MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2032 Still not good

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Xiao Chen’s strange appearance appeared, and the fourteen long swords disappeared at that moment, as if the long sword was replaced by Xiao Chen.

"What? What do Xiao Chen want to do? Do you die?" It was noticed that Xiao Chen suddenly appeared, his face suddenly changed, and the world wind shocked and widened his eyes, and was shocked.

However, the strange appearance in front of the energy ball, Xiao Chen did not have the slightest fear, his face was a touch of sneer.



For a moment, the horrible energy ball was completely swallowed up by Xiao Chen, followed by a blast of rumbling, first a storm-like violent sweep, followed by the horrible explosion of energy, and the Qiankun clock violently vibrated. A large number of cracks spread continuously.

At this moment, the world wind is looking at the explosion center with a blank face. I still can't believe it until now, and I don't know what Xiao Chen wants to do.

"call out!"

In the midst of the world's glory, in the Qiankun bell, suddenly a sharp and harsh sound of sound bursts, and it is swept away from the world wind, and the hegemonic momentum is unstoppable.

"This is... not good!" The worldly wind in the air, the horrible power that quickly turned around behind him, suddenly changed his face.

"That is the sword of Xiao Chen!" Suddenly turned and looked, the eyes suddenly magnified, the wind of the wind shocked.

Fourteen long swords can appear to be out of thin air, and only a few tens of meters away from the world wind, are bursting at a horrible speed.

"Funny!" The heart was furious, the wind screamed, and the heart was panicked. It was also the power to rush to provoke terror, but it was too late.



Take the Excalibur as the head, and the 14 long swords that have been connected in a line, with an extremely terrible sword and power, turned into a golden light lightning hit on the chest of the world wind, a bang, a hegemonic force It was actually a face-to-face, and the world wind shook his mouth and blood, and his body flew out.

"Successful! My strength can really hurt the Holy Emperor, even I can't believe it." At the center of the explosion, Xiao Chen's faint sneer came, and the words were smug.

"Master, do a good job!" The moment the earthquake hurt the world, the excited voice of the Excalibur suddenly turned.

Hearing the words, the world wind that flew out, the eyes suddenly magnified, forced to stabilize the body shape, the shocking gaze is to quickly sweep Xiao Xiao.

"Xiao Chen turned out to be unscathed!" It was noticed that Xiao Chen’s breath did not change at all, and the world’s wind was shocking.

When the explosive energy is dissipated, Xiao Chen, which is unscathed, appears in the eyes of the world.

"How is this possible..." When I saw it with my own eyes, the world wind was once again shocked.

The cold eyes swept toward the shocking world wind, and smiled slightly. Xiao Chen faintly said: "It is a strong man of the Holy Emperor. It is only slightly injured, but it is also good, at least the atmosphere is weak."

"Under the full force, my strength is absolutely enough to destroy Xiao Chen. Even if there is an artifact, it is impossible to be unscathed. What is going on?" The eyelids are still full of shock, and the world wind can't understand.

Seeing the world-famous look of doubt, the corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, Xiao Chen said: "You seem to be very strange why I am unharmed."

Xiao smiled and Xiao Chen continued: "It seems that you didn't see the power of my gods last time. I am not afraid to tell you that my god, when attacked for the first time, as long as the power is not detected. Too big to be able to fully withstand."

“Is it completely?” The face changed again, and the world wind was unbelievable.

"Yes, because of this, I used this first attack to fool you, because I know that I will not be injured, so I can take the opportunity to attack." Xiao Chen sneered.

"Using your magical method to hide the position of the Excalibur?" Frowning, his face gloomy, the world wind guessed.

"Smart, it seems that you really know a lot about me." A faint smile, Xiao Chensen cold road, but also did not feel complacent because of the shock of the world.

Immediately, a sword, the sword and thirteen swords fly back, the sword is shaking hands, the sword is suspended in the surrounding.

Such a terrible force has only caused a slight injury to the world wind, and it is still full of armed forces and full force shots. From this point, we can see the gap.

Although the gap is huge, but with the realm of the Holy King, the earthquake is hurting the Holy Emperor. This is indeed something that deserves to be happy. Even if it is not against the opponent, there is no need to be jealous.

"That's a pity. If I don't have defenses, your strength will only cause minor injuries to me. In other cases, I can't hurt me. Xiao Chen, such a powerful and terrible sword, can you cast a few? The second time? Your strength has consumed a lot." The gloomy face reveals a sneer, the wind is cold and cold, and the murderous murder is more intense.

After a slight pause, the world wind sneered and said: "You just said that your **** armor can only fully withstand the first attack. What will happen for the second time?"


