MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 685 process

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   Chapter 685 Process

  Oyster molting was living a life of misery and torture both mentally and physically, and even his life was not easy.

  Everything in the void is so familiar and so unfamiliar.

  Lianyi wanders the whole place of nothingness every day, thinking of ways to get out.

  If she knew back then that she would have to visit here again one day, she would definitely keep a few more pieces from the magic treasure on the chessboard about time.

   Or, in her previous life, when she traced the source and taught her the art of time and space, it would be fine to listen carefully!

   Does this really answer that sentence?

   How many times has the opportunity been placed in front of her, so easy to get, but unfortunately, she doesn't know how to cherish it...

   is really annoying!

  After imprisoning the oysters, Lian Yi spent more than ten days wandering around this land every day, trying to find new opportunities to go out.

   However, the more she looked, the more desperate she became.

  Without the technique of time and space to rely on, there is no way to create a new small world, and there is no way out.

   After thinking about it for more than ten days, I finally accepted this fact.

  So, she had to make up her mind on Chaos Primal Qi.

   There is only chaotic vitality here, if she can create a new time and space with chaotic vitality, she will not be able to go out.

  Unfortunately, she has no such ability.

  The chaotic vitality of the void, even the meaning and even the perception are blurred.

  With the example of the Chongsan Middle Realm in the front, Lian Yi naturally knew that there was still chaotic vitality here.

   However, the primordial chaotic energy here is higher than what she sensed at the entrance to the Void Land.

  It is so advanced that its cultivation is so weak that it can't even feel it clearly.

  The last time she came, she didn't feel it at all.

  Lianyi knows that this is also due to the trace of chaotic vitality that was involved in Lianyi when the turtle got the chance.

   But that's it, she doesn't have any other feeling except for a vague perception.

   How to absorb chaotic vitality? how to use? How to condense it into a space that coexists in time and space?

  Lianyi really doesn't know.

   In this regard, even though it is a pity, it is expected.

Chaos Primordial Qi, unless someone like the Oyster Clan or Chaos Heavenly Turtle is born with magical powers close to Primal Chaos Primordial Qi, or, like Wuji Tianzun or Shimo Yuanzun, is already at the top of the Immortal Realm, or Those who have other adventures, the idle creatures, are sitting on the treasure mountain and want to use it, but they can't use it at all.

   Now, on her own, Lian Yi has already recognized the truth, and unless she recreates it, she should be powerless.

   It is better to put your hopes on the turtles or oysters.

  Yes, she is still the size of a turtle.

   So, Lian Yi was awake, and stayed near Turtle University every day, hoping it would wake up sooner, and on the other hand, the intensity of her daily "thrashing" of oysters became stronger!

   There are two flowers, one for each.

   The fairy world at this time is in chaos, this battle is coming too fast too fast.

   From the beginning, in less than half an hour, the entire immortal world fell into a chaotic war.

   There is no back-and-forth temptation, just hard work!

   Everyone is like a dog chasing them, from peeping at the sky to announce the sins of the Oyster Clan, to declaring that the war between the fairy and the devil has begun.

   All the heroic immortals suddenly appeared.

   There are even some people who have been missing for many years and suddenly all come back.

  A lot of immortals with relatively low cultivation bases don't know what's going on.

   But the crowd was excited, and before they could figure it out, they were caught up in the wave of the war and couldn't help themselves.

   Since then, my mind is full of fighting for the fairyland, fighting for myself...

   A group of people fell, and another group rushed forward.

   Everyone was red-eyed, and in the end, there were only enemies in their eyes.

Those who can survive in the Immortal Realm today are not hiding, suffocating and despairing for so many years, or they know right and wrong in their hearts, but the enemy is strong and we are weak, even if there is light and justice in their hearts, they can only be deeply hidden. !

  However, this time was different, someone stood up as a beacon to guide them!

   There are peeking into the sky, as well as powerful figures in legends, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and demons, all of them suddenly stood up this time.

   This is actually a long-term plan for Immortal Realm.

  I don’t know how many people and how long they have been planning.

What    lacks, sometimes is always the one who can stand up and guide them first.

   Guantian became this person, and Fuji Xian Lianyi also became this person.

  Since they are not dying, what else do they have to hide, whether they give their lives or their souls, they will also drive out these worms and foreign invaders that break their peaceful and beautiful life.

  It's okay for them to die, there is always fire that can stay in the fairyland.

