MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 628 The essence of beech

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   Chapter 628 The Essence of Beech

go back?


   They just walked three castles.

   seems to be able to see Jia Peicheng's confusion, but Lian Yi asked rhetorically:

   "Brother Jia, what do you think my plan is?"

  Jia Peicheng didn't understand why Lian Yi asked about this, but he used to say something in front of Lian Yi, and there was nothing to hide.

   "Lianyi's use is a dignified and upright conspiracy. Others may not know who is behind the trolls, but Shimo Yuanzun and the various demon kings have a lot in their hearts."

   In fact, Jia Peicheng said it quite politely.

  There has long been a conflict between the native monsters and the oysters of the outer domain, but they are not in harmony, and it is also a fight in the nest.

   He has ever made trouble to the bright side.

   At the time when Fuji Xian Lianyi was soaring, the contradiction that had covered tens of thousands of years, appeared in front of everyone so unexpectedly.

   What is the coincidence?

   Even the intention is upright, and he is not even willing to conceal his identity, so he puts this matter in front of the world.

   Thinking like this, Jia Peicheng knew the elegant meaning by hearing the sound of the strings, and he had a deeper understanding of Lianyi's intention to perform this move.

   "You mean, you have already succeeded in the three major demon cities ruled by the most powerful Oyster Clan in the Lower Third Heaven, and the others are unnecessary."

   Actually, it's not unnecessary, but this strategy has been seen through, and Lian Yi is too lazy to pretend to be a native monster to deal with those foreign oyster tribes.

   Lianyi nodded, she acted so unruly.

If    provokes her, she likes to be upright and fight back without any cover.

   is to let Shimo Yuanzun know in his heart that she is not easy to mess with.

   Furthermore, in addition to slapping the face. She also wants to bring this contradiction to the fore.

  The relationship between the native monsters and the oysters of the outer domain is no longer the relationship that used to be mutual use and mutual dependence.

  Since they can't see clearly, Lianyin doesn't mind helping them uncover the fig leaf.

  Earlier, the local monsters under Shimo Yuanzun wanted to use the oyster clan from the outer domain to strengthen themselves, adding weight to the continuous and confrontational process of the battle between their clan and the fairyland.

   The Oyster Clan from the Outer Territory was recruited by the Primordial Demon Yuanzun. They came from afar. They had no foundation and had nothing. Naturally, they had to rely on the supply of local monsters.

  However, when the world changes and the times change, even the sea can become a mulberry field, not to mention the devil's heart?

   The devil's heart is unpredictable.

   On the one hand, Primordial Primordial Demon has recovered in strength during hundreds of thousands of years of recovery, becoming stronger and stronger.

   And one thing ebbs the other, and for some reason, his enemy in the fairy world, Wuji Tianzun, has been silent.

   Even if he can still hold his breath, can the thousands of monsters under him still hold his breath?

   Naturally not, the arrogance and arrogance are more than a day.

   In this way, the tyrannical force is doomed to their ambition to flourish again.

   On the other hand, the same is true of the Outland oysters. They have taken root here and developed and grown, and they have long been indistinguishable.

  's nature is inherently greedy. As the Oyster Clan in Outland becomes stronger and more demanding, their greed will be encouraged more and more.

   In this way, it will indirectly damage the interests of the local demons.

   As early as in the Guangmei Star Territory, so far away from the Emperor Tiangao, even the meaning can be seen.

   Not to mention this fairyland.

   The contradictions and conflicts are like the flames silently under the volcano, which cannot be seen from the outside before, but in fact it has been accumulating energy. Once there is a gap, it erupts, and there will be no turning back.

Since    contradictions have been put on the table, they will never return to the shadows.

   And in this way, it is easier to achieve the desired result.

   Divide the synergy of the local monsters and the oysters of the outer domain, so as to seek more life for their own side.

  Lianyi was in a good mood, she greeted Jia Peicheng and Huanhuan:

   "Go back, finally it's our turn to rest for a while."

   Sure enough, Lian Yi shot, like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan, blasting the entire Lower Third Heaven.

   Each of the three most powerful demon cities suffered damage, and at the same time, they "punished" the local demons in a frenzy.

   Later, everyone found out that they had been tricked, but things had already been done, what else could happen?

   In the future, any small disturbance can involve the confrontation between the two races.

   It was only the high-level people of the two clans that started to hold back. There was a lot of trouble down there. After all, they couldn’t always hold back their own side, and they had to vent their anger.

   Soon, in just a few days, the magic city was turbulent, and there were countless fights and battles.

