MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 226 Brotherhood (Part 1)

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  Chapter 226 Brotherly Love (Part 1)

"That's right, it's exactly the black lotus you need. But now, since you've found all of them, the seven black lotuses in my hand shouldn't be of much help to you..." Thales stared at the black lotus in his hand. Holding a plant that looks like a mint but is dark in color, he shook his head and said with a sigh.

"Tales, don't say that!" Tucker's expression was full of surprise, and he greeted him with open arms, and said as he walked, "I knew that you have a kind heart, and these black lotuses gave you It was timely and solved my urgent need!"

   "Really? But... Tucker, haven't you already found ten black lotuses?" Thales pretended to be puzzled, but he felt amused in his heart. Of course he guessed the truth and just wanted to stimulate it.

   Tucker choked for a moment, then rubbed the back of his head, and laughed dryly: "It seems... there is such a thing, but I forgot where the black lotus is hidden. The terrain around here is too complicated."

   "There are really lame reasons..." Thales rolled his eyes and secretly slandered.

   Immediately afterwards, he smiled slyly: "Then you admit that your memory is not very good?"

  Taker's face darkened when he heard the words, and his eyes were a little unfriendly.

   "Ha, I'm just kidding!" Thales waved his hands with a smile, and said in a very casual tone: "I won't talk so much. Tucker, I came to you for cooperation.

   "Cooperation?" Tucker was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes fell on the black lotus in Thales' hands, and he said thoughtfully: "Could it be that you want...ask me to help you deal with the blood hoof boar and the flaming rhino?"

   "That's right!" Thales smiled wittily: "As a price, I will give you the black lotus grass."

After finishing speaking, Thales quickly added: "Actually, if you think about it carefully, the task that father entrusted to us is very simple, and it can be easily completed by exchanging. I have an affinity for dark elements, so it is more convenient to find black lotus grass .And you are a second-level knight, so you can easily deal with the blood hoof boar and the flame rhino."

   After hearing this, Tucker showed no sign of moving, shook his head, and said firmly:

   "Thales, we can't be opportunistic!

  My father specially entrusted us with such a task, there must be a reason for him, we must do what my father said! "

"Why? Tucker, you are such a brain!" Thales opened his mouth incredulously, "We are far away from the picnic camp, my father will not know, we exchanged tasks secretly. And he didn't come out to supervise, it must be tacit consent this behavior."

   "No, my father said that obedience is the bounden duty of a soldier. I will strictly abide by the order, and I cannot use your black lotus grass!" Tucker was very stubborn and did not intend to take advantage of loopholes at all.

   "Tuck, we are not soldiers, we have been away from the canyon defense line for two years!" Thales sighed helplessly.

  Taker looked calm, and said lightly: "My lord father also said that retiring from the army will not fade. Even if I am not on the battlefield, I will not disobey orders."

  Thales stared slightly, and pointed at Tucker. He felt dizzy because of Tucker's tendon!

   Fortunately, he is familiar with Tucker's character. Before coming, he was prepared for accidents and made more preparations for it...

   "Tuck, just help your poor brother..."

  Tales changed his style and tone, his face drooped, and he lifted up his shirt pitifully, exposing his side waist.

  Only a slender scratch was seen, and a blood line about ten centimeters long was clearly displayed.

   Tucker heard the words, his eyes moved down, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked:

   "Thales, what's the matter with this wound?"

  He leaned closer to his head again, looked carefully, squinted and said: "It looks like it was just injured..."

"It's all to blame for that damned bloodhoof wild boar. That pair of fangs are too sharp. I tried to deal with it before I came here, but I couldn't dodge it in time during the battle, and I got a wound by the sharp horn." Thales said a little aggrieved: "If It’s not that I reacted quickly, I’m afraid I’m going to be poked through by the fangs…”

   "Rowed by a blood hoof wild boar? You are too careless!" Tucker frowned tightly.

   "That's why I came here to ask you for help..." Thales sighed deeply: "If you don't help me Tucker, then I can only face it alone, that horrible blood hoof boar..."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around, his hunched back was somewhat lonely.

   And Tucker behind him couldn't bear it, his eyebrows were all knit together, looking at the direction where Thales was leaving, he sighed helplessly, and said in a deep voice: "Stop, Thales!"

  Thales paused, but said without looking back: "Is there anything else?"

   "You wait here, I'll help you deal with the blood hoof boar and flame rhinoceros." Tucker looked dignified, and then strode out.

  Hearing this, Thales secretly rejoiced, the strategy has worked!

