MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 682 How can it be so?

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   Chapter 682 How can you do this?

  The oyster molting has been clamoring for a long time, but not only did Lian Yi never appear, but in the end, he did not even make a sound.

  Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is only one oyster, and the cage that binds it.

  The cage is not big, Leiwei hehe, the oyster slough has already tried, it seems that no matter what it does, it can't be broken.

   It first made itself very large, and as a result, as it became larger, the cage also became larger.

One side became larger, and on the surrounding cage walls, a series of thunder whips slapped it intensively. Although it had an oyster shell, the force of the thunder whip was stronger than the oyster shell given to it by the illusionary leaf blade before. The feeling is even stronger.

   Although it didn't feel any pain on its body, it instinctively shrank under this kind of beating.

   Even, it didn't last long, and it had to shrink its body again because it was worried that its oyster shell would be broken.

  It didn't stop until it shrank and the Thunder Whip was on the line.

  Oyster Slough was actually relieved.

  Unconsciously, the oyster shell is no longer invincible in the heart of the oyster.

   At least when facing Lianyi, it has no bottom in its heart.

   for fear of breaking its oyster shell.

   Since ancient times, their oysters have lived for thousands of years and have a rich heritage.

   However, looking at the ancestors of the oyster family, it never knew that their oyster shells would be artificially damaged.

  The oysters can die, but when the body dies, the shell will remain.

   There is only one case where the oyster shell will disappear.

   is flying in the sky of the universe. Because of the lack of energy for continuous flight, the oyster shell will burn itself, exhaust itself, and finally turn into ashes.

   Therefore, their oyster clan can die, but after death, the oyster shells will be treasured and stored by the clan people.

  Why the oysters hate the vine demons so much is not only because she is always bad for them now.

   disrupts their plan to dominate the Xianyu and Guangmei Starfields.

   More because, from the beginning, her performance was different from ordinary people.

   Others will fight against them, killing the enemy, and at most plundering the treasures of the enemy.

   She was lucky, but she took the oyster shells away.

   How can you do this? !

   So, it's not that the oysters want to chase and fight the vine monsters, it's all because they don't know what to do, what's wrong with them, they are the treasures of the oysters!

   And sure enough, the oysters were shocked. The oyster shells had only been in Lianyi's hands for a few days, and she was actually able to open the oyster shells!

   How does this not frighten the oysters.

   It can be said that the act of pumping it just now was painful, but the physical pain was completely incomparable to its spontaneous fear.

Before   , it was only afraid of Lianyi, thinking that Lianyi seemed to have the ability to destroy its oyster shell, but in fact, it felt that it was not easy for Lianyi to really destroy the oyster shell.

  It understands the oyster shell, even if it looks at Lian Yi, the oyster molting does not think that Lian Yi can really break the oyster shell.

   However, since Lian Yi accidentally opened its oyster shell and slapped it hard, its belief completely collapsed.

  In the vine demon, it seems that nothing is impossible.

   Just like it never thought that their most impregnable fortresses could be easily opened by outsiders.

  Who is the vine demon?

   Was she born to fight them?

   They have lived for so many years and finally met their destined nemesis?

  The oyster sloughed out of fear and began to think wildly.

   When it was in a panic all day long, Lian Yi was still thinking about **** it.

   She suddenly found out that the oysters seemed to have weakened since she was put into the formation.

   That feeling of disregard is gone.

   Actually, Lian Yi chose to use the array to imprison the oysters, but he was not full of confidence.

Unlike other races, the oysters naturally understand space, so even if the oyster slough is regressed in strength for one reason or another, but if it is ruthless enough, I don’t even think that it can be obediently bound by the space she set up. .

   But it didn't.

   It just stood in her formation, and it was probably completely aware that it was useless to be invisible, and it had already revealed its figure.

   However, their oyster family can make the oyster shell invisible, and it will definitely be on their back for a while.

  It's just that the expression on its face kept changing, for a while it was gloomy, then gloomy, and then, red, blue, white and purple, and it changed again, and it was about to catch up with the rainbow!

   Did it come on suddenly?

  Lian Yi pondered for a moment, really puzzled.

   She always felt that whether it was the Beginning Demon Clan, including the Earth Demons and other monsters who had been fighting with her for so long, or the Oyster Clan, for some reason, they seemed to lose their senses.