  Teng Xian Lianyi's name was known to everyone within a month of Lianyi's ascension.

  If you say that once, whether it is the demons under the local primordial Yuanzun or the oysters in the outer domain, mentioning her is disgusting, disgusting.

   She escaped their clutches several times and ruined their good deeds.

   This kind of fly-like little character really annoys them.

   Now, they don’t think so anymore.

  Where are the flies?

   This is a big monster that has teeth and bites.

   Not to mention Shimo Yuanzun, at least the monsters of the next three clans are only afraid of the name Fuji Xian Lianyi.

After all, this person is too ruthless and hard to guard against. Who knows if he will accidentally follow that person's way and become the opponent's chess piece, just like those unlucky bastards, who end up with all the bones of his body broken and unable to live. The end of life and death.

   For example, the original Guangmei Star Territory talked about the discoloration of demons, but now in the fairy world, the two races of monsters really mean a bit of a demon discoloration.

   It is true that the feng shui turns, and the retribution is unhappy.

  Here, Xia Sanzhongtian was so troubled by Lianyi, she was very comfortable herself.

   Hiding in Ayanami Castle, he lived a peaceful life.

   Even on that street, there were so many things about her that she didn't hear anything, she just thought she didn't hear it or saw it.

   After all, her identity is very hidden now.

   She is really taking a break.

  The leisurely people can cook in person, hold banquets, and eat and drink with their parents, ancestors and others.

   On this day, Lian Wanshan put his feet up and picked his teeth very contentedly:

   "Look at this comfortable day, if it weren't for that boy outside, we would be considered a family reunion."

   Even Changhai smiled honestly, and when he mentioned his children, his face was full of light:

   "Even the outside world is very good, and the ancestors can rest assured that he should be coming soon."

Lian Wanshan sneered: "The time between Immortal Realm and Guangmei Star Region is different, one day in the sky, the next year, how long have we been in Immortal Realm, more than 30 days, and he hasn't ascended for more than 30 years, this unpromising person, Let's see how I can deal with him when he comes up."

   Company Changhai, who was a little aggrieved, held the grievances for the outside of the company:

   "The old ancestor has only been around for more than thirty years. Xiaowai is going to experience the ascension calamity. It turns out that the master of Donglai has also been honing his spiritual transformation for a long time? There is also a teacher..."

   Before she finished speaking, several things were smashed on her head. Qian Xiuer sympathetically took the peanut shell off her husband's head.

Seeing that her daughter is eating deliciously, Qian Xiu'er's eyes are full of smiles. Her life is really complete, her husband and wife are loving, her children are neat, and she is hundreds of years old. She can still sit beside her and eat with her. .

   As for his own husband, he just didn't learn to behave well, dared to compete with the ancestors, and waited to be trained.

   Sure enough, the peanut shells and peanuts on the head of Company Changhai were taken down, and there were reprimands one after another.

"What kind of sin did I even Wanshan do? How can you have a worthless descendant like you? Why don't you study well? It took a lot of years for Donglai He Ye, but how much did your daughter spend? Years? And me, after I completed my spiritual transformation back then, after only 20 years of polishing, I flew into the sky, and you don’t know about this?”

   Even Changhai didn't dare to touch the red mark on his head that was smashed by the ancestors, nor dare to speak. What can he say, in front of the ancestors, under any circumstances, he is in the wrong.

Lianyi and Huanhuan on the side of    are eating their own food. It seems that they are not surprised by such a situation, and they are not happy to lift their eyelids.

  Jia Peicheng raised his wine glass, but his eyes were very eager to see the situation of Lian Yi's family.

   He is an orphan, and at his age, his relatives, masters, etc. are long gone, and he has no desire to find their souls back when he is poor.

   Besides, what can I do if I get it back? It's not a good thing to get it back like the Huaiyuan Star Region.

  It is not as good as it is, so let’s take our destiny.

   But, what he doesn't have, doesn't mean other people's homes can't have it, and it doesn't mean he doesn't envy it.

   This rare firework atmosphere makes me envious even if I become a god.

  Lianyi noticed Jia Peicheng's situation. She touched Jia Peicheng with a small wine glass and said:

   "Is there really a beech tree on the top of the mountain? We are free these days, how about we go there."

  Jia Peicheng was stunned for a moment, but his thoughts were all on Lianyi's side:

   "Now? Aren't you afraid of scaring snakes?"

   It goes without saying that the cities near the top of the mountain are all demons.

   Didn't even Yi hide from monsters recently?

  Although there are small towns there, it is rare that there is no fairy city around.

  There are both the local magic city and the magic city of the oyster tribe in the outer domain.

