MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 679 Shengmai

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   Chapter 679 Life Vein

   Facts have proved that Lianyi does have a grudge against the abyss.

   No matter how much she resisted, she still fell.

   is totally irresistible.

  If there is anything to be thankful for, it is that the strength that bound her has disappeared since she fell.

   Her reaction was not unpleasant. Before her body had fully recovered, a vine reached up from her fingertips with lightning speed, trying to hook something.

  Lianyi's plan was very clear, the space she was in was cracked before, there must be space fragments, as long as she hooked a little fragment, she would have the ability to climb up with that fragment.

   Being torn apart by space debris or being sucked into space debris is better than falling into nothingness.

  The vines flew away, like a green lightning bolt, but nothing was hooked, and even the meaning was despair.

   She was so angry that she didn't want to speak.

  Is this intentional, this emptiness is inherently incompatible with her, right?

   She just fell down, and there was nothing on it!

   She raised her eyes and saw that the entire falling gap on it was filled up, as if it had never appeared.

   If it wasn't for her own experience, she would think it was an illusion.

   Surrounded by darkness, nothing can be perceived.

   This is so familiar that Lian Yi wants to go into a rage, it's a place of nothingness, that's right!

   is where she, Huanhuan and Xuexue took a hundred years to go out.

   The time she was able to go out before was a stroke of luck.

   She created a small world where time and space coexist.

   From the exit of that small world, she returned to the Guangmei world smoothly.

   This time, there is neither a chessboard nor a chess piece, so she can break through a space, but if there is a lack of time, it is not a small world at all, how can she get out.

   Furthermore, let her stay here for a hundred years, and the outside has probably been occupied by the Oyster Clan.

   How can she feel at ease?

   Almost instantly, she analyzed her situation clearly, and then her forehead became irritable.

   This is really not going well.

   When she met the Oyster Clan, she felt that she was quite unlucky.

   First encountered an oyster, detonating the battle between the fairy world and the Guangmei world.

   She is still in a dream, it feels very unreal,

   Another oyster molt, and she was thrown into a place where birds don't poop.

  Thinking of oyster slough, yes, there is also oyster slough.

   She fell, and the oyster should be there.

  Thinking that the oyster molting black spear was gone and was badly injured, Lian Yi thought this was a good time.

  If it is nearby, take the opportunity to kill it first!

  Lianyi doesn't want to go out for the time being, so he's wholeheartedly looking for oysters.

   Outside, the huge vortex that was standing upright suddenly seemed to be cut off by another thing in the middle.

   The real person Qianyuan's pupils shook greatly. He was on the island, and his cultivation was not low, and he could see it very clearly.

   He knew that in this underwater world, in the process of fighting against the enemy with powerful seniors, the situation must have changed.

He couldn't see how the    changed, he just knew that under the interception, even if it fell on his hidden island, it would be doomed.

   has long been prepared to die, and at this moment, he is still fearful and nervous for no reason.

   That's all, he will die, and he will be a hero again a hundred years later!

   Just when he was full of grief and prepared to take the whole island to die generously, the vortex suddenly disappeared.

The    rises quickly and falls abruptly.

   Those sea waters were not photographed as fiercely as they had predicted.

   But... like a huge hole in the sea, and then the water went straight and fell.

   Looking at the calm sea in just half an hour, Qianyuan Zhenzhen only felt that his heart was pinched in mid-air, unbelievable and inexplicable.

  The sea is still the same sea that it used to be. Somehow, Qianyuan Zhenren suddenly didn't recognize it.

   Not to mention that Ru Qianyuan and the others have hidden worries in their hearts, they are afraid that when the sea water will make a comeback and make a big splash again, I don’t know if there will be such good luck next time.

   Most of the people who saw this scene were the ones who survived the catastrophe, and the excitement of recovering a life from the desperate situation that they thought would be fatal is unforgettable in this life.

   also gives some more profound people some confidence that things will turn out better.

   They couldn't guess how the fierce battle would take place under the sea, but instinctively felt that at this moment, the raging tide that was about to pour out was suddenly curbed.

  The big bosses are fighting fiercely, and they still remember pity for the common people, which shows that the powerful monks in the Guangmei Star Region are very powerful and compassionate.

   This unprovoked cause suddenly ignited confidence and hope in the crowd. They could not participate in this battle and could only pray silently.

