MTL - Fanatic Divine Cultivator-Chapter 546 Anger watchdog ~ 1 more! Ask for a reward!

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It's not just Liu Chan and others, even Xu Xuan, at the moment, he was thrilled by Liu's words, and quickly turned to the topic: "Let's go, in fact, I think your father's name is good!"

Immediately the crowd stopped no longer, and slowly flew towards the huge city below.

The crowd soon came to the gate of the city gate, striding at the gate of the city, but what Xu Xuan did not expect was that he was stopped by a dozen guards at the gate.

"Why don't you let us enter the city, this brother? I remember I was here a few years ago. Wasn't it casual at the time? I remember that as long as people from the Liu family had a Liu family token, they could all go in!"

Although the man in front is only a mid-term practice for Xuan Yingjing, this is the place where the Liu family ’s headquarters is located. Even if it is just such a guard at the door, it cannot be easily offended. Although Liu Zen is the owner of a party, he comes to the family, but here The host ’s site, when speaking, was polite.

"Oh, that was before, now, the people in the host family can be at will, and those who are separated, if you want to go in, you have to show it!"

The man smiled huh, and the other guards behind him looked at Xu Xuan and others with a smile. Obviously, this is their own rules, and they are too many mysterious gods, but they dare not. Get angry, seems to feel very refreshed, and his face is full of playfulness.

Indeed, if bullying the weak is very cool, bullying the strong can also make the strong dumb, which is undoubtedly the most insane thing in the world. Now these guards have this feeling.

"How could our family have such a scum? Really shameless!"

What everyone didn't expect was that at this time, Liu Ran was holding her hands on her chest, her expression seemed very angry. Obviously, she hated such dog-like guys.

"Well, little girl, can't you find death? Although Lao Tzu is a janitor, but I am a janitor's janitor, and my status is not low! Bold courage, hum, I said that letting you pass here today, you just do n’t think about it, Hum, if you dare to break through, you can kill even if you are separated from the Liu family! "

The guard was naturally angry when he heard Liu Yan's words. This was the first time he heard someone dare to call him shameless. He was the little captain here, and the captain of the guard was his uncle. The strong man, and he still has several uncles, it is a gesture of someone in the DPRK. Otherwise, such a fat job would not be his turn.

Seeing the arrogance of the other guard team leader, Liu Zen and Liu Kou Sui could not help but poke their noses, secretly feeling funny, this guard is really arrogant, but this time, it should be kicked to the iron It ’s hard, does this guy look like Wang Xueqiu, he's all here? Or did he never see such a high existence as Wang Xueqiu?

"Good courage, dare to kill innocent people, you guys, I'm so angry!"

The stomping stubborn straight feet really did not expect that one of the Liu family was so snobbish and so arrogant.

"Squad Captain, are we so familiar, like the housewife, and ah, Yue."

Finally, a team member took a few steps forward, and seemed to remember something, could not help reminding.

"Oh, what do you know? The eldest son has gone out to find his younger sister. Recently, the news of Miss 2 was released. Many people came to pretend to be Miss 2 and wanted to fly on the branch to become a Phoenix. Hehe, In the end they were spotted and killed a lot! "

The captain laughed, obviously, he really knew a lot about the above.

"No, they dared to come and pretend to be Miss Er, really embarrassed by the ambitious leopard?"

A man stood behind, sneering at the corners of his mouth, and Xu Xuan and others couldn't help being a little more curious when they heard it. It was unexpected that someone really wanted to touch the fish in the muddy water and directly assumed the identity of a streamer. Of course, If it succeeds, it is truly one person over ten thousand people.

"Oh, this, you do n’t know. Although this news was circulated, many women who looked like the housewife came to impersonate their loved ones, but ah, they are obviously sending them to death, my guard is my guard. Captain, he knows some inside information. I heard that the old man sent the second lady to the primitive continent. Now most of them are still in the primitive continent, and huh, the primitive continent is thin and thin. Maybe two. The lady hasn't changed her shape yet. Those silly forks have actually changed shape, and come to admit their relatives with the wave of fortune, thinking that you can be cheated and eaten if you look like you? How can it be easy? "

The captain of the team said, after looking at it, he couldn't help looking at Liuli thoughtfully, with a few contemptuous smiles on the corners of his mouth: "Maybe these guys came to impersonate Miss Er!"

Liu Ye was so angry that he dared to call the grandfather she always loved in her heart. The grandfather who can always dream of him is the old man. This is the rhythm of death.

"Boss, your girl seems very angry, but don't say that, she really looks like the housewife, oh, it's the best in the world!"

The teammates behind them all kept looking at Liuli, and maybe they were the girls who came to pretend to be Miss II.

"Well, you dare look at me like this, huh, are you angry? You have the ability to hit me!"

Seeing a fist clenching fist, the captain walked to the front of the stream, raised his chest, put his hands behind his back, a pair of airy looks, and the players behind him followed the coax, the captain Constantly approaching Liuyu step by step, it is clear that there is a suspicion of wanting to eat tofu.

"I have never seen such a cheap request!"

With a sigh of coldness, Liu Qi spit out the venom from the mysterious fist, and the punch hit the guy's face with a heavy blow.


The man flew out dozens of meters directly and hit the wall heavily, and immediately fell down like a clay figure Barabara. At this moment, his nose was already a blood stream, for fear that the bones of the nose were broken. .

"You, how dare you hit me? How brave!"

The little captain climbed up from the ground with one finger flowing, and one hand covering his nose, his eyes filled with incredible looks.

"Well, you're just one of my family. Don't talk about you, I have nothing to kill you."

Liu Yan sneered, as if he didn't look at the other person in the slightest.

"Hmm, are you really blind? You dare to humiliate Miss Er, our death is over!"

Liu Zen hummed coldly and said aloud.

"Haha, they really came to pretend to be Miss Er!"

The team members laughed and laughed with sarcasm.

"You're still laughing, give me!"

The captain, full of blood on his nose, stood up sharply, yelling at his teammates, his face full of scum.