MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 640 Block the secret

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   Chapter 640 Blocking the Secret

  Lianyi fled all the way, and there were continuous formation traps on the road.

   In the process of getting closer, the oyster and magic resistance also stepped into the trap one after another.

   It's not that they are not guarded, but the formation created by Fuji Xian Lianyi, which has been integrated with the mountains and forests, and cannot be guarded against.

  In the surrounding forest, thousands of arrows flew out silently from all directions, enclosing the two of them right in the middle.

  Unfortunately, although the arrow was dangerous, the movements of the two were also very sensitive, and their bodies turned sharply. Except for the sleeves of the magic resistance, the sleeves were lifted to a star and a half, and the oyster came out without damage!

After    came out, it didn't wait for magic resistance, and stepped out in one step!

Then, it felt that the surroundings were dark again, and the scene changed suddenly, a black cloud pressed directly over its head, thunder roared, and the head fell down, and even in the space, hailstones the size of fists also smashed from the sky. Down.

The oyster anaconda jumped, and it was already in the air. The right hand turned into a claw. It was not afraid of the thunder force in the thundercloud. It grabbed the thundercloud and pinched it. Swinging, several sharp knives flew out, and the cracking sound like "thorn, thorn" sounded, and the sky light ingested, and the fusion formation of Lianyi was broken.

  The oyster came out, and happened to see the figure of the magic resist coming out from another place, and the two met again.

The magic resistance is a bit more embarrassing than before. This time, the sleeves on both sides have been cut in half, the face is even more gray, and the hair is no longer meticulous. It can be seen that the ambush of Lianyi has a real impact on the magic resistance. Not small.

   After the two looked at each other, they still went their separate ways and chased after Lianyi, but only they knew what they were thinking.

   The two of them knew very well that the other party wanted to kill them, but now they just have more important things to do.

  Feng Xian is not easy to catch.

   Now, her counterattack has caused them more trouble, and in this response, the two inevitably have some contrasts in their hearts.

   After all, it is tacit, and after the resolution of Fuji Xian's connection, the relationship between the two can no longer maintain the surface calm, and it is inevitable that you will die.

   With such subtle thoughts, when you see each other, it is inevitable that you will weigh something in your heart.

   Now it seems that the oyster is very contemptuous, and the magic resistance is simply delusional. I still want its life like this, and I don’t know who gave it the courage and courage.

If it was the magic resistance side, it felt uncomfortable in its heart. It was mostly vicious. In fact, it could not be said to be a scumbag. Unfortunately, the brains and brains are clever, and the oysters are the next oysters. The person who respects the popular candidate is completely incomparable.

  's face has already brought out the color of resentment.

   I don't know which one I hate.

   It was faint, and there was some fear. It was estimated that it was regret. Why did you provoke such two difficult people in the first place.

   It still hits two? !

  Speaking of which, it is just that it is not greedy enough to swallow an elephant.

  The two continued to go deeper.

There are countless array traps laid out along the way. The distance between magic resistance and Lianyi has already widened, but the distance between the oyster and Lianyi has always maintained a kind of me in your consciousness and you in mine. status.

   Even the meaning is actually a bit depressing.

   In her haste, she set up formations step by step, and she was naturally fighting with the idea of ​​consuming the strength of the two.

Of course, the magic resistance is about the same as what she expected. Her thunder power is naturally restrained against the Beginning Demons, and the magic resistance is more than vicious. Face-to-face, she may not be able to beat her, but with formations and traps, that is A pit it is a quasi.

   But that oyster clan is much more powerful than magic resistance, it bit her hard behind her, and just didn't let go.

  Lianyi's original plan was to separate the two of them, and then go back around and destroy each of them.

   Now, she feels that the opportunity to kill the magic resistance has come, but she can't shake the tail at the back, how can she turn around?

   Lian Yi cursed the oyster half to death in his heart, and he was planning something in his heart, and unknowingly, he went deeper and deeper into the Wuyan Mountain!

   But he noticed the surprised expression of the oyster behind him.

   It seemed to pause for a while, and at the same time, a sea louse in its hand flew out. It turned its head and went in the direction of the magic resistance behind it.

  The sea louse was extremely fast, and he figured out the location of the magic resistance very quickly.

The    magic resistance's face was already extremely gloomy, and he became more and more angry.

   When it saw the sea louse coming over, it seemed to be stunned for a moment, then flipped its fingertips, and a little blood came out, and the sea louse stopped on its fingertips.

   After a while, the magic resistance also changed greatly, and the whole person suddenly jumped up.

