MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 821 Looking Back Lately (40)

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  Chapter 821 Late Return to View Today (40)

  Jinjin's slender eyelashes gleamed with crystal teardrops in his eye sockets, and the end of his eyes were flushed, aggrieved and pitiful, looking at him in surprise, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

  Xu Qianfan's expression was shocked, "Brother Chi..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xu Chi interrupted, "Xu Qianfan, it's not that she likes me now, it's that I'm pursuing her. If you have any questions, you can contact me directly, but I hope you don't say a word to me like I said just now." She said it."

  The little girl he had kept in his heart for many years, he couldn't even bear to say a serious word to her, so how could he tolerate her being wronged like this.

  Xu Chi closed his eyes, lowered his head and hugged Jinjin's shoulders, and walked out.

  Xu Qianfan was left alone, staring blankly at their disappearing figures, like a big dog abandoned by its owner.

   Helpless and wronged.

   Xie Yumu, who was secretly eating melons in the corner, clicked his tongue twice, "Poor baby, it's not good to rob someone, if you insist on robbing someone with Xu Chi, it's clearly looking for abuse."

   Mo Jiayue flicked her bangs and commented: "The ignorant are fearless."

  Looking at the two people eating melons, Xu Xingzhi sighed silently, "My brother is completely broken in love, the two of you can let him go."

   Mo Jiayue and Xie Yumu looked at each other, and they both showed a kind and strange smile.


  Xu Chi pulled Jinjin out of the bar, took her directly to his car, and took out a tissue to wipe her tears.

   Jin Jin turned his head away, avoiding his hand, and said in a sobbing voice, "I will do it myself."

   "Okay, do it yourself." Xu Chi handed her the tissue.

  Jin Jin wiped his tears with a tissue, and then washed his nose softly.

   It's just... embarrassing.

   "I'm not usually like this." She defended herself in a low voice.

   "Huh?" Xu Chi seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't pay attention to what she said.

  Jin Jin raised his head, his eyes were red, but his expression was firm, "I said that I don't usually cry very much, and I don't know what happened today."

   I don't know why, but I just don't want to be underestimated by him.

  Xu Chi understood clearly, and opened his thin lips lightly, "I understand, you don't need to explain."

   "Oh." She lowered her head and continued to rub the tissue in her hand.

  Xu Chi took a deep breath, and said very seriously: "When you confessed to me, you must have exhausted all your efforts to convince yourself not to care about other people's eyes and our previous relationship, but I ignored these, I'm sorry."

   "Huh?" Jinjin blinked his eyes with a dazed look on his face.

  I didn't think so much back then, I just thought that if he liked me, I would change the surname back to Fu, so that they would not be related...

   But Xu Chi rejected her, so she didn't think about it anymore.

Xu Chi raised his hand and rubbed her hair, and said in a deep voice, "Today, no matter what your decision is in the future, I hope that all you consider is the relationship between us, and don't think about the outside world. factors, don’t care what others say, you just need to follow your heart.”

  He can accept that Jinjin doesn't like him, and he can also accept that they ended up not being together, but he can't accept that the reason why she rejected him is because of their superficial relationship and the meaningless nonsense others said.

   Jinjin felt that his brain was a little lack of oxygen from crying, and he didn't quite understand what he said, so he just nodded instinctively, "Oh."

  Xu Chi withdrew his hand, "I'll take you home."

  He didn't drink at night and can drive.

  The two of them didn't speak a word along the way until the car stopped at the door.

  Jinjin unbuckled his seat belt, sniffed, turned his head and said, "Thank you for taking me back, where are you going back tonight?"

  Xu Chi nodded, "Yes."

   "Then you should pay attention to safety on the road, go back and rest early."

   "You go to bed early too, good night."

"Good night."

  Get out of the car today, step back and look back three times and finally walk to the door, open the door, and look back at the car when the door is closed.

  He waited until the door was completely closed and did not start the car to leave. Instead, he sat in the car and waited for a while, and when he saw a window upstairs lit up, he started the engine and left.

  Going back to the room today, I washed my face first, then lay motionless on the bed, my mind was buzzing in a mess.

  Can't think of anything, and don't think about anything.

   After a while, she came in with a glass of water, saw her eyes were red, and asked curiously, "Have you ever cried?"

  I don’t want to admit it today, but I don’t want to lie either, so I can only change the subject, “Where are my parents?”

   "Ms. Mo Zhiyun has recently become obsessed with astronomy. Comrade Lu Heyun bought a telescope, and now he is probably studying the stars and the universe on the rooftop."

  Jinjin pursed her red lips slightly, and said in a slightly envious tone: "They have such a good relationship, they can love each other like this for a lifetime."

  Buyu sat down beside her and handed her the water glass, "Don't you think everyone around us is happy?"

   Jinjin took it over and said thank you, and nodded after thinking for a moment, "It is very happy."

   "But they have also experienced ups and downs, and it is not as simple as falling in love with each other from the beginning."

  Jinjin realized that he couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you giving me a relationship mentor now?"

   "It's not impossible."

   "Come on, you, you haven't even been in love." She took a big sip of water and swallowed slowly.

   "So what!" Buyu raised his chin and said proudly, "I haven't heard a word. The authorities are confused but the bystanders are clear."

  Jin Jin bent her lips and smiled, instead of refuting her words, she asked curiously: "Have you really never liked anyone else? Haven't you even had a momentary heartbeat?"

  Unyielding shook his head, "No, I'm only interested in the code I wrote, not in men."

   "Okay." Jin Jin returned the empty glass to her, "Then I wish you meet the person who makes your heart beat soon. I want to rest, please close the door for me, thank you."

   "Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge." Buyu glanced at her, and went out cooperatively to help her close the door.

  Jin sat on the bed in a daze for a while, got up to get clothes to take a bath, when he passed the cloakroom, he saw those gifts, his eyes stopped.

   After much hesitation, she still went to the bathroom.

   Half an hour later, she came out of the bathroom, her hair was wrapped in a dry hair cap, and all the gifts in the cloakroom were moved to the bedroom and placed on the floor.

  She found a pair of scissors, sat on the carpet, took a few deep breaths facing the mountain of presents, and then began to unwrap the presents.

  The presents had been put away for several years, and she didn't know which one was given at what time. She took one of the boxes on top, and cut open the wrapping paper to reveal a black box with a silver logo printed on it as a certain luxury brand.

  Opening it is a four-leaf clover diamond necklace. It was once a smash hit and many girls bought it.

   There is also a card in the box.

  She turned over the back of the card and saw familiar handwriting, vigorous and powerful, like a swimming dragon.

  Happy birthday today. I heard that girls like this lucky clover necklace very much recently, because it is said that the wish of the person who finds the four-leaf clover will definitely come true. I don't really believe in these things, but if you do, then I want to find that unique four-leaf clover for you, and make your wishes come true.

   It's just, I don't know what wish you will make.

   If you have a chance, I hope you can tell me yourself.


   There is one more update. Remember to vote, thank you.



  (end of this chapter)