MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 254 Luna Palace (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket)

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  Chapter 254 Luna Palace (ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

"Mycroft, Vicky, when are you two going to be together?" Feeling the hustle and bustle around, Thales was in a great mood, seeing the ambiguous distance between the two, the fire of gossip was burning, and asked with a smirk .

  Kelina, with a slightly bulging stomach, glanced at Thales with surprise eyes: "Tales? I said... Is your news too closed? The two of them are sure to get married!"

   "Huh?" Mina and Thales looked at each other, looking at each other.

   "Didn't I just stay in the alchemy tower for a long time? I didn't even know that something like this happened!" Thales exclaimed.

  Mina also said angrily: "It seems that in the future we will often go out for a walk, stay in the tower every day, and almost lose contact with the outside world. Maybe we will miss some first-hand news."

Kerina covered her mouth and snickered: "Hey, I think, Thales, if you like alchemy, you can continue to study, but it's good to let Mina move to Dark Rock Castle to accompany us. We don't see Mina often. Wen and I Nissa has long missed her."

   "Yes, yes, when we were bored recently, we always missed the time when Mina was around and could tell me many interesting stories." Vanessa echoed with a smile.

   "This..." Mina hesitated. She also missed the two of them very much, but she couldn't bear Taylor, so she was in a dilemma for a while.

   "Then let's come back and live for two days every week?"

  Just as Mina was hesitating, Thales put his arms around Mina's shoulders and said with a smile. Although reluctant to give up alchemy, he realized that family and life are also important.

  When he first lived in the Alchemy Tower, the feeling of loneliness was not obvious, but as time passed, he felt more and more that something was missing in his life-the time and frequency of family and friends appearing less and less.

  Thales has asked himself many times recently—I can’t keep playing like this, can I? Could such a day really satisfy me and be fair to my family?

  The answer is naturally no.

  Alchemy is important to him, but he is probably not worth mentioning about alchemy. And he is important to his family, and his family is also important to him.

  Just like the Panlong he had seen, the kind Grandpa De Lin who accompanied Lin Lei to grow up, only at the moment of sacrifice did Lin Lei feel grief and realize how important he lost.

  Thales feels deeply about this and believes that he cannot repeat the same mistakes

  —Treasure the good days.

   "Will it affect your research on alchemy?" Mina looked at Thales' face and whispered. Getting along with Thales day and night made her very clear how obsessed and persistent Thales is with alchemy!

   "Ha, it's okay, the two days of the weekend are just a summary and a brief relaxation." Taylor smiled freely.

   "Really? It's beyond my expectation that you can think that way." Mina said with some surprise.

   "Really? And something more unexpected..."

   As soon as Thales finished speaking, he turned his head and kissed Mina on the forehead.

   "Oh my God, there are people all around." Mina was surprised, her face flushed red like a ripe hawthorn, and she tapped Taylor's arm lightly with the back of her hand.

"Oh, I didn't see anything just now, I mean...Vanessa, I'm a little thirsty, I'm going to get a bottle of juice." Kelina was shocked, she quickly turned her eyes away, and walked towards the open-air barbecue at a faster pace go.

   "When you say that, I seem to be a little thirsty too. Wait for me, Kelina..." Vanessa hurriedly followed.

  Thales shrugged, and he didn't realize that since he got rid of the identity of an ordinary person, his experience in the past few years has gradually made him get rid of his shy personality. He looked at Mycroft and said:

   "Mycroft, Vicky. Congratulations, I wish you a happy life in the future!"

   "Haha, I believe it will be as you said." Mycroft also hugged Vicky, who blushed and struggled a few times before giving up.

   "When is your wedding scheduled?" Thales asked.

   "One week later, we must come to participate!" Mycroft smiled.

   "So fast? I'm even more grateful for the choice I made just now."

   "It's okay, in fact, I plan to deliver the invitation to you personally in two days."

   "Okay, anyway, Mina and I must be there, but it's a pity that my father is still outside, so I can't attend his good friend's wedding." Thales sighed regretfully.

   "Well, Rhett this guy. Huh, he must give me an explanation when he comes back." Mycroft couldn't help complaining.

