MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 808 Looking Back Later (27)

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  Chapter 808 Late Return to View Today (27)

   "Thank you for the clothes, and thank you for your concern, and thank you for helping me out today."

   I would also like to thank you for not disgusting me because of my previous ignorance, and for not drifting away because of my estrangement.

  Xu Chi glanced at her delicate face with the faint light, a pair of apricot eyes shining brightly in the dark night, so clear and pure.

"You're welcome."

  Jinjin smiled, walked forward with brisk steps, occasionally kicked a small stone on the road, looked back at him, and continued to move forward.

  Xu Chi put his hands in his pockets and followed her at a leisurely pace. Looking at her slender figure, there was warmth in his eyes in the cold night.


  Early the next morning, Jinjin was woken up by the secretary's knock on the door.

  Uncle Cao waited at the door of the B&B for an indeterminately long time, with dew still on his hair, and a young man was with him.

  Jin Jin asked the secretary to bring people in, and asked the secretary to pour them two cups of hot water.

After Uncle Cao said "thank you", he couldn't wait to say: "Manager Mo, my mother-in-law didn't read any books, she was deceived by her nephew, I apologize to you on her behalf, please let her go. I Don't pay compensation, don't want anything, can you...can you not let her go to jail?"

   Jinjin didn't speak, but looked at the young man beside him.

   Uncle Cao realized something, and introduced again, "This is my son, Cao Wanli."

   "Pengcheng Wanli?"

  Uncle Cao nodded, "Yes, that's what it means."

  Cao Wanli looks ordinary, wearing glasses with thick lenses, standing silently beside Uncle Cao, he looks like an introverted person.

   "Manager Mo, Wanli has told me about everything on the Internet. We will clarify online and issue an apology statement. Can you please let Aju go?"

   Uncle Cao asked humbly.

  He didn't have any great abilities in his life. He worked hard to earn that little money to support his son's college education, and his wife didn't live a good life with him for a few days. Now that he is disabled, he can't give her anything, and he can no longer just watch her go to jail.

   "Uncle Cao hopes that I can withdraw the lawsuit and not pursue Aunt Cao's responsibility?"

   "Hey, yes." Uncle Cao nodded again and again, "I don't want any compensation, not even a penny."

   Jin Jin leaned on the sofa, lowered his eyes and did not speak, as if he was thinking about something.

  Uncle Cao was full of anxiety, and looked up at his son.

  The latter just pushed down the mirror frame uneasily, and didn't speak.

  "Manager Mo, as long as you are willing to let Aju go, I can do whatever you want. I am a useless person now, I cannot kneel down and apologize to you, or let Wan Li kowtow to apologize for your mother... Wan Li..."

   Cao Wanli was suddenly bewildered and helpless by cue, and knelt down to apologize, this...

   "No need." Jinjin said in time, what age is it, and why are you kowtowing and apologizing.

   "Uncle Cao, I don't need to pursue Aunt Cao's responsibility, and I can also pay the compensation, but there must be someone responsible for this farce and take the responsibility he should bear. Do you understand?"

  Uncle Cao thought for a moment, "What you mean...I understand. But he is Aju's nephew after all, I don't want compensation, can I..."

  Jinjin interrupted him, "Uncle Cao, it's your business if you want to pamper him, but I can't pamper him. If he hadn't encouraged him behind the scenes, Aunt Cao wouldn't have cooperated with him to do so many things, would she?"

  The succinct sentence directly grasped Uncle Cao. Compared with that nephew, of course he wanted to keep his wife.

   "Then, then do as Manager Mo said." He said in a sly voice.

  Jinjin took out his mobile phone and called the legal affairs officer. He immediately prepared the agreement and sent it over, and asked the secretary to notify the engineering company to come over.

  Hung up the phone, she met Uncle Cao's uneasy eyes, and said: "After the agreement is signed, you need to cooperate with the Internet to clarify the previous rumors."

   "Cooperate, we will cooperate." Uncle Cao nodded, pointing to his son, "I don't understand, how to do things on the Internet, you can find thousands of miles."

   "Wanli, do whatever Manager Mo tells you to do. Thank you, Manager Mo."

  Cao Wanli realized later, "Thank you Manager Mo, what do you need me to do, just tell me, I will definitely cooperate."

Let the secretary leave Cao Wanli's contact information today, and wait for the legal affairs to send the agreement, and the engineering company will also send a person in charge to sign the agreement on the spot. Let Uncle Cao and Cao Wanli go back first, Aunt Cao She will call the police herself, and she should be able to go back in two days without any major problems.

  The secretary sent everyone away, Jinjin leaned on the sofa, his expression obviously relaxed, and let out a long breath.

   This matter has finally been resolved. When the negative news on the Internet is eliminated, the completion of the project should not affect the publicity next year.

   "You've done such a good job, sister-in-law and uncle will be very happy to know."

  The sudden voice at the door made Jin Jin sit up straight immediately, "Brother Xu Chi..."

  Xu Chi walked in, "I've been busy all morning, I haven't eaten yet."

   "As long as the matter can be resolved satisfactorily, it doesn't matter if you don't eat anything for breakfast, even if you don't eat for a month."

   "That won't work, I still have to eat breakfast." Xu Chi held a breakfast in his hand behind him, put it on the table, and opened it to a bowl of steaming chicken porridge.

  Xu Chi put the breakfast in front of her, "No matter what time of day it is, eat breakfast well."

   "Thank you, I remember." Jinjin's stomach, which was not hungry at first, was gurgled by the aroma of the shredded chicken porridge, and he took the spoon and lowered his head to eat.

  Xu Chi sat down beside her and watched her eat, with a slight smile floating in her beautiful eyes under the thick fan-like eyelashes, like a flowing galaxy.

  I remembered something in the middle of eating today, raised my head and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

   "I've already eaten, don't worry." She raised her jaw slightly, signaling her to continue eating.

  Jinjin took another sip of porridge, "Then are you going back today?"

  Xu Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, "Send me away?"

   "No." Jin Jin shook his head, "I've been very busy recently, so I may not have much time for you."

"You don't have to worry about me, just go on your own." Xu Chi's slender legs overlapped, and he said in a gentle voice, "It's only a few days away from the Chinese New Year, and there's nothing wrong with the company. I'll take a few days to rest. We'll go back together in a few days."

   Now that I know that after my uncle has retired to the second line, he has been responsible for all the company's affairs by himself. It is very hard work, and it is good to have a chance to rest.

   "Then you go around by yourself first, and I will play with you here if I have time after I finish my work."

  Xu Chi nodded, agreeing.


  I am busy every day today, and I may just ask the secretary to buy a meal at noon.

  Xu Chi said it was a rest, but in fact, apart from going out for a walk occasionally, most of the time he held online meetings in the hotel room.

  Two days before the new year, I finally have time today. It just happened that a heavy snow fell the night before, and the next day the whole world was covered with snow, and the snow on the ground was stepped down to the ankle.

  When I went downstairs today, I saw him standing at the window wearing a black sweater, holding coffee in his hand, looking out the window as if thinking about something.

  (end of this chapter)