  Some of them go crazy and want to die with her, and some are like oysters. At first, they are so powerful that they wilt as they fight, as if they have encountered something terrible.

   Is she the devil?

   I wasn't afraid before, how can I get more and more afraid?

   even the meaning is very unclear.

   As everyone knows, whether it is the Earth Demon, the oyster, or even the oyster molting, if she knows what she is thinking, she is afraid she will explode.

   Is this still human?

  The rattan demon has nothing in his heart.

   No self-knowledge at all.

   If it wasn't for her own unpredictable actions, the more she fought, the more methods, the more unfathomable she became, the more she fought, the more brave they were, why would they be like this.


  The vine demon is the master of killing hearts.

   The key, she is also very ignorant.

  Lianyi has never been a tangled person. If she doesn't understand, she doesn't understand. She treats enemies with simplicity and rudeness.

   Even if she sometimes plots the enemy, it is to find the weakness of the enemy. At this time, she finds that the generation gap between her and the oyster is like a natural moat, so she does not force it.

  In that case, just abuse it!

What? Victory without force?

   When the oyster tribe killed the creatures of the five star regions, why did no one think that they were invincible.

   She even intends to act for the heavens and protect the homeland. It is a just battle!

How    means, no need to be serious.

   She stared at the oyster molting through the formation, as if staring at the prey.

   It looks like a hunter is weighing how to deal with the prey he has.

   This glance, penetrating the formation, doesn't even count as looking at each other from the air, but the oyster slough still feels it.

  In the bottom of my heart, there is a steady stream of burning pain like being stabbed by a knife.

   is too hot to ignore.

  The oyster family belongs to yin, and the masculine attribute of masculinity has natural restraint for the oyster family.

   After a while, the oyster slough felt a burning pain in his entire body.

With a   sud, the perspiration all over his body oozes out.

   This kind of feeling is amazing, like being locked by something, for a moment, his mind is blank.

   In the dark, a golden-green formation was activated again, slowly rotating, holding a few spiritual threads from above, and the other end was naturally a cage that bound the oysters.

   From the outside world, you can clearly see everything in that formation cage.

   But from the inside, the oyster can't see the external situation at all.

   One after another intricate array patterns penetrated into the spiritual line, and the spiritual line shone with luster, which was transmitted to the cage, and a **** storm broke out in the array.

In the    formation, the originally golden cage wall had already darkened, and the consciousness could not be seen through.

   Then, the oyster molting heard the whirring of the wind blowing around.

Ohh Ohh ohh.

   From all directions, one after another came from the darkness.

   Then, "咻咻咻", in the whistling wind, there are thunder blades with the breath of the wind, colorful, and they ride the wind faster than thunder.

  Because of its high speed, it even has long tail feathers on the back of its tail.

   There is no beauty, only the sharpness that cannot be dissolved and the momentum that is more and more intense and cannot be swayed away.

The    momentum is used to deter the enemy.

  Sharp use to attack the enemy.

   Lianyi didn't hold back, and the spiritual energy poured out wildly, supporting the formation she set up.

   She never thought about it, what if the oyster slough could not be killed?

   Or, if the oyster is killed, what if there is no spiritual power in this void?

   She was full of eyes and had only one goal, killing the oysters at all costs.

   Killing it and destroying the oyster tribe will have a chance to reverse the trend.

   This is a battle of the stars, and she has no room for retreat.

  Oyster molting naturally cannot sit still.

   After it was frightened, it seemed to have clearly realized that if it continued like this, it was estimated that its life would be lost.

   Therefore, in Lian Yi's formation, Lian Yi didn't hold back, and the oysters who fought back were also very hard.

   Between his gestures and gestures, there is a sinister, jade-like ruthlessness.

  Lian Yi felt a little regretful, if this continued to be so dazed, even if there was a little more breath, it would be fine to stay like this.

   But, the Thunder Blade arrived, it awakened.

   However, the oyster slough is awakened, and the Lianyi at this time also has its own confidence.

Oyster Slaughter kicked away the thunder blade that had come to the front, his left hand turned into a claw shadow, and grasped the flying thunder blade with precision. The black magic energy on his claws surged, and it was like venting his anger. It was just an instant, no matter how many thunder blades there were in his claws. , will be eroded and crushed by demonic energy.