   However, this battle came too abruptly, and the battlefield was destined to be sporadic and scattered.

  When countless immortals were slaughtered and red-eyed, looking for the Shimo clan and the oyster clan everywhere, some people with sharp eyes had already set their sights on those people who were sane and sane, but were actually puppets of the Shimo clan.

  A luxurious palace near the Kongji Temple has been surrounded by circles.

   These people, one counts as one, and even knows a lot of them.

   In other words, some of them are Lianyi's past lives, and Fuji Xian Lianyi knows them.

   starts with a circle.

   The main Buddhist cultivator following him, and many other cultivators and divine beasts? !

   The one who was surrounded by them in the hall was one of the rulers of the Immortal Realm.

   He didn't look the same as usual, his face was full of worry, and there was disappointment and seriousness in his worry.

   He didn't seem to believe it, why did everyone surround him, he stared at Yuan with heavy eyesight:

   "Louyuan, what do you mean? Now that the immortals and demons are fighting, why don't you kill the demons and surround this saint with so many people?"

   Master Yuan looked at the person in front of him, and the Buddhist cultivator who has always been sympathetic about the equality of all living beings has a cold expression on the corners of his eyes and brows.

   "Yuan Zhan, do you still want to keep it on? You were originally the guard of the Wuji Tianzun Kongji Temple, and you got what you are today with the help of Tianzun, but what have you done?"

   "You have betrayed the trust of Tianzun and the thousands of immortals in the immortal realm, and committed yourself to evil! Today, we are here to crusade you."

   There are such people, it is no wonder that the fairyland decays so quickly.

   After all, one of the rulers of the Immortal Realm is like a puppet of the Beginning Demon clan, how to resist the decay from top to bottom?

   Xianyu was indeed destroyed by the Oyster Clan, but its decay is not limited to the Oyster Clan.

The   oysters are only the last executioners.

  The sins committed by the Beginning Demons and these worms are also indescribable.

   Yuan Yuan stared at Yuan Zhan. He soared early, and he still remembered Yuan Zhan's appearance back then.

   At that time, how high-spirited.

  Because he used to be the guard of Kongji Temple, he naturally belongs to the close minister of Tianzun. No matter where he goes, he will receive supreme respect and glory.

   It is precisely because of his experience that he can be trusted by everyone. Since then, he can be promoted to the current position after he has cultivated successfully.

   It can be said that everything about him comes from the gift and trust of Tianzun and the immortals.

The results of it?

   He may not know that although he has always pretended to be merciful and fair all these years, his face has long been mean and inadvertently revealed.

  The Buddhists all have a pair of sharp eyes, how can you not see that this person has unknowingly gone astray, ready to step on the road paved with the flesh and blood of the immortal creatures to achieve himself!

  Today, let’s end it together.

   Sins should be buried.

  Yuan Zhan ignored him. He looked at the people around him:

   "You guys think so too, are you really going to make a fool of yourself like Liao Yuan?"

   He fixed his gaze on a handsome young man:

   "Your mythical beast family, are you going to overturn the sky? Di Yun?"

   That handsome man listened carefully to the divine beast. Although the divine beast lineage was indifferent to fame and fortune, and they managed their own affairs, naturally there were also people who were faintly headed.

   Listening to the noble bloodline, even faintly above the dragon and phoenix.

   But they are low-key in nature, and the number is too small to be known.

   The Diyun in front of him is much older than Wuji Tianzun!

   By the way, it also has a son, the little mythical beast who always likes to trace its origins.

   Today, it came here, not only to illustrate its attitude, but also to illustrate the attitude of all the divine beasts in the divine beast lineage.

  It means that it can represent all the divine beasts.

   It didn't even pay a single glance, and the long and narrow corners of his eyes flicked at will, even if he didn't give a glance, but Yuan Zhan still felt that he was worse than the mud under his feet.

   That is the feeling of humiliation to the core.

   At this moment, he suddenly remembered the days of the end.

   That is the most unbearable past that has been buried in dust.

   He Yuan Zhan once was nothing, just like a stray dog, he was picked up by the Promised Heavenly Venerate.

   However, he did not accept him as a disciple, but only made him the guard of Kongji Temple.

  What is a bodyguard?

   That is a slave.

   Did he abandon all his hard work and come here just to be a servant?

   Wuji Tianzun can obviously give him more, and he clearly has excellent talent, but he just won't give it.

   He only gets close to that cold artifact every day, and treats their guards with indifference.

