MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 827 Looking Back Lately (46)

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  Chapter 827 Late Return to View Today (46)

   "Since I agreed to be with him today, I think I should forgive him." Mo Zhiyun pushed his shoulder, "Why do you care about everything?"

Lu Heyun held her hand and sighed helplessly, "You don't know what kind of temperament our daughter is? She has been kind since she was a child, and she can't be soft-hearted. Who knows what tricks that kid used to deceive today. Don't care about today, I am a father Help him figure it out."

  Mo Zhiyun felt that he was making too much fuss. They watched Ah Sui grow up, so he would definitely not bully Jinjin.

   "According to your logic, I shouldn't have forgiven you back then. My elder brother should have broken your legs and thrown you out of Mocheng."

  Lu Heyun was not angry when she heard her mention the past, but his eyes darkened slightly, and he sighed heavily, "Because of this, I am even more reluctant to suffer today."


   Jinjin quarreled with Lu Heyun, but it didn't affect her going to work in the company.

  She was very successful in the Shanshui Town project before, so after joining Xiaoyun Group as the vice president, other executives did not have any objections.

  Her office is newly decorated, all according to her preferences, with several pots of green plants placed, and a pot of succulents on the desk.

  Lu Heyun's secretary took her to know about the company, introduced several other bosses to her, and then asked someone to take some documents, all of which were the current projects of Xiaoyun Group. As the company's vice president, she naturally wanted to know everything.

   Wait until she understands everything before making further plans.

  Jijin didn’t complain either. He asked the secretary to pour him a cup of coffee, and then sat at the table and looked hard.

  The secretary knocked on the door to remind her that it was time for her lunch break, only to find out today that it was half past eleven.

  She asked the secretary to eat first, rubbed her neck, and leaned on the chair in a daze.

  The phone rang suddenly, it was a video call from Xu Chi.

  She sat up straight, and the handsome facial features of the man were immediately shown on the screen, with his office in the background.

   "President Jin, how is your work today?" Xu Chi's thin lips parted slightly, and there was a hint of a smile in his voice when he listened carefully.

   "It's okay." It's just that my eyes are dazzled and my neck hurts from reading documents, and my mind is buzzing.

   "What do you want for lunch? I'll pick you up and have a meal together?"

   "No way." Jinjin shook his head, pointing the phone camera at the documents on his desk, "I have to finish reading these things today, and I don't have time to go out for dinner. Another day!"

   Although it is good to fall in love, she is not a love brain, and she will stop working when she falls in love.

   Xu Chi saw so many documents and thought that when she first joined the company, what she just said was okay was obviously not telling the truth.

   "It's hard work, it's good to work hard, but you also have to eat on time."

  Jijin nodded, "Don't worry, the work is endless, the body is my own, I know it. I will ask the secretary to bring me something to eat later."

  Xu Chi thought for a while, "If you're not too hungry, you can wait a while."

   "Are you going to deliver food to me?" Jin Jin blurted out.

   "It's too late today, let's do it another day." Xu Chibo opened his lips slightly, and said in a low voice, "Today I've been working so hard, I can't make enough lunch."

   "Okay, I'll take a look at it later." Jin Jin pointed to the file next to him.

  Xu Chi hung up the phone.

   Jinjin put down the phone and took a deep breath, looking down again.

  At half past twelve, the secretary brought in a man in a suit and carrying a food box.

   "Vice President, this guy said he brought you lunch."

  Jinjin looked over curiously, the young man bowed slightly, "Hi, I'm the manager of Hefu, this is the lunch Mr. Chi customized for you."

   Xu Chi?

   Jinjin gave the secretary a look, "Thank you."

   "You're welcome." The man took out a business card from his pocket and put it on the table. "If you have any questions, you can contact me directly. I wish you a pleasant meal."

  The secretary put the food box on the coffee table and sent the man out.

  Jinjin walked to the coffee table with her mobile phone, Xu Chi's video call came again, she answered with a smile, "Why did you order He Fu's private kitchen?"

  This private restaurant is very famous in Mexico City, and it is generally impossible to reserve a seat, let alone delivery.

  Xu Chi also has the same food box, "There is no way to have lunch together, so we can only let them prepare the dishes and send them to us separately."

  Jinjin took a mobile phone holder to fix it, wiped his hands with a wet towel, and saw that he was also preparing to eat, a smile welled up in his eyes.

  Xu Chi asked: "What are you laughing at?"

   "We have created a new way of dating."


   Jin Jin leaned closer, blinking almond eyes, "Yun Dating."

  The smile in Xu Chi's eyes was as gentle as stars, and he didn't retort, "You're hungry, eat quickly."

  Jijin nodded, opened the food box and saw the exquisite food, and couldn't help but praise it.

   Two people eat together through the mobile phone, chatting while eating.

  Xu Chi was quiet most of the time, but he listened carefully and responded to her with words from time to time.

   One is to show that you are listening, and the other is to give her a response.

  After lunch, there is no rest room in the office, so today I rest on the sofa.

   Half an hour later, I woke up with a sneeze, got up and continued working.

  In the evening, I was dizzy and had a runny nose.

  The secretary brought in hot water and saw that she had been sneezing, so she asked concerned: "Vice President, do you have a cold? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

  Jijin shook his head, took the cup and took a sip, "It's okay, maybe the air conditioner was turned on too much, and I caught a cold when I was sleeping at noon."

  The secretary apologized, "I'm sorry, I should have adjusted the temperature for you in advance."

   "It's okay, I'll just drink more hot water." Jin Jin smiled at her, signaling her not to take it to heart, "You should get off work, don't worry about me."

  The secretary hesitated, "Aren't you going?"

   "I have a little left and I'll finish it. It's okay, you don't care about me, you all get off work."

   "Then you should get off work early and rest." The secretary said a few words of concern, and went out first.

  Continue to read the documents today, and after reading all of them, the lights outside the window have been turned on, and there are stars.

  She leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes to meditate. When footsteps came from outside the door, she opened her eyes involuntarily.

  How could someone come so late?

  Just when she was about to get up and want to take a look, there was a knock on the door, "Today..."

  The restless heart suddenly let go, and almost ran all the way to the door of the office, and suddenly opened the door...

  Xu Chi stood at the door in a suit, looking at her with a pair of basalt-like black eyes under thick eyelashes like fans, tender and tender.

  I didn't feel it when I was working, but seeing him now, my heart is filled with thoughts.

   "Brother Xu Chi...ah cut..."

  Before she finished speaking, she couldn't help but sneezed again, her nose dripping down.

  Turn around and rush to find a tissue.

  It's too embarrassing, woo woo woo!


  Let’s make an update today. I didn't sleep well last night, my head was dizzy, and I was really out of shape, so I couldn't write.

  (end of this chapter)