MTL - Fairy, Please Let Me Explain-Chapter 203 barbarian king

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  Chapter 203 Barbarian Alien King

  When the city of Di'an was bathed in the gentle spring rain, dark clouds like ink that could not melt away enveloped the sky in the north.

  On the vast land, the northern country is frozen, and the snow is falling for thousands of miles.

  The violent hurricane mixed with snowflakes kept falling from the sky. It was so gloomy that day and night could not be seen, and things could not be distinguished. The vision lost visibility under this kind of blizzard.

  Under the entire sky, only the sound of the wind like howling ghosts and wolves could be heard, and the sound of fighting that was covered under the snow.

This is a simple camp built temporarily by the Black Scale Guards. On the walls of the camp are engraved with shallow formations temporarily engraved by the army's formation masters, but these formations have been destroyed, and tall black shadows continue to pass by the camp The wall invaded the camp.

  The whole camp looked so thin in the wind and snow.

  The sound of shouting and killing, the tinkling sound of iron weapons clashing, and the crisp sound of strings fired from bows and crossbows.

   Countless corpses of barbarians and humans were buried by heavy snow.

  The flames flickered around in the camp, and the fierce fighting gradually cooled down as time passed.

  On the high hills outside the camp, a few figures as tall as iron towers loomed in the wind and snow, looking down at the human camp below with icy eyes.

I do not know how long it has been,


  A huge foot with a cuticle stepped into the snow, crushing an object buried in the snow, making a crisp sound.

   Slowly turned his eyes to the several "iron towers" standing on the hill, the **** light in his eyes looked a little gloomy in the snow.

  The person who came was a barbarian. His sturdy body was soaked in blood, and many bone spurs were broken all over his body.

  Seeing these tall figures, the barbarian knelt down with his right hand on his chest and performed a barbarian etiquette, and his deep vocal cords uttered a burst of tongue-twisting language that did not belong to Dayan:

   "My lord, Wu Yuan is not in the camp, please forgive me."

  After the words fell, none of the tower-like figures spoke, and their dark blue eyes stared at the person coming.

   While the wind was bleak, a voice came slowly from behind several iron towers.

  The barbarian Yi Wang stared at the already dead camp below:

   "As expected, it's not easy for you, Gu Chen, to wipe out Wu Yuan's Yiying Qubu. Get up."

  Hearing this, the barbarian named Gu Chen didn't get up, but was still kneeling.

  The barbarian Yi Wang slowly turned around, staring at Gu Chen:

   "You, seem to have something to say?"

  Gu Chen took a deep breath, the joints on his clenched fists creaked, and his voice was low and fast:

"Your Majesty, if it hadn't been for the auspicious snowfall that day, even if there were only five thousand people in this camp, it would be difficult for our troops to attack the fortress. In the battle of Dali Mountain, we would have lost 40,000 tribesmen and could have retreated. Now the Marquis Wu Cheng of the Yan Dynasty I have already returned to Beifeng City, and I may march into the northern border at any time, I implore the king to think twice."

  The howling wind raged in the snowy night, and the hill fell into silence for a while.

  Da Yan's Marquis Wu Cheng is the nightmare hanging over the head of their saint clan. The prestige accumulated over the decades is all piled up from the corpses of countless saint clan members.


   Now that the Yan Dynasty has assembled millions of elites in the northern border, the best option is to take advantage of the heavy snowfall and quickly retreat to the deep northern border to lie dormant.

  Continue to fight, the entire saint clan will be in danger of extermination.

   After a long silence,

  The barbarian Yi Wang did not answer Gu Chen's words directly:

   "The meat you capture will be kept in your own tribe, and the spiritual blade weapons will be handed over to the high priest. When you hand over the weapons, you can ask him to get a thousand holy soldiers. Get up."

  The voice carried a determination without anger.

  Gu Chen didn't speak any more, exhaled a mouthful of white mist, and slowly got up to salute:

   "Thank you, my lord."

  The rumors remained the same, and the barbarian king Yi stared at the camp below, without the slightest intention to speak.

  Gu Chen glanced at the king's back, and suddenly said:

   "Your Majesty, we have captured some survivors this time. Would you like to take a look?"

  The voice of the barbarian Yi Wang came from a calm voice:

   "Who is valuable among them?"

   "There is a close friend of Mu Won."

   "Wu Yuan?"

  The barbarian Yi Wang glanced down at the bone spur that had been severed in his arm, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "You go down first, I will go and have a look."

  Gu Chen left without saying a word and saluting, the tall figure disappeared in the snowy night in an instant.

   Time flies by, about the effort of a cup of tea,

  An iron tower behind the barbarian king suddenly said in a loud voice:

   "Your Majesty, the morale of the army within the Holy Clan is shaken, are we really not going to retreat?"


  The barbarian king Yi slowly sat cross-legged beside the cliff of the hill, and exhaled a breath of stale air that dissipated into white mist:

   "Zayer, do you think we should retire?"

  The iron tower barbarian named Zaye was silent.

  The barbarian Yi Wang's cheeks covered with **** layers seemed to be smiling, and swept towards the surrounding iron tower barbarians:

   "You can talk about it. Eji, who we have played since we were young, can talk about anything."

   Zaye was silent for a while, glanced at the direction where Gu Chen left, and said in a low voice:

"The war with Dayan has lasted for four years, and many tribes are already exhausted. The current harvest is enough to return to the ancestral land for more than ten years of cultivation. The human craftsmen who came along the way will also allow us to start the next war." be more prepared.”

   "Better prepared?"

  The barbarian king Yi shook his head, feeling helpless: "How do you count as more adequate preparation? More tribesmen? More holy soldiers? Or more totem battle flags?

   "But have you ever thought about it, even if we have more preparations, we can outnumber the Yan Dynasty occupying Middle Earth?"

   No one speaks.

  The barbarian king Yi slowly raised his hand to catch a snowflake falling from the sky without feeling the cold.

  His palms are covered with a kind of cuticle like a glove.

  Adult barbarians will grow such a hard cuticle all over their bodies, which is a weapon for killing, and it is also a means of insulation and warmth that they have evolved in this bitter cold place for a long time.

   Because of this, the piece of snow in the palm of the barbarian king Yi did not show any signs of melting, and he murmured:

"In this northern land, only one or two out of ten newborns of our holy race died. Most of them died of the bitter cold, lack of food, and died in December of a year. Most of the time, they couldn't see the sun. !"

  The other hand of the barbarian Yi Wang casually pointed to Fang Fang:

   "Zayer, have you ever been to the south of Beifeng?"


   A few breaths of silence,

  Zayye's voice is loud:

   "Never been."

  Youlan, the barbarian king, has a trace of reminiscence and a trace of yearning in his eyes:

   "This king has been there secretly. The climate in the south of Beifeng City is warm, and there is inexhaustible water and food. Wild animals in the mountains and forests can be hunted, good fields can be cultivated, and we can do everything we want."


  The barbarian Yi Wang tightly clenched the snowflakes in his gloves, stood up, glanced at the four cronies, and paused every word:

   "I want to lead my people to break through the insurmountable Beifeng City.

   "Only in this way can our ethnic group continue and develop, and we will not be able to kill each other in this snowy plain for one bite!"

  (end of this chapter)