MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 688 generous

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   Chapter 688 Generous

   Lian Yi didn't understand how the Primal Chaos Yuan Qi, who had ignored her for twenty years in the Land of Nothingness, suddenly favored her.

   But, Lian Yixin knew that in such a situation, it was not enough for her to make a small space to fool around.

   This time, I played Dafabet.

   With her hand, what will happen in the void?

   To create a real world, not just a space, or just a small secret realm, such a big deal can only be done by a big guy like Wuji Tianzun.

   Lian Yi has some vague guesses, all in all, there is no escape from the arrangement of Wuji Tianzun.

  Since Wuji Tianzun has long known that the Immortal Realm has this catastrophe, he also knows that the Guangmei Star Territory is the backroad of the Immortal Realm. With his temperament, it is natural to make this fact true.

   Therefore, in Wuji Tianzun's heart, her Lianyi is probably an important promoter of this matter.

  Although I have this guess in my heart, I don’t even know what to do with myself.

   Wuji Tianzun borrowed her hand, but she is not the deity of Wuji Tianzun after all, and her cultivation base is even worse than 108,000 miles!

  I only hate myself for the level I only thought of until now.

   But when she thinks back about it, what can she think clearly in her heart, there is always only this way in front of her.

   The old fox of Wuji Tianzun spoke very nicely, and he also put on a look of willingness to listen, willing to give her a chance to choose freely, like a good old man.

   In fact, this step is a pit, and Lian Yi finally understands after falling into the pit again and again. If she believes his words, then she is the biggest fool in the world.

   He has a sweet mouth and always says what he doesn't force her to do.

   What about the truth?

   What variable? what chance?

   He secretly pinches down all the opportunities she can choose.

   There is only one path in front of him, what can she choose?

   Even if her means reach the sky, Wuji Tianzun is an existence higher than the sky, and she is a poor worm who was killed by one of his fingers.

  Poor worm Lianyi took a deep breath, causing a burst of turbulence in the flying vines around him.

   In order to make his life happier, Lian Yi has long learned not to be troubled by the actions of these bosses.

  The chess pieces are just chess pieces, who made her too weak.

  If she is strong enough, Wuji Tianzun will not dare to let her be a chess piece.

   All she can do is to be herself.

  Lianyi's mood was agitated, and the face of Turtle on the side of the fright changed, thinking that Tengda's successor was weak, it quickly put out its palms, and sent out several rainbow lights one after another, merging into the vines of Lianyi.

The   7 rainbow light was injected, and the circling vines became even more imposing, and they expanded outward again.

   However, although this small world has obviously been expanded again, with the help of Turtle, Lian Yi feels a lot looser.

   Moreover, she is now able to "see" those chaotic vitality that was originally arrogant and ignored her in the sea of ​​consciousness.

   This time, Guida suddenly exerted strength, which can be regarded as a clue for her.

   She found that the chaotic energy of the turtle was fused into her spell, and the chaotic energy seemed to be attracted, and it merged in at a faster speed than before.

  The chaotic aura of Turtle is like a bait, and the chaotic auras moving in all directions in the void are small fish, and the vines she has planted are like a big pond.

   is really lively!

  Lian Yi looked at everything around her with cold eyes, her guesses were true, and she didn't let it go.

   With the help of Turtle, she even made the gestures and movements in her hands five points more complicated.

  The pure green spiritual thread was drawn out without restraint and sent into this unique small world.

   The faster she is, the more layers of gold threads appear in the green spiritual thread.

   Coincidentally, the vines were also covered with strands of gold thread.

  The vines are still spreading and growing, expanding in circles... tirelessly, without knowing the end.

   However, the turtle in the middle of it feels big.

   It felt that, above the layer by layer of vines, an invisible diaphragm was forming little by little.

   This layer of diaphragm is very slow, not because they don't want to be fast, but because they are always swept away by invisible forces.

   Somewhere, Turtle can feel the tension that pervades the void.

   Compared with the previous Fuji Xian Lianyi, as a chaotic tortoise, it can naturally perceive the chaotic vitality clearly.

