MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 241 Prom (seeking monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

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  Chapter 241 Prom (seeking monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

  Leite stood up, took a few gold coins on the table, and looked at the middle-aged man with a more serious look: "Let's go!"

   "Follow me, sir!" The middle-aged magician smiled unchanged, and led Leiter to the outside.


  A secluded manor on the outskirts of the city.

  There are many knights patrolling and guarding the outside world, each of them looks serious and exudes a powerful aura.

  And inside the manor stands a straight castle, the whole body is dark.

In the majestic hall of the castle, there is a delicate blue crystal lamp hanging, shining brightly, which is extraordinarily bright but not dazzling. This is a very clever way of dealing with light elements. Equipment masters can do this.

  Rett was brought directly to this manor in the afternoon. Not long after arriving here, he met Prince Hogus who came over, exchanged pleasantries, and was invited to the dance tonight.

  Not long after the sunset, Leiter changed into the luxurious evening dress presented by Hogus, and dressed himself in front of the mirror for more than ten minutes.

   When the time came, he came out and followed Hogus to the hall where the ball was about to be held.

  The gates of the castle were open to welcome the nobles who came in one after another. Inside the castle, there were also nobles in twos and threes, scattered throughout the hall, each with a crystal goblet filled with red wine, chatting comfortably.

   There is melodious singing in the hall, spreading to every corner, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

   "Prince Hogus, long time no see. You are more handsome than the last time we met." A beautiful woman in a light blue tube top dress came over.

"Really? People around me say so. I'm glad that my subordinates are all honest." Hogus touched his chin with a light smile, then looked at Lei Te, and said, "Leite, let me introduce you Now, this is the eldest daughter of Marquis Marquises—Silubetty, a very intelligent female knight."

   "Ms. Shilu Betty, nice to meet you." Leiter greeted briefly with a standard smile. Not flat, not enthusiastic. He's not a sociable aristocrat, at least... not a sociable one.

   "This is Earl Leiter, a very talented magister who lives in the southwest border." Hogus patted Leiter on the shoulder, and then introduced to Xilu Betty.

It is said that the eldest daughter of the marquis, Xilu Betty, has bright eyes and can be called extremely talented by Prince Hogus. Moreover, she also noticed that the two entered the arena together, which shows that Earl Leiter is very popular with Prince Hogus. attention to...

Xilu Betty stretched out her right hand wrapped in a black silk glove, and smiled charmingly, "I am also very glad to meet you, Earl Leiter, I have met many nobles in the southwestern border, but you are the most unique one. Something different!"

  Leite raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, and asked, "Different? What aspect do you mean...?"

   "Hehehe, I can't say it yet, but can you dance with me later?" Xilu Betty looked at Leiter with seductive eyes: "I will tell you when I dance..."

  Leite's face remained unchanged, but he was unhappy. It's just a dance, of course he doesn't care, but the obsessive look of the woman in front of him makes him just want to stay away from it.

  So prepare to find an excuse to refuse.

   "Hey, Leiter? You really came to Wangcheng, and you fulfilled our promise so quickly!"

  A voice of surprise came from the gate of the castle, gathering the eyes of some nobles in the venue.

  A middle-aged woman wearing a pure white mage robe and simple clothes, with a well-defined figure, exuding a strong mature temperament.

   It is Karina, the great magister. As a great magister and a famous painter, it can be said that she has a wide social circle, and almost no one does not know.

  Under multiple gazes, she walked straight to Leiter with a smile on her face, because he not only helped her find a mentor, but also took care of her daughter's life in Dark Eagle City, and she also needed his help.

  Karina came at the right time, which gave Leiter a good reason to refuse.

  So he gave Xilu Betty an apologetic look, turned to Karina directly over his body, and gently hugged her.

  Rett shrugged and said: "Of course, I learned from Prince Hogus that you will also attend this banquet. I am very happy."

   "Sil Betty, how about dancing with me later?"

When Rhett went to talk to Karina, he learned that Rhett had no feelings for Silebetty, a smile flashed in Hogus's eyes, and at the same time, he noticed Selbetty's embarrassment, and in order to resolve him, he stepped forward and gently laughed.

