MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 230 Orcs from the upper world (ask for a monthly ticket, recommend

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  Chapter 230 Orcs from the upper world (ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets)

  Leite doesn't know if the strong in the sanctuary can achieve a photographic memory, but as a peak magister, he is still far from a photographic memory, so he can only say that his memory is quite good.

  In the simulation, it took a day and a night before Leiter memorized the contents of the alchemy manual.

  After closing it, I recited it silently, but there are still some vague fragments, and the memory is not very firm.

  Leite frowned, and then extended the real simulation time by another day. Afterwards, it took an extra half a day to make the memory firm. I recited it by myself, and I was relieved after confirming that the original book was correct.

   Leiter did not waste the remaining simulation time.

  In the room, he took out the remaining Blood Origin Orbs and Aurora Potion, and swallowed them one by one.

  Since Leiter became a sixth-level magister, the effect of the Aurora Potion has dropped by another level. Only the effect of the Blood Origin Orb is still simple and brutal!

  After swallowing, the weird and evil energy continued to erode Leiter's sanity, and his eyes became cloudy and lifeless again.

  Enduring the combination of madness and depression in his mind, the slightly old Leiter looked at the ripples in front of his eyes again.

   Immediately afterwards, a light curtain popped up.

  【The real simulation is over, please choose an attribute you want to keep. 】

  【1. Constitution】

  【2. Dou Qi】

  【3. Mental power】

   "Choose mental power!"

  The scene in front of him changes instantly.

   "Earl Leiter, I heard that you asked Li En to come to our ring tower for help?"

  Master Niru's voice echoed in his ears.

  Rett didn't respond in a hurry, first he quickly recalled the content of the alchemy manual, although a lot of knowledge in it was difficult to understand, he memorized it by rote and imprinted it in his mind.

  This time, he put on an uncertain expression, and replied hesitantly:

   "It seems that there is such a thing."

Nilu continued to ask: "I heard from Li En that when they were experimented by those evil alchemists, they would swallow a kind of evil beads. I wonder if you have harvested this loot after you handed over that stronghold? "

   "Evil beads?" Leiter pretended to be puzzled and said: "What is that, why have I never heard of it?"

"It's a kind of dark red and purple-red bead. Didn't you confiscate it?" Master Nilu frowned and felt strange. It stands to reason that since the experiment is going to be done, a large amount of experimental materials must have been prepared. How come it happened to be emptied? ?

  Leite frowned and said: "The group of evil alchemists destroyed all the materials when they escaped, it is really hateful!"

   Then, he looked straight at Nilu and asked, "Master Nilu, did you find out any information from Li En?"

  Facing Leiter's gaze, Master Neru fell silent, a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, but finally decided to tell the truth:

   "Earl Leiter, I wonder if you have heard the legend of the upper world?"

   "Upper world?"

  Rett was a little curious by the sudden topic change, but he quickly replied:

   "Not long ago, I just learned something. It seems to be a point of view put forward by a dark magician named Timos ten thousand years ago?"

"That's right." Nilu nodded, "Actually, although these things are not widely spread in today's era, most sanctuaries are very clear about them. Even after tens of thousands of years of continuous research, there are some other discovery!"

  Leite moved his heart and asked, "Master Nilu, can you tell me all the secrets you know about the upper world?"

  Nilu looked at Leiter in surprise, he didn't expect him to be so curious about the upper world. But he thought for a moment, shook his head, and said: "I'm afraid not, these things are also the secrets of the Ring Tower. I can only reveal a little about Li En."

  Leite felt a little lost in his heart, but he still cheered up and said, "Master Nilu, please tell me, I'm all ears."

"Hmm." Master Neru thought for a while, and said, "Since you have read the notes left by Timothy Saint Magus, you should be clear that the world we live in may be affected by the upper world, and the elves may also be affected by it." It was produced under the influence of the upper world."

   "That's right." Leiter echoed.

  Nilu nodded, and continued: "I heard from the tower owner that five thousand years ago, there was a Sanctuary who witnessed a creature projected from the upper world, thus confirming the existence of other worlds!"

