MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2281 Fallen Saint

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In this fierce aftermath, there is no more life!

Everyone was shocked! All eyes focused on Xuan Phoenix's body.

In an instant, a look of horror flashed through.

Everyone knows the meaning of the disappearance of the breath.

Moreover, what kind of existence these people present are more clear to everyone. This means that there is basically no possibility of deception.

If the link had such strength, there would have been no second words to say long ago, and it would not have been forced by Xuan Phoenix to such a point.

However, everyone knows that the current link is not dead yet.

The fall of the saint is a big deal, and the same sadness between heaven and earth is just one of them.

As a saint of the same class, you can easily know something.

Therefore, Xuan Phoenix did not relax at all, staring at the center where the might gather.

At the moment when the light weakened slightly, the Xuan Phoenix's wings vibrated slightly, and directly counterattacked, beheading the past.

In the bang, that power was simply Xuan Phoenix's peak combat power.


The lead fell directly from it.

At this time, the lead was scorched and he couldn't see the original appearance at all.

The real fire of the Saint's Phoenix, not everyone can catch it.

The lead at this time was completely breathless.

"This is his method of shelling! The body can die directly, and enter into it with his final strength, entering a state of suspended animation."

"He will look for opportunities to quickly get out of here, and then take the opportunity to rebirth. Even this body will become his best nourishment. If he waits for him to eat this body, it is equivalent to returning without injury."

Tongtian spoke at this time. Obviously, he knew all these old opponents very well.

Originally, he snorted coldly, his eyes were extremely cold, and he wanted to attack Xuan Phoenix several times, but he was very afraid of Tongtian beside him.

Moreover, he himself knew very well that even if he really made a move, he would definitely not be able to take the current Xuan Phoenix.

Xuan Phoenix's strength shocked him very much, and he himself might not be able to cope with it.

The reason for this situation is more for ordinary people to see, he is afraid of Tongtian, not Xuanhuang.

"Brother, why bother to do this posture, if you take a shot against Xuan Phoenix, I won't be too lazy to stop you, but do you have this strength?"

"Even if it's me, I don't have the certainty that Xuanhuang will win. No, I don't have the certainty that I can stand up, let alone you?"

Tong Tian is a very confident person in his own strength, especially with the Qingping sword in his hand and the Zhuxian sword formation, he rarely finds his opponent.

At least the primitive in front of him will not be his opponent.

It's just that he can't solve the primitive.

However, when he watched the battle of Xuan Phoenix, he knew very well that he would definitely not be Xuan Phoenix's opponent.

Therefore, at this time, the original pretending to be like this, on the contrary, made Tongtian extremely funny, and he ruthlessly pierced his movements.

"Don't worry about it! This is my business!"

"I'm so beautiful, how can I do it with a junior?"

The original cold snort said, looking for a step for himself.

"Are you doing this rarely?"

Tongtian spoke very sarcastically.

"You want to fight me?"

At this moment, Xuanhuang seemed to look back, looking at Yuan, a coldness flashed in his eyes. Before, Yuan wanted to do something to Ye Tian, ​​but she could see clearly, but she didn't free her hands at the time. .

Now, it is a good opportunity.

Of course, she would not be overwhelmed by Ye Tian, ​​but felt that, to some extent, the primitive's actions towards Ye Tian did not respect, and to provoke Ye Tian, ​​at least it would have to pass her level.

It's one thing if she can't get her hands free, but it's another thing if she has time now.

Therefore, she didn't stop her when she was able to take the shot.

Now that the lead was gone, she naturally aimed at the original.

At this time, Yuan's face was slightly stiff, and he couldn't believe that whether this Xuan Phoenix was a sea of ​​tendons or a tendon, it didn't give others the slightest face.

For Ye Tian, ​​the simplest and most direct is nothing more than the current famous scene.

Does Xuanhuang ignore her foundation of cultivation? Even with the strength of Xuan Phoenix, it consumes her own heritage, is she not worried at all?

Is there any preparation to eat yourself in a fight against yourself?

"Do you think you can still eat me at this time?"

Primitive's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Xuan Huang and said.


Xuan Huang was very simple and straightforward.

"With my current strength, at best, I have an advantage over you, and I can't beat you, and then I'll give you a lesson."

Xuan Huang looked at Yuan Yuan and said again.

"So, when you start, you have to weigh it carefully."

The original snorted.

However, Xuanhuang didn't take it seriously, and said, "You have to know one thing, that is my strength. It is not a big problem to defeat you. Therefore, how long I want to pester you, you can only be pestered by me."

"Let's look at Ye Tian now! Ye Tian's strength, do you think it will be very difficult to kill and get accurate? No, this process will be very fast, so fast that you can't imagine."

"Do you think that the things Ye Tian showed up, even though they were in the realm of a saint, even if they fought against Tizhun, their strength was limited, and might not even be able to eat Tizhun?"

"If you think so, it would be ridiculous. You may not be able to see the power that Ye Tian displayed. After a few more breaths, you will surely be defeated."

Xuanhuang was full of confidence in Ye Tian, ​​and spoke very indifferently.

