MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2210 Golden full moon

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"Your Excellency... Planning to spend the Flame Ghost Cavern?" A freelancer walked up to talk to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian nodded and said nothing.

The San Xiu pointed at the two monks beside him, and said: "We have tried to walk through the Flame Ghost Cave for more than a hundred times, but unfortunately, we fell on the third heaven every time. In the first two heavens, we I have been observing you. Except for that natural baby, only you can not be attacked by any monsters."

At the end of the words, another casual cultivator continued: "Yes, we believe that your superior strength prevents these evil spirits from getting close. If you can lead us through the Three Heavens, I am willing to give three best spirit stones. ."

Ye Tian heard this, his expression hardly waved. The main reason is that the reward is too sparse.

Three superb spirit stones are difficult to move in Pangzhou.

Soon, the third Sanxiu spotted Ye Tian's strange look, and he quickly said, "No, no, no, if you can lead us through three... through the flame ghost cave, we are willing to tell you the opening hours of Pengzhou! "

This sentence caused Ye Tian to fall into a moment of contemplation. In recent days, he was only thinking about Pangzhou, and he hadn't searched for news about the other two states, so naturally he didn't know their pattern.

The third casual Xiu found that Ye Tian's interest had been aroused, and immediately said with interest: "Pengzhou has revised the general policy in recent years in order to distinguish it from Pangzhou."

"What Pangzhou needs is testing strength and a pass, while Pengzhou has to go within a fixed time and pass the test before entering. This fixed time is similar to the Pangzhou pass. After all, every time Test points, the time is uncertain..."

Under the introduction of the casual cultivators, Ye Tian basically knew the pattern of Pengzhou.

To enter, you must pass a test. But there will be tens of millions of test points between the world and the earth, which will only be opened at special times.

If there is no news, just by luck, it may take tens of thousands of years to get a chance. And if the strength is not good, entering is nothing more than death.

Therefore, the two are almost bound together.

After hearing so much news along the way, Ye Tian helped by the way.

Every time, his solution to evil is so simple. With a single sword swept away, no matter how evil and evil it is, it will turn into nothing.

It was also the first time that the casual cultivators saw such terrifying auras, and they stood behind Ye Tian and moved slowly.

"This Seven Swordsman Sword is actually a magic weapon for eliminating ghosts." Ye Tian glanced at the Seven Swordsman Sword and said.

If it weren't for such weapons, he would definitely not be able to solve ghosts so easily. After all, the realm of those ghosts is above the demon puppet realm.

Soon, on the third day, Ye Tiananran led the casual practitioners through it, and the journey was full of surprises.

Next, facing the Four Heavens. Several casual repairers stopped at this moment, and did not take that step for a long time.

"What? Are you timid here?" Ye Tian chuckled lightly, and he could see the fear of several casual cultivators in his expression.

But the casual cultivator, who was still "fearful", turned into "tenacity" after Ye Tian said these words.

The three of them looked at each other and encouraged each other.

"For so many years, we have been halting in Wang Divine Realm. If there is no radicalization, death would be considered a relief."

"Yes, Mochizuki Cliff is our last hope. Over the years, haven't we just conquered Flame Ghost Caverns?"

"Just leave, they are all big men, why should you be afraid of such sneaky?"

When the words fell, a few people walked forward in stride. Seeing this, Ye Tian just shook his head helplessly, walking in the back in a leisurely manner.

Time passed slowly, and for some reason, there was no evil in the fourth heaven.

Not only the casual cultivators were surprised, but even Ye Tian smelled a hint of conspiracy.

After all, he had only felt it a while ago, the aura inside the Quadruple Heaven was far more majestic than the previous three items combined.

"It's weird, how can there be no evil in these four heavens?"

"Is it possible that this place is like this, the four heavens are not evil? But it can't be said, after all, just now is magnificent..."

"I heard that on the day when the full golden moon on the Cliff of Moon Watch will rise, there will be huge changes in the fourth heaven closest to the Cliff of Moon Watch. Could it be that this is the change?"

Facing the discussion of the casual cultivators, Ye Tian shook his head. He could clearly feel the majestic aura not far away, slowly moving.

"What happened next, please don't tell it to others." Ye Tian said with a sullen expression, focusing on the corner in front of him.

Reiki, getting closer and closer. Evil is about to emerge.