   Pray that the monks in the Guangmei Star Region can continue to be brave and defeat the enemy.

   Such prayers and expectations form a strong will.

  They are illusory and scattered throughout the Guangmei Star Field, invisible, colorless, and shadowless, but they can return to the monks like a blessing, giving them a little bit of indescribable luck in the battle.

   This is the gift of heaven.

  There are variables among variables, and everything has variables.

  Until the last moment of the conclusion, the outcome is unpredictable, and it is difficult to say.

  Lian Yi had been searching for a long time in the void, but he could not find the oyster slough.

   She frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

   A place of nothingness, nothing, and it is very large and inexhaustible.

   However, she still felt that there was something wrong with not being able to find oysters.

   She and the oyster molt are very close and shouldn't be too far apart.

   She even found Turtle who was still sleeping, but did not find the oyster molt.

  The turtle was still asleep at this time. There was a greenery all over his body, and there was a large translucent cover with green leaves suspended on it. It was like a large floating bubble.

   This green hood is naturally a formation set up by Lian Yi, and it has not disappeared when it arrives here, it is still fixed in place.

   It's just that Lian Yi can feel the consumption of the top-quality spirit stones.

   When you reach the place of nothingness, you have nothing and no spiritual energy. Isn’t it more difficult to maintain the formation?

   There is also a turtle, if it needs to draw aura from the outside world, the formation she set up will collapse before it knows when.

  Lianyi didn't go too far, even though she disliked Turtle, who was holding her back.

   However, since she is with it, it is only when she is unable to protect herself. Although there are many crises at this moment, she is not at the point where she is unable to protect herself. Shouldn't she take care of one or two?

   In case that **** Oyster Shelter suddenly popped up while she wasn't around and killed Turtle... Then wouldn't she have to die.

   However, Lian Yi's cultivation base is now more advanced, and he can't speak on the same day as the last time he was in this emptiness.

   Her consciousness is even stronger, relying on wood juice, spirit replenishing liquid and even immortal spirit stone, even if the outside world cannot give her aura replenishment, she is not stingy.

   Furthermore, the spiritual energy she needs now is only a drop in the bucket from the outside world, and she is not lacking that much.

  The radiation of spiritual consciousness is continuous, that is, there is no oyster slough.

   This is not normal.

   Lianyi suspected that the oysters were hiding.

   Xu yes, what kind of invisibility?

  Since Lianyi knew that oyster shells can be used as star ships, Lianyi's positioning of oyster shells has changed.

   Originally thought it was indestructible.

   Now, she unconsciously puts some of the features of the starship she refined onto the oyster shell.

   All starships are concealed.

  For example, the star ship made by the Guangmei Star Region uses a hidden formation method and an oyster shell. Maybe there is a natural hidden supernatural power secret method?

  Lianyi's expression didn't change, she just stood there, her brows furrowed, as if some confusion had not been resolved.

  The oyster slough in the dark is actually not far from Lianyi, and is naturally within the range of Lianyi's consciousness.

   It naturally didn't know that Lian Yi was already doubting whether the oyster shell was concealed, but even if it knew, it didn't think it was afraid.

  A place of nothingness, oysters are not afraid.

  The so-called place of nothingness is just what the people here say.

   For the oysters, this place is called the place of birth.

  Everything starts from here.

   includes Chongsan Middle Realm.

   If you say that the middle world of the third level is the root system of the fairy world, if the middle world of the third level is not good, the fairy world will be finished.

   Such a place of nothingness is actually the initial appearance of the Chongsan Middle Realm.

   When the entire Guangmei star field is fully mature and no longer condensed into new space, the entire void will gradually take shape, emerge from hiding, and stand at the very center of the entire star field.

   Today, the nothingness of the Guangmei Star Region is still in the growth stage. Naturally, it is not like the Chongsan Middle Realm of the Immortal Realm. It has already passed its heyday, and it can no longer condense and condense into a new space, and gradually become decayed.

   Such a place of nothingness, in the eyes of Li Rui, is naturally a priceless treasure with inestimable value.

   And there is something that others don't know about in the middle world of Chongsan, which has not yet been fully finalized.

   That is the lifeline.

   Shengmai is actually different from Lingmai.

  It is not tangible, on the contrary, it is intangible, scattered throughout the void, gathered by the oyster tribe.

   What exactly is this lifeline, in fact, it is the chaotic vitality condensed together.

