MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 690 unforeseen circumstances

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   Chapter 690 Changes

   "Tengda...?" Guida cried out in embarrassment and weakly.

   The voice is so small that it is almost contained in the mouth.

   It actually doesn't want to touch Tengda's brows at this time, it's easy for Tengda to get angry on it.

   But it had to make a sound.

   After all, they have been standing here for three hours. During this period, Totem has thrown eight totems into those clouds.

  Eight times, twenty-four space-time totems, although the turtle doesn't know anything about this aspect, it also knows that it can't go on like this.

  Tengda's totem was created, Turtle didn't know, but the air of time and space on it was extremely rich, but it made it more and more nervous.

   The rich and clean air of this thing is not weak.

   Toss out twenty-four, how can this be good?

   If the time and space storm is not noticed, it will be worse than the situation they are in now.

   Moreover, it is not nonsense, random speculation, and look at the sky is black clouds, for the first time, those black clouds look normal, as if the storm is about to come, lightning and thunder.

   As General Teng sent in more space-time totems, the black cloud was already overwhelming.

   It was pressing down on the top of their heads for a while, and the imposing aura that it involuntarily radiated, Gui Da felt as if it was pressing in its heart, which was extremely terrifying.

   So, it had to make a sound.

   It was the furry feeling in his heart that made it more unbearable than the anger that the vines threw all over him.

  Lian Yi rolled his eyes at the turtle and hummed:

   "Okay, for your own sake, don't throw it away."

  Turtle: "…"

  Fortunately, I have spoken out, seeing what Fujita means, I still want to continue!

  Lian Yi ignored Turtle, and she thought about it while rubbing her chin.

   What went wrong?

   In fact, even if the turtle is big, she will not throw her own condensed space-time totem into it.

   Didn't you see that she stopped for nearly half an hour?

   She also felt that the air of time and space in the clouds gathered, and many of them were about to explode.

   However, in this case, it just doesn’t fall down.

   It was as if there was a shackle tightly fastened invisibly, and she hadn't found a way to unlock that shackle.

   On the contrary, there is an adventurous method, which is to embed the space-time totem into the clouds, just as the turtle is worried.

   When the clouds can no longer bear it, splash or fall, perhaps the rain of time can still immerse the whole world, but the danger is also obvious, and the time and space storm may come.

  Lian Yi pondered for a long time, still not ready to take this risk.

   Let's take a look first, shame is quite shameful, she originally thought it was a sure thing.

   But some risks can be taken, and some risks cannot be taken.

   This point has a steel scale in the mind.

   Don't look at how powerful she looks now, but her aura was greatly depleted when she created this small world.

   Even her ability to recall spiritual power is also extremely powerful, and few people can match it.

   But it can't support what she made like this.

   Now that half of her spiritual power is left, this is again in a place of nothingness. If a time-space storm strikes, it is not as convenient as the enchantment of Ranyin Mountain in Guangmei Realm.

   There is no shortage of spiritual energy there.

   She waved to Turtle and sat directly on the ground:

   "Look at this situation, let's wait."

   also give her some time to accumulate spiritual power.

  Turtle agreed, and it also learned to connect and sat on the ground.

  Lian Yi closed his eyes and sat up.

In the    small world, tranquility was restored.

  Gui Da followed along, and compared with Lian Yi, he gained a lot from this trip.

   Naturally, it needs to be chewed and digested carefully.

   Seeing how calm Lianyi is, even in Turtle, not far from Lianyi, his heart gradually calmed down.

   Slowly, it seems to feel the bits and pieces in this space again.

   But where Turtle didn't see, Lian Yi's brow wrinkled more and more tightly.

   The situation was different from what she thought.

She sat quietly, originally coveting the chaotic vitality here. She had the ability to control them before. Although she didn't know the reason, she had to strike while the iron was hot. If she could absorb the chaotic vitality and turn it into pure fairy spirit for her Used, didn't she earn it?

  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work without the turtle.

   She can still feel the primordial energy of chaos, and even incorporates them into the meridians and Dantian, but unfortunately, how to get in, how to get out.

   After several unsuccessful attempts, he had to give up.

   After all, as a human being, you can’t be too greedy.