Upon hearing the words, the three casual cultivators more or less guessed the seriousness of the matter, and all nodded.

Finally, the fluctuations in the air should prove Ye Tian's thoughts, an evil spirit came here as expected.

In order to facilitate the observation and to keep the three casual cultivators behind, Ye Tian slowly recited the curse.

Afterwards, a golden light descended from the sky, and a huge **** king stood behind Ye Tian.

The quaint eyes opened, and yellow sand rolled across the sky.

In the distance, the three San Xiu faces were shocked, and even the words were almost unclear.

"That...that is the King of Dust Eyes! I have read ancient books, and I can't make mistakes!"

"Yes, it is indeed the King of Dust Eyes! In order to be able to walk through the Flame Ghost Cavern, I have studied hard for many years, but unfortunately I still have nothing..."

"Could it be that this person has practiced the stunt of the King of Dust Eyes?"

The evil spirits were exposed in the eyes of King Chenyan. Huang Sha brushed over, and the evil spirit was not affected at all, which was beyond Ye Tian's expectation.

You know, the evil gangsters that used to be thousands of years ago can run rampant in the village for thousands of years. Facing the gaze of the King Chenyan, it just vanished in an instant.

However, this evil creature at the moment can only be affected by appearance without any harm, which is really rare.

Ye Tian looked at the evil monster in front of him, but there was a feeling of dizziness on his head.

This evil creature has a sense of unreality all over. Facing Ye Tian's gaze, Xie Hao obviously had a temper, and he came to Ye Tian's face in an instant.

If it hasn't been revealed yet, Ye Tian may be recruited. But under these circumstances, it is easy to avoid this speed.

Ye Tian turned around and easily escaped the evil claws. At the same time, he called out the Seven Swords of the Dantian and pierced it into the evil body.

The sword ran unimpeded all the way, piercing the evil spirit's body.

Everything is so unreal, so unreal that Ye Tian has some doubts whether the source of the aura is the evil evil in front of him.

But Xie Hao smiled, and then swallowed the Seven Swords! At this moment, Ye Tian frowned.

All signs indicate that this evil spirit is not affected by the Seven Swords at all! After all, the blade had clearly penetrated its body, how could it be swallowed suddenly?

Ye Tian couldn't figure it out, but he didn't take it lightly. After all, the Seven Swords are known to be useless, even if it is swallowed, it is harmless.

Suddenly, a sky thunder flashed from the air, and it slashed directly at the evil monster!

"Tian Lei?! He can still call out Tian Lei?"

"It's impossible for the evil monster to survive facing the sky thunder. Now, we can finally get out of the flame ghost cave..."

"Yes, we really didn't read it wrong..."

The smoke and dust dissipated before the casual repair was finished. In between, there are still two human figures standing tall. This shows that the sky thunder did not work.

Ye Tian also felt depressed for a while, this evil creature was attacked by the sky thunder, not only did not suffer any harm, but the aura became stronger.

The evil monster originally composed of black, now the whole body is red, with striped roads attached to the body, which looks very strange.

Xie Xie's bloated face suddenly evoked a smile, and then the whole land began to fall apart!

Ravines formed in an instant, and flames continued to gush down on the path. At the same time, one hand slowly rose from the ground.

Whether it was a casual repair or Ye Tian, ​​they were both restrained by hands. Faced with this situation, Ye Tian just smashed it to pieces with a light step.

However, casual practitioners do not have such good luck. Faced with this weird hand, they were a little hard to resist.

Ye Tian frowned, trying to use Tian Lie's karmic fire as a guide to attach himself to him. At the same time, he called out Divine Fire, intending to attack the evil spirits in two lines at the same time!

However, such a conjecture ended in failure. No matter how hard Ye Tiantang exerts, it is difficult to cause harm to the evil spirits. If you hit the top, most of your strength will be unloaded, and Shenhuo won't work.

On the contrary, let the evil breath grow again. This made Ye Tian fall into a bottleneck.

Not far away, a casual repairman broke free from the shackles of his hands. He watched from the sidelines very seriously, as if thinking of something, so he threw a sword towards Ye Tian.

"Try this one!" San Xiu said, and at the same time tried his best to maintain this world and not let it collapse completely.

Ye Tian picked up the blade thoughtfully, and when the evil spirits on the side saw it, he tried his best to stop Ye Tian.