At this moment, Ye Tianhe and Tizhun's opponent did not seem to be very powerful in his power, but he gave people a feeling of just right.

Every time, it happened to block the concentration of the power to raise the accuracy.

At this moment, the direct formation of such power is simply an extremely terrifying behavior.

Tongtian finally changed his gaze. He saw a lot of things, and the accuracy seemed to be in confrontation. In fact, it was Ye Tian's puppet, which was controlled by Ye Tian at will.

This is a saint, what kind of strength is it to control the saint at will?

Tongtian couldn't help feeling a slight chill in his heart, and couldn't help it at all.

It's terrifying.

The Yuan next to him also saw the doorway, looked solemn but stopped talking, and was already a kind of softness in disguised form for Xuan Phoenix.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly uttered a long roar, and the golden light in his hand was bright and condensed. In an instant, a golden light spot was formed, without the slightest sound, in a short moment, the most condensed strength was formed.

That is just a point, but this point surpasses all bearable forces.

"Do not!"

Tizhun obviously also noticed that it was wrong. As the most direct bearer, he was the one who understood the horror of this power most.

While shocked in his heart, his heart was eaten by incomparable fear.

He wanted to struggle and escape, but to no avail, he couldn't compete for the impact of this light point at all.

In a short period of time, this was all done.

It seems that this light spot is extremely slow, as if a small particle is moving.

However, the impression given is that there is no escape, no escape.

There is no way in which to go from heaven to earth.


Finally, the light spot fell on Tizhun's body.

At this time, Ye Tian had already turned around, no longer looking at the accuracy at all.

He has full confidence in his own move.

"Tongtian, you are not bad."

Ye Tian laughed, looked at Tongtian and said.

At this moment, Tong Tian did not dare to feel the slightest negligence, and quickly got up, and even all kinds of precious treasures and fairy wines were put away.

"you flatter me!"

He arched his hand and said to Ye Tian to show his respect for Ye Tian.

"Original, it's a little bit interesting."

Ye Tian spoke again.

Yuan Yuan was obviously reluctant, but this was Ye Tian, ​​and he couldn't argue with anything.

Even he must get up and salute Ye Tian.

"You are very strong, I am not your opponent."

Primitive is also very smart, and he admits it directly and frankly.

Ye Tian laughed dumbly and said, "Original, you still calculate with one stomach. In this life, you may be able to calculate the sky once, twice, or three times, but as long as you can't kill him, he wakes up and you will never catch up. His footsteps."

"Among the three of you, I think Tongtian is the most promising, followed by Taishang, you are the last, and there is a lot of difference."

The moment Ye Tian finished speaking, there was a bang, and it burst completely behind him.

The sound of the crash is too terrifying.

This kind of power is simply an inestimable and indescribable thing.

At this time, the world is in sorrow!

A sense of sorrow was scattered across the world, even the saint would be moved a little bit by it.

Afterwards, a rain of blood poured down, and he was dead, and he couldn't die anymore. He didn't have a method to get rid of the shell, so he temporarily concealed himself.

Of course, this was because Xuan Phoenix hadn't spared his hands to deal with him for the time being.

The death date of the lead is not far away.

Xuan Phoenix was very happy to see Ye Tian beheading the lead extremely cleanly.

She smiled and said, "Since you have done it, I can't be too inked."


She turned her head and waved her hand directly into a knife, and a blade of light across the galaxy universe was directly turned into a golden light and chopped out.

With a bang, it blasted directly on the body of the lead.


That body directly exploded, shattered, and devoured.

"Do you have to rush to kill like this? Can't you leave a way out?"

The sound of the lead reappeared again, and there was a bang.

He got out of his original body, obviously, he looked much younger than usual, and his eyes were extremely vicious and he glanced across the sky.

It was Tongtian who revealed his affairs.

"Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates, I don't bother to bother about it."

Xuan Huang said indifferently.

After that, she waved her hand, turned into a beam of light, and beheaded the past again.

At this time, the link has no resistance at all, and even the main body has been shattered. What can be resisted?

Basically, it can be said that there is no resistance.

The last set of methods of suspended animation was nothing more than delaying time.

It's just that until now, the moment he delayed, it was just that Xuan Phoenix hadn't done anything for the time being.

Direct, hands-on, is turned into fly ash, clean, and there is nothing left.

Between heaven and earth, everything is clear and bright. ,

Afterwards, the sorrow of heaven and earth opened again, as if the sage's grief was nothing longer, and it was accustomed to it.

Because just now there was a saint who had fallen once.

Now it doesn't seem to have the sense of amazement that it had before. ,

Of course, for most people in the distance, the performance above their strength is still sufficient.

Two consecutive sorrows of heaven and earth, the two saints represented by the fall, these things can be regarded as extremely rare.

"The saint falls, the saint falls, the change of heaven and earth is about to begin!"

"Heaven and earth are sorrowful. This is a sign. For me, it is not a small difficulty."

"Now, where to go, who will rule? Which saint fell? Is it Daozu? Or Sanqing? Or Wa emperor? Or is it the second sage of Western religion?"

"The saint has long seen him for a long time, he is an unthinkable strong man, how can he die, how can he fall!"

