MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 829 Looking Back Later (48)

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  Chapter 829 Late Return to View Today (48)

  The banquet was not over yet, all the information about Cheng Ying was sent to Xu Chi's mobile phone in detail, and he didn't know about it today.

  After the banquet was over, Xu Chi sent her back. The two of them sat in the back seat of the car, their fingers tightly clenched.

  Probably because there was a driver, the two of them did not show closeness, and even the conversation revolved around work.

  Xu Chi told her which people at the banquet could cooperate and which old foxes should be careful, and I will silently remember it today.

  When the car stopped, Xu Chi realized that he had already arrived at Lu's house, and the hand holding her 葇荑 silently tightened, a little reluctant to let her in.

   Jinjin was also reluctant, and sat with him in the carriage for a long time.

  The driver felt a little restless, with a light on his back, and found an excuse to get out of the car, leaving space for the young couple.

  Just as the car door was closed, Jinjin didn't hold it, and immediately hugged him sideways, "I miss you so much, let me hug you."

   "Just a hug?" Xu Chi lowered his head and pressed his lips against her ear, as if he was talking with her ear in his mouth.

  Jinjin's heart trembled, but before he could react, the man had already lowered his head and kissed his red lips.

   "No... have, kissed?"

  A vague sound came from the gap between the lips and teeth.

  She was wearing a black dress tonight, showing her beautiful collarbone. The man's fingertips were stroking the delicate collarbone reluctantly, and his voice was low and hoarse, "You haven't hugged me enough since you were a child?"

  Jinjin understood what she heard, her little face blushed, and she slowly closed her eyes.

   After an unknown amount of time, Xu Chi suddenly let go of her, breathing louder and louder.

  Jinjin was also panting badly, and wanted to look up at him, but he held the back of his head and pressed it against his chest.

   "Hey, don't look at me..."


  Xu Chi hugged her tightly, as if holding a peerless baby, his thin lips fell on the top of her head, "You will know later."

  He didn't want to scare her.

  A man's desire, a man's natural violence.

  Although Jinjin was curious, but after hearing what he said, he didn't raise his head again, and obediently leaned against his strong chest, and there was a nice cool smell from his body under the tip of his nose.

   "Why do you always smell good?" Jin Jin asked curiously, but it didn't look like some kind of perfume.

   "Probably because I don't smoke or drink much."

  He doesn't like to drink or smoke, which is completely opposite to Mo Shenbai, but he is very similar to Mr. Jiang from Lanshi.

   "Then don't drink or smoke in the future, I like the smell of you."

  Xu Chi agreed without any hesitation, "Okay."

  Pinching the back of her neck lightly with her fingertips, as if comforting a kitten, "Don't quarrel with Uncle Lu later."

  Jinjin looked up at him curiously, "How did you know I would quarrel with Dad?"

  Xu Chi had already calmed down, did not stop her from looking up, and looked at her with tender eyes, "You have a good temper, but rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. You must have resentment in your heart when Uncle Lu sings tonight."

   Jin Jin pouted, "Then you are not angry?"

   "No need." Xu Chi gently pinched her cheek with his fingertips, "No matter what purpose he has, he won't shake our relationship, so why bother to compete with him for a moment."

   "I'm just afraid that he will take an inch." Jin Jin said very upset.

   "Don't worry, he can't do anything." Xu Chi comforted him, "My sister-in-law is still here."

  Jin Jin looked at him for a long time, nodded reluctantly, and got tired of him for a long time before getting out of the car reluctantly.

   After tidying up the dress, he entered the room.

  Lu Heyun was still awake, sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her enter the door, and asked in a lukewarm tone, "Are you willing to come back? I thought you were going to spend the night in the car!"

  Jinjin's suppressed anger rose to his throat, without changing his shoes, he walked over and asked, "Dad, what do you mean?"

  Lu Heyun pretended not to understand, and even kept his eyes on the newspaper, "What do you mean?"

   "You didn't want me to attend some banquet instead of you. You asked Cheng Ying to go on a blind date with me, or in front of brother A Sui. Don't you think that your behavior is very dishonorable?"

"It would be dishonorable if I let you carry him behind your back." Lu Heyun said in a flat tone, "If you don't like Cheng Ying, I have many other young talents here. Those from Beijing, Lanshi, Tongcheng, Jiangcheng, I can introduce you to whatever you want, to ensure that the family background and knowledge are worthy of you."