However, this evil skill is still a little shallow after all. Ye Tian only summoned the Qimen Dao Jia, and easily isolated the evil spirit's attack.

Seeing that Ye Tian raised his sword, the evil spirits became more fierce, and he divided himself into several pieces in an instant, seeming to want to devour Ye Tian.

Ye Tian chanted the sword art softly, and his mind was full of "cutting" art in ancient books. Facts have proved that although ancient creations are simple, they are extremely strong.

It was clearly a sword that seemed so simple, but it contained extremely terrifying power.

Ye Tian chuckled, he had a strong hunch that this sword was enough to kill evil spirits!

A sword blade tainted with firelight slashed out, and the evil spirits fell apart like fragments in an instant, leaving only the Seven Swordsman lying on the spot.

Only at this moment did the casual cultivators recall the "Di Qiu" incident that was a riot a hundred years ago.

"It turns out... he is the legendary Di Qiu?! No wonder, no wonder he can skillfully use Chenyan King's stunts..."

"Di Qiu?! Di Qiu, the head of the Seven Great God Kings in the ancient times? Never thought, I'll wait for my luck to get this far?"

Faced with the agreement of the two, Ye Tian did not make any statement. He just put the Seven Swords in his bag and watched the Bingjian handed over by San Xiu.

No matter how he observes, he thinks that the Seven Swordsman's ability to slash the demon is better.

Seeing Ye Tian pondering over and over again, the cultivator who had been silent for a long time finally opened his mouth: "This sword is not an extraordinary thing, but something that is contaminated with evil."

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Tian gave an enlightenment, and instantly knew the cause and effect.

This evil is just devouring too many objects containing divine nature, causing its evil nature to be scarce, and it is difficult for the Seven Swords to cause damage.

If you really want to kill it, you still need to rely on evil weapons.

"If you like it, you can take it." San Xiu said when he saw Ye Tian thinking about it.

Ye Tian chuckled and shook his head: "Should we pay the reward we agreed first, okay?"

When the words fell, Ye Tian returned the sword to San Xiu. After all, this is just a mortal thing, tainted with a trace of evil, nothing more.

Soon, a group of four arrived at Wangyue Cliff.

The casual cultivators kept their promise and told Ye Tian when and where to open the next time.

Half a month later, on the north side of Linzhou. As for the specific location, just ask the locals.

Ye Tian repeated this unreliable information repeatedly in his mind, and after all, he sighed.

It's not that he believes that the information is false, but that the time is too urgent. This is completely forcing oneself to obtain the Ultimate Immaculate Relic within half a month.

Hard, harder than ever.

"When there is a golden full moon today, even the **** king can understand, are you sure you want to leave?"

"Yes, the golden full moon, which is rare in a thousand years, can only be seen in the treasured geomantic omen of Wangyue Cliff, and it has caused an epiphany."

The casual cultivators wanted to keep Ye Tian, ​​but in the end they were rejected one by one. It's not that the golden full moon is not attractive enough, it's mainly because the time is too tight and it can't be delayed.

If it had consumed decades of epiphany once again, I still don't know when I will be able to enter Pengzhou.

Behind Mochizuki Cliff, there is the sea of ​​rifting air. The reason why this place is called the Rift Sea is because there is a huge crack in the sea.

This crack is strange, it is clear that both sides are covered by sea water, but there is no water falling into it.

Ye Tian passed by, his eyes were also attracted by the strangeness of this place. He also noticed that there was a black box inside, quietly placed in it, and he didn't know what would be in it.

But for safety's sake, Ye Tian still didn't go to check, but passed the legendary air-cracking sea area at extreme speed.

The sea area that ordinary monks needed to cross in units of years, so that Ye Tian crossed it in half a day.

According to the information provided by Yu Ze, Ye Tianguo really found a place with ruins.

Just looking at it from a distance, he can be sure that it must be the ruins of Zuzhou thousands of years ago!

Ye Tian walked towards the city lord's mansion, but saw that it was already broken. Just relying on it lightly, there will be countless dust and sand.

In order to prevent the underground from being destroyed, Ye Tian did not choose to violently dismantle, but patiently looked for the location of the gate.

Finally, after going around, Ye Tian found the gate and walked into the old city lord's mansion.

As soon as he walked in, Ye Tian saw a sleeping young dragon with a very weak breath.