MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2351 Shenlong falls

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Ye Tian stabilized his figure, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and took a heavy breath, a solemn expression appeared on his face.

Even if the strength of the North Ming Shenlong had been greatly affected and weakened, Ye Tian still had some huge difficulties and dangers if he wanted to defeat it.

If it weren’t for Ye Tian’s fusion with the latter’s blood in the body of the Void Bone Dragon before, and absorbing a large amount of the power of the Void Bone Dragon, and the strength has been significantly improved, Ye Tian might have been killed by the North Ming Shenlong now. died.

Fortunately at that time, it was a coincidence that absorbed and merged its power, and now Ye Tian was able to reluctantly compete with the North Ming Shenlong in a thrilling manner.

Ye Tian pinched the tactics with one hand and forcibly extracted the power of the North Ming Shenlong, and then his handprints changed, and a huge illusory dragon head appeared behind Ye Tian.

The dragon head opened his mouth, and a black storm flew out, suddenly sweeping the world.

The wind spirit and supernatural powers were used, and the black storm blasted towards the North Ming Shenlong at a terrifying speed.

The Beiming Shenlong was about to launch an attack, but was directly interrupted by the black storm, his huge figure trembled violently, and a painful look appeared in his eyes, and his breath was much wilted.

Ye Tian saw the state of the North Ming Shenlong, and then looked back at the dragon head that was slowly dissipating behind him, and there was also a hint of surprise and incomprehension that came to his mind.

This divine airy spirit was created by Ye Tianshen Wu Ancestral Dragon Gangfeng, and indeed possesses a part of the Ancestral Dragon Gangfeng's abilities, and especially possesses terrifying damage to the spirits.

Although this magical power is very strong, it must be far from the real Zulong Gangfeng. After all, the Zulong Gangfeng was created by Mu Shu based on the strength of the Zulong. The strength of the Zulong is the foundation of this technique. And let alone Ye Tian possessing the power of Ancestral Dragon, he had never seen Ancestral Dragon.

And when the Shen Fengling was used just now, Ye Tian clearly felt that when the Shen Fengling was displayed, it turned out to be a level stronger than he thought!

It also created a powerful force for the North Ming Shenlong beyond Ye Tian's expectations.

This time, the spirit of the gods that was displayed was faintly, and it was obvious that there was such a real sense of the ancestral dragon's wind!

Ye Tian groaned slightly, speculating that this should be because he had extracted the power of the North Ming Shenlong when he used the God Ventilation Spirit just now.

The North Ming Shenlong is the head of the three sons of Ancestral Dragons, and possesses the bloodline closest to Ancestral Dragons in the world. At this time, it is reasonable to use its power to display the spirit of the gods and be able to greatly approach the Ancestral Dragon Gangfeng. NS.

Undoubtedly, this discovery made Ye Tian's mind very excited, which greatly improved his chances of winning against Shang Bei Ming Shenlong this time!

Ye Tian immediately drew the power of the North Ming Shenlong again, condensing the dragon head behind him, and the dragon head spit out a black storm.

The injury just now made the Beiming Shenlong extremely angry, opening his mouth, countless white light spots emerged from the surrounding space, and gathered in front of the Beiming Shenlong into a walnut-sized ball of light.

In the Battle of the Two Worlds Mountains before, Ye Tian had seen the Void Bone Dragon and the Colorful Dragon all cast this kind of magic. The normal dragon's breath beam of light is one level higher.

At the next moment, that little ball of light flew out swayingly, and at this time the black storm also came in front of the Beiming Shenlong.

The two blasted each other, and the horrible fluctuations swept everything in an instant.

Ye Tian's blood spurted wildly, and his figure was rewinding. Under the powerful shock wave, his figure showed signs of collapse, and the blood mist spread out.

But the state of the North Ming Shenlong was not good. In the mad roar of pain, the spirit became more and more wilting, and huge wounds were cut on the huge body, and the blood was raging like a river.

The state of both parties has dropped a lot again.

But Ye Tianqing clearly discovered that the state of the North Ming Shenlong was much worse than his own, and part of it was obviously not because of Ye Tian's attack, but the North Ming Shenlong's own state was still getting worse!

This discovery made Ye Tian completely calm down.

Ye Tian was sure that he was already invincible.

This Beiming Shenlong didn't know what was going on. Its strength had been reduced from the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal to the initial stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but it was still decreasing over time.

