MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 287 Yalong people hide behind (ask for monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

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  Chapter 287 Yalong people hide behind (ask for monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

   "I will." Lei Te smiled easily, then raised his head and whistled, a fiery red figure in the sky landed at a high speed, stuck to Lei Te's side, and rubbed his neck affectionately against Lei Te's arm.

   While stroking the warm feathers, he said: "When you go back, you and Dick will ride the fire grid, and you can go faster on the road, otherwise you won't know when you go back."

   "Forget it, keep it for yourself. You may need it more when you go to the battlefield. I have other ways to go back." The white hat shook his head and said.

"What do you need it for on the battlefield? It's only the first level of strength, and it's okay to hurry. If you die in the battlefield, wouldn't you feel sorry for me." Leiter said angrily: "That's it, you take Dick back quickly .Dick has been away from home for so long, and Vanessa is probably worried at this time, and going back earlier will make her feel at ease earlier."

   "Then... well, just do as you say." The white hat hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

  Rett turned around and confessed something to Huo Ge. Then he watched the white hat hug the sleeping Dick and sit on it.

   Then, seeing Huo Ge spread his wings, a gust of air flow was set off, and he rushed up to the sky quickly, carrying the old and the young, and gradually went away.


  Leite silently watched the two disappear from sight, and then let out a light breath.

  Everything in the Leixiong Branch has been done this time, and it is finally time to rush to the Cold Current line of defense. It must be a cruel war, and they will face a life-and-death game.

   At this time, the counting was still being performed behind him, and Leiter was not in a hurry to set off immediately in a few minutes, and began to wait on the spot.

  By the way, while waiting, he turned on the system again.

  After all, in the second half of the last simulation, the Cold Current defense line has been at war. The situation is critical and the battle is tense. Maybe there will be some unpredictable changes in the follow-up.

  One month is nothing in peacetime, but it can affect and change a lot in wartime.

  【Do you want to enable text simulation? Every simulated year consumes 5 points of destiny. 】

   "Yes, simulate a year."

  【Jinlun calendar 481, August 1st, you led the team to set off again to the cold current defense line. 】

  【On September 25th, you finally rushed to the Hanliu defense line with a large army, and met Abiru who greeted you. The opponent was still a sixth-level land knight, which is still inconceivable for your current strength! .】

[Jin Lun calendar 482, January 16th, you received information from scouts that many superhuman corpses disappeared from the battlefield, and in many recent battles, our troops disappeared strangely and there were no survivors and corpses. 】

  【On January 18th, you received an order to investigate the truth about the disappearance of the troops. This time, you did not leave in a hurry, but found Prince Wilkin and applied to see King Milan! Since you provided key information, made great contributions, and further enhanced your relationship with the royal family, Prince Wilkin agreed to your request. 】

[That night, while you were waiting in the fortress, King Milan appeared and asked you what you wanted from him. You said that you just received a note from a mysterious person, which mentioned that the men of the blood **** leader were collecting corpses in Jackdaw Valley , seems to have some ulterior purpose. You asked the king of Milan to guard you in secret, or go to investigate, and the other party agreed without hesitation. 】

  【January 29, arrived in Jackdaw Valley. 】

[On February 1, there was a fog of blood in the air. You smelled a strange smell of blood. You just reported the situation to King Xiangmilan, but the other party's attack was faster than yours. It was directly shattered, and accompanied by a tragic cry, King Milan appeared with a pale knight in a coma. 】

  【Continued to search around, but found nothing else. You were going to interrogate the Pale Knight, but just after waking him up, he blew himself up and died. You then observed the corpse, and you found the strange blood energy that you are familiar with, and there are quite a lot of them. 】

  【Analyzed by King Milan, the body of the knight in front of him has undergone a lot of modifications. Its internal structure is different from that of humans, and it has been injected with a strange energy, which has a strong corrosive effect on fighting spirit and elements. 】

[On February 14th, when you returned to the camp, the King of Milan looked at you and hesitated for a while, but finally just patted you on the shoulder, encouraged you a few words, and asked you to pay attention to safety. The next war strategy may be different. Adjustment. 】