The sneer of the face was a little more, and the power of horror broke out again. The eyes were in a straight line, and the blue light flashed. The world wind was bursting out like lightning.

The speed is so fast that Xiao Chen is hard to detect, and the heart is also a chill.

"The realm of the Holy Emperor is terrible, even if I am now surpassing the power of the peak of the late Saints, I feel powerless." The face became extremely dignified, and the eyes were alert to the rapid explosion of the world wind, Xiao Chen's heart Dark road.

"Heavenly gods! The mountain is cracked!"

The heart suddenly screamed, the shape of the world wind, has suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Chen, the front is a fierce palm banged up.

Suddenly the terrorist attack, Xiao Chen’s face suddenly changed greatly, and he was completely unaware of it. Only when the world wind appeared, Xiao Chen reacted, but it was already late.

"Hey! I want to see how powerful your **** is, but it will soon become mine!" The sudden appearance of the world, the world is sinister, the palm of the hand of terror, and hit the dust of the chest.



The speed is as fast as lightning. Xiao Chen can't detect it at all. He can't avoid it. In a blink of an eye, a thunderous explosion is blasting. The power of terror is blown through Xiao Shen, and his face is white and a blood is sprayed out. Xiao Chen was turned into a cannonball and flew out. The other swords were all shaken out.

"How? Can you not bear this?" Seeing Xiao Chen vomiting blood, his face suddenly appeared a sneer sneer, and the world wind laughed.

For the first time, the Emperor of Heavenly Emperor can fully withstand the power of the opponent, and the second time can only bear half of the power.

Even so, Xiao Chen was unable to bear the terrorist power of the Holy Emperor, and was hit by a palm, Xiao Chen suffered a minor injury.

Of course, if there is no god, then the world wind, I am afraid that I have already wanted Xiao Chen’s life.

"Xiao Chen, your strength is indeed taboo, but unfortunately you are not the level of the Holy Emperor, your strength is stronger, not my opponent, the killer will make it out, can hurt me, you have the ability." Going to the blood of the corner of the mouth, the face pulled up a touch of disdain, the world wind sneered.

"His strength is terrible. I don't know how long it will last, or I can find a way to go out." Frowning slightly, Xiao Chen's heart is dark, his eyes glanced at the scattered swords everywhere, a beckoning, thirteen swords flying Grabbed, Xiao Qiang income storage ring.

Just a palm, Xiao Chen is already seriously injured, and a few more palms, I am afraid it will fall.

"Since it is the wind of the world, it will be broken with his power, plus my strength, it should not be a problem." Eyes glanced at the energy clock, Xiao Chen continued.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen has thought of a way, the corner of his mouth sneaked a sneer, and he reached out and hooked it. Xiao Chen said arrogantly: "The world wind, your strength is just that, you don't want to kill me? Come on, make you The most powerful god, I have to see if you can kill me."

Hearing his words, his face suddenly sinks, Xiao Chen’s arrogance is even more angry with the world wind, and immediately angered: "Xiao Chen, I want to kill you is easy, but I will not let you die so cheap."



The voice has never fallen, the figure of the world wind has suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Chen, the speed is terrible, Xiao Chen can't detect it, and the sound of horror suddenly screams, and the power of horror once again shakes the dust and vomits blood. The shells flew out and the smash hit the cyan energy layer.

The armor has a powerful defensive power, coupled with Xiao Chen’s powerful body, and now is also a terrorist force that cannot withstand the wind.

"Hey! How do you feel?" The face smirked and smirked.

"Cough..." Xiao Chen in the distance, pale face, uncomfortable coughing twice, immediately smacked a touch of disdain, the body struggled forward a few meters, Xiao Chen sneered: "feeling In general, your strength, in the level of the Holy Emperor, is only a general one."

The voice fell, forcing the body that was hurting, and suddenly provoked terrible power. Xiao Chen’s arm waved and thirteen swords appeared again.

"Destroy the sword! Destroy the sword!"

The heart shouted, headed by the Excalibur, each sword contained the power of the overbearing swordsmanship, and quickly joined the line, the power of the swordsman is also injected into the Excalibur.

"I don't know what to live and die!" Xiao Chen repeatedly looked down, but it made the world's winds angry, his face violently twitching, and the murderous madness broke out.

"Days of God! Let's kill the soul!"

The heart screamed, the power of terror spurred, and condensed on the fingertips. The fierce eyes stared at Xiao Chen, who still wanted to resist, and suddenly suddenly separated.

"call out!"

The arm-like horror energy light column burst out with lightning, bringing a sharp, empty sound, magnificent.

"Good opportunity!" Eyes have been staring at the world wind, when the latter shot, Xiao Chen suddenly waved, the Excalibur was actually shot out against the cyan energy layer behind him.