  Taker's speed was very fast, and he overtook Thales quickly. Thales said from behind: "Taker, wait for me, I will give you these black lotuses!"

  Taker's firm voice came behind him: "No need, I will help you get rid of the bloodhoof boar and the flame rhinoceros, but I have to find the black lotus by myself."

"Why? There's no need for this at all, it's a waste of time and energy..." Thales hurriedly chased after him. His pace was fast, but he couldn't compare with Tucker. Before he finished speaking, Tucker disappeared .

  Thales stared blankly ahead, recalling what Tucker said just now, there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

  Looking down at the soil, he sighed.

   Tucker, who left quickly, began to look for traces of the bloodhoof wild boar all over the mountains and plains. He wanted to avenge Thales!

   Within ten minutes, he was far away from the area he was in just now.

   Along the way, he gradually found the footprints of the suspected bloodhoof boar, and it was a single bloodhoof boar.

  He sniffed the air lightly. The smell of the bloodhoof wild boar in winter was even stronger, and there was a special smell all over his body. Tucker was deeply impressed by this.

   Followed the footprints for a while.

  Suddenly, he saw a depression in the ground, the outline was a bit like a large hazelnut.

  Taker's expression moved slightly, and he looked straight at the small pit under his feet. He knew that the bloodhoof boar had a hobby—arch truffles, but they were not like ordinary wild boars, they were particularly fond of truffles.

  So when the truffle is taken away, it will leave fragments or even powder, etc. These are useful clues for tracking!

  He sniffed lightly with his nose, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes immediately. He smelled the unique smell of truffles floating in the air, and combined with the footprints of the blood-hoofed wild boar just now, he was quite sure of finding its trace.

   Immediately, Tucker continued to shuttle through the forest according to the map.

  Finally, in a smelly bush, I saw a blood-hoofed wild boar resting on the ground.

  He was attracted by the loud grunting sound. When he walked in, he saw a hill-like figure full of momentum, and his blood-colored skin was wrapped in a layer of mud.

  Taker stared at the bloodhoof boar, a look of pity flashed in his eyes. This is a second-order bloodhoof boar, and it cannot be the one that hurt Thales. Otherwise, Thales would definitely not be able to escape from the hands of the second-order bloodhoof wild boar alone.

Just as Tucker was thinking about whether to fight or leave, the snoring of the bloodhoof wild boar continued, but his eyes suddenly burst open—it was feigning sleep, and when it discovered that the enemy had violated its territory, it immediately opened its **** mouth and rushed With Tucker charging away.

   dong dong dong

  The ground was trampled and the blood hoof boar's huge size was like a small mobile fortress, and the fangs on its head were its sharpest weapons!

   Tucker saw this, a cold look flashed in his eyes, "Since it's delivered to your door, don't blame me for being impolite. Before avenging Thales, let's warm you up first!"

   "Cross cut!" The long sword in Tucker's hand was swung quickly, a cross-shaped flaming sword energy instantly condensed, and a burst of scorching flames radiated in the air, smashing firmly with the bloodhoof wild boar.


   There was a loud explosion in the air.

  Taker couldn't help retreating after being hit by this huge force—the physical fitness of the monsters is quite amazing, especially the bloodhoof wild boar, whose charging power is even stronger than that of the tauren.

   Tucker, who took the blow hard, his arm was a little numb. He didn't wear a shield this time, so his defensive ability has declined to a certain extent.

   And the blood hoof boar was cut with a sword on the top of its head, leaving a bloodstain, feeling uncomfortable and roaring angrily.

   Then, it charged with anger, Tucker was ready to challenge, and when the opponent couldn't stop the inertia, he dodged and slashed from the side.

   In his opinion, the bloodhoof boar is very bulky. Although it is powerful in charging, it is far from flexible. He can find a breakthrough from it.

  However, when the bloodhoof boar really charged in front of him, Tucker found that he had made a mistake in his judgment—he underestimated the speed of the bloodhoof boar, which made it impossible to dodge in time.

  When you dodge to the left, you can't completely avoid the bloodhoof boar's dash.

   The price to pay for this is the huge fangs, which are about to pierce his waist and abdomen.

   When there was no time to spare, Tucker was quick to gain a wit, and he slapped the long sword sideways. This also caused the fangs, which were supposed to penetrate the lower abdomen, to be bombarded with great force, deflected a little distance, and passed by the side of the ribs.


   Flesh is torn apart!