  【On March 3, when you were leading a patrol, you encountered an Argonian force that was chasing after a small healing force. You immediately led the team to support it. After a **** battle, you are both wounded and retreat from each other. Through communication afterwards, you learned that the treatment team with a total of more than a dozen people was originally ordered to perform a mission, but was blocked on the way to the target and almost fell into desperation. The woman claims to know you, because she is the younger sister of the Sixth Army commander——Annabella Gussin. 】

  【You didn't pay attention to the identity of the other party, so you responded politely, and then continued to ask about the process and details from receiving the mission to setting off, and then being recorded. After a thorough understanding, you feel something strange, as if those Argonians made a special trip to ambush this important healing team. You asked who the person who issued the mission was. Annabella said that she was the deputy commander of the defense line in the canyon. You felt a little unbelievable. 】

  【On March 12th, when you returned to the camp, you immediately found the deputy commander and asked about Annabella's murder. You wanted to know who knew about this mission. The other party murmured and told you that basically every legion commander knows it well. 】

  【You decided to visit those legion commanders and try to find out the real culprit. Of course, you'd prefer that all this is just paranoia again, but you're going to investigate anyway. 】

  【On March 13th, you were going to find the head of the First Army. When you passed a certain street, you suddenly heard a violent explosion not far away. You found that the explosion sound came from the alchemy workshop, and you seemed to think of something bad in your heart, so you rushed over to find out the situation. 】

  【When you arrived, several alchemists were found dead, mainly intermediate alchemists, and even a few advanced alchemists. You saw that the murderer was wearing the unique armor of the legion commander, and his face was slightly cold, especially when he found that Master Assad was also inside, you rushed in immediately. Seeing the front face, it was actually the commander of the third army, you were frightened and angry, and immediately fought against him. 】

[After a fierce confrontation, the commander of the third army is not your opponent, and he is about to withdraw, but when you want to intercept, you suddenly see a white light flashing in front of you, and then your consciousness falls into obsession, until you wake up, Zhang of the Third Legion has disappeared. 】

  【The next moment, Ankus, the commander-in-chief of the canyon defense line, rushed to your eyes in an instant and asked what happened here. After you reported the situation truthfully, the other party took a hard look at it. Ankus told you that just now there was a shot from the sanctuary here, which blocked the fluctuations here, and the means that finally affected your consciousness belonged to the mystery of the light system. 】

  【On April 7th, you received an order. Due to the sudden massive attack from the orc side, you will follow the Eighth Army to outflank the orc army. That night, in the area close to the center line of the battlefield, a great battle broke out. 】

  【On April 15th, the war lasted for seven days and seven nights. The light of elements and vindictiveness illuminated the sky, the blood stained the ground, and the bones spread a continuous carpet. In this battle, you have been extremely targeted, several high-level orcs have besieged you, and you have no time to take care of the rest of your men. You didn't find out until the end of the war that Tucker, Mycroft, and Lawrence all died unfortunately! 】

  【On June 3rd, the pain of losing your child made you hate the orcs to the extreme. Every time you go out on a mission, you will attack the orcs very hard. More and more orcs died at your hands, and soon you became famous in the orc camp. 】

[On July 14th, when you were performing another patrol mission, you suddenly felt a sense of oppression in your heart. The next moment, you couldn’t even see the enemy clearly, and you felt a pain in the back of your head. If you were hit hard, you would lose it the next moment awareness. 】

  【The text simulation is over, do you want to continue the simulation? 】


  The light curtain in front of him gradually dissipated.

  Leite has already memorized all the content just now, and this time the simulation has changed a lot.

  He already knew most of the content in the last simulation, but this time, he didn't expect that he would die again.

"If I'm not mistaken, the murderer this time should be from an orc. After noticing my talent and achievements, he started to kill him? If so, don't worry too much, because this will happen a year later. One thing, there are too many variables in the middle..."

  Rett nodded in thought, not taking it to heart.

   During this simulation, however, he had a whim and asked King Milan to directly assist him in dealing with the strange pale knight. Now it seems that it is feasible.

   It's just a pity that the other party still has the ability to self-destruct, so they can't interrogate anything.

Fortunately, it seems to be mentioned in the simulation that in order to obtain this power, the Pale Knight's body has undergone transformation. It contains the kind of blood energy that Leiter found in his body when he killed the three sky knights before, and the amount is quite large .