   "Haha, I believe that when Father is back, he will definitely make an apology, such as a free coupon for the Nightingale Tavern..." Thales spread his hands.

   Mycroft's eyes lit up: "Then I will definitely forgive him."

  Vicky looked at Mycroft and rolled her eyes: "No prospect..."

  Summer goes to autumn.

  After traveling for more than a month, Leiter crossed a season and finally arrived in Wangcheng.

  The autumn sunset is beautiful and soft, reflecting in the royal city, everyone's faces seem to be glowing red.

  Leite led Huo Ge and walked on the streets of Wangcheng, occasionally stepping on a few golden fallen leaves to see different scenery.

  Especially when passing through the neon streets, the afterglow of the setting sun shines, and at this moment, it is unanimously exuding the color of sunset red.

  While passing through the Dalton Chamber of Commerce, Leiter looked in front of the door, stopped for a few seconds and then left...

   As for the golden armored knights at the door, several people looked at the back of Leiter leaving, and were in shock.

   "Hey, Gunnar, did you see the man just now?" said a knight with a mole on the tip of his nose.

   "Of course, not only did I see that person, but there was also a fire-feathered eagle beside him, who looked dressed like a nobleman." A knight with a pointed chin responded beside him.

   "Don't you think it looks familiar? Or do you already recognize it?"

   "I probably haven't seen him, do you want to say that he is your long-lost relative?" The pointed chin joked.

"Although I hope so, my lost relative is a knight, not a magician." The mole knight said angrily: "I mean, he fits the Earl Leiter described by the deacon in the chamber of commerce, no matter It’s age, figure, monsters, etc.”

   "Wait, you said Leiter...the author of "Coiling Dragon"?" The sharp-jawed knight responded incredulously.

   "Of course, and not only that, I heard that he will be promoted to Marquis. I still find this news inconceivable. What earth-shattering event did he do?" Hei Mole's tone was equally amazed, but also a little suspicious.

   "I don't think the point is here. No matter what you do, can you still influence the royal family's decision-making?" the sharp-chinned knight said.

   "Then what's the point?"

   "Hurry up and report to the deacon!" The sharp chin said, and hurried towards the gate of the chamber of commerce.

  Looking at the back of the sharp-jawed knight, the black mole knight was stunned and stood there feeling annoyed—he recognized the person first, but because he didn’t react, the opportunity to deepen his impression was given to someone else!

  At this moment, Lei Te had no time to pay attention, and had already reached the end of the neon street.

  Continue to walk forward, the street is much empty, and the ground is full of paved roads paved with pale gold bricks. Accompanied by this, the flow of people on the street suddenly became much thinner, and the number of knight patrols in front of and behind him suddenly increased. They strictly performed their duties and patrolled back and forth around the palace.

  In the distance, there is a dark golden inner city wall that is more than four meters high, enclosing the palace. In fact, the palaces of many kingdoms do not have the tradition of walls, but Jinlun Kingdom is an exception.

  Leite was rushing towards the main entrance, but saw a large shadow suddenly appeared on the pale golden ground.

  Leite's heart moved, and when he looked up, a huge rock-winged bird was descending from the sky. Its feet were like pillars, its sharp beak was like a spear, its wings were like gold coins, and it exuded an aura of acquaintance.

"It's nice to see you again, Earl Leiter. No, I'm afraid I'll change my name to Marquis Leiter after tomorrow, hehehe." The gray-haired Zelos sat on the back of the Rockwing Bird with a wingspan of more than ten meters, Falls occupy a third of the street. He had a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Mr. Zelos, you are still so kind and friendly, oh, is this your monster? This is the first time I have seen such a huge rock wing bird in my life!" Leiter returned a smile and looked at the seat where he sat. The rock wing bird was amazed for a while, thinking that his fire grid would never have the chance to reach this level in his life.

"This guy has been with me for two hundred years, and now he is at the peak of the sixth order. I hope that one day when the time comes, he can break through to the seventh-order monster." Zelos said with a smile. The growth cycle of monsters is longer than that of humans. Grow faster than humans. Of course, Warcraft's lifespan is also longer than that of humans, and their physical fitness is also better than humans, but their minds are not very good.