Then Ye Tian only needs to do a good job of defense and wait until the strength of the North Ming Shenlong continues to decrease, then he can easily kill it.

Seeing such a situation, Ye Tian simply summoned the North Ming Jiao, his huge body hovered, protecting Ye Tian inside, and made a defensive posture.

With Ye Tian's move, Beiming Shenlong naturally knew Ye Tian's plan in his eyes.

This made Beiming Shenlong couldn't help but become impatient.

Indeed, taking advantage of its current strength is still in the upper hand, if you don't kill Ye Tian, ​​then there will be no chance at all in a while.

And this lack of opportunity means that it will be its own death!

The Beiming Shenlong opened his mouth again, and the surrounding space vibrated violently. A large number of white light spots emerged from the space, condensed into a light ball like the core of the space.

This ball of light came with a bang and hit the body of Bei Ming Jiao outside Ye Tian.


The unprecedented explosion sound spread. After the battle just now, Ye Tian had already determined that they were in an independent space, not a hollow dug under the Dragon Clan cemetery.

Otherwise, this explosion can definitely blast the entire Dragon Clan cemetery, and even the entire Kunxu Mountain Range, into the sky and razed to the ground!

The light gradually extinguished, revealing the Bei Ming Jiao who had become extremely illusory.

Bei Ming Jiao's figure was weak and moving slowly, revealing Ye Tian inside. Ye Tian's face was pale, and he coughed painfully. Splashes of blood spattered from his mouth and sprinkled on the front of his clothes.

Although the injury was already extremely serious, Ye Tian's face was filled with a calm smile at this time.

On the contrary, when he realized that his attack hadn't directly killed Ye Tian, ​​the eyes of Beiming Shenlong began to become obviously flustered.

In this process, its breath and strength have obviously decreased by one level again.

Beiming Shenlong forced himself to calm down. During the roaring, his body began to shrink sharply, and finally became only a hundred meters in size. The dazzling light around his body rushed towards Ye Tian directly as if suicide.


The huge power came, and the defensive barrier around Bei Ming Jiao’s body completely collapsed, and then the Bei Ming dragon slammed into Bei Ming Jiao’s body. Bei Ming Jiao didn’t even make a scream, but it dissipated completely and turned into a stream of light. Flew back to Ye Tian's body.

But even the Beiming Jiao disappeared, and the last resistance between the Beiming Shenlong and Ye Tian was lost, and Ye Tian was hit by the Beiming Rising Dragon heavily on his chest.

Ye Tian only felt the darkness in front of him, and his entire body collapsed. The flesh and blood were blurred, the bones were broken, and the thick cracks spread and expanded rapidly on Ye Tian's body.

Seeing, Ye Tian's body was about to collapse completely, but at the last moment, Ye Tian persisted and kept his body intact. The injuries on his body immediately began under the power of refining the blood coral. Rapid recovery.

Ye Tian was not dead, and his body was not destroyed.

But here, the attack of the North Ming Shenlong finally reached its limit.

The Beiming Shenlong stared closely at the **** Ye Tian, ​​a trace of despair appeared in his eyes.

Ye Tian's hand was dripping with blood, but he steadily lifted the Qin Huangjian and cut it down with a single sword!

A blood line appeared on Beiming Shenlong's head, and then the blood line ran through its whole body.

Ye Tian clearly felt that the vitality of the North Ming Shenlong was quickly disappearing, and its corpse was unable to maintain its suspension in the sky, falling straight toward the dark abyss below.

Ye Tian didn't even think about it, put away the Qin Huangjian and ran after him.

After half the payment, Beiming Shenlong and Ye Tian finally hit the ground.

Ye Tian threw a fire ball, the fire shining brightly, illuminating the surrounding scene, Ye Tian found that the entire ground turned out to be an altar.

In the center of the altar, between the rough lines and twists and turns, the combination interweaves into a strange-looking beast, not a dragon.

Ye Tian didn't carefully study what the spirit beast on this pattern was, because Ye Tian clearly felt that this altar actually contained a powerful aura like the vast ocean.

This breath comes from the North Ming Shenlong.

In other words, this altar is condensed with the power of the North Ming Shenlong, and its scale far exceeds Ye Tian's imagination.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian unexpectedly discovered that this altar had some connection with the body of the North Ming Shenlong.

Ye Tian suddenly understood why the strength of this North Ming Shenlong was unexpectedly so weak, and in the battle, it was still continuously weakening.

It turned out that all the power of the North Ming Shenlong entered this altar!

