MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 257 Father-son communication (seek monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

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  Chapter 257 Father-son communication (ask for monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

   "Oh?" Leiter pretended to be surprised, paused and said: "I understand, I will properly resolve this matter."

  Sveta nodded, just when he thought the master was about to change the subject, he heard: "Sveta, what do you think about transferring Lawrence to the Fire Pattern Mine?"

   "But, isn't your old comrade Wilders guarding the Fire Pattern Mine?" Sveta said in surprise, "Mr. Wilders retreated from the canyon defense line, and his ability should be more suitable than Lawrence."

   "I understand, there is no doubt about this. Wilders has rich experience, and it is more than enough to guard a small mine. But I think... it is time for Lawrence to exercise in another place." Leiter said after thinking.

"The master wants Lawrence to change his job experience?" Sveta suddenly realized, and said: "Speaking of which, Lawrence has been a sheriff in Dark Eagle City for a year. If the master wants to train him to become a unique figure, familiar with the territory Every position is indeed essential. The master is more thoughtful than me."

Leiter nodded with a smile: "Yes, I do have this idea. Moreover, Lawrence is indeed a bit fast in empathizing with others. If he develops a flirtatious character, it is not what I want to see. Transfer to the fire pattern mine, Take it as a test for him and Ola."

   "This kills two birds with one stone, my lord is wise!" Sveta said admiringly.

  Rett smiled without saying a word, and poured himself a glass of blueberry juice.

   "Sir, I have another question. After you were granted the title of Marquis, where is your new territory?" Sveta said, "Should we recruit more people for this?"

   "There is no hurry this time. Due to the special circumstances and the level of the Marquis, the time for choosing the fiefdom does not have to be too strict. It only needs to be reported within two years."

  Sveta nodded and said, "Does the master have a favorite site?"

   "Well, it probably extends in the direction of the branch of the white mouse." Leiter said casually. Being able to seal the land for two points is already the limit, and if he wants to obtain a distant land, he needs to apply for a change of land, but right now he has no such plan.

  Master seems to have a special liking for the Warcraft Mountains. This thought flashed in Sveta's mind, and then he said in a joyful tone: "Master, are you planning a grand dinner tonight to celebrate your promotion to Marquis!"

"No need." Leiter flatly refused, "It's been so long, there's no need to make up for it. But I can be the master, every servant in the manor will double their salary from now on! This is what a marquis' servant should have. treatment."

   "My God, we are all proud, I believe they will be too excited to sleep when they hear the news." Sveta smiled slightly.

  Leite took a sip of blueberry juice and stood up: "You go down and announce the news later, I'm going back to my room to rest."

   "Master, rest well, I'll go down first." Sveta said with a bow, then turned and went downstairs.

  Going back to the room through the corridor, Leiter looked at the environment of the room, nothing changed.

  Only a square package appeared on the desk, with a pure white envelope pressed underneath.

The package was densely covered with alchemy patterns, and it was tightly sealed. Leiter went straight to the desk, opened the envelope and glanced at it briefly. It was nothing more than Haypaste's sincere gratitude and curiosity, as well as the accompanying gift. Contents of the gift - Potion and Emerald Evidence.

   Leiter had known about these things for a long time, and immediately revealed his spiritual power according to the method of opening the alchemy device described on the envelope.

  Leite discovered that there are specific earth elements sealed in the alchemy device. They have a unique quantity and law, and the degree of solidification requires mental power above the level of a magister to finely control, otherwise it cannot be opened.

  The envelope records what kind of appearance the earth element of the alchemy device needs to be changed into. Only by following the requirements can it be opened, just like a combination lock, you must enter the specified password. If it is forcibly destroyed by external force, it may require several times higher destructive power.

  Leite only needed to adjust step by step, and not long after, there was a clicking sound from the cube-shaped alchemy device, and the top cover bounced off.

  Rett glanced at it, and found that there was indeed a bottle of medicine lying quietly in it, and the flowing liquid in it was like a raging flame. The bottle was placed quietly, and the flaming liquid was shaking slightly.

  Fingertips touched lightly, and even felt a burning sensation.

   "Sanctuary potion, Tucker's talent can also be improved now!" Leiter raised the corner of his mouth and put the potion into his arms.

  Then he took the emerald certificate next to the potion. It was cold to the touch, and it was emerald green.