Drops of blood were splashing in the air. Tucker was only camping today, and he was wearing loose clothing without any defensive support. In an instant, he was cut with a three-centimeter deep wound. The fangs almost brushed against the ribs. A few ribs will be hooked away at one point!

  Taker's face was very solemn, and he secretly thought that he was very dangerous. He was too trusting just now, and almost sent himself into danger.

  The battle just now was only a short moment,

  Seeing the blood, the blood-hoofed wild boar howled wildly, with madness flickering in its eyes.

   Turn around and charge towards Tucker again!

   One trick is fresh, it eats all over the world, and the blood hoof wild boar's own charge is not easy to deal with, not to mention it has a rough-skinned and thick-skinned defense, which is really tricky in battle.

   dong dong dong

  Seeing that the bloodhoofed boar was about to charge, Tucker narrowed his eyes slightly. This time, he was not going to take risks, but calmed down in his heart, waiting for him to charge two meters in front of him.

   Tucker's eyes flickered—it's now, the phantom returns!

   Swish Swish Swish

  He took ghostly steps, and with the blessing of physical combat skills, like a ghost, he quickly dodged behind the bloodhoof boar!

   Tucker roared angrily, pushing out a powerful force with his right arm, and stabbing the long sword into an indescribable cave...

  A little bit of cold light comes first, and then the sword comes out like a dragon!


  The chrysanthemums are broken, and the ground is full of injuries!

  Accompanied by a scream of sorrow, a mixture of yellow and bright red liquid sprayed out, but it couldn't get close to Tucker, and was vaporized by the flames.

  Tak held his breath and turned his wrist to stir the long sword in it.

   To the bloodhoof boar, this operation was tantamount to a critical attack. It let out a long cry of grief, and its limbs couldn't help but go limp, and it lay powerlessly on the ground.

   Within a few seconds, the convulsions gradually stopped.

  Taker then drew out his long sword and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  He looked at the filthy blade of the sword, deliberately held it far away, and even showed a look of disgust.

  He is not a magician, and he doesn't even have the ability to condense water. He can only rub some wide evergreen leaves, clean the blade briefly, and then continue to look for the first-order blood hoof boar and flame rhinoceros.

  These two monsters have Tier 1 strength, so it is very easy to solve them, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

   Half an hour later, Tucker dragged a blood-hoofed wild boar and a flaming rhino with each hand, gritted his teeth, and came to the place where he met Thales before.

  At this time, Thales was sitting on a dry and soft haystack empty-handed. When he heard a sound from afar, he hurriedly got up and greeted him.

   "Tucker, you're back! Huh? Are you injured?" Taylor Siben cheered happily, but his eyes fell on Tucker's waist, and his expression changed suddenly!



  Tak let go of his hand, and the two monsters landed on the ground, making a dull sound.

  He said calmly: "I met a blood-hoofed wild boar on the road. I was careless and suffered a little injury."

   "Quick, let me see!" Thales said eagerly, feeling a little guilty in his heart. It was his lies that caused Tucker to suffer this injury.

  Tuck pushed Thales' hand away, shook his head and said, "No need, it's just a small injury, and it will heal itself in a few days.

  You take these two monsters and go back quickly, there is not much time, and I have to find the black lotus grass as soon as possible. "

   "You..." Thales subconsciously wanted to say that you were brainless, but he couldn't say anything in the middle of the sentence. He pointed to Tucker and put down his arm helplessly: "Okay, good luck favors you, fool."

   Immediately, the wind element enveloped the corpses of the two monsters, allowing Thales to pull them away with his own strength, and gradually left this place.

   When he arrived at the campsite, there was still about an hour before noon.

  Seeing the figure of his youngest son in the distance, Leiter waved his hand with a smile: "Thales, it seems that you finished earlier than Tucker, and you won this time."

  Nina on Rilei's head blinked at Thales, and moved away in fear.

  In the past, Thales would have cheered with pride, and even ridiculed Tucker a few more words.

  By the way, **** Nina over and forcefully masturbate.

  However, Thales didn't even look at the snow elf at this time. He waved his hands a little out of interest, and sat down on the ground, "I'm a little hungry, let's eat some cheese first."

  Leite touched his chin, raised his eyebrows and said: "That's right, for you, it really takes a lot of effort to deal with these two monsters, and it's normal to feel hungry."

  Thales is not tired, but a little tired.

  He didn't do it himself, everything was done for him by Tucker.

  After hearing this sentence, the outstretched hand paused suddenly, and finally picked up the cheese, and gnawed it without saying a word.

   Two in one, long wait

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  (end of this chapter)