MTL - Fanatic Divine Cultivator-Chapter 559 Acting ~ 1 more! Seeking flowers!

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Liu Sanguai and Wang Xueqiu both came to a huge pagoda, but at this moment, Liu Yan came out slowly from the inside.

"Hey, how's the family learning about mystery?"

Looking at Liu Liu, who seemed to be in a good mood, Wang Xueqiu smiled sweetly.

"Not bad, right, Brother Xu Xuan should be out! Hey, I'm going to play with him!"

Liu Yan smiled, he was preparing to fly in the direction where Xu Xuan lived.


What she did not expect was that her father, Liu Sanguai, was angry at the moment, and then frowned. In the eyes of surprise, he slowly said, "Your brother Xu Xuan is gone. In the morning, , You have already left! "

"Leave, leave? How is this possible?"

With an unbelievable face, Liu Ruan pretended to be calm and said, "Father, you're really joking!"

"Who's kidding you, your brother Xu Xuan has gone and went back to his primitive continent. You never want to see him again. He has his life, and you, stay with me in the family and practice well!"

Liu Sanguai said solemnly, with a bit of anger on his face.

"It's impossible! Brother Xu Xuan can't leave without a word, he can't leave Luer without saying goodbye to me. I know him best, he's not like that!"

Liu Yan shook his head one after another, and his eyes became rosy instantly.

"Hey, we are also good for you. His status and status is not worth it!"

At this time, Wang Xueqiu's eyes changed a few times before he looked at Liu Yan and said.

"It's you, it's you who let him go, right? How can you do that?"

Wang Xueqiu's flickering eyes were found, and there was a bit of anger in the flowing words.

"Yes, we let him go. You are the second lady of the Liu family. You have a high status. How can you go crazy with a kid from the primitive continent!"

The words of Liu Sanguai made Liu Yan a little unacceptable. She thought that she was a good parent, but she didn't think that she had such a high degree of status and status, which made her feel disappointed.

"What's wrong with my brother Xu Xuan, his talent is amazing, and he has awakened his will, and there is still hope to become a true **** in the future!" Liu Yan retorted, and immediately turned to Liu San's turn without hesitation: "Father, I must go back to him. If you dare stop me, stop me and Xu Brother Xuan is together, I, I will die for you


At this time, Wang Xueqiu finally couldn't help laughing, looking at Liu Yi: "Oh, we actually do this, just acting for your brother Xu Xuan, the kid's talent is indeed amazing, a rare talent And with good morals, not greedy, not admiring vanity, empathy, we are quite satisfied with him! "

Looking at Wang Xueqiu's sudden turning in her attitude, she frowned and wondered. She really wondered why Xu Xuan was taken away and humiliated him, but it was good for him.

"We are too. This test is also very satisfying. Both of you love each other! So, if you love him, let him go first."

Liu Sanguai had a smile on his face, and told him what happened in the morning. Finally, he said, "One hundred years has broken into the real state of God. Hey, I'm giving him the pressure to persecute his potential. He can say this. In other words, I believe he will do his best to do it, sir, can you guarantee that you will break through to the real state of God within a hundred years? Even if you have the purest blood in our family, I am afraid it will be difficult. ? "

After listening to Liu Sanguai and Wang Xueqiu's words, Liu Yan left the slightest, and secretly slandered his heart. My father and mother, how old they are, still like such a whole person. It turned out that it was just for Xu Xuan. His brother pressured him to really grow up. The problem was that he didn't tell himself before, which made him startled and had a plan to run away from home.

"It's immoral for you to deceive people like this!"

In the end, Liu Liu pursed her lips and said, but she was really relieved. For a long time, she was also afraid that her parents were not satisfied with Xu Xuan. It's not the same now!

"If you think about it, you are not in the same situation as him. You are the offspring of colorful exquisite phoenixes. You take mysterious medicine every day and then sit and practice. The cultivated spirit will be very real, but he is not Similarly, he is a human being and cannot be cultivated in this way, especially a man who wants to become a hegemon in the future must experience the baptism of blood, relying on his own little growth, so the accumulated strength is the most! "

Liu Sanguai explained it. He was also thinking about Xu Xuan. He hoped that Xu Xuan would grow up quickly, but by no means gave him mysterious medicine, elixir, and the flowers cultivated in the greenhouse would never go through. Wind and rain! This is one of the reasons why some guys in the middle stage of Xuanying Realm are not as good as those in the early stage of Xuanying Realm.

"Yeah, sir, in this world, there are actually meditation retreats like your father who have a great miracle. In fact, there are, but why they have not become the leaders of the four royal families, and there is no way to lead everyone to attack the magic. The ability under the head? That is, some people only pay attention to the improvement of Xiuwei, but ignore the process of promotion. There is no down-to-earth approach. Even if the repair is improved in the future, the strength will not be improved much! "

Wang Xueqiu, with a petting face, walked slowly to Liuli, holding his daughter's hand: "Since your brother Xu Xuan, dare to speak wildly and say a hundred years later, you can reach the fighting power of your father Why do n’t you try it? Think about it, a hundred years is actually short-lived for those of us who are cultivating! We have to take a longer-term view! You just need to cooperate with us to act! ”

"Father and mother, you are so bad!"

Aunt Er, Liu Sanguai gave a glance to each other, and then he just beckoned and asked, "What about that marriage contract with Mo's son, isn't it true?"

"Oh, of course this is your brother Xu Xuan!"

Liu Sanguai coughed a few times and felt that his acting skills were really good. However, considering what happened in the morning, he was still unbelievable. Xu Xuan would not be so sure, saying that he would reach his own within 100 years. Height, he originally thought that according to Xu Xuan's talent, it should take about a thousand years!

"I won't be able to see him for a hundred years, right?"

However, it seemed to Liu Ren that it was too long for a hundred years.

"Oh, little girl, practice well and improve yourself. Although the demons are gone, they still want to turn around. In fact, the magic strangers of the primitive continent are nothing, in our Tianxuan continent. There is a lot of demons in there. Those who are not demons, but the real demons, are the real demons. Every once in a while, we will send people to clean up. ! I feel that it seems a bit too comfortable lately. Maybe, what are the remaining forces of the Demons conspiring about! "

Liu Sanguai said, his frown deepened: "So, I hope you can grow up, so, when you reach the beginning of the mysterious realm, I will go out to find your brother Xu Xuan once Chance, hehe, at that time, presumably his strength will also surprise you. "