  Leite's complexion changed slightly.

I heard Master Nilu say again: "And that kind of creature completely violates the biological common sense of our world, and its appearance is unknown, but I heard that this creature can swallow human blood, thereby enhancing the essence of life, and various Weird ability."

   It's unbelievable that there are such creatures in the world! No, it should be said that there is a world containing this kind of creature... Leiter looked surprised and asked quickly:

   "Is this kind of creature still alive? Or some corpse remains, specimen materials, etc..."

"Of course it's impossible." Nilu shook his head: "It's quite risky to allow this kind of creature from another world to take root and spread. It is said that just after being thrown into this world, it was killed by the strong man in the sanctuary. Discover it and wipe it out in time to kill the danger in its infancy."

   "Okay." Leiter understood this.

  A creature from another world does have the risk of destroying the local ecological balance. It is mainly reflected in the fact that if it possesses strange abilities, and species of similar levels have no effective means of restraint, it will spread and cause disaster sooner or later. It is indeed the right way to destroy them when they are weak and out of scale.

  Rett caught the point, and asked again: "But what does the creature you mentioned have anything to do with Li En's physical condition?"

  He actually had a faint guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak out.

  Niru thought about it, and then replied: "According to our speculation, the energy left in Li En's body seems to be of the same origin as the creature that devoured blood back then. It is definitely not the power system of our world!

   Therefore, this matter has attracted the attention of the tower owner's high-level, no matter what, we must investigate the truth!

  For the safety of the world, Earl Leiter, I hope you can truthfully report the real situation! "

   At the end, Nilu's eyes became more sincere.

Facing Master Nilu's gaze, Leiter's heart was full of turmoil. He did not expect the existence of the upper world to be confirmed. He believed that Master Nilu would not make up a nonsense to deceive him. , it is normal to know more information than the Dalton Chamber of Commerce.

   After all, one is a millennium organization formed by Sanctuary, and the other is just a large chamber of commerce.

  Thoughts were running up and down in Leiter's mind. From the information he had just obtained, it was known that a creature that evolved by devouring blood appeared five thousand years ago, and it did not belong to any elemental system. From this point of view, it does seem to come from the same origin as the blood elves.

  But he changed his mind and thought of other elves and murlocs, which also originated from projections, but had nothing to do with blood elves. He can only guess—the resulting projections vary from world to world.

  Rett fell into thought: "It seems that the bear elves in the orc force should also come from a special world? Or are these elves all from multiple worlds, or different regions of the same world?"

  He put away his thoughts and asked: "So, you doubt that the creatures from other worlds are still alive today?"

  Nilu nodded and said, "That's right, it does contain this reason."

  It turned out that the Ring Tower was worried about this, Leiter suddenly realized. Fortunately, he already understood that the culprit of everything came from the blood elves. Strictly speaking, elves are not creatures, so there is no need to worry about the risk of reproduction and spread, let alone endangering the world.

   "But... Having said that, such a just act of protecting the world is really like what the organization behind Black Star did..." Leiter thought to himself.

  For his own safety, to prevent being approached by the blood **** leader, he still intends to keep a secret and not reveal the blood **** leader.

   But with a move in his heart, he turned on the system again.

  【Do you want to enable real simulation? Every simulated day consumes 1 point of destiny. 】

   "Yes, simulate a day."

  When ripples appeared in front of his eyes, Leiter's expression suddenly became relaxed, and he said:

   "Master Nilu, I actually just made a joke with you."

  Master Neru looked puzzled and said, "A joke? What did Earl Leiter want to say?"

   "When I cleared up the group of evil alchemists, I did confiscate some spoils, including the beads you mentioned." Leiter smiled lightly.

  Hearing this, Nilu and Julie were stunned.

   "Count Leiter, are you sure you're not joking now?" Nilu frowned slightly. He felt that Leiter's state just now was very normal, and now he was a little joking.

  Leite laughed and said nothing, because it is better to produce strong evidence than to explain a thousand words.