   Super star domains like Xianyu or Guangmeijie can automatically grow new secret realms, small thousands realms, and even big thousands realms.

   These all require chaotic energy.

   Chaos vitality naturally comes from the void.

   However, any super star field can "grow" a new secret realm, even a small thousand realms or even a large thousand realms, naturally it is not eternal.

  There is nothing eternal in the world.

  The development and expansion of all things is not eternal either.

  For a world like Immortal Realm that has already matured completely, its expansion has stopped, and the Chongsan Middle Realm is hidden and revealed, which means that Immortal Realm no longer has the ability to "grow" new space.

   In other words, all the chaotic primordial energy accumulated in the Immortal Realm has been transformed. Except for the chaotic primordial qi reserved in the Chongsan Middle Realm, there is no more chaotic primordial power.

   And those chaotic vitality reserved in the Chongsan Middle Realm are also useful.

   They are used to protect the fairyland when it is completely destroyed by the catastrophe, and save the fire.

   is still compared to the fairy world. As long as the fairy world does not become a ghost in the sky, even if the creatures are dead and dead, it is not a real death.

   The primordial chaotic energy in the Chongsan Middle Realm will be completely released and used to revive the Immortal Realm, but the level of the Immortal Realm will drop a lot.

Will    shrink, or even become a small thousand worlds, wandering in the sky, to see how much chaotic vitality is left!

  The place of nothingness is different. Compared with the chaotic energy in the Chongsan Middle Realm, in this place of nothingness, there are many chaotic energy that will become secret realms, spaces and even the world in the future.

   This endless and steady stream of chaotic vitality, escaping in the entire void, is what the Oyster Clan is bound to obtain.

   They are all scattered in the void, impossible to catch.

  However, the oysters are able.

  Like those sea lice, the oyster family removes the oyster shell, and their body is sticky.

  The viscous oyster liquid can contaminate, absorb and store the chaotic energy.

   In a super star field of the same level as the Guangmei star field, in the empty land, if a hundred oyster tribes with cultivation like the oyster slough are allowed to absorb the chaotic energy day and night.

   It will be completely exhausted in ten years.

   And the chaotic elemental force is gathered by the oyster tribe to a certain amount, and it will condense into one thing with the length of the thumb and the length of the silkworm egg.

   This thing has no spiritual intelligence, but it is born with a spirit and can move.

   This is the lifeline.

  Oyster slough originally thought that to kill Lianyi, he still needed to find a place of nothingness, and even at the entrance of the place of nothingness, the oyster clan also missed it time and time again.

   But he didn't expect that in the middle of the fierce battle, he accidentally bumped in.

   How can it not be excited.

   That was just crazy.

   What I thought for a while was that the sacrifice of its black spear was too worth it.

  Although it's not easy to awaken such a magical power, but in exchange for a place of nothingness, Oyster Shatter thinks it's worth it!

   However, it is not stupid, even if it wants to take the opportunity to end it, doesn't it know that its vitality is badly damaged and needs healing.

   Naturally refused to show up.

   Therefore, it simply restrained all its aura and quietly dormant.

It seems that there is nothing here, there is nothing, just because they can't perceive Lianyi, because the void space is too large, those strands of chaotic vitality are still in the initial state of Hongmeng, not to mention the vine fairy Lianyi, it is the first demon Yuan Zun couldn't even perceive it.

   Only they are blessed with oysters.

   As long as you give it some time, it doesn't take long, after three hours, it can use a little chaotic energy to make up for the damage suffered by the black spear.

   At that time, it will not be afraid of her any more.

  Thinking like this, an unrecognizable dark light flashed around the oyster shell around it, and it seemed to be hidden deeper.

   When it lurked deeper, Lianyi moved again.

  The emerald green vines spread out with her as the center!

  In all directions, the more you explore, the farther you go.

  The vine spreads and grows gradually, and the leaves on it slowly converge, and the longer it grows, the denser it becomes.

  Suddenly, Lian Yi's eyes lit up, and thousands of leaves on the vines floated away from the vines.

   Looking closely, the leaves are not completely independent, and each leaf is connected by a two-color spiritual line that is as light as silk, gold and green.

  It was so dense that it formed a huge net that covered the sky and the earth.

  Oyster slaughtered in his heart, only to feel that the situation had changed abruptly, and the big thing was not good.

   (end of this chapter)