   "Then I'm also very envious. I will be satisfied if Huoge can break through the mid-level monsters in the future."

"I believe it will." Zelos stroked his beard and said, "By the way, Prince Hogus asked me to prepare to welcome you a week ago, but I didn't expect you to delay coming until the last day. So you have to hurry Follow me into the palace, besides the banquet held by Prince Hogus and tomorrow's ascension ceremony, there are still a lot of things I need to tell you."

   "Understood, I have no objection." Leiter said.

   "Then please come with me, follow me, you don't have to enter through the main entrance, otherwise you will have to accept a series of inspections and inquiries." Zelos patted the Rockwing Bird on the back and said. He is Hogus' bodyguard and confidant. At the same time, he is also an important member of the royal mage group, and it is very convenient to enter and leave the palace.

  Leite readily accepted. He still has a space ring on his body. If he is checked by the royal guards, he will probably be found. It is best to avoid this trouble now.

  The rock wing bird's back feathers are like steel scales, hard and smooth, but also cool. Leiter's riding experience is extremely bad. Gently stroking Huo Ge's warm and soft feathers with one hand, he has found a place that is not as good as Huo Ge, and he has some psychological comfort.

   Within a few minutes, Leiter was taken deep into the palace.

Different from the oriental palace on the blue star, the castle in the deepest part of the palace is located at the end of the large square. It does not separate the living area and the office area, but gathers them together. T-shaped, the first floor of the protruding area is the spacious palace hall, while the long upper floor is the living place of the king and his family.

When he came, Lei Te noticed that the square was basically integrated with the garden. When riding a rock-winged bird, he could see more clearly the colorful and colorful plants trimmed into regular geometric figures. Lei Te knew this well. , is for the high-level people in the palace, it is simple, clear and pleasing to watch when looking down.

  The facade of the palace is pure white coating, simple and elegant, exquisite metal artworks are hung on the walls, and bright potted plants are also placed on some large and small balconies.

  Zeros ordered the Rockwing Bird to descend, pointed to the palace and said, "Here we are, Earl Leiter, this is the core place of the Jinlun Kingdom—Luna Palace."

"Oh, Luna Palace is so magnificent, I am finally honored to see it." Leiter was amazed on the surface, said politely, and glanced at the scene outside the palace. The knight guards standing in front of the palace are indispensable, almost surrounded the palace a full circle.

  Besides, there were quite a few nobles who gathered in twos and threes in front of the flowers 100 meters away. Leiter probably got the news and will participate in the nobility ceremony tomorrow. Of course, it is also possible to attend Prince Hogus' banquet tonight.

  Leite saw Gersen in it, and was talking eagerly with two ladies in white dresses. The two ladies were staring at Gersen, obviously attracted.

   But just as Lei Te cast his eyes away, Gersen also noticed, looked at Lei Te with a friendly smile, and nodded politely.

Zelos also squinted at Jersen at this time, shook his head and said: "You don't need to guess, Jerson is either looking for a woman, or he is on the way to find a woman. I really don't know why Prince Hogus likes it." he…"

  Rett raised his eyebrows and smiled, but followed Zelos to the palace without responding.

As he walked, Zelos asked: "The palace is not very strict on the surface, but no one dares to break the rules. You have to be careful at all times. You must know that there is a sanctuary inside. Your actions, words and deeds will be subject to them. supervision of..."

  This is probably the strictest rule. Under the eyes of the king and Sanctuary, who dares to mess around...Leite nodded with a serious face: "I must pay attention."

   "Well." Zeros nodded: "Actually, there is no need to be too restrained, and if it is not necessary, the king will not show his face frequently.

  Prince Hogus lives on the fourth floor. The half-shaped corridor on the left side of the stairwell, as well as the rooms on both sides, the banquet hall, etc., all belong to his area. "

  Leite made a note secretly, and continued to follow Zelos into the palace.

He heard that the Luna Palace has more than 800 rooms, which are not considered spacious halls and public areas, but as soon as he stepped into the palace, he was attracted by the magnificent hall, luxurious lighting tiles, exquisite murals, various Gold, silver, jewelry, and utensils are decorated in every corner, full of style.

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  (end of this chapter)