MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 90 Dalton Chamber of Commerce (seeking monthly tickets, recommended tickets)

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  Chapter 90 Dalton Chamber of Commerce (seeking monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

  As for Leiter, he is not familiar with Earl Nero. After all, today is the first meeting between the two.

   Not having to deal with this hypocritical banquet is what Rhett is happy to see.

   "Thanks for your hard work, Earl!" Leiter saluted, with a serious look on his face, and praised: "It is really rare to see such a responsible commander-in-chief as the Earl!"

   "Haha, you're being polite, it's all a matter of duty." Earl Nero waved his hand.

   Taking advantage of the setting sun to escape from the little tail during the day.

  Rett took Shirene, hurriedly left the castle, and rushed back to Twilight City immediately.

  He did not forget the plan to develop Sun Lake aquatic products.

   With the help of Nina, the snow elf, it can promote the growth of water-type monsters and magic plants. If you don’t make good use of it to develop aquatic monsters, it’s simply wasteful!

   Aquatic monsters are just a name, but they are actually monsters that live in water, mainly water-type, but not limited to water-type.

  Refers to the few types of monsters discovered by humans that are mild-tempered and have low IQs in the long history.

  This kind of Warcraft has limited growth potential.

   Among all the low-level monsters, they also have the lowest IQ and the worst strength.

  The only bright spot is its taste.

  Although the growth cycle of aquatic monsters is longer than that of ordinary aquatic products.

   When it has not reached the second stage (equivalent to the apprenticeship stage of humans), it does not have any outstanding advantages compared to ordinary fish and shrimp.

  But as long as it grows for a few years and becomes a second-order monster, the quality of the meat will be greatly improved, the taste will be excellent, and it can be sold for a good price.

  So in Leiter's view, the sooner the aquatic monsters are introduced, the sooner the harvest will come.

   Especially with the help of the snow elves, the development of aquatic monsters is even more powerful!

   One can think of the content of the last simulation, which mentioned that a tsunami occurred along the east blue coast. It affected his purchase of aquatic monsters over there, disrupting his plan.

  Leite felt a little overwhelmed by this, so he was going to ask clearly what was going on.

  Along along the central street, they came directly to the door of the Dalton Chamber of Commerce.

   At this time, the queue at the Dalton Auction House not far away has shortened a lot and the number of people has dispersed.

  Leite glanced at it, but didn't pay attention. He turned around and stepped on the three-story glazed steps, stepping into the gate of the Dalton Chamber of Commerce.

  The wind chime hanging at the door rang crisply with the wind, which made Lei Te pay a little attention to the decoration of the store.

  The purple chandelier exudes a dreamy luster, which dazzles his eyes. The ground is covered with gold-plated floors. The four corners and the center of each floor are embedded with colorful gemstones, showing a high-end and luxurious temperament.

   I can only sigh that it is worthy of being a national chamber of commerce. From the royal city to the count-level cities, there are shops opened.

  Seeing a customer enter the store, a male clerk wearing a black and white plaid jacket walked quickly, with a standard smile on his face, "Hello, sir, what do you need?"

   "Do you have aquatic monsters for sale here? For example, three-eyed fire-marked fish, giant-toothed scallop, etc." Leiter didn't talk nonsense, and got to the point right away.

  The male clerk crossed his hands, put them in front of his lower abdomen, and said embarrassingly: "Sir, I'm very sorry. Since last month, all of our aquatic monsters have been out of stock."

  This answer was within Leiter's expectation.

  But he still pretended to be surprised, and asked: "Oh? The Doton Chamber of Commerce will also be out of stock? It's really surprising.

   So, can I know, roughly when it can be restored? "

The young male clerk continued to return apologetic eyes, and patiently explained: "To be honest, we only got the news last month that a serious tsunami occurred on the Donglan coast, which caused the chamber of commerce to lose business there. The loss is heavy, and it is temporarily unable to supply goods to the Twilight City Branch on the southwestern border in the deep inland. The specific time can only be announced later.”

   "What kind of tsunami can cause such destructive power..." Leiter sighed.

  Since the last simulation, this question has been in Leiter's mind.

  In this world, there are extraordinary powers, so it is difficult for ordinary natural disasters to pose too much threat.

  For example, for natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and strong winds, as long as a magician with sufficient strength takes action, it can be easily resolved.

   In the face of ordinary tsunamis, it is also much easier for water magicians to manage them.

   Not to mention the East Blue Coast, a place of prosperous trade, there must be no shortage of talent reserves for water magicians.

  So, Leiter guessed in his heart that there might be some special reasons that caused the tsunami that even water magicians could not control.

