MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 656 vortex space

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   Chapter 656 Vortex Space

   Carrying the oyster shell, everyone got closer to the black vortex.

   The closer you get, the more intense the feeling of being imprisoned and being torn apart wildly and unable to break free.

   This kind of tearing power is indeed very unfriendly to human cultivation.

  Assessed with Lianyi's eyes, if there is no shell to wrap them, even if there is a Nascent Soul's physical or martial cultivator here, they may not be able to retreat from this tearing force.

   Such injuries as Zhenjun Weirui are considered good.

  Lianyi knew that the power of this tearing was all revealed from the black vortex.

   When she was inside, what she felt was the squeezing force. Unexpectedly, outside the black vortex, the suction force was tearing at everyone.

  Yes, that strong suction has always existed, just like the feeling of Lian Yi and the oysters in the tunnel, but the suction here is much smaller and scattered.

  Simply put, the black vortex looks like a dragon circling straight up and down.

   Everywhere on this dragon, suction escapes from it.

   And the giant dragon was circling, and the suction force revealed in it was twisting and twisting, and the feeling imposed on the people in it was pulling the monk's body from different directions, and it felt like a crazy tearing.

With such strength, a few people accelerated their speed towards the direction of the black vortex, flying sand and moving rocks. If someone looked at it from the outside, the speed of each of the water vortices was amazing, and they were different in size. They either converged in one place, or separate again.

   The water inside is turbulent and turbulent, and the cultivation base is low and weak, and he is dizzy when he looks at it, how dare he take a step forward.

   Even if you don't get close, you can see the rushing water, like an evil beast, whoever gets involved is afraid that there will be no return.

   even meant that they had already penetrated deep inside.

  The eight people still looked calm, but the tighter and tighter oyster shells closed showed that their path was getting harder and harder.

   The oyster shell that Lian Yi was carrying was still intact.

   It wasn't that she was trying to show off.

   On the one hand, she feels that she can resist the current tearing force, and her Heavenly Gift Formation has not been used to the extreme.

   On the other hand, Lian Yi wanted to feel the tearing power more.

  After all, once the oyster shell is completely wrapped, Lian Yi is sure to ensure that he can keep a little ear and eyesight within the oyster shell, but it is always this thick shell, it is not as comfortable as the eyes.

  No, the deeper he went, in addition to feeling the aura of the power of space, Lian Yi also felt a hint of gloom.

   Yin cold, the extreme cold, even the mind itself, can't bear it, the kind of cold that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

   This feeling is too subtle.

   seemed to escape from the black vortex along with the suction.

   The difference is that the suction force has become a tearing force, constantly sparring their bodies, and the extreme coldness quickly melts into the sea water and disappears just like that.

   If it wasn't for Lian Yi's keenness, and the fact that he was too close to the circling black dragon, Lian Yi would not have felt the fleeting and vague coldness of this idea.

  What exactly is this cold air?

   Lianyi has no solution for the time being.

   Until the soaring black dragon-like vortex was about ten steps away from Lian Yi and the others, Lian Yi estimated that everyone had reached the limit, so she closed the oyster shell first and threw it into the depths of the vortex.

   Seeing her like this, the seven people behind closed their oyster shells one after another, and after them, they also plunged into the pitch-black, imposing black vortex.

As soon as    entered, all kinds of ripping forces rushed towards him from all directions, and he was caught off guard and washed away seven or eight oyster shells.

   Lian noticed it, only to find that this vortex is not crowded.

In it, it is a chaotic darkness, and the consciousness is not clear, but I just feel that the black vortex is very empty, as if it is a little bit like the feeling that she fell from the fairyland along the way, and there is a strong intuition. , the dangers of the unknown here are greater than they may have been before.

As soon as    came in, it was washed away, and even the consciousness attached to the oyster shell had clearly felt it.

   And this dispersal, really can only take care of each person first.

   is the meaning of connection. It is impossible to estimate or predict everything in it. It only feels that it is more and more unexpected.

   You can only have your destiny.