   Immediately afterwards, he took out a purple-red blood-origin bead and a dark-red blood-origin bead from his pocket. Spreading the two Blood Origin Orbs in the palm of his hand, Leiter looked smug and said:

   "Master Nilu, please look, the beads in my hand are the spoils of war harvested from the evil organization."

  Earl Nilu was startled suddenly, showing a dignified expression, staring at the Blood Origin Bead in Leiter's palm for a while, and subconsciously wanted to take it.

   However, Lei Te's men immediately retracted, clenched their fists and wrapped the Blood Origin Bead, hiding it tightly.

  Nilu's face was stagnant, he looked at Leiter, and asked: "Count Leiter, can you let me check these two beads? If it is confirmed to be correct, I am willing to pay a handsome price to buy it!"

   "Hehe, Master Neru, you are too polite."

  Leite shook his head and said: "Based on our relationship, what to buy, for our friendship, and to protect the safety of the world, I would like to do my part to give these things to you!"

  Niru's eyes flashed a touch of strangeness, as if he didn't quite believe that Earl Leiter would do this.

  Including Julie on the side, her beautiful eyes flickered, and the image of Leiter in front of her suddenly grew taller in her heart.

And Nilu, who knows the ways of the world, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I have fully experienced Earl Leiter's generosity and selflessness today. But we don't have the habit of asking people for nothing in the Ring Tower, not to mention, even for friendship, it is impossible." Let you pay unilaterally. Earl Leiter, what needs do you have? I will try my best to satisfy you."

  Lett heard the words, pretending to be in deep thought, finally sighed and shook his head:

   "Master Nilu, I really don't want to ask for things from my friends, but I also don't want to break your rules.

   How about this, I am more interested in the information of the upper world, how about Master Nilu explaining it more comprehensively? "

   After finishing speaking, before Master Nilu could speak, Leiter stretched out his hand and stuffed the Blood Origin Bead into the hand of Julie who hadn't reacted.

   "Huh?" Julie subconsciously called out, subconsciously wanting to send the beads back, but thinking of the mission when she came, she stretched out her hand halfway, but slowly retracted it, and turned to look at Master Nilu, ready to ask for advice.

  Master Nilu seemed to be surprised by Lei Te's generosity, and he looked at Lei Te very differently. Thinking of the request made by the other party just now, his brows were slightly frowned, and then relaxed after a while, and he made a decision in his heart.

  He smiled helplessly: "Earl Leiter, I can tell you the secrets I know about the upper world, but you must try to keep it secret."

   "Don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

Master Nilu nodded, stroked his thoughts, and said: "In our ring tower, there are indeed some notes left by the great alchemists in history. All the secrets we have learned about the upper world come from them." of essay records.

  Since St. Mage Timothy put forward the theory and viewpoint of the upper world ten thousand years ago, in the following thousands of years, there will also be continuous emergence of sanctuary powerhouses who will continue to improve this theory.

  Except for the bloodline creature that appeared 5,000 years ago, well, let’s call it that. In fact, there are murloc creatures, dire bear creatures, and... dragons! "

   "Dragon?" Leiter raised his voice twice and exclaimed.

   "That's right, but it's not what you imagined. Listen to me first." Neil glanced at Leiter and continued:

"The giant bear creature and the dragon are not the same as our local monsters. On the contrary, they are somewhat similar to the violent bears and Yalong people among the orcs. Whether it is appearance or characteristics, they all have something in common, but their potential is much lower than that of the orcs. The orcs are even taller." Speaking of this, Nilu's face became a bit dignified, "Therefore, the analysis in those alchemy notes suggests that the orc race may not be a product of our native world. It is very likely that it is even more ancient. During the period of time, it was projected by the upper world and appeared in our world."

  Leite's pupils shrink!

   This news is absolutely heavyweight, and there are clues to prove that even the orcs are also projection products of the upper world!

  Then, he seemed to think of something, and asked with a frown: "In this way, we humans may also be products of the upper world?"

Master Nilu shook his head this time: "Not necessarily, at least as of now, there is no evidence or clues that can prove that human beings come from the upper world. In the alchemy notes I have read, there is no mention of creatures similar to human beings. .”

   Two in one, long wait

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  (end of this chapter)