   That hurried roaring posture was simply burning his eyebrows.

   It seems to have made some sort of deal with sea lice.

   Sea lice fly in front, magic resistance behind.

   In this way, it has avoided some traps, but it is unavoidable, its movements are bigger, and the injuries on its body are heavier.

   He was just messy before, but now he has passed through the trap of the formation, and he is already covered in blood.

   It can be seen that it has been disregarded, and a crazy color flashes in its eyes, as if there is something more important than injury to do.


Originally, she didn't care too much about the situation in this mountain. The wood immortal aura possessed by the plants and trees in it had long since been broken, and the trees in this area can only be regarded as ordinary spiritual trees. There is no primitive and pure wood immortal. With the blessing of spiritual energy, it is not easy for these trees to transform into spirits.

   Naturally, she wouldn't pay much attention.

   Now that she has escaped into the depths of Wuyan Mountain, her brows are furrowed, and she always feels that something is wrong.

   Inside, under the layers, the atmosphere is mixed.

  She took a deep breath, all five senses opened, and she recognized it carefully.

   found that this is in the breath, and it is actually rich in content.

  Extremely pure demonic energy looms over here, this demonic energy is pure, like the aura of a high-level monster like magic resistance.

   Moreover, this demonic energy is obviously not owned by one person, it is endless, lingering in this mountain spirit.

  The other thing is that the oysters have a salty smell.

  This aura is different from the devilish energy.

  The breath left by the Oyster Clan has almost disappeared. If it weren't for the fact that the five senses were really sensitive, they would have been deceived by other auras and ignored the Oyster Clan aura.

   The most important thing is that there is anger mixed with it.

   That is a kind of life breath, which is different from the grass and trees in the mountains, and it is also different from the dead breath, which can only be found on living creatures.

   This kind of anger has been in the depths of Buyan Mountain.

What does    indicate?

   Explain that there may be people, no, there are monsters or oysters.

   Only if you stay here for a long time, or are still here at present, will this kind of vitality remain here.

  Who is it?

  Lian Yi stared at the depths of the mountain forest with a faint gaze, which is not to mention that the mountain is getting more and more strange.

   She had a feeling that today, she came here by accident, perhaps to discover something that she hadn't discovered before.

   And this matter, obviously has something to do with the Beginning Demon Clan and the Oyster Clan.

   That vital energy should belong to the Demon Clan rather than the Oyster Clan.

  Because the exclusive aura of the Oyster Clan is already very weak, while the aura of the Demon Clan is strong and abrupt here.

   She suddenly remembered what she had inquired about from Jia Peiyuan, saying that this demon king had a special team for it to drive, and this team was usually extremely mysterious.

   Originally, I even agreed with Jia Peicheng to inquire about the specific situation of these Demon King's henchmen, but isn't this something I haven't taken care of yet?

   Could it be that these devil king confidants actually came to this mountain.

   This is not to say that there are really some secrets in the mountains.

  Lian Yi only felt that the sensitive string in his heart was being plucked.

   There must be something here that she doesn't know.

   She took another deep breath, letting a wisp of her divine sense pursue the tail of those breaths, and probed deeper.

   Not far behind, Oyster Oyster only felt that Lianyi seemed to be slowing down a bit, then she paused for a moment, and suddenly turned around and went deeper.

   is the right direction? !

  The oyster scorpion narrowed his eyes, and his body flashed past, rushing in the direction of Lianyi.

  Lianyi naturally noticed it, turned his head and slapped his palms together, and several lightning blades splashed out from his palms, greeting the oysters.

   The two of them were tacit, and they didn't give each other a hand at all.

  The lightning ball rubbed the black claws of the oyster, making an unpleasant friction sound, and splashing countless thunder flowers.

  Lianyi was hit by several thunderballs. The thunderballs were hit by the oysters, but they did not disperse, but gathered into a net. In the thunder net, the spiritual line changed and gathered again into a formation.

  The oyster only saw the surrounding high walls rising from the ground, and it flew up, but the wall was growing much faster than it!

   It was blocked in the blink of an eye.

   It can't see where it is, and Lian Yi has already discovered the clue, and even changed the method, just to stop it, but did not deliberately kill it, it is obvious for what.

   She must have wanted to leave time and go to the depths of Buyan Mountain.

   She must have discovered a secret!

It said eagerly: "Lianyi, what are you anxious about? Do you think this siege will stop me? My hatred and yours will not share the same sky. If you take a step forward, I will immediately send a letter to my two men. Kill Jia Peicheng first."

   even used threats.