   Originally, Leiter was worried that he would not meet a large number of sky knights. Fortunately, a high-concentration one came to help him replenish the energy of the shell...

  In addition to these, Leiter felt that the battle that broke out in the barracks was also a bit bizarre—the third legion Zhang who suddenly rebelled, and the light sanctuary, who had mastered the mystery of illusion...

   "Could it be the guy Sherman, isn't it the first time that several sanctuaries joined forces to encircle him, but they didn't kill him?" Leiter's eyes became horrified.

Now he has learned that there are no more than 20 or 30 sanctuary powerhouses in this world, which is not too many, and there are very few people who happen to be light-type powerhouses and have realized the mystery of illusions. No matter how likely they are all traitors, the probability is even lower...

   "It's not a good thing for the other party to rely on illusions to lurk. It must be reminded as soon as possible to see what the result will be after the Sanctuary Gate investigates."

   "I still need to verify it again in the simulation..."

   With a heartbeat, Leiter turned on the system again.

  【Do you want to enable text simulation? Every simulated year consumes 5 points of destiny. 】

   "Yes, simulate a year."

  【Jinlun calendar 481, August 1st, you led the team to set off again to the cold current defense line. 】

  【On September 25th, you finally rushed to the Hanliu defense line with a large army, and met Abiru who greeted you. The opponent was still a sixth-level land knight, which is still inconceivable for your current strength! Soon, more people knew about your arrival, and the deputy commander of the Cold Current Defense Line received you. After some communication, he planned to incorporate you into the Sixth Army as the deputy commander, but you asked whether you could transfer yourself to the Third Army , was rejected by the other party. 】

  【You use your powers to arrange Thales in prison and execute the orc captives. 】

  【Jin Lun Calendar 482, January 7th, you led your team to confront a Shadow Tiger army, both of you lost, and retreated strategically. When resting at a certain stronghold, you received information from scouts that the orcs had assembled five sanctuaries, and our side had gathered twelve sanctuary experts, including three kings and many important members. A counter-siege was carried out. The five sanctuaries on the orc side all fell on the spot. 】

  【On January 8th, the King of Milan came to you directly, saying that Xieman had been taken down, and that he was indeed a spy of the orcs. And you have made outstanding achievements, and you can be called the first person in the history of the Jinlun Kingdom. After the war, you will be awarded the Grand Duke! This time you were not excited, but said seriously that you received another note from the mysterious man, which said that Sherman did not die, but escaped smoothly. The king of Milan was shocked when he heard the words, and said that he would go back and investigate carefully. 】

  【On June 13th, this time, you went directly to the alchemy workshop, and suddenly heard a violent explosion not far away. He hurried over to find out the situation. When you arrived, it happened that the other party had just attacked Master Isaad, and your timely shot helped him get out of the predicament. 】

  【Then, after a fierce confrontation, the commander of the Third Army was not your opponent, and was about to withdraw, but when you were about to intercept, you suddenly saw a flash of fire in front of you, and King Milan appeared and slapped the opponent unconscious. And there was a burst of violent fighting sounds in the sky, and soon after, a **** corpse fell from a high altitude, and there was still a rich light element on his body that hadn't completely diffused...]

  【On June 27th, the Argonians on the Hanliu defense line began to keep a low profile, and their offensive was not as good as before. 】

  【On July 18th, you checked an intelligence summary, and the Shadow Tigers and Violent Bears began to gradually replace the Argonians and became the main force of the royal orcs in the cold current line of defense. Internal strategic analysis believes that this may be the beginning of the Argonians withdrawing from the mainstream of the battlefield, and the opponent may take measures to avoid war by recuperating in the rear. 】

  【August 14th, after nearly a month of observation, as expected, the combat activities on the Cold Current defense line were much weaker than before. Commander-in-chief Ancus even announced that the call-up order would be lifted in three days. 】

  【On August 17th, the call-up order was lifted, and a large number of nobles left the Cold Current line of defense, while you, at the invitation of Prince Hogus, went to the royal family to prepare for the promotion to Grand Duke. 】

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  (end of this chapter)