MTL - Fanatic Divine Cultivator-Chapter 527 Domineering ~ 5 more! Find flowers!

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Hearing the other side to admit defeat, Xu Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. The two guys were really strong, but the other side was careless and did not expect him to be divine. Even if the other side covered it with the smoke generated by the explosion, he could Make the other person's movements clear. Otherwise, he would not have the opportunity to attack the other person in turn.

"Oh, I can't think that this little friend's mental strength is so powerful, it's really not easy, let's go, take a trip to Huatian Village, but ah, we only promised you to go in with this girl, but didn't promise that you could be in it For a long time, you can go in for three days, and after three days, we will send you to that end of the earth. "

It was the **** woman who spoke this time. After all, they were strong men in the mysterious state. They said that Xu Xuan would follow the flow, and naturally they would not break their words.

After speaking, she was looking forward to Xu Xuan and asked, "Yes, my name is Wu Ji. This bald head is a hero, and he is a white soul. What's your name?"

"My name is Xu Xuan, and her name is Liu Yan. What did the senior's words mean? I leave after three days.

Xu Xuan frowned slightly, but did not dare to be disrespectful, arched his hands at the other side, and then asked.

"Oh, she turned out to be a streamer, yes, yes!"

What made Xu Xuan and Liu Yan a little confused, that Wu Ji had not spoken yet, but the bald big-handed man Xiongba said loudly, and after that, he nodded in satisfaction at Liu Yan.

"Seniors, if you just asked me, you haven't answered me yet!"

Xu Xuan's face became gloomy, and he felt more and more that maybe what he was about to face was not a good thing.

"Oh, you don't have to ask if you shouldn't ask, anyway, after three days, you leave and this girl stays!"

Bai Hun smiled. They didn't want Xu Xuan to follow the Huatian Village, so they made Xu Xuan the enemy. This was deliberately embarrassing Xu Xuan, but they did not expect that the two people on their side were not Xu Xuan. A human opponent, this human being is too perverted. For the first time, they know that human beings have such excellent little guys.

Not only is Xu Xuan young, but Xu Xuan also realizes a hint of will. If Xu Xuan can fully understand and master the use of it in the future, it is even more promising, so they do not want to be too Offending Xu Xuan, when he said that, he still had a smile on his face.

"No, tell me, where are my people? I'm going to find them! And, I want my brother Xu Xuan to stay with me."

With a look of anger, at this time, she didn't care if the other party was a strong **** or not. Anyway, she didn't allow herself to stay alone, and the most important thing was to let Xu Xuan leave. By now, she doesn't even know where her people are.

These people in front of her are obviously aware of her clan, but it seems that the other party did not intend to tell her now.

"Oh, I'm afraid you can't help it this time! Let's go with us, we won't take long to see you in your house."

The big man grinned, and it turned out whether Xu Xuan and Liu Yan agreed, and when he was at a loss, he suddenly appeared beside Liu Yan, and a rope immediately trapped him.

"Let me go, you bastards!"

Liu Yan yelled, his body twisted desperately to struggle, but he kept shaking the ordinary rope.

"Oh, do n’t struggle, you ca n’t get rid of it. This is Jiu Pin Xuan Bing, and besides, by the way you scold, I wo n’t care, anyway, I lived a long time, no matter how unpleasant, I have heard , I care! " The big man grinned, one hand held the other end of the rope.

"Let her go!"

Xu Xuan's figure flickered towards Liuli. At this moment, the triple effect time of his violent art had passed, and his body had been backwashed a lot. Although Xiao Tun was helping him to repair his body, but There was still a trace of blood in the corners of his mouth.

However, he did not care about his injury, no matter how powerful the other party was, and found that the other party was so unreasonable and never cared about his physical condition. He didn't think about it, but rushed out instantly.

"Oh, I didn't want to take you from our Haneda Village, but promised you something, you can't keep your promises, let's go and stay for three days, my sister will send you out."

Wu Ji smiled, Xuan rushed over, and she appeared in front of Xu Xuan in a flash. All this was so fast that Xu Xuan almost didn't respond. It was so abrupt, it was as if a person appeared in front of her. People.


However, relying on his own mental strength, Xu Xuan still felt the trace of the other party without any hesitation, but a fist blasted at the other party. At the same time, the mysterious energy in the body also appeared to him instantly. Fist above.


When Xu Xuan didn't expect it, Xu Xuan tried his best to hit the air, and the opponent flashed sideways to avoid his attack.

"Oh, your speed and response are really fast. If I weren't in the mysterious realm, I wouldn't be able to hide!"

A voice came directly into Xu Xuan's mind. In the next second, the dancing girl suddenly lifted the long and **** thigh and swept across Xu Xuan's abdomen. Out of a **** and beautiful pose.


Xu Xuan's body disappeared instantly, and the next second was directly blasted into the cliff, his entire body was plunged in, just feeling that the bones of the body were almost broken, and a burst of blood burst out. , The face was instantly white, without blood.

"Brother Xu Xuan!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Yan couldn't help screaming, and couldn't help yelling, even twisting his body desperately and blowing the colorful fortune in that body, but it had no effect at all.

"Asshole, you give me a shot. If something happens to my brother Xu Xuan, I'm not finished with you! As long as I have a breath, I must not die!"

Liu Yan yelled, his eyes filled with crystal tears, which made the old man Bai Hun's face gloomy, and his face twitched fiercely.

"Relax, little girl, we won't kill him, but we just want to make him obedient, huh, let's say, I can't handle such a delicate skin and tender meat!"

Wu Ji turned her head and smiled at Liu Yan, and her body shape appeared on the mountain wall, and Xu Xuan was pulled out of the mountain wall by hand.


Xu Xuan spit blood again, and slowly raised his head. His eyes were covered with horrible bloodshots, staring straight at Wu Ji. It was actually at this moment that Wu Ji felt a little bit in her heart. Afraid.