   "Dad, even if you recruit the emperor and prince, I don't want it. I just want to be with brother A Sui. Why can't you support me?"

  I don’t understand now, he didn’t like Ah Sui brother very much before, and praised him as the smartest and most courageous of all the children.

   "Because he made you sad." Lu Heyun raised his eyes, a chill flashed in his eyes, "If he made you sad, he is not qualified to be your other half."

  The atmosphere was tense, both of them were angry, and they blurted out without thinking.

   "Then you didn't make your mother sad back then? You even divorced another woman because of her heartbreak, and you lost your first child..."

   "Jinjin!" Mo Zhiyun, who was standing on the stairs, scolded her imposingly, his face was unprecedentedly cold.

   Jinjin also knew that what he had said was too much, and he swallowed the words that were left on his lips, but Lu Heyun looked at her with gloomy and cold eyes, and disappointment slowly emerged.

  Mo Zhiyun came over, without blindly favoring his daughter, and said seriously: "Today, I apologize to Dad."

  Jin Jin's eyes were slightly swollen and red, he bit his lip, squeezed out the word "I'm sorry" from between his teeth, turned around and walked upstairs.

  Mo Zhiyun took a deep breath, sat down beside Lu Heyun, and comforted him, "What I said today is just a moment of anger, don't take it to heart."

  Lu Heyun closed his eyes, looked sideways at her, lowered his head and coughed.

  Because he had undergone transplant surgery in his early years and was also paralyzed, his health has not been very good, especially now that he is getting older, he is even worse than people of the same age.

  Mo Zhiyun's eyes were full of distress, "Are you okay?"

  Lu Heyun stopped coughing, shook his head lightly, "It's okay..."

  He said he was fine, but how could he be fine in his heart.

   "I did something wrong in the past, and I haven't said anything wrong today."

  I didn't feel it before, but as he got older, these years, he felt more and more sorry for Zhizhi, and owed her too much.

   "Things have passed for so many years, what are you talking about." Mo Zhiyun held his cold hand and said softly: "I have forgiven you a long time ago, otherwise there would be no steadfastness."

   "I know, it's just...just..." He said two "just" in a row, unable to speak, and sighed heavily.

Mo Zhiyun seemed to know what he was thinking, and hugged him, "I know that it is enough for you to love me, and let the past pass. I will not let myself live in the hatred and pain of the past, and neither should you. Regret and guilt. If you haven't loved enough in this life, then continue in the next life..."

  Lu Heyun's eyes were slightly surprised. She didn't expect that she would be willing to be with him in the next life. Fei's lips curled up lightly, "Okay."


  Jin Jin returned to the room, sat on the edge of the bed, and vented his anger on the pillow.

   Angry at Lu Heyun's objection, and also angry at himself for saying such things to his father.

  Finally lying on the bed, the more I thought about it, the more annoyed and wronged I was, my eyes were red and misty.

  There were footsteps behind me, and I knew who it was without turning around, and said in a slightly choked voice, "I'm in a bad mood tonight, you'd better not say anything, let me be quiet for a while."

  Buyu sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the back of her head, not being persuaded by her words, but bluntly said: "I think what you said to Dad was too much."

   "I apologize." Jinjin didn't look back, and his tone was not very good.

   "No sincerity."

   "Then what do you think of me?" Jinjin sat up irritatedly, and looked up at her, "Do you want me to pray three times and nine times to ask for his forgiveness, or to ask me to plead guilty?"

  Buyu looked at her quietly, without speaking.

  Jinjin took a deep breath, lowered his head and said, "I told you I'm in a bad mood, so don't say anything, let me be quiet for a while, okay?"

  Buyu reached out and poked her forehead, "Mo Jinjin, you have changed recently."

  Jin Jin clapped her hand away, "Call me sister, and I haven't changed."

   "Yes!" Unswervingly said in an affirmative tone: "In the past, you would never quarrel with Dad, let alone hurt his heart by saying those words."

  Guilty flashed in Jinjin's eyes, and he defended in a low voice, "It's not that he didn't agree to be with brother Ah Sui, and even introduced a man to me on a blind date, which is inexplicable."

   "Dad just disagrees, but he hasn't stopped you and Brother Chi." Unyielding said to wake up the man in his dream, "He is already much more enlightened than other fathers, and he has always doted on you the most, don't you know?"

