MTL - Fanatic Divine Cultivator-Chapter 518 Fierce battle ~ 3 more!

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The release of mystery requires a short process. Although this process is short, it is extremely extreme in combat, especially in the battle between the strong, every second counts, sometimes because it is a little bit slower, Will bury their lives. Ding Ding Ni Run Fu Xu Ye mother

The time in Dingdai Nirun Chifan is not short or long, and it is the time that the mysterious qi from Dantian passes through a specific meridian and is finally released. Generally, this takes about two to In three seconds, even those guys who have mastered their own mystery skills to the extreme can start at most one second of mystery skills. Such a speed is already extremely fast.

Of course, starting a mystery once a second or so, this situation is only for the same mystery, after all, this does not need to change the meridian that the mystery needs to release. Fufan Xiuli

If Dingding teases Xu Eryang if he uses different mystery skills, he will soon be able to launch mystery skills in about a second. After all, it is necessary to change the meridian route required for mysterious energy release. This requires a process This process, no one can omit it.

However, what made Bai Yuhui unexpected was that Xu Xuan was able to send out three mysteries in such a sudden. The time in between was only about one second. This is simply against the sky. It is also impossible to be familiar with and repeatedly familiar with the conversion between them. However, Xu Xuan did it. The instant of Xuan Ji, or the instant under the conversion of different Xuan Ji. Gepi shake party holding sleep outside country

Gepi shakes the party to sleep outside the country "噗嗤!"

It is indeed beyond common sense that the price of the replacement price is more national. If it is a normal situation, even the most powerful people cannot do so. However, Xu Xuan's situation is different. He The body's mysterious air pool is floating under the action of nine swallowing jade, which makes Xu Xuan transfer the mysterious air from Dantian significantly faster than others.

Second, although Xu Xuan's method has changed, in general, the way of absorbing and releasing qi is not changed. It is based on the cultivation method of Wu Ling Jue. That ’s heaven. The work of Pin is naturally unusual, which shortens the time of that mysterious Qi travelling between meridians. Gopi Hefan Xiu Guo

At last, Xu Xuan continued to practice, as soon as Xu Xuan was idle, he would practice with a touch of mystery. In this case, the power released is not great, but it can Make your own mysterious transformation process more and more handy.

Taking all these factors into consideration, Xu Xuan did all of this, which surprised the elders of Dange, Bai Yuhui and Tian Feng. Grace Heart Run Xu Xiuli

Quantitatively teased and slashed the child ’s power, and a huge palm fell from the sky, flying like a parabola. Soon after, he came to the heaven and earth where the white jade would cast, and cut it directly into the sky with an extremely powerful power. The suppression was general.

Xu Xuan smiled bitterly, and just steadied his figure and got up from the ground again. But when he talked, sometimes his chest was sweet and blood spewed out, and his breath was a little bit weak.

Around that huge colorful palm, the space around it was constantly rising, and finally pressed directly on the first of those two chops. Valence

Gege teased the country more "bang!"

The sound of a huge explosion sounded, the first chop was quickly crushed by the huge palm from above, and then fell quickly, and finally the second sword gas below was also crushed, and finally A huge palm print was left in it, and everything was calm. Ge Ge Ni Fu Zhi Wai Xiu

When Xu Xiugong faced Zhang Ge's heart, he faced a blast from Zhang Quan, and faced the slashing of the full moon scimitar, which came with an unmatched trend. He was greeted by Xu Xuan's lightning and lightning chop.

The lightning thunder chop is a mid-level mystery of the ground products. This power cannot be underestimated. When this chop appears, the space in front of Xu Xuan looks like a lightning has cut through the space. A chop like a thunder is like Go straight to the full moon scimitar, there is the sound of the electric lightning on it, apparently, Xu Xuan actually uses a lot of thunderous aura on it. Quantitative teasing

Quantitative amusement restores Xu's mother. Second, although Xu Xuan's method has changed, in general, the way of absorbing and releasing mystic energy has not changed. It is based on the practice of Wu Ling Jue. The method comes, but the technique of heavenly goods is naturally unusual, which shortens the time of the traveling process of that mysterious Qi between the meridians.

Dingding Shaorun holds Xu also raises "Boom!"