  Now, I don’t know why, these days, I don’t know where the strands are hidden in the void, and it is extremely difficult to get a strand of chaotic vitality that has a great chance.

   is nothing more than the influx, they seem to be still making trouble, because of their influx, the diaphragm on Fujida's side is washed away again and again.

  The turtle looked up at Lian Yi, and Lian Yi's eyes were firm, and the repeated failures did not seem to cause any waves in her heart.

   Her eyes are shining, and she seems to have endless tenacity, no matter the storm, she will not be knocked down.

Turtle is concerned, even if it still doesn't understand, what big thing Teng is going to do, even if it can see that their favorite Chaos Primal Chaos seems to be on the opposite side of what Teng is doing, it still stands firm. On Fujida's side.

  Follow the vines and eat meat.

This word was spread among the little monsters in the Earth's Extreme Sea very early. Lianyi was easy-going. When she was young, she was in the previous life of Lianyi who carried the vine fairy on her back, and she was not bound by the fame. The sea clan of Jihai get along very well.

  Kameda often hears this and is very firm about it.

   Anyway, just follow Fujita.

  Tortoise stood aside with his eyes narrowed, his divine consciousness was released densely, and he didn't care about anything else, it just controlled the energy of chaos.

  Where it feels a little weak in the follow-up, and there is no need to remind Lianyi, it will make up for Lianyi immediately.

   Gradually, the turtle felt that the vines were flying more and more flamboyantly, and the golden threads on the vines became clearer.

   At the same time, the invisible but palpable septum above the outermost vines grew faster and faster.

   Lianyi's movements in his hands also became faster and faster.

The speed of    is getting faster and faster, so fast that the speed of those chaotic vitality rushing to destroy it gradually can't keep up with the rhythm, and the invisible diaphragm continues to grow so slowly but firmly.

   The diaphragm grew more than ten feet, and the turtle found that the speed of the vines' expansion seemed to pause. I don't know if it was an illusion. It always felt that the speed of the vines' expansion had slowed down a little.

   The diaphragm grew to more than three feet, and Turtle found that it was not an illusion before, and the speed of the expansion of those vines has slowed down, and it has become much slower.

The    diaphragm continued to grow, and grew several dozen meters, and the vines’ expansion completely stopped.

The moment    stopped, the diaphragm grew faster.

   spreads upwards and downwards simultaneously.

  The turtle blinked, and at this moment, it finally determined what Lianyi was doing.

   The end of the diaphragm could no longer be felt by Gui Da. At this time, those diaphragms seemed to have been completely formed and suddenly disappeared, and Gui Da could feel the familiar aura from above.

  This is the boundary wall!

  Fresh, nascent, and a boundary wall that feels infinitely solid.

  Turtle's big eyes flashed, covering the shock in his eyes.

  It has a lot of knowledge, and this boundary wall is different from places like the secret realm or space debris that it has seen many times.

   Compared with the space boundary walls in those places, on the space boundary walls here, the divine consciousness is invested and cannot be penetrated. However, the divine consciousness does not seem to have hit the wall.

   On the contrary, the divine consciousness touches on it, but gets lost in it, but in the depths of the divine consciousness, it does not feel any obstruction, nor does it feel any deep crisis, but what can be felt is a rare vitality and vitality.

   Yes, it is vitality.

   This boundary wall, it is alive.

   What kind of boundary wall is alive?

   This is rare. Only a world that can grow and perfect itself will have a living boundary wall.

   is like a wide eyebrow world!

   Its walls are alive.

When    was initially established, the Guangmei Realm was just a small broken space, and the chaotic vitality laid the foundation for it.

   Since then, it has grown slowly, and the way of heaven has gradually evolved into completeness. The Guangmei Realm will derive time from a small space, plants, and other creatures.

   And with this process, the wide eyebrow world is constantly expanding!

  The turtle was so excited that he couldn't control the trembling all over his body.

   What this means, no one knows better than them, who are Chaos Turtles.

   As long as there is enough chaotic vitality, it can create countless spaces.

   But space is space, and the world is the world.

   Even if there is no chaotic vitality, a formation master like Tengda can still create space.

   Array space is also space, but it would be too far-fetched to say that it is a small world.

   is just an exaggeration.

  There must be living creatures in the small world, and the premise of living creatures must be complete in time and space.