  Ji Jin bit his lip and did not refute.

Unyielding looked at the light outside the window, and said in an unhurried tone: "Back then, my father hurt my mother because of a woman named Wen Xingchen, causing her to lose her first child, so she left sadly and went away, and met you in the capital. Because your appearance saved Mom, Dad has loved you for so many years, even more than his own daughter."

  Apology welled up in Jinjin's eyes, "I'm sorry..."

  Because I snatched away the complete maternal love and fatherly love that originally belonged to Unswerving.

   Unchanged a rare smile and shook his head gently, "I never mind who they love more and who they love less. I am very happy to have you as my sister."

  Compared to other children who are jealous, she has never been jealous, probably because both her parents and Jin Jin have given her enough love.

   "I just wanted to tell you not to make Dad sad, he really loves you."

  Jijin nodded, "I know, I was just out of breath and talking out of anger for a while, and I was also very guilty in my heart, I was so sad that I was dying."

   "Then remember to apologize to him properly."

"I know." Jinjin took a deep breath, sighed again, leaned back on the bed, hugged the pillow and said in distress: "Buyu, how do you think Dad will agree to me being with brother A Sui?" ?”

Unyielding lay sideways on the bed, propped his chin with his hands, thought for a while and said: "Parents want their children to be healthy, happy and free from harm. You are clear about the matter between you and Brother Chi, but Mom and Dad don't know about it."

  Jinjin immediately turned his head to look at her, his eyes lit up, "Buyi, I found that you are really a genius!"

   Unchanging seriousness, "Haven't I always been?"

   "What I mean is that you are not only a genius with a high IQ, but also a high EQ. You see things straight to the point, and everything you say makes sense."

  Unswerving: "..."

   "Let me see the structure of your little brain, how can you be so smart."

   As Jin Jin spoke, he threw himself on her.

  Buyu moved aside, "I don't want to..."

   "Come on, let my sister see..."

"don't want…"

   "Unyielding, let my sister kiss and reward you..."

   "Then don't..."

  The two sisters had a quarrel on the bed, the quilt and pillows fell to the floor, and the laughter was so loud that the whole villa could be heard.


  The next day, she woke up early today, and she knew that her father would go out for a walk for half an hour every morning.

  When she went downstairs, Lu Heyun had just changed into her sneakers.

   "Father, let me accompany you." Jinjin hurried forward and spoke up.

  Lu Heyun glanced sideways at her, didn't speak, just nodded.

   Jinjin quickly changed into his white shoes and went out with him.

  The sun has not yet fully risen, the sky is half-dark, and the air is moist and clear.

  Jinjin walked with him on the secluded cobblestone path, and when he encountered a branch sticking out occasionally, Lu Heyun would carefully reach out and push it away, waiting for her to walk over before putting it down.

His behavior made Jinjin feel even more uncomfortable, and he said with guilt: "Dad, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you last night. I didn't control my emotions for a while and said angry words. Don't be angry, let alone Don't take it to heart."

  Lu Heyun smiled, and reached out to touch her guilty face, "I'm not angry, don't worry."

  He has always treated Jinjin as his own daughter, so how could he be willing to be really angry with her.

   "Thank you Dad."

  Lu Heyun bent his lower lip, put his hands behind his back and continued to walk forward.

  Jin Jin walked behind him for some distance before asking, "Father, are you angry with Brother Ah Sui because I didn't contact Brother Ah Sui a few years ago and went to school in Australia alone?"

  Lu Heyun didn't speak, but he stopped and looked back at her, his eyes acquiesced in everything.

   "Father, brother A Sui really made me very sad, so I hid from him for several years and ran to Australia alone, but do you know why I was sad?"

  Lu Heyun naturally didn't know, "Why?"

"That person came to me and wanted to recognize me. In fact, he wanted me to donate bone marrow to his son. I felt bad and ran to the countryside. Brother Ah Sui came back from abroad to find me and stayed with me for two days... "

  When I mentioned what happened that night today, I still felt a little sad in my heart, and looked into the distance.

   "Before you went to pick me up, I confessed my love to A Sui brother, but he refused."

  Lu Heyun's expression was calm, this result was almost as expected.

   "Since he rejected you, he said he doesn't like you, why are you still with him?"

  See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)