   But she didn't want to, when she turned her attention to the small world she made with her own hands, she found something different.

   Time and space are the world.

  In the small world without time-based, it can only be regarded as space.

  Although she didn't completely cut off the connection between the entire space and herself, but in order to absorb the chaotic energy without distraction, she also cut off nine out of ten.

   just left the spiritual power needed to ensure that the entire space does not disintegrate for the time being.

   This book is nothing, a short cut off, everything in the space will not wither because of the lack of spiritual power.

   Instead, it will fall into hibernation, waiting for her next time to send her spiritual power.

   However, this is not the case in her space.

  The sound of the water is still gurgling, and wherever the water passes, the spiritual energy is alive, and the spiritual energy spreads out, and it actually drives the grass and trees in the forest to grow slowly between breaths and breaths.

  Like, this is a real world!

how is this possible?

   She probed out her consciousness again, and carefully examined every inch of this space.

   Among them, her breath is much less, and the breath of the turtle is less than hers.

   And there are many unknown ones, like a chaotic air slowly rising from the ground.

  These Chaos Qi came from nowhere, but they were invading the space she created.

   And the most incredible thing is that the gold, wood, water, fire, and soil that she laid out with her own hands, accepted it well and did not reject it!

  How could such a thing happen!

   Her face sank, and she jumped up with a "wow", which shocked Turtle.

   It also stood up:

   "Tengda, what happened?"

  Lian Yi's face was too cold and solemn, which made Turtle raise his heart again, looking at it, something happened!

   Lian Yi thought about it, but she really knew very little about the primordial energy of chaos or the flow of the energy of chaos, and she was even more unfamiliar with the place of nothingness.

   She told Turtle about the matter. After all, Turtle is a Chaos Heaven Turtle, and he probably knew more about it than her.

   Sure enough, before Lian Yi was halfway through, Turtle's face was even uglier than hers.

  Lian Yi's heart sank again, what does this mean?

   After she finished speaking, she saw that Turtle was lost in thought and did not disturb it.

  Look around for yourself, looking for opportunities to make a difference first!

   She first followed the aura that had not been completely cut off from her connection to the space, and sent her spiritual power back in, trying to squeeze out the strange chaotic aura that was occupying the magpie's nest.

   After trying it for a while, her complexion suddenly changed. This time it was not cold and solemn, but a combination of consternation and fear.

   She cut off those spiritual power supplies suddenly, and took a few steps back.

  Because, she felt the power of those unfamiliar Chaos Qi swallowing her aura.

   Those Chaos Qi are not dead, but alive, and even Lian Yi has a clear feeling that it is rapidly becoming more and stronger, and the fusion with the space she created is getting deeper and deeper.

   That's why she was so eager to get it out.

   However, her aura penetrated again, and the chaotic energy was so powerful that it actually pulled her inward.

  It is like a blood-sucking leech, and it will not let go when it smells blood.

   Moreover, her strength is incomparable. If she hadn't acted decisively and cut off her consciousness and spiritual power, she would have faced the end of being sucked up anytime, anywhere.

  No, it is not right to say that it is suction, but a fusion force that embraces all things.

   Her spiritual power entered it, and it seemed to be integrated into itself, and because of her spiritual power, it became stronger by one point.

   However, it seems that this is not something evil, it is clearly the breath of Chaos Qi.

  Although it is not as pure as this realm, the chaotic vitality is incomparably pure, but it is bigger than the turtle, and it is even more pure.

   However, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Lian Yi always feels that there are some very subtle differences between these chaotic energy and those emitted by Turtle.

   does not refer to purity, but rather, there are subtle differences in the breath.

   She always felt that she was familiar.

   In her mind, she revolved rapidly, and scene after scene quickly switched in her mind.

   What is this Chaos Qi? Where did it come from?

  Unfortunately, the time is too short, things are complicated, and she has been here for too long, asking for memory, except for the past twenty years in the land of chaos, it is also the memory of twenty years ago.

   She is a cultivator. It is good that she can remember everything she has seen and heard. However, she has so many memories and she is not sure, how can she find out so quickly?

   For a moment, she suddenly fell into a layer of fog.

   I felt that there was something crucial behind that layer of fog, but even through this layer of fog, I couldn't see or feel it, so I was very annoyed.