   "As a small clerk, I definitely have no way of knowing the cause of the tsunami." The clerk shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Sir, why don't you wait a little longer? Or go shopping and see what products catch your eye."

   "Give me twenty bottles of boiling potion." Leiter said bluntly.

   This is the plan he had thought up long ago. If he didn't buy the aquatic monster, he would buy the boiling potion.

   The loot looted from Qingquan Town contained more than a thousand gold coins.

  Leite is not a giant dragon obsessed with gold coins and jewelry, and he doesn't have the habit of covering moldy things.

  Leave hundreds of coins to maintain the normal long-distance transfer of the territory.

   For the rest, Leiter intends to buy all the boiling potions and distribute them to Tucker and his knights to improve their overall strength.

  The male clerk showed surprise in his eyes, and his expression became more respectful.

   "Twenty bottles of boiling potion? Good! Please wait a moment, sir, and I'll bring it right away!" After saying this, the male clerk hurried towards the side hall.

   Within two minutes, the male clerk left and returned.

  Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

  Since there was no useful information, Leiter was ready to leave with a beautiful gift bag.

  At this time, a middle-aged man walked up to him. He was about 1.7 meters tall, slightly fat, but with a shiny forehead.

  Extremely distinctive external features, very attractive attention.

  Rett couldn't help but look at it twice, feeling a little familiar.

  The middle-aged man had just crossed the threshold, and he was surprised not only to see Leiter, but also to see Shirin who was following Leiter in a guarding posture.

  He moved a step to the left, standing in front of Rhett.

   "Huh? This gentleman, who are you?" There was a hint of doubt in Leiter's eyes, and he was greatly surprised that the other party blocked the road. However, due to the obvious external characteristics of the other party, he quickly recalled that when he passed the door of the Doton Auction House with the captive just now, this person was present at the time, as if he was standing at the door of the auction house.

   "The store manager, this gentleman just bought twenty bottles of boiling potion from us!"

   A voice came from behind, letting Rhett know the identity of the person in front of him.

"Oh? As expected of Sir Leiter, the shot is generous!" The store manager of the Doton Chamber of Commerce brightened his eyes and said with a smile: "Hello, I am the store manager of the Twilight City Branch of the Doton Chamber of Commerce, Carlton Star M."

  Leite looked surprised, and said: "If I remember correctly, isn't the manager of the Dalton Chamber of Commerce Ralph?"

  In the past, he learned from Rilei that the store manager of the Dalton Chamber of Commerce was an elderly man named Ralph.

  At the end of last year, I brought Tucker and Riley to Twilight City, and went to the Dalton Chamber of Commerce. The store manager is still Ralph, not the bald and fat man in front of him.

   "The headquarters issued a transfer order a while ago, and Ralph was just sent to another branch last month." Carlton explained: "I just took office last month, and I will be in charge of the Twilight branch from now on!"

"I see."

   Carlton recalled the scene where Leiter escorted the captives just now, all second-level magicians.

   In such a short period of time, he subdued a second-level knight.

  Let's think about it again in the past month, and the information I learned from talking with nobles in other territories, this Sir Leiter is a new nobleman who has an outstanding record in the defense of the canyon.

  Relying on his years of experience in seeing people in business, Carlton faintly realized that this Sir Leiter was not simple.

   "By the way, Mr. Carlton, do you know about the tsunami that occurred along the East Blue Coast?" Leiter thought that since he was the store manager, he should have more information, so he asked again.

   "The tsunami on the east blue coast?" Carlton's eyes were full of doubts: "Why did Sir Leiter ask this question?"

  Leite repeated the need to buy aquatic monsters.

  Afterwards, Carlton's eyes flickered, and he looked at Leiter again.

  Recalling the judgment in my heart just now, I said slowly: "Sir Leiter, let's talk in another place?"

  Leite's eyes lit up, and hearing the tone of the other party, it seemed that there was something going on.

   smiled and said: "There is nothing you can do!"

  A quiet room on the second floor.

"Sir Leiter, come and taste the fruit tea I brought from the Blue Mountain Territory." Carlton was also a magician. He condensed clear water in the cup, shook it gently, and the concentrated fruit tea spread, and gradually there was Pale reddish in color.

   "Tsk, it tastes good, sour and sweet, with a long aftertaste." Lei Te took a sip and praised it.

"Haha." Carlton smiled, and then stopped being polite, "Sir Leiter just mentioned that he wants to buy some aquatic monsters? Like the three-eyed fire-marked fish and giant-toothed scallops you mentioned just now, they are all suitable. Farmed low-level Warcraft.