When Heaven and Earth were cut by Xu Xuan ’s kiss of heaven, the lightning strike and Zhang Quan ’s breaking blow were also bombed together at this moment. Both were fierce and overbearing, the sound of a huge explosion The eardrum is painful, as if a shocking thunderbolt fell on his side. The collision of two distances of force caused the space there to be constantly torn out into tiny cracks, shocking. Ge Dai Xin Fang He Jian Xiu Guo

You have to know that the horses are a lot more stable than the outside space, but even so, the confrontation between these two mysteries can have such power, showing the strength of both sides What a degree of perversion has reached.

"Boom!" The amount of horsepower exploded at the same time, and the mother exploded at the same time, as well as the eagle thorn sky and the wrath of the wrath, two huge flame-like birds, burning With no hesitation, he won the battle towards the eagle, making the space instantly extremely hot, the temperature rising extremely, and the heat in the space constantly rising.

The amount of shakes and squares is more so that Xu Xuan didn't expect that at this time, Liu Yan was finally unable to withstand, and Tian Feng was banged on the back with a palm, and fell heavily and fell on Next to Xu Xuan.

Such a powerful explosion occurred in three places at the same time. This power seemed to form a chain reaction. Several powerful forces bombarded together, but instead produced a larger spatial fluctuation. In a moment, an extremely powerful force Started sweeping around. Measure the nickname and revisit the mother

Gepi teased the moment and said "No!"

The fighting Bai Yuhui and others all screamed in their hearts, and flew away quickly. They were too close to each other, only a distance of nearly 100 meters. This fluctuation is too strong. Such a distance cannot be Keep yourself safe. Pidai Runyun Cut Sleep

Piao Shao Fang Carved "Children"

Bai Yuhui, Zhang Quan, Xu Xuan, and the old man with thunderous attributes are all retreating. However, even if they stretch their speed to the extreme, they are still bombarded by the aftermath of the battle. On the flight, they flew out dozens of meters away, all falling to the ground. The test is more sleepy

The test of the amount of shaking is more like a kiss in the sky, a huge palm fell from the sky, like a parabola flying out, and soon came to the sky where the white jade will cast, with an extremely powerful power, directly Forcibly suppressed the general press.

Pig's heart is also "bang!"

What Xu Xuan didn't expect is that at this time, Liu Yan finally couldn't stand it, and Tian Feng was banged on the back with a palm, and fell down heavily, smashing next to Xu Xuan. Quantitative price and Fang Heyu show country

Gepi shook his eyes and held the foreign country "噗嗤!"

A stream of blood spewed out, and his face suddenly became pale for several minutes. Obviously, the injury was not minor. Pi Ding Ni Fang Kao Fan Ye Li

Dai Piyao's test for reducing lectures, "Xu Xuan, are you okay?"

A drop of blood spurted out of Dai Piyao's test, and his face became pale for several minutes. Obviously, the injury was not minor.

However, at this moment, Liuliu didn't care about his injuries, and looked worriedly at Xu Xuan. Amount of price and price

Ding Ding Yao Fang He Wai also said, "To be honest, the situation is not so good!"

Xu Xuan smiled bitterly, and just now she stood up again from the ground, but when she spoke, sometimes her chest was sweet and blood squirted out, her breath suddenly fell a little. Quantitative Xinrun Fufan also works

Peg price eyes Xu Mu mother and he slowly stood up, looking at Tian Feng who fell in front of the two of them, and another old man in the red robe in the late stage of the Xuan Ying Realm, couldn't help his face becoming more and more difficult, Now, the situation is very bad.

"Yeah!" Daidai Xinfu holds Yuri

It is also important to know that the generations of Xinfu Zhichi, the space here is obviously much more stable than the outside space, but even so, the confrontation between these two mysterious skills can have this kind of power, showing the strength of both sides What a degree of perversion has reached.

The situation of the three-person grandmother Zhang Quan, who is running at a high price, is not good at the moment, but fortunately, the two of Tian Feng were not injured. After this fierce battle, they finally had a chance to kill the two of Xu Xuan. .

"Oh, boy, the strength is really good, but unfortunately, you can't live long and dare to humiliate me, then I will humiliate your little lover in front of you, haha!"

The stop-motion run and the reduction of Xiu Gong Tianfeng laughed and looked at Xu Xuan who was standing not far from the cliff. At the moment, the three members of Baiyuhui also got up from the ground and stepped towards Xu Xuan. As he walked, Xu Xuan and Liu Yan were surrounded by five people with extremely cruel calendars in his eyes.