   For a while, he could only hold back and remain silent.

   Over there, Turtle followed the clues provided by Lianyi, and also put in the consciousness and spiritual power to perceive it carefully.

   Like what happened to Lianyi, Turtle's chaotic energy blended into it, and was pursued even more fiercely.

  Kame Dai also made a decisive decision and quickly retreated.

   However, it wiped the sweat from his head, not like Lianyi knew nothing.

   It takes one step closer to Lianyi and amplifies the volume to call Lianyi:

   "Tengda? Wake up!"

The sound of    rumbled, like a thunderbolt, blowing in Lianyi's ear.

   It can be seen that Turtle used his spiritual power.

  I don’t dare to touch it. Teng Da stood there like a stone sculpture for a while. I don’t know if I was thinking, or I was caught in an epiphany or an opportunity. What should I do if I encounter a problem?

   However, it was in a hurry and didn't care to disturb Lianyi, so it could only amplify her voice and call to see. If it couldn't, and it couldn't handle the matter, it had to forcefully wake her up.

   Fortunately, Lian Yi woke up immediately.

  The turtle was relieved, and immediately talked about what it felt was wrong.

  It speaks very fast, with a hint of surprise in its expression, as if something is chasing it.

  Lian Yi was already on guard just by looking at its expression.

   I'm afraid something has changed.

Sure enough, the turtle was three and five and two, and quickly said what it envisioned. Hearing the words in Lianyi's ears, every word seemed to fall on her head, and she couldn't find it when it was fried. north.

it says:

   "Tengda, that Chaos Qi is like Chaos Qi that has condensed space debris, that is to say, if I guess correctly, there may be a space debris that is swallowing our space!"

  Lian Yi just thought it was unbelievable, but if he was swallowed, what would happen to him.

   Before this space, Wuji Tianzun borrowed her hands to set it up.

   Does she have a second chance to create such a space?

  Although there is no basis, she also felt that she was afraid that it was impossible.

   After all, how could she not know him at all after fighting with the Promised Heavenly Venerate so many times?

   That person, who can give you one chance, will not give you a second chance.

   If he screwed up, it's gone, he doesn't care.

   If this is swallowed, what will happen to her and Turtle?

   How can you go out? !

   "How can it be swallowed, this space debris, why is it swallowing us?"

   Isn't this bullying?

   She's so good here, doing nothing!

   How did you get that ghost space fragment?

   Turtle's face was very poor, and it became more and more gray.

   "There is chaotic primordial qi in our space. This space fragment may have been hidden nearby before, and was attracted by the strong aura after the gathering of chaotic primal qi."

   The Qi of Chaos cannot be felt by ordinary people, and how can it not be felt by the space where the Qi of Chaos was originally conceived.

   For space debris, the chaotic energy is like a magnet, and they will naturally be attracted and summoned by the chaotic energy.

   There were still some words in his mouth, but he didn't say anything. Looking at Fujida's face, he knew that she understood.

   In the small space of Lianyi, there is chaotic vitality, but no time is condensed, which belongs to the lowest level of space.

   As long as the space debris is higher than it, the strong devour the weak and strengthen themselves, isn't that the case?

   even understood.

   "...Then do that? There's no other way?" She said dryly.

  The turtle was silent:

   "Unless the rain of time quickly moistens the entire space and turns it into a world full of time and space."

  Once time and space are complete, this space becomes a world, and its level naturally increases!

   As for that space fragment, Turtle has sensed it. Although there is a vague amount of time, the gold, wood, water, fire, and soil have not yet fully formed, and it still belongs to an incomplete world. Its level will naturally not have the high end of the complete world.

   Then replace it with Lianyi and its world to devour it.

   Lian Yi was silent, but wasn't he just stuck here?

  However, how could she be willing to let her watch this space be swallowed up!

   Immediately, the hand was raised, thousands of spiritual threads flew, and six space-time totems condensed in a short while.

  The vines rose high, and with a fierce pump, the spiritual energy splashed and gushed out, and the six totems flew away.

  Turtle was shocked, and heard Lian Yi's cold voice:

   "In that case, how about adding a space-time storm?"

   (end of this chapter)