"This world is crying, and my heart is moved. How can I keep on doing this?"

In the realm of heaven and earth, I don't know how many strong people have been awakened, and they are all exploring the truth of the matter.

It is a pity that without the strength of a saint, there is no qualification to probe the truth.

The powerhouses in the world of heaven and earth don't know what to do.

Asking the saints, most of them did not come to a good conclusion.


"There are saints who have fallen, or two! The change of heaven and earth is about to begin! This is our opportunity!"

"Heaven's secrets are starting to become chaotic, everything is possible! I guess it's the master who has acted!"

"Only the master has this strength, and the master must do it! Hurry, hurry! We must act as soon as possible!"

"Heaven, earth and human race luck, nine points are divided into two, five points are in the week, and four points are in me. Our chance is not small!"

These are several disciples of Yuan Tianzong, they are gathered in Yuan Dynasty.

The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, um, was directly named the Emperor of Humanity.

He is the Qin surname who rose from the end of the Wei Dynasty. He calls himself Qin Zheng. Qin Zhengxiong is a general. From the end of the Wei Dynasty, when he was young, he designed to kill the practitioners, and since then gathered a group of people by his side.

When Shang fell, the world was in chaos, and Qin gathered a large number of human races around him to fight against Da Zhou. He was a solid guardian of Shang.

Unfortunately, Shang was finally defeated.

Until the people of Yuan Tianzong appear again, otherwise, opposition forces like them will soon be wiped out.

A dozen disciples of Yuan Tianzong are now all gathered together. Among them, Teng Song is the senior brother, who has an in-depth discussion with Qin Zheng on behalf of the senior brother.

From then on, Qin Zheng received a lot of supplies, and began to be more tyrannical on the road of resistance. After successively defeating the encirclement and suppression of the Zhou Dynasty, he gradually established his authority and position, and then established the fate.

They have been waiting, waiting for an opportunity, they believe that this world change is not over yet.

Especially after they established the predestined dynasty, this feeling became clearer and clearer.

Afterwards, they discovered that many forces, and extremely top forces, frequently entered the Yuan Dynasty to explore things.

Teng Song's simplest intuition is that these people all have their own things, and this time the matter has not completely ended.

The saint is hidden, and the people on the road are missing. Now, is it finally coming?

The fall of the saint is great news.

In the shape of people like Teng Song, Master is invincible.

Especially after meeting so many powerful people, he still maintains absolute awe of Ye Tian.

No one can replace the change.

Now, they think the time has come.

Regardless of the advent of the robbery, the incident of the saint now and the fall of the saint will inevitably cause those big people to shake.

There is no time and eyes to fall on their mortal dynasty.

Even more can't care what ninety-nine or ninety-five is.

At least, it's the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and naturally, I will be relieved a lot subconsciously.

"From now on, everyone will pull out their army and attack the Zhou Dynasty! Take away the nine or nine emperor luck of my human race!"

"When the Zhou Dynasty was a dog, how could my human race be like this? Erlang, kill with me!"

"All Yuan Dynasty human races should fight for the human race, do not hesitate to live or die! Fight for the human race human emperor! Kill!"

Within the Yuan Dynasty, countless human races rushed for it, and from today onwards, they have directly stepped into the Zhou Dynasty.

Opened the end of the battle of Yuan Zhou.

The Zhou Dynasty's strength is not weak, and because of the things left over from the interpretation and teaching, at this stage, it has not been completely separated from the heavens, so there are many immortal magic weapons.

Of course, the current fate is certainly not bad.

The battlefield between the two sides started extremely hastily. Although the Zhou Dynasty had always emphasized the matter of prevention, no one thought that Yuan Chao would be so decisive.

It even directly annexed most of the Zhou Dynasty.

Zhou Chao's Ninth Five-Year Plan directly only had ninety-three luck.

On Yuan Chao's side, he had the luck of ninety-six directly.

Ninety-six Lord!

Qin Zheng was greatly excited, and there were more and more powerful within the border.

However, the Zhou Dynasty, after all, has a profound foundation, which is not comparable to ordinary things.

The Shang dynasty at the beginning was not necessarily better than the Zhou dynasty now, not because of other things, but because the Zhou dynasty is now in contact with the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court has supported a lot of things.

The intention is to destroy the fate.

Of course, Heavenly Court is not so kind, they will not allow Zhou Dynasty to directly annex it and turn it into the nine-nine zun Ziqi.

It just supported the Zhou Dynasty and let the two sides kill each other.

Zhou Dynasty also understood very well, but they did not have the protection of the emperor, and they had no right to speak at all.

At the moment when the battle started, the things given by the heavenly court were also playing a role, and they finally resisted it.

Now, directly into a more anxious situation.

No one can compare anything.

And just as Teng Song and the others thought, almost everyone nowadays can pay too much attention to the war between Zhou Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty at this time.

Originally, things that are now under the jurisdiction of the heavenly court have now caused a series of things because of this problem, and many things are unwilling to see.

Their eyes are also on the West, and they want to know what happened in the West, specifically, what will happen after the West. This is the most important thing.

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