   Sir Leiter's territory has a Sun Lake. If I'm not mistaken, you want to keep it in the territory and form an industry? "

   "That's right!" After summarizing these clues, it is not difficult to guess, Leiter also generously admitted, and asked: "Mr. Carlton seems to have a way to help me get these things?

  But the situation along the East Blue Coast...what's going on? "

   "I don't know much about the Donglan coast. It seems that the monsters in the sea caused the tsunami." Recalling the vague instructions given to him by the headquarters, Carlton frowned.

   Immediately, he shook his head, "Anyway, I heard that the situation over there is more complicated, and it won't get better in a while."

  Rett's face sank: "Then why did Mr. Carlton call me here?"

  Carlton smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: "The East Blue Coast is not the only place where aquatic monsters are produced.

  I have a few friends who run Wangcheng's aquatic business. Although the scale is far smaller than that of Donglan Coast, it is definitely more than enough to meet personal procurement needs! "

   "Oh? What kind of aquatic products are there?" Rhett's eyes lit up and he asked.

"Let me think about it... There are three-eyed fire-marked fish, giant tooth scallops, blue-backed crayfish, and frost-shell crabs." Colton came back to his senses and said with certainty: "You know, low-level aquatic Warcraft books suitable for breeding There are not many, just these four types. These are the types that have been explored and excavated one by one in the long history.

  Other monsters are either too ferocious in temperament, or too aggressive, in short, they are not suitable for breeding. "

  Leite nodded slowly. He had a certain understanding of this. The four kinds of monsters mentioned by the other party were almost the most harmless and had a unique taste. They belonged to the valuable experience summed up by the predecessors.

  For example, the blue-backed crayfish and water-type monsters only master the magic of spitting water bubbles.

   And its special combination of water elements has a cold taste when eaten, and the Q-bomb is like jelly, which is also good for ordinary people's bodies.

  Including the three-eyed fire fish, um, a fire-type monster that lives in water, a waste of waste wood.

  But its caviar has a unique taste, not only mellow and sweet, but also has a hot, hot pleasure that does not hurt the throat.

   Aquatic monsters are not necessarily helpful for cultivation.

   A slight benefit to the body and a unique taste are enough to sell for a good price.

  Strength is important, and enjoying life is also important.

   "In this case, can Mr. Colton help me buy some aquatic monsters?" Leiter asked quickly, and then said: "I can exchange these aquatic products with ice crystal melon seeds!"

   "What? Bingjing melon seeds!" Colton had already thought about his next sentence, but when he heard the news about Bingjing melon seeds, he couldn't help but tremble.

  His original plan was to befriend the lord of Young Eagle Town.

   Realizing that the other party has something special, when you meet for the first time, you have the right to sell your favor.

   But hearing the other party take out the ice crystal melon seeds, Colton couldn't sit still for a moment. He said in surprise: "Sir Leiter, do you have ice crystal melon seeds? These are the fruits of the high-level magic plant—Frost sunflower."

  He is very clear that although ice crystal melon seeds are not the material of high-level potions, such as mental power potions and fighting spirit potions, they can promote the growth of water-type monsters.

   This alone greatly increases its value.

   Their Dalton Chamber of Commerce has always charged as much for such items as they have.

  On public channels, they never even take out food!

   "That's right, last year, my son accidentally discovered a few plants. Calculating the time, it will mature in a month or two!" Leiter said calmly.

  The other party's reaction did not exceed his expectations. Leiter himself also knows the preciousness of ice crystal melon seeds, but it is inevitable to pay a certain price for the industrial development of the territory.

   Besides, ice crystal melon seeds are not as effective as snow elves in promoting water-type monsters, so their importance to him is greatly reduced.

   "Are there only a few plants? It's okay..." Colton's eyes flickered, and he nodded slightly.

   Then he said decisively: "Sir Leiter, this matter is settled. I will find aquatic monsters for you. Afterwards, according to the quantity I found, you can pay with ice crystal melon seeds. How about it?"

   "Happy cooperation!" Leiter smiled and drank the fruit tea in front of him.

   Two in one, everyone has been waiting for a long time

  The words of thanks are in the words of the author, you can see them in just one page!

   Thanks to Mr. Du Junjie for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thank you book friend 20190430224007098 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Mr. Yingyue under the bridge for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Desolate Moonlight for the 2 monthly tickets

   Thank you hjmuym for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Mr. Sivan-Mellet for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thank you book friend 121004015336419 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to A Xia Tian’s star boss for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thank you for a monthly ticket from a bunch of unknown characters

   Thank you book friend 20211120125912724 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to A Xia Tian for the 100 starting coins!

   Thanks for the recommendation tickets from the book friends, thank you very much!



  (end of this chapter)