  Mysterious realm, there are many space fragments left after the fragmentation of the Great Thousand Realms and even the Small Thousand Realms that can do this.

   However, they are not necessarily alive.

   In most of the secret realms or space debris, the laws of time and space and the rules of heaven are either formed long ago, or they are the residue or continuation of the original Great Thousand Realm or Small Thousand Realm.

  The space where you can automatically evolve the way of heaven and constantly improve your own rules is called the world.

   And this kind of world is distinguished from the ordinary, that is, the boundary wall is alive, elastic and vigorous, and it can also release the wood aura that represents vitality, which is full of infinite possibilities.

   Such a world can not only evolve into the Great Thousand Realms, but also take it as the center, and there is the possibility of becoming a Star Territory!

   In other words, the one created by Fuji Xian Lianyi in front of it is not an ordinary space at all, but the predecessor of Daqianjie standing on the same starting point as Guangmeijie!

   In the future, many thousands of years later, is it possible that this Great Thousand Realm set up by Tengda may become a star field?

   In other words, the patriarch of the Chaos Turtle Clan, Gui Da, how fortunate is it to witness the formation of a world in his lifetime? !

   Turtle how could he not be excited.

  Look at the entire Guangmei world, no, look at the entire Guangmei star field, who has seen this?

   It can actually participate in it and witness it with your own eyes!

   Heaven's love!

   Turtle's excited body trembled uncontrollably, and the chaotic energy even poured out.

   It has to be a good helper and must not affect Fujida.

   Compared to the turtle, I was surprised even myself.

   But she is much deeper than the turtle.

   At least she wasn't shaking with excitement.

   Of course, this may also have something to do with how much she didn't know about Turtle.

   She just found that the space she set up this time, the boundary wall is very different.

   is full of vitality that she likes.

   She has walked through many realms, but this feeling has only been felt on the boundary walls of the Guangmei realm.

   She wasn't too excited.

   Others don't know, can she know, this is not a space that she created independently at all, but it is the "arrangement" of Wuji Tianzun.

  Produced by Wuji Tianzun, where can it go?

   However, because she worked hard to create the boundary wall, she was in a good mood.

   This means that she does not have no control over the expansion of this space.

  If she just didn't take action and forcibly created a boundary wall, then this vine space would expand infinitely.

   How is this possible?

  Lianyi remembers it clearly. Although the Primal Chaos Qi and Turtle's Chaos Qi are blessed here, in the end, she also uses the aura she poured out of herself.

   Let that space expand infinitely?

   Do you want to squeeze her into a human?

   No matter what you say, you can’t say anything!

   For the sake of her own life, she has to do it even if she thinks it is impossible.

   It turns out that the daring will die, and the timid will starve to death.

   actually made her succeed.

   Today, the prototype of this space has been basically established by her.

Although    is a bit bigger, in Lian Yi's opinion, it is still within her controllable range.

   The most difficult step, she has already come down.

So, she glanced at Turtle, and saw that although it was so excited that its face was flushed, its expression was strange, and its whole body was shocked, and its trembling did not have the temperament of an almighty cultivator. If the chain doesn't fall off, she doesn't care about it!

   Her aura changed again, and when she flipped her fingers, the spiritual line suddenly became lively from the monotony of gold and green.

   Almost instantly, and I don't know what Lianyi did, the colorful colored spiritual threads flowed out from between her, turning into dots of colored auras, and they scattered into the vine space one after another.

As a result, Guida saw that although there was already a boundary wall, but the space was still empty and dark, there was suddenly thick black soil, mountains rising from the ground, and above the mountains, there was an extra large The mouth, there is a steaming fiery breath coming out of the big mouth, and there are even sparks.

  The water flow meanders between the mountains, flows downstream, and converges into a stream.

  In the stream, the strange rocks are full of interest.

   As the water vapor evaporated, white clouds gradually rose in the sky, and above the clouds, the sky turned blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   And between the mountain streams, green grass and trees rise from the ground.

   Soon it turned into a forest!

  The turtle knows that the world is in front of it, and it is rapidly forming at a speed tens of thousands of times faster than the evolution of heaven!

   (end of this chapter)