MTL - Fanatic Divine Cultivator-Chapter 540 Flowing identity ~ 2 more! Seeking flowers!

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The man's face twitched slightly, his pupils dilated, and his face was unbelievable. In the next second, he swayed the palm of his hand, a powerful force that seemed to be stuck in Xu Xuan's neck, directly holding Xu Xuan to two or three. The height of the meter makes it difficult for Xu Xuan to breathe. .dt.

Xu Xuan knew that such a strong man in front of him could not resist even struggling ten times, and he did not struggle, with a pair of eyes staring straight at the other side, a little more angry in his heart.

"Boy, you know that if I lied to me, I could let you die in an instant, but what you said is true? Is she really called Liuli?"

The man moved forward a few steps, and the apparently sloppy name made him somewhat indifferent. If other senior members of the family were here, he would be horrified. This name is really incredible.

"Ahem, I'm her friend. Save her if you don't want to come here thousands of miles away, would it lie to you? Besides, who has the courage to dare to deceive the four royal families?"

Xu Xuan coughed slightly. At the moment, his face was flushed and his speech was difficult.

"call out!"

The other party finally let go of his hand, and Xu Xuan also slowly landed on the ground.

"Little brother, maybe I was reckless just now, but you have helped us a lot!"

What Xu Xuan didn't expect is that after the man seemed certain that Xu Xuan did not lie to him, his attitude suddenly reversed 180 degrees, even though he came forward and held Xu Xuan's hand kindly, his face was excited, this It ’s not a matter of time. What makes Xu Xuan somewhat flattered is that this man actually kindly called Xu Xuan as a little brother. This is a rare master in the entire continent. In a word, it can make a super dynasty overthrown. Like his brother, how can Xu Xuan calm down?

"The predecessors were unsuccessful. I also asked the predecessors to be more explicit and not to be concealed. The conviction family's affairs were not well understood just after coming from the primitive continent."

Xu Xuan didn't dare to envy, this guy changed his face very quickly, in case he changed back in a flash, didn't he get tricked? Therefore, he still thinks of himself as a junior and speaks politely.

"Since you are a good friend of the girl-in-law, that is my good brother. Well, I said yes, you can't be humble!"

The man said again. After speaking, he said, "My name is Liu Chan. I am the owner of this family. Boy, do you know who Liu Liu is? She is the daughter of our Liu family. The traitor was actually one of the men who contacted the big devil. The strong stranger who was hiding in the dark shot against the connoisseur. The other party's strength was overbearing. Even if we were an exile, there was no certainty of victory. With the safety of thousands of months after his birth, the owner decided to send his son to the primitive continent to avoid the limelight. He originally called the family's left and right arm, Qian Kun Er Lao, to **** Liu Lu to leave this place of right and wrong. I did not expect that Kun Old was also a traitor. , Sneaked into Gan Lao, and in the end, Gan Lao's death battle could only let Liu Yan flee alone. "

Speaking of this, Liu Chan ’s mouth is flying, very excited, and Xu Xuan is also very surprised. I never thought that Liu Ye was actually the daughter of the host, basically it can be said to be several respected people on this continent, presumably Now the war is over, so I ’m looking for Liuyu everywhere. If Liuchan helped find Liuyu, would n’t Liuchen make a great contribution? No wonder this guy was so excited when he knew that the Xuan family that Xu Xuan brought back from the primitive continent was a stray. Of course, since Xu Xuan is a good friend of Liu Xun, this guy pleases Liu Xun, and naturally he will be called Xu Xuan Brothers. Now, Xu Xuan is clear.

Sure enough, the words behind Liu Zen were almost the same as Xu Xuan's thinking. After Liu Ren fled alone, although Gan Lao was seriously injured, it was because his infant soul was very similar. After fighting for half a day, Kill Kun old.

The war lasted for several years, and finally ended when the demons killed more than half and one of the heads of the demons severely escaped. Now they have settled down, and the Liu family has developed well in the past two years. Therefore, the head of the Liu family began to investigate the whereabouts of Liu Ling, and his brother and Gan Lao also went to the primitive continent to find it.

However, maybe the head of the Liu family could not think of it. At this moment, not only is the Liuyuan not in the primitive continent, but it has grown up and transformed into a humanoid form. Following Xu Xuan came to this Moyuantan treasure hunt, and finally sent a ghost to send him down. When I arrived at the real Tianxuan continent, I was just unlucky and was arrested by the people in Huatian Village, and this happened.

After Liu Chan finished speaking, Xu Xuan also talked about him and Liu Yan.

"Well, the people in the Huatian team also dare to oppose our Liu family. They are really looking for death. They are already members of our royal family. They dared to fight against such ideas. The second lady who imprisoned the host was really alive. Impatient? "

Liu Zen snorted coldly, gripped his palm, and thunderous thunder blasted in the palm of his hand. At the moment, the mountains in which the entire Liu family's branch was trembling shook slightly, showing how terrible their strength was.

"Well, senior Liuzen, that white horse is not bad, after all, they haven't done too much to the girl, and please let them go."

After Xu Xuan thought about it, he could not help but pleading. If it was not for White Horse to help him, he might not know what is going on. He originally planned to just hijack White Horse and replace the white ink, but there is no doubt that it will face a lot of problems. Risk, and it is impossible to know so many things about the family, to find the family of the family, and to know who the parents of the family are.

"Boy, call me my brother, don't call me a senior. If you call me a senior again, I will really kill the people in Huatian Village!"

Liu Chan pretended to look at Xu Xuan angrily.

"Okay, Brother Chan!"

Xu Xuan couldn't help crying and laughing.


Soon, a few flashes, there were dozens of strong men in this hall. Xu Xuan was always some strong men in the early stage of Xuan Shenjing. There were actually three old men in it. Because of this, Xu Xuan was once again amazed. He used to be a frog at the bottom of the well. The Tianxuan continent, where he lived together, is just a place where birds do not shit. This is the real Tianxuan continent.

As soon as dozens of strong men came here, they were all curious Xuan, and immediately stood neatly in a pile, and one of the three old men arched to Liuzen: "Why is the owner so angry? This guy from the primitive continent, offended you? Or should I kill him for you? "