  Drips of raindrops are connected, like countless white threads, connecting heaven and earth.

   Sometimes they sway with the wind and gather into rain curtains, which is quite spectacular.

   This is the first rainstorm this year, and he did not expect it to be so fierce.

  Before, it was just light rain at most, which was neither painful nor itchy.

   But the rain had no effect on his plans.

  Last night, Leiter made an agreement with Ruilai that the time to go to Dam Town is set on the 26th, which is tomorrow.

   After simply tidying up his clothes, Leiter was going to go downstairs to have breakfast.

  While going downstairs, Leiter suddenly remembered that there are more than 50 skilled talents who are still placed in the horse farm at the moment.

Fortunately, as soon as he arrived at the lobby on the first floor, he saw Sveta, Leiter stepped forward and said directly: "Sveta, last night, I temporarily placed more than 50 civilians who newly joined our territory in the horse farm. Today, I would like you to help them find an open space in the small town, and let Kuding build a batch of wooden houses for them."

"No problem, sir. There are not many people in our small town, and the most important thing we need is land." Sveta leaned slightly, "But it was raining heavily, and Kudin and the others couldn't start construction. The construction of the wooden house will have to wait The rain is over!"

  Leite nodded, sat on the main seat, and had breakfast with his family.

   Gradually, the sound of the rain gradually died down, and Sveta went out wearing a black raincoat.

   "Be careful, Sveta!" Leiter wiped his mouth with a tissue and stood up.

   "Master, I understand!"

   A buffer of one day was specially reserved because Leiter had other things to deal with.

   2 in 1

  The thank you words are in the author’s words, you can see them by turning a page

   Thank you book friend 121004015336419 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thank you book friend 20220313132146924 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to the dark and violent boss for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to readers 1350637614865178624 for the two monthly tickets

   Thanks to the fossil-level bookworm boss who entered the pit in 2002 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks ~ Mushang ~ Big Brother for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to the desolate moonlight boss for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thank you~Mu Shang~ for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the boss!

   Thanks to the book friends for their recommendation tickets and support, thank you very much!



  (end of this chapter)