  After inspecting it, Leiter felt that it was an ordinary alchemy object, and found no special function. There was an extremely closed formation inside that concealed some kind of aura, which should be used to verify identity. The only thing worthy of praise is that this thing is very strong, and he cannot damage it with his own strength, presumably because of the use of extremely precious materials.

  After playing with it for a while, Leiter also put it into the space ring, and then left the room.

  Dark Eagle City.

  Leite has not been here for more than half a year. He walked on the main road of the city and had a panoramic view of the street scene.

  Now that the construction of Dark Eagle City has tended to be perfected, the flow of people on the streets and the number of extraordinary people have also increased greatly. In terms of the degree of excitement, it is no less than Twilight City. In other words, since the news of Leiter's promotion to Marquis, many people have migrated from Twilight City—they have unique vision and know that the potential of this city is even wider.

   "Look, that's Marquis Leiter?!"

   "Oh, my God, it is rumored that the Marquis of Leiter has never seen the tail of the dragon, but he actually saw a real person."

   "So handsome and calm, he perfectly possesses the charm of a mature man."

   "It would be great if I could marry him."

   "Today's sixth-level magician will be promoted to a great magister in the future, and will become a famous powerhouse in the kingdom! He is the glory of the southwest border!"

   Along the way, Leiter did notice many strange faces and talked about him a lot. It seems that he just moved to Dark Eagle City recently.

  Leite smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded to the side of the street from time to time, and came all the way to the administration office.

  The semi-elliptical gate of the administrative office is tall and wide. On the first floor, there are several desks of clerks, receiving residents or tourists in the city, asking about policies, renting houses, complaining, etc.

   "Welcome Lord Lord."

   "Welcome Lord Lord."

  Lett's arrival was like a depth charge, waking up the busy clerks, and hurriedly got up to greet him.

   "Everyone has worked hard. The construction of Dark Eagle City is inseparable from your help. Please continue to focus on the work in hand." Leiter said with a smile, and after a brief reassurance, he followed the stairs all the way to the third floor.

   "Father, your son Ruilai, I would like to offer you my heartfelt congratulations!" Ruilai bowed and smiled in the room, "Congratulations, Father, for being promoted to Marquis!"

"What happened a month ago, don't need to mention it again, my ears are so callused." Lei Te laughed and shook his head, stepped forward and patted Ruilai on the shoulder: "During my absence, thank you for your hard work, I see There are more and more people in Dark Eagle City, so things must be getting busier, right?"

  Riley weighed his words and said, "It is true, but I am enjoying it."

   "I'm very pleased to think so, but even so, I have to find someone to share some of the pressure for you." Leiter found a chair and sat down.

  Rilei poured a cup of tea for his father, served it and said, "Who did Father look for?"

"You know this man, Vaders, my old comrade-in-arms." Leiter said: "I trust his ability very much, and he can assist you in managing all security issues in Dark Eagle City. You don't need to worry about this area from now on. .Of course, the highest authority still rests with you."

   "Mr. Vaders..." Relai muttered his name, and said slowly: "Since Father has decided so, Mr. Vaders will be the Chief Sheriff of Dark Eagle City from now on.

   When will he take office? I have notified the sheriff and patrolling knights below in advance, so that they must meet in advance. "

   "It may be a few months, I just greeted you in advance." Leiter took a sip of tea and said, "I also want to transfer Lawrence to the Fire Emblem Mine to replace Wilders' original position."

  Rilei was stunned for a while, and said thoughtfully: "Why is father thinking of transferring Lawrence away from Darkhawk City? Could it be that he heard about his relationship with Aura? Are you worried that Karina will settle accounts after the fall?"

"I have indeed heard about the matter between him and Ola, but I have a good relationship with Karina, and she is acquiescing to their affairs for the time being." Leiter looked at Rilai and said, "I just want Lawrence to train more. , by the way, I don't want him to develop a playful character."

   "Well, I understand what my lord father means." Riley said: "But according to my observations, Lawrence has been working in Dark Eagle City for the past six months, and he has not been a showman.

"I hope so, and I hope it will continue to be like this in the future." Leiter drank the hot tea, stood up and said, "I'm here to talk about this, and I will leave again for a few months. You bother too much."

   After finishing speaking, he took out the transfer documents of Wieders and Lawrence and handed them to Rilei.