   "Dignified Fuji Xian Lianyi, wouldn't he be a villain who cares only about himself, regardless of the lives of his companions?"

   didn't even look back, but snorted coldly, but didn't spit out some words:

"It's a joke, don't ask the thief to call the thief to catch the thief, how is this seat doing, how can a foreign monster be able to comment, do whatever you want, this seat is not happy to take care of you, but, in the end, there must be something hidden behind this deep mountain with you. Something about the Oyster Clan? Otherwise, what are you so afraid of?"

   After she finished speaking, she also nuzzled her mouth in a certain direction:

   "Magic resistance is also here, you called it? What is it that makes you two join forces so recklessly? This seat is still a stubborn bone, so you have to look at it!"

   Don't wait to see the face of the oyster, after speaking, the person completely disappeared from the front, only the wind was blowing, and the depression was full of an indescribable anxiety.

Although   Lianyi followed the direction, the movement of arranging formations and traps on the road did not stop.

  The threat of oysters was not seen by her at all.

   Jia Peicheng and the two oyster tribes have long been in the same battle, and you have already died, so what are you waiting for the oysters to say?

   Furthermore, she is not afraid that these two will glance at her now, and turn her head to deal with Jia Peicheng.

   At present, there are secrets in this deep mountain, which must attract most of their attention.

   The more it is, the more she wants to know, what's in it?

   And, looking at the attitude of the oyster and magic resistance, why is she so afraid of being known by her?

   Is it just afraid that she will know? Or are they afraid that all the immortals who are not their monsters will know?

   If you are afraid that everyone will know, it is easy to say, but if it is simple, you are afraid that she will know the secret?

   Then what is this secret?

   Could it be related to her?

   Or is it related to Guangmei Star Field?

   Lian Yi was slightly stunned, and there was a bad feeling in his heart, and he always thought it was the former.

  Magic resist and oyster don't want her to know?

  So, what did they do to Guangmei Star Region?

  The divine consciousness spreads infinitely, and Lianyi chases the divine consciousness, going faster and faster.

   Suddenly, somewhere, the consciousness became confused, and suddenly it seemed to be cut off, and nothing could be sensed.

   Lianyi didn’t stop under his feet, still following his divine sense, and people fell there!

   Sure enough, it was an isolation formation that was used to isolate spiritual consciousness and breath.

   Aura gushed out from Lianyi's palm, turned into a spiritual balloon, and hit a certain point!

   The surroundings shook slightly, and then, there seemed to be a whistling sound.

   In all directions, suddenly the mountains and rocks rolled down, and even more rocks fell from the sky!

   Lianyi's figure and figure dodged repeatedly, dodging those rocks, and another spiritual power ball hit the other direction!

   At this moment, the rocks suddenly receded a lot, but new rocks also fell.

   is still dodging, facing the mountain and rock combo, Lianyi does not fight back directly.

   It's just, obviously, that this ignorant isolation formation seems to have been seen by her!

   Her figure is as light as a leaf, and she shuttles among the rocks!

   Another psychic ball was hit by her again.

At the point where the    hit, the entire spiritual power ball was directly nailed to the original place.

  The spiritual power ball suddenly differentiated into countless thin threads, which were woven and interlaced into extremely complicated patterns.

   Gradually, there was nothing in that place, and a dim black shadow gradually appeared.

  The shadow was crumpled in one place like a tangled ball of thread.

   Lian Yi pursed his lips, and the light and shadow flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual force line suddenly exerted force again, the speed became faster, and even got directly into the black messy "thread ball".

   Colorful spiritual power lines drilled in. Gradually, the black color became less and less, and the spiritual power lines became more and more complicated and prosperous.

  As the spiritual power line grows stronger, the rocks disappear completely!

   And then, until the black "thread ball" was smoothed out, completely encased in it by the spiritual force thread.

Around   , there was a sudden breeze, and as far as the consciousness went, I felt the breath of those monsters again.

  The scene changed, and in front of Lianyi there was a mountain road that just disappeared.

The    formation was broken so quietly, and it was broken very easily without any damage.

  Lianyi walked by, and at the place behind him, the colored spiritual thread was withdrawn, turned into a spiritual power ball, and returned to the palm of Lianyi.

   Behind Lian Yi, the black "thread ball" was messed up again, hidden, and the correct path was hidden again.

   embarked on this road, Lian Yi has a strong intuition, she is closer to that secret!

   (end of this chapter)