   Lian Yi's movements in his hands accelerated again, and the substantial patterns were already connected in a string, scrambling to strike on the spiritual line.

   transmitted to the formation, the thunder blade whistled and made a sharp hum.

   The colorful thunder blades rushed towards the enemy from the darkness, and at the same time, they were about to form a formation, trying to surround the three layers of the oysters and the three layers in the middle.

  How could the oyster molting make her succeed so easily.

  It swirled all over, and its position in the array kept changing, leaving only the afterimages that were connected together.

   Not only does it change its position, but at the same time, it also shoots out of the blue from time to time, sticking out a claw or kicking it out, a formation that is about to be formed will be kicked right at the gate of life by it, and it will be scattered.

  Lianyi didn't change his face at first, but after a while, he raised his eyebrows with some interest.

   It's sober and its strength has recovered. Compared with before, the style of play has completely changed.

  It has repeatedly destroyed her formation, one is that she doesn't want to be bound, and the other is that she declares to her that she can't bind it.

   It really understands space very well, and every time it happens to break the formation at the gate of life, it is not something that the Shimo clan can do.

  Thinking about it this way, but Lian Yi's eyes are full of light.

   She is also a person who is strong when encountering strong and weak when encountering weak.

  The more the oyster slough struggled, Lian Yi found that his dantian and meridians were smoother by three points, and the aura loop was even faster than before.

  Teng Xian has always been accustomed to growing rapidly in battle.

In the    formation, the speed of the Thunder Blade formation was faster.

  Oysters are also molting faster.

   For a time, they were evenly matched and evenly matched.

  The oyster sheds its shape and transforms, accurately breaking one array after another.

   But there is no relief in my heart.

  The oysters have their own inheritance secret techniques for space, but it also takes time.

   The swarming Thunder Blades approached, and at that moment, the oyster suddenly felt death.

   It wakes up instantly, its soul does not protect its body, and its survival instinct makes it bite the tip of its tongue immediately, release its blood essence, and improve its combat power at this time at all costs.

   As long as it breaks out of the formation, everything can be said, and it has the possibility of surviving.

  Rao is like this, and its combat power has not reached the level when it was just in the lower realm.

   In the final analysis, its black spear was broken. Who would have thought that the fragmentation of the space would die together with its black spear.

  Black Spear is the natal supernatural power that it realizes. This natal supernatural power is more connected with the master itself than the natal magic weapon.

   The Black Spear was destroyed, it must have been battered.

   I thought it could heal the wound, but the rattan demon didn't give it a chance.

   so much that its inherent wear and tear is really serious.

   Even if he escaped back this time, the oyster slough can almost conclude that even if there is a supplement of chaotic vitality, its cultivation will not be able to make up for it in a short period of time.

   This will use the blood essence, which will only make it more internal consumption and make it even worse.

   However, it can't do anything. Between being seriously injured and losing his life, a fool knows how to choose.

   However, the situation is still not what it expected.

   It thought that it could break out of the formation smoothly.

  Unexpectedly, the small formation assembled inside can see through the gate of life, but the cage outside that binds it, it can't see through.

   Every time it concentrates on perception, it senses a breath of life where the door is, and just wants to charge up to break it, but in an instant, the breath of the life disappears.

   At first, the oyster slough thought it was his own illusion, but it was not stupid, and over and over again, it immediately knew that it was different.

   The formation set up by this rattan demon actually moves.

   And it changes, there is no pattern.

   Originally, Shengmen may be directly in front of it. It was about to move, and the breath of Shengmen disappeared. The next time I felt that it was more than a star and a half away from the previous place...

  Oyster's heart is like a stormy sea, and he has learned to be smart on the face, and he doesn't dare to show the slightest.

   Today, it clearly feels that it is in a bad situation.

   is a disadvantage, and if the enemy finds out, it may die faster.

   But he didn't want to, no matter how fierce and well-informed it was, its enemies wouldn't be very good at looking at people's faces.

   Just as it spun cleanly and neatly once again was about to break through a gate of life that was gathering, a crisp green vine suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The green vine was whipped towards it like a whip. The force was so strong that it had an oyster shell protection body, but it seemed to be whipped on its fragile body. , it was so fast that it stumbled.

   It is not good to be straight in his heart.

   Sure enough, in an instant, another high formation wall stopped it in the middle!

   (end of this chapter)