The more    is like this, the visionary wants to become stronger.

  Only by becoming stronger can he step on those who despise him.

   In the Kongji Temple for so many years, he worked hard to cultivate, but Wuji Tianzun never looked down on him.

  Since he doesn't look down on him no matter how hard he tries, why should he go against his dignity to please him?

  So, he accepted the olive branch that Shimo Yuanzun handed him with peace of mind.

   became a secret chess piece buried in the Kongji Temple by Shimo Yuanzun.

   For so many years, he has long forgotten these things, and it is indeed as the First Demon Yuan Zun promised him before, he has obtained many things that he once desperately longed for but could not get.

  If you say when he started to feel uneasy, it was probably when Fuji Xian Lianyi suddenly killed Moju as a god, and he suddenly became a little uneasy.

   That uneasiness has been lurking in his heart, lingering, until Kuantian suddenly came back, and the uneasiness reached a peak.

   When he was surrounded here, he was blocked so tightly that he realized that the feeling of unease was actually like a thread after another, binding him tightly, and it was difficult to break free.

   He really didn't expect that, he didn't pay attention to those people.

   He is a quasi-sage cultivation base!

   Apart from the Primordial Demon Yuan Zun and Li Zun, he has the highest cultivation base, oh, Peeping Heaven is back, and it is also a quasi-sage cultivation base.

   However, it has never looked at him directly, so how could it come to him.

  Yuan Zhan suppressed the anger that rose when he thought of peering into the sky. With so many people in front of him, there was only one enemy in his eyes, Di Yun.

  Mythical beasts have a very long lifespan. Similarly, their cultivation is slow to advance. Listening to such divine beasts who do not like fighting and are indifferent to the world, their cultivation is even slower.

   It is also quasi-holy.

  Yuan Zhan felt that listening to the truth was not good at fighting and was not his opponent, but in the end there were so many helpers, so he had to pay attention to it.

   He gritted his back molars, what a coincidence, he just wanted to find a place to hide, and when the situation improved, he would act again, and they happened to be blocked at the gate!

  Diyun is too lazy to look at this hypocritical face, their mythical beasts are not familiar with the world, and they don't like to participate in the battles of the fairy world, the battle of the fairy and the devil, what does it have to do with them?

   As long as they stick to their own pure land.

   But, these **** are too much.

   They are insatiable, can't tolerate other creatures, and covet the treasures of other creatures, so that in the end, even the entire fairyland gave up?


   Immortal Domain is not a race of people, nor is it of the Beginning Demon clan, or even if the Wuji Tianzun is there, he is not qualified to do so.

  Diyun is actually a little regretful. It was only after Fuji Xian Lianyi emerged that he gradually paid attention to the situation in the fairy world.

   Where do you know, the more you understand, the immortal world has been ruined and there is no room for saving.

   It said coldly and suddenly:

   "What are you waiting for? So much nonsense?"

   Having said that, it has already rushed towards the far-sighted!


   In the universe of the sky, Peeping Heaven and Shimo Yuanzun stand opposite each other.

  The Primordial Demon Yuanzun was already embarrassed at this time, but he looked up at the cold young man in front of him, gritted his teeth, and he did not lose at all.

  The artifact Peeping the Sky is no better than him!

   His face was covered in blood, and his whole body had the tendency to collapse.

   They have long since left the fairyland and stood in the sky of the universe.

  Original Demon Yuanzun still had the elegant appearance he pretended to be at this time.

   He licked his blood red lips:

"Looking at the sky, you can't beat me, that formation has already consumed more than half of your divine power? How does the immortal crush taste? It's a pity, the deity knows what you think, isn't it just for your dead master? Revenge? But you have no chance!"

   "I am the only one in the sky and the earth. As long as you can't kill the deity, the deity can recover quickly. You give up, you have no chance."

Gutian naturally knows that he is at the end of the shot, but it comes with the heart of mortal death. At this time, it does not think about whether it will completely collapse. It has been thinking about how to completely kill the primordial demon Yuanzun here. .

   As Shimo Yuanzun himself clamored, if he doesn't kill him, there will be endless troubles.

   How could it possibly make the same mistake of the Promised Heavenly Venerate.

  It didn't say a word, and the Qinghui sprinkled it down, imprisoning the Primordial Demon Yuanzun in it.

   It said coldly:

   "If that's the case, how about we perish together? Let's not live!"

   (end of this chapter)