   Even Yi Quanfu was in this vortex space, and it was not the first time that she had been left alone in a dangerous situation. She had no time to complain and be afraid.

   On the oyster shell that belonged to her, a little green light flashed, and on the wall of the black oyster shell that no one was looking at, thin vines spread like a living thing.

   This is a ray of Lianyi's soul.

  The oyster shell is impermeable, and Lian Yi doesn't know how the oyster and other oysters hide in the oyster shell to see the outside world. Anyway, she put herself in the oyster shell and can't see the outside world at all.

  How can this be done, when you can't see anything, you still come to this vortex space?

   Isn't that courting death, Lian Yi couldn't do such a stupid thing.

   So, how to arrange his own consciousness on the oyster shell without being interrupted by external forces is something that Lian Yi has been pondering.

   Tried it today, and she was quite satisfied.

  The oyster shell is as before, "following the current" in this vortex space.

   In this so-called black vortex, there seem to be countless hands, and it is one thing for them to fight with each other on weekdays. Now that there are external invaders, they have not become united, as if they are robbing some interesting toys.

  You push me, I pull you, and he kicks.

   Fortunately, the shell of the oyster is really strong, otherwise, needless to say, tearing and squeezing, it will be "snatched" like this, and it will easily fall apart.

Around   , he couldn't even perceive the shadow of his comrades.

   I don’t know where everyone was scattered.

  Lian Yi made himself calm, and felt everything here with his heart.

   Now this oyster shell is controlled by her, although it is still not transparent, but compared to the previous time in the oyster shell, even the external feeling is more clear than in the oyster shell.

   Although it is not as good as without the shell, but because of the blessing of divine consciousness, her five senses are one, and what she sees, hears and hears is completely different from before.

   This is enough.

   Not to mention other things, as soon as he came in, Lian Yi felt that eerie cold feeling immediately.

   She didn't know if the cold air was in this vortex space when she was in the oyster shell last time.

   However, this time she felt it.

  The oyster shell completely enveloped her. In fact, her body was not corroded by the cold air, but she naturally felt a ray of divine soul entangled in it.

   This kind of gloomy cold was transmitted directly from her soul to her body, making her frown more and more tightly.

  It’s okay if the junction is not there. This vortex space looks huge. If you look for it again, Lian Yi is still confident that he can find it.

   But what happened to the water in this vortex space.

   Where did the coldness in it come from?

  Why this water gave her a completely different feeling from the seawater in the polar seas.

   Lian Yi only thought it was strange, and he couldn't tell the reason at once, but only felt that there were many mysteries.

   Not only is this icy coldness that is so cold that it has always been everywhere in this water.

   In this one, compared to outside the vortex space, the perception of these strange forces is now clear and certain.

  Here, the power of space that she has been sensing since three years ago has always existed.

   In other words, after entering this vortex space, only to find that there is all the power of space here.

   But although it is the power of space, it is not the same as what she thought before.

   even thought that the power of space he felt when he was with the oyster before was the power of space in the Guangmei world.

   But now it seems that it is not.

  Because, the power of space seems too chaotic.

  The power of space exists in every space, whether it is complete or incomplete.

Strictly speaking, the naturally formed space is much higher-level than the formation, because the space condensed by the formation is artificially created, there is no endless supply of the power of the five elements, and there is no time to exist in it. , is not long-lived, is bound to be exhausted.

   However, some of the truths implied in it are the same.

   For example, any space, no matter what kind of space it is, contains unique space power.

   Just like everyone has their own breath, it is unique to everyone.

   The same goes for the power of space.

   The power of space that belongs to the same space, their "breath" matches, even if they form their own orbits and are scattered everywhere, once they are blended, they can be smoothly and completely integrated in one place.

   And obviously, the forces of space here are intertwining, squeezing, fighting with each other... they just don't merge.

   Therefore, Lian Yi felt that there were clearly multiple spatial forces coexisting in different spaces.

   And it is precisely because of the coexistence of various spatial forces that they feel the suction, squeezing, and tearing power.