   Xilu Betty was stunned for a moment, suspecting that she almost heard it wrong, but she knew it was true, the third prince invited her to dance!

  Happiness was in her eyes again, and she pinched the corner of her skirt and said, "Prince Hogus, I am extremely honored!"

  Although Leiter didn't turn around to see the scene, he looked at Hogus again in his heart. After being a king, he was not as arrogant and domineering as in some novels in his previous life. Whether it's strength, brains, social skills, emotional intelligence...the overall quality is quite excellent.

  Next, with the experience that Lei Te entered the arena together with Hogus, coupled with Karina's gossip, Lei Te shuttled around every corner of the hall, and many nobles in the hall came to talk on their own initiative. These people are basically nobles from all over the country, and their families have been passed down for several generations. There is no need for everyone in the family to stay in the territory all day long, and there are dedicated people who are responsible for socializing with the outside world.

   Leiter handled it with ease.

   Half an hour later.

  Among the harmonious laughter of the nobles.

  The lights in the hall suddenly changed, from dazzling bright to soft and dim.

  The space inside the castle is spacious, and the dark blue dance floor carpet actually exudes a faint fluorescence under the transformation of light.

  Suddenly there was a sense of confusion in the air.

   There are bejeweled ladies and graceful girls, as well as middle-aged gentlemen with potbellies and handsome young knights.

  In short, after the soothing and soft music was played, the dance partner who had been appointed in advance walked into the center of the dance floor, put their shoulders and waists together, and walked gracefully, singing and dancing.

   "Earl Leiter, how are your dancing skills?" Karina said, sipping the last sip of red wine in her goblet, looking at Leiter.

   "Well, to be honest, it's so-so. I hope Ms. Karina won't dislike her later." Leiter shrugged, not speaking modestly. From his birth in this world to the present, he has not participated in a few noble balls. Even though he was already an earl, he had never systematically learned the dance steps of nobles.

"Giggle, actually...I've seen it a long time ago, otherwise I wouldn't have picked you." Karina covered her mouth and smiled, and said very bluntly: "Because my dancing skills are also very bad, I still entered the palace , I had to learn both hands. After all, I was not keen on dancing since I was a child. Compared with noisy dance parties, I prefer painting."

  Rett looked at Karina in surprise, paused and said, "It seems that I won't hold back..."

   "Actually, I think so too."

  The two entered the uncrowded dance floor, kept an appropriate distance, and began to move slowly with the beat of the music.

  Listening to the graceful singing voice, Leiter felt quite comfortable. Looking at Karina's face, he said, "Ms. Karina, I thought of something about your daughter, maybe you will be curious..."

   Karina was indeed attracted and asked, "Ola? Did she get into some trouble? If she damages something at your place, everything will be charged to my account."

   "Of course not, Ola is a very polite girl." Leiter shook his head and said, "Actually, I accidentally discovered that Ola and a knight under my command are very close, and the relationship... is rather ambiguous..."

"What did you say? Ola has a crush?" Karina heard her daughter's situation, and her eyes instantly changed from gentle to sharp, and she said, "Who is that knight? Earl Leiter, please tell me his information. "

   "In fact, there is nothing special about the knight under me. The only thing is that he is extremely talented. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, he is already a second-level knight." Leiter said helplessly.

   "A fourteen-year-old second-level knight..." Karina was stunned for a moment, her face suddenly softened, and her heart calmed down after hearing this. Don't blame her, as a mother, it's only natural to care about her daughter's situation. Focusing on material situations is most effective when you don't meet people in person and you don't have a clear understanding of your true nature.

   "How far have they developed?" Karina said calmly, "Could they have already gone to bed?"

   "Eh." Leiter stared slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "That's not true, it's just a little bit of a sign, and there is no further development. Because you are Aola's mother, I told you this matter."

  Karina nodded thoughtfully, and after a while, she smiled: "Then I will trouble you, Earl Leiter, I hope Aura will have a pleasant journey in Dark Eagle City..."

   Is this tacit approval for Lawrence and Ola to be together? Leiter was thinking about it, but he responded on the surface: "Ms. Karina, it's a trivial matter."