   A nest of snakes and rats, there is a nest of snakes and rats.

  Lian Yi took another piece of spiritual vegetables that his mother put into his bowl and put it in his mouth, his tone was extremely flat.

"Nothing, don't they think I won't take another shot? When I get the beech wood essence, I will take another shot. There are seven cities in total, and I know very well how the two races of monsters are cultivated. When the time comes, let's take them by surprise."

  Essence of beech wood is a must.

   is for the ancestors.

   Now that he has returned to the Immortal Realm, it is necessary for the spirits of the ancestors to return to their place.

   Back then, when our ancestors descended to earth, something went wrong.

   Originally, the calculation of a suitable body was done by Lian Wanshan in advance.

   On the other hand, as a plant demon cultivator, his soul is stronger than ordinary people.

   Furthermore, Lianyi is about to give birth to Lianjia, and he can also calculate three points by tracing the source.

  Because of these circumstances, tracing the source pulled Lian Wanshan into this murky water.

   But no amount of calculations are necessarily foolproof.

  Suyuan was originally the target of the monsters in the fairy world to monitor and kill. Although Suyuan was not caught, Lian Wanshan was caught.

   As a result, even Wanshan threw away his body and even cut off more than half of his soul, and ended up with a broken tail to survive.

   But even Wanshan's own soul is different, and he can slowly repair the damage. This is really good luck.

   Even so, it has reached its limit.

   The original body must never be found again, but if it is found, the body has been without the soul for more than 300 years, and it has long since decayed and cannot be used.

   Not to mention the family relationship cultivated with the ancestors in this life and this life, the ancestors made such a big sacrifice for an irrelevant her before, and it was impossible to sit back and watch.

   Therefore, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

   This is not, Jia Peicheng comes in handy again.

  The essence of beech wood is actually a spiritual thing that is naturally raised and breeds in the fairy world. It is originally a mixture of the aura of wood to the extreme and spontaneously conceived under a certain condition.

   has no form or shape, no spirituality.

   But they all have an innate talent, which is the soul!

The difference between    and the soul bead is that the soul bead is a container, but the essence of beech wood can become a body.

   has no shape or shape, and can be shaped arbitrarily.

  Especially, the essence of beech wood is nurtured in the aura of wood.

   Therefore, for others, this body may be nondescript and imperfect.

   But, for the grass and wood monsters, there is no such scruples at all.

  Lian Wanshan got this new body, that means he lost his cultivation base and needs to practice again, but the original exercises and secret techniques can be fully used.

   For him, restoring the past is just a matter of retracing the original path. It is only a matter of time.

   Jia Peicheng sighed, in fact, when Lianyi asked him to inquire about the essence of beech wood, he knew in his heart that it was for her ancestors.

  Feng Xian Lianyi looks wanton, but he values ​​family affection very much.

   Even the open and honest show the weakness in front of the world, but since this is the weakness, why is it not her armor.

   Let her be more decisive and cherish her life when dealing with the enemy.

   Because, she was never alone.

   "I just heard that some people have seen it on the top of Wuyan Mountain recently, but even if these things are rare, they still run very fast, so it's hard to say if there are any there."

  The spirit of beech wood is a spirit of wood. The spirit of wood has its own wind attribute, just like Lianyi. Her wind spirit root is also conceived on the wood spirit root, which belongs to the mutation of wood.

   That beech wood essence may also have such a trace of mutation power, and many immortals want to catch this thing.

   After all, no one can tell when one day his body will be damaged and only his soul will remain.

   is that the body shaped by the essence of beech is not perfect, it's better than taking it!

  Unfortunately, it is precisely because the beech spirits run so fast that the person who has caught them has never heard of them in the more than ten thousand years since Jia Peicheng's ascension.

   Even the expression on Yi’s face has not changed:

   "What's the problem? Don't worry, they're not as good as me."

  The spirit of beech wood is the spirit of wood, and it also hides a mutated wind.

   Isn't she?

  Since she is the same as the beech spirit and has the same chance, then the skills should be similar, what's the difference?

   She still has formations and spells by her side. Is it possible that she is still afraid of such little things?

   is a joke.

   Besides, she's not in a hurry, if she can't catch it this time, then next time.

   After all, after hearing what Jia Peicheng said, this thing lives in the next third heaven.

   And it is usually in a few areas where the wood aura is extremely abundant.

   Needless to say, the top of the mountain is a place where they stay most often.

   She has patience. It's a big deal. She searched inch by inch, but she didn't believe that they could escape her clutches.

   (end of this chapter)