   Once in the Second Fire Realm, Lianyin knew about space debris.

   is very similar to the situation today.

  Each space fragment, although incomplete, has its own space power.

  Different space fragments, the power of space is naturally incompatible with what is seen today.

   After these forces of space encounter each other, they will pull and fight endlessly, especially if there are foreign objects in them.

   They will keep pulling the foreign objects that exist in them and pull them into their own domain.

   This is the tearing feeling that Lian Yi and others felt before.

   Back then, when Lian Yi was still a cultivator of pill formation, he heard a change in the color of space debris. If he was facing a great enemy, he had no power to contend.

   Now, although he is not easy to handle, he can lead a group of people into it, and he has not even suffered a single injury, which is an incredible improvement.

   Not only has the power to tear, but also the suction of space.

In this vortex space, it seems that there are countless invisible and different small spaces here, they are unscrupulously releasing the power of space, not wanting to **** them all into their own domain, or want to dismember them and tear them apart. Into a piece, easy to eat.

  The oyster shells are still dangling in it, tossing and turning, without a moment's rest.

  Lianyi was wrapped in oyster shells for a while, and was still falling while being torn apart by the force of space.

   As for where it fell, I don't know.

  The junction is still missing, and there are more hidden spaces and cold air that come out of nowhere.

   In the vortex space, there are still many secrets that Lianyi does not know.

  Lianyi suddenly remembered that when she was with the oyster, she hid in the shell of the oyster, and as the squeezing force disappeared, Lianyi finally fell into the sea of ​​​​the earth.

  Why does the squeezing force disappear?

   Did the black vortex disappear, and the squeezing force disappeared?

   She clearly remembered that before she came in, the sea clan told her that the black vortex was about to disappear.

   So now what?

Has    disappeared?

If    disappeared, would it be possible to throw them back into the extreme sea?

   How does this work?

   She hasn't found anything yet, so she can't go back.

   Lian Yi was a little confused, but she never sat still.

   On the oyster shell, the pattern of the vines spread again, and the oyster shell, which was still drifting with the flow, suddenly changed its travel route and became active.

  Originally, the force of space was pulling around against the oyster shell, causing Lianyi to fall, and the speed was not fast.

   At this moment, since he sensed the power of space, Lian Yi began to seek the way of survival in the cracks.

   She hides in the oyster shell and can't do much else, but she can still dodge the power of space.

  Where there is the power of space, avoid it in advance, and the speed of her falling becomes faster and faster.

   She felt that the direction of the whereabouts might be the direction of the junction, and the direction that went deep into the vortex space.

   If you can go deep inside, it will not be easy to be squeezed out.

  So, she really tried her best to get in.

   At the same time, outside, the black vortex that runs straight from the sea to the bottom of the sea is getting smaller.

   The speed is also very fast.

   Originally, when Lian Yi and several people entered, they were like a giant dragon, hovering between the heavens and the earth, with a majestic aura.

  Lian Yi and the others entered for only a quarter of an hour, and the black vortex rapidly shrank.

   Then, without a cup of tea, it completely disappeared in the moment.

   nothing left.

  The scene of flying sand and rocks, and the surging sea water stopped in the blink of an eye, revealing the original face of this sea area.

   It seems that the subversion and tossing of the past did not exist.

  The sea clan is commonplace, and the black vortex comes and goes in a hurry, that's how it is.

   However, what they are worried about is that the black vortex is gone, so where are the people in it? Are you still alive?

  The Sea Clan comforted herself, Teng Da did things for her own reason, and she was lucky, most people in the Sea Clan thought that she would not die so easily, and would not seek her own way.

   However, once the black vortex disappeared, their hearts were inevitably tightened.

   Originally thought that when Xu Da and others entered it, the black vortex would always exist, at least until they came out?

  Unfortunately there is none at all.

  So, where did Fujida and the others go?

   But suddenly, not far from the disappearance of the black vortex, several black things suddenly appeared.

   All the demons were shocked when they saw it, it was an oyster shell!

   (end of this chapter)