Ruilai just took a look, then looked at his father and said in surprise: "Leaving again?" But then he hesitated, and finally shrugged helplessly, "Well, Father must have important things to do, I wish you all the best." smoothly."

   "You are a sensible child, I am very relieved that Dark Eagle City is in your hands." Lei Te smiled slightly, turned around and waved: "Goodbye, Ruilai."

   "Goodbye, Father."

  Leaving the Administration Office, Leiter went to the Extraordinary District and went straight to the Rattlesnake Tavern at the northwest corner of the intersection beside an arch bridge.

  However, when Leiter entered the room, after some inquiries, he discovered that Lilith had actually gone on a business trip to inspect the raw material site. According to the plan, it would take at least a week before she returned.

   It means that we can't meet this time, Leiter can only leave a note, recording some greetings and entrusted matters.

   Then leave again.

Training Course.

   "Tadr, your attack angle is too tricky, and you always feel like you can't use your strength when fighting."

   "Master Tucker, that's because your physique is too strong, stronger than the average person, and it's hard for me to take advantage of it if you go head-to-head." Tadel said with a wry smile.

  Taker was shirtless at this time, touched the back of his head, smiled and said: "Okay, Coors, then let's compete again."

  Coors on the side took off his armor and prepared to step forward to practice with him.

  But at this moment, a majestic voice came from behind.

   "Tuck, come here, I have something to do with you!"

  The bodies of the three froze suddenly, and Tucker was the first to react, with a look of surprise on his face: "Oh, it's my father's voice!"

   Then he looked at Tadel and Coors, and asked, "When did Father come?"

   "Well, maybe... when we just sparred?"

  Tadr rolled his eyes, found an opportunity, and blamed Coors: "You guy, I just spent so much time discussing with Master Tucker that I didn't notice the Lord Lord's arrival. But you are doing nothing, why didn't you remind me in time?"

   "I have nothing to do? It's a big joke. It's not because I'm worried that you are too weak and seriously injured by Master Tucker's miss, so I was fascinated by watching." Coors knew he was guilty, but he also quibbled.

   "Haha, Father, I miss you so much!" Tucker seemed to forget the question just now, and immediately ran like a little giant, heading straight for Leiter, with his hands outstretched habitually. But seeing Leiter's staring expression, he suddenly stopped, laughed dryly, and gave up the idea of ​​death entanglement.

   "Tuck, it seems that you have been training well, which is very good." Leiter said, looking at Tucker who was standing upright but sweating profusely.

   "Of course!" Tucker smiled complacently, and said, "Father, where have you been for the past six months? How did you get promoted to Marquis all of a sudden! It's so surprising..."

  Rett was not in a hurry to answer, he paused and said, "Come with me first."

   "Oh." Tucker watched his father leave, and obediently followed behind.

  The two left the training ground, rode on the fire grid, and came to the deep area of ​​the shadow eagle branch.

  In a quiet forest, the fire grid fell, sending Rhett and Tucker to the ground, and he jumped to a branch to wait quietly.

   "Father, what did you bring me here for?" Tucker looked around, the quiet environment, not even the chirping of mosquitoes.

   And Leiter first felt it carefully, and there was no one around, and then he was relieved, and said to Tucker: "I brought you a good thing."

   After finishing speaking, he took out the sanctuary blood potion from his bosom and displayed it in the palm of his hand.

   "What kind of potion is this? It looks beautiful." Tucker stared at the potion in Leiter's hand curiously, attracted by its beautiful appearance. But he didn't know how important this was.

   "This is a potion that can improve your talent."

   "Improve talent... blood potion?!" Tucker blurted out, the curiosity in his eyes has been replaced by horror!

He stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth as wide as an O, and stammered, "This, this is too shocking. Father, you have been away for so long, you must have spent a lot of energy on me, right? This is still the same organization as before. s things?"

   "That's right." Leiter nodded after thinking for a while. Before, he had pushed Sanctuary Pharmacy to the organization behind Black Star as a lie. But now he knew that Haypaste was the leader of the organization, and it could be said that the lies had been turned into facts.

  I wanted to finish adding the updates today, but I was delayed by something, so the code and changes will be completed.

  Sorry, if there are no accidents, I will continue to make up tomorrow.

   Thank you book friends for your monthly ticket support, thank you very much

   Thanks to the book friends for their support, thank you very much

   Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the boss in Kai Wushuang Mowing, thank you very much



  (end of this chapter)