But in this way, Ye Tian has more puzzles.

Why on earth does this North Ming Shenlong want to do this?

Why did it hide in this dragon cemetery, worked so hard to construct a space, set up an altar in it, and then pulled all its power out of its body and instilled it into the altar.

Ye Tian originally wanted to study the weirdness of this altar, and wanted to know what the North Ming dragon wanted to do, but suddenly there was a clicking sound on the altar!

A crack suddenly spread, and began to expand on the altar!

Ye Tian suddenly reacted. At this time, the North Ming Shenlong had fallen, and the instilled power was interrupted, so the altar immediately began to collapse!

You know, even in the battle with himself before, the North Ming Shenlong did not give up continuously instilling his own power into this altar, which is enough to explain the problem.

Seeing the rapid spread and expansion of the cracks on the altar, Ye Tian didn't care about studying the mystery of the altar. He put his hands together and quickly absorbed the power instilled in the altar by the dragon of the North Ming.

He killed the Beiming Shenlong after all his hardships and nine deaths. One was alive and the other was refining the Beiming Shenlong into his own beast spirit. Now that the first thing has been done, the most important thing is to refine the Beiming Shenlong. For his own beast spirit.

If after wasting time, the altar completely collapsed, and the power of the North Ming Shenlong was completely dissipated, after which the refining of the beast spirit would have a big impact.

After all, the North Ming Shenlong had poured most of his power into this altar.

In this way, Ye Tian began to concentrate on absorbing the power of the North Ming Shenlong.

Three days later, Ye Tian finally drained the power from the altar completely and absorbed it into his body.

And these few days were also at this moment, completely shattered, and everything that was originally carved on the altar was invisible.

But Ye Tian didn't care about the altar anymore, and began to focus on the body of the North Ming Shenlong, and began to extract the power from it.

This time, it took half an hour.

After half an hour, the corpse of the Beiming Shenlong became shriveled and completely turned into a corpse.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged, folded his hands, and took a deep breath.

Next, is the most important link in the process of refining beast spirits.

Ye Tian closed his eyes, and began to use the Wan Ling Jue to mobilize all the power of the North Ming Shenlong absorbed into his body. When these forces converged, the sound of dragons rang out. Finally, the complete consciousness of the North Ming Shenlong was projected. , Appeared in Ye Tian's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Why on earth are you here!?" In the Sea of ​​Knowledge, the projection of the North Ming Dragon and the projection of Ye Tian stood opposite each other, unwillingly questioned Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't want to conceal the Beiming Shenlong, and he told his general experience from entering the Void Ancient Dragon.

"Heaven is going to kill me!" After listening to it, Beiming Shenlong shook his head and sighed.

"This seat has set up a maze in the outer cemetery to prevent other tribesmen from discovering it," said Beiming Shenlong gritted his teeth: "I never thought that I would guard against the strong of the same clan, but I did not guard you. A little human race who broke in by accident!"

Ye Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. In fact, when he saw the situation of the altar, Ye Tian probably guessed something. The North Ming Shenlong was planning something in secret, and one of the things it was planning was very powerful, even A peak of the North Ming Shenlong must give up all his power.

At the same time, this matter cannot be known to the rest of the dragon race, otherwise there will be troubles of this kind.

That's why the Beiming Shenlong set up a maze, under the tomb, opened up an independent space, and set up an altar, and began to secretly proceed.

However, he did not expect that Ye Tian cracked the maze of the Beiming Shenlong, broke into here, discovered all this, and destroyed all the plans of the Beiming Shenlong, even the Beiming Shenlong had paid the price of his life.

Among them, the most critical point is naturally, what is the Beiming Shenlong planning?

It does not hesitate to sacrifice all its power as the price, what exactly does it want to get?

Ye Tian asked this question.

"Give up, it's impossible for me to let you know about this," Beiming Shenlong said coldly.

Ye Tian shook his head, raised his hand to Jieyin, and a black gust of wind surged towards the North Ming Shenlong.

Beiming Shenlong opened his mouth and roared.

It was as if the actual sound wave flew out, and even seemed to completely twist and fold the surrounding space. The sound wave and the black storm blasted together, blasting the black storm directly away.

The sound wave destroyed the storm that Ye Tian displayed, and continued to smash forward. The speed was unimaginable. Ye Tian was almost completely caught off guard and was hit by the sound wave.

"Boom!" Ye Tian's consciousness projection burst directly and completely dissipated!