MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 9 "You are only 0, and your whole family is 0!"

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  Chapter 9 "You are only 0, and your whole family is 0!"

  After Xu Youyou left, Pei Chuan walked in and handed the information in his hand to Mo Shenbai.

   "President Mo, all of Xu Youyou's information is here."

   When Mo Shenbai opened the file, the first thing he saw was a three-inch photo, with a small round face and a round head, full of childishness.

"Xu Youyou is Xu Jialu's younger sister. She was sent to the old lady in the country to recuperate not long after she was born. She was brought back to Mocheng when she was 15 years old. However, I went to the hospital where Xu Youyou was born to investigate. According to the memories of the doctor who delivered Xu Youyou, Xu Youyou There was nothing wrong with her body when she was born, and she has not had any serious medical records for so many years."

   There is something weird about claiming to be sick and sending him to the countryside when he is not sick.

  Mo Shenbai is not interested in the weirdness of the Xu family, what he cares about is whether Xu Youyou can really wake Zhiyun up.

  Pei Chuan was also worried about this. He glanced at the **** the hospital bed and said worriedly, "Mr. Mo, if Xu Youyou deceives you..."

   "It's okay." Mo Shenbai handed him the information, got up and put down his sleeves, and said casually: "My sister pays my debt."

  He wouldn't do anything to a little girl, Xu Jialu might not...

  Pei Chuan: "..."

   Xu Jialu, who was interrogated by his parents all night and finally escaped and returned to his room to catch up on sleep, had a nightmare as soon as he closed his eyes.

In the dream, Mo Shenbai enslaved him ruthlessly, "Your sister lied to me, and you will have to pay the price! From now on, I will say that you can't go west. 1!"

  Xu Jialu woke up in a cold sweat, and said plausibly: "You are only 0, and your whole family is 0!"


  Since being exposed by Mo Shenbai, Xu Youyou has been in fear for several days in a row, spending time in the school library every day, only going back late, and running out before dawn, just to avoid Mo Shenbai.

   Living in panic, I don't even have time to think about Lin Yin's affairs.

   Fortunately, Mo Shenbai seemed to have disappeared. Xu Youyou learned from the housekeeper that he was on a business trip, and that he would go on a business trip for several months each time, and his heart finally fell to the ground.

  In the evening, the housekeeper and the others rested, and the crystal lamps in the villa were all extinguished, leaving only a set of wall lamps left to outline the interior furnishings.

  Xu Youyou finished the homework assigned by the teacher. Feeling a little hungry, she went downstairs lightly and walked towards the kitchen.

   She likes night the most. Everyone in the villa is asleep, and only she is left alone, quiet and empty. At this time, she can do whatever she wants.

   For example, cook yourself some supper.

  In order not to alarm other people, she kept her movements very light, simply cooked a piece of noodles, and when she turned around and walked towards the living room with the hot noodles, she was startled by the sudden black shadow.

  As soon as the fingers were loosened, the bowl was about to fall, the man stretched out his hand to hold the bottom of the bowl, and the other hand clasped her soft little hand.

  Xu Youyou looked up to see the man's face clearly in the dim light, and said dryly, "Mo, Mr. Mo..."

  Mo Shenbai's savvy eyes shifted from the face in the bowl to her small face, and his voice was low, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

   "I, don't want to disturb everyone's rest." Xu Youyou bit her lip.

  Although the housekeeper will definitely cook for her, she is staying here after all, and she is often afraid of troublesome people.

  Mo Shenbai's brows twitched slightly, without saying a word, the suddenly lit crystal lamp drove away the darkness and illuminated the two of them.

  Pei Chuan walked in with a suitcase, and was taken aback when he saw them, especially—

   Seeing Mo Shenbai holding Xu Youyou's hand, the eyeballs of surprise almost fell to the ground.

   Good morning, my loved ones



  (end of this chapter)