   At the bottom of my heart, I was thinking about whether to go back and find an opportunity to match up and speed up the progress of Lawrence and Ola. If the raw rice is cooked, what will Karina's reaction be...

   After two clumsy dances, they came to the outer table to sit quietly.

   After the dance ended, some people continued to stay in the hall to talk, and some people left halfway.

   There are also men and women in heat, who went to the vacant room specially prepared by the manor...

  Rett found an opportunity for Prince Hogus to be alone, and moved over.

   "Prince Hogus, would you like a drink?" Leiter held a red wine bottle in one hand and a crystal goblet in the other, and walked slowly towards Hogus who was standing at the edge of the hall.

   "No problem, Earl Leiter, did you have a good time tonight?" Hogus smiled, turned his eyes around the dance floor, landed on Leiter again, and said:

   "Is there any beautiful lady you like? If so, I don't mind making a match for you. You're welcome."

  Rett laughed and shook his head: "Prince Hogus, stop joking, I actually have something important to report..."

   "Important thing? Could it be that you fell in love with Karina?

  Well, this is a bit difficult, although I can order her, but I can't make her give her body at will..." Hogus muttered in a low voice, and is a married woman with a child really so attractive?

  Seeing that Hogus didn't realize the point, Leiter looked around and lowered his voice, "It's a note about the mysterious man..."


  Hogus took a deep breath, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression quickly returned to normal. He glanced at the hall, his eyes fell on Leiter again, and said, "Could it be the note I received just now?"

   "No, I received it a few days ago. Of course, it has been reduced to ashes..."

   "Then you... come with me." Hogus took a deep look at Leiter, then turned his head and left through the side door of the hall.

  Leite followed closely behind and left the castle hall directly.

  Among the dance floor, many people watched Leiter following Hogus's back, their eyes were unclear...

   "You can tell me now, Earl Leiter, what message did you receive this time?"

  In a secluded corner of the manor, in the dark field of vision, there are many powerful superhumans lurking. Hogus is standing next to a thick silver tree, looking at Leiter with some serious eyes.

  Leite deliberately looked left and right, looked cautious, and said in a low voice: "There is not much information recorded in the paper wound, but it is absolutely crucial. There is an evil sanctuary strongman who will attack the ring tower of the Kingdom of Rim..."

   "Rim Kingdom?!"

  Horgus frowned deeply when he heard this force.

  He didn't expect that this strong man in the sanctuary would attack the Rim Kingdom? Could it be that the Sanctuary targeted forces, not only the Jinlun Kingdom, but also other countries...

  If this is the case, it is still good news for him. After all, it is always welcome to see someone sharing the pressure.

   But no matter what, with the previous history, Hogus believed that the sanctuary was definitely on the side of the orcs. Therefore, the Jinlun Kingdom cannot stand by and watch the attack on the Rim Kingdom. Fighting against the orcs is the common mission of all human alliances, and any loss is a blow to the whole.

  Based on his overall view, he also analyzed that if the ring tower is destroyed, the kingdom of Rim will inevitably be in chaos, which will definitely give the orcs an opportunity to take advantage of it. This is tantamount to weakening the strength of the human alliance.

  So he said solemnly: "Earl Leiter, are you sure you are not joking? You should be very clear about what this information represents, and if it is deception, how serious the consequences will be..."

   "I swear, every single word I said is true!" Rhett responded seriously.

   "Okay, I will report this matter." Hogus took a deep look at Leiter, "If you stop this disaster in the end, you must have done a great job! Otherwise, I don't need to say more about the consequences..."

  Leite nodded heavily, then pretended to think for a while, hesitated and said: "Prince Hogus, actually, I have something else I want to ask for help..."

   "But it's okay to say." Hogus said straightforwardly. In fact, he tended to trust Leiter in his heart. He knew the other party's character very well, and it didn't seem like he would make such a serious joke. Therefore, he attached more importance to Leiter than before.

   "I want to ask you about the elves."

   Two in one, long wait

   Thank you words are in the "Writer's Words"

   Thank you book friends for your monthly ticket support, thank you very much

   Thanks to the book friends for their support, thank you very much



  (end of this chapter)