MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 804 Looking Back Lately (23)

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  Chapter 804 Late Return to View Today (23)

  Knowing that we can't reach an agreement today, Jinjin didn't waste his time talking, got up and said, "If that's the case, then don't bother."

Turning around and taking two steps, I remembered something, stopped and looked back and said: "I have asked a lawyer to search for evidence about the news about the accusations against me on the Internet. If the circumstances are serious, I will consider calling the police. The Internet is not an extrajudicial place, yes. It is also a crime for others to spread rumors and slander, and both the perpetrator and the instigator must bear legal responsibility."

  Aunt Cao met her cold eyes, she was obviously flustered, and she pretended to be calm and said: "I didn't understand a word of what you said in a mess."

   Jinjin pursed her lower lip and did not expose her, but told Uncle Cao to take a good rest and left.

   Before the person had gone far, he heard Uncle Cao's helpless voice from inside the house, "What are you doing with so many things!"

   "I make trouble? I am not for you and my son, am I for myself? Look at how poor our family is, isn't it because you are useless..."

   Jin Jin got into the car, and the door was closed to block out all the noisy sounds from outside.

  The driver glanced at the rearview mirror and suggested: "Or let the contracting company handle it. They have experience in dealing with such people."

  The so-called experience is nothing but threats and intimidation, trying every means to get them to sign the agreement.

Although Lu Heyun is also a master of playing tricks, and his sense of morality is not very high, he has never taught Jinjin these things, and Mo Zhiyun doesn't know how to teach them. They only taught Jinjin kindness and bravery, and he must be brave no matter what happens Face it, learn to solve it, not escape.

   "No need." Jinjin rejected the driver's kindness, "You help me arrange two people to watch Aunt Cao and see who she has been in contact with recently."

  The matter on the Internet has been resolved by the company, and the photos about Jinjin have also been deleted.

  The contracting company also sent people to look for Aunt Cao and Uncle Cao several times, but in the end they couldn't reach an agreement, and broke up unhappy.

  The project is still going on, and today we can't just deal with this one thing, but also deal with other things.

   Unexpectedly, Aunt Cao took the initiative to find Jinjin, accompanied by her seven aunts and eight aunts. Obviously, they came to put pressure on Jinjin, and the main purpose was still for money.

  Jinjin's temporary office was blocked by them, and each sentence seemed to drown her with saliva.

  Although there are security guards at the scene, there are not many people. Facing these emotional people, there is no way to guarantee Jinjin's safety, and I want her to leave first.

  Aunt Cao is not willing, she throws and rolls, weeps and curses, and even grabs Jinjin's hand, digging her nails into the delicate skin, wishing to dig out a piece of her flesh.

   Jinjin pushed her away in pain, and she lay down on the ground, crying, "You're hitting someone! You're hitting someone!"

  The onlookers were all recording with their mobile phones, and Aunt Cao's relatives flocked to beat her to help Aunt Cao.


   There was a lot of noise, and the man's cold voice suddenly sounded, and the scene was instantly silent with his calm and prestige, and everyone's eyes were focused on him alone.

  Xu Chi frowned tightly, and when his eyes fell on Jinjin's body, his cold eyes showed distress, and walked towards her with two long legs.

  The crowd that had surrounded him receded to the sides like sea water at this moment, making way for him.

Xu Chi walked up to her, his eyes fell on her wrists, the outline became more tense, the drooping eyelashes covered the pain in his eyes, he glanced sideways at the others, and said in a cold voice: "Please immediately leave."

   "Who are you? You said you will leave us if you leave!"

"that is!"

   "It must be that the helper invited by this woman is not a good person!"

   "Collaborating together, adulterer and adulterer..."

  Jinjin's drooping eyelashes suddenly raised to look at the scolding woman, his face livid, "What do you think? Please apologize to my brother!"

   Angrily, she wanted to go up to argue with her, but was stopped by Xu Chi.

  He shook his head gently, not caring what others said about himself.

The woman was taken aback by her sudden toughness, and took half a step back. She didn't expect it to be her brother, but she couldn't keep her face in front of so many people, and said with a stiff neck, "Why should I apologize? Even if it's not your adulterer , are not good people! You guys who have money will bully us poor people! The men of Aju’s family have had their legs broken by you, so just pay a little money and forget it. Is your conscience eaten by dogs?”

  Jin Jin frowned, "How do you know how much we lost?"

   "Of course Aju told us..." the woman said triumphantly.

   Jin Jin looked down at Aunt Cao who was standing beside her, her eyes were calm and sharp.

   Aunt Cao felt inexplicably guilty when she saw her, and subconsciously hid behind others.

   "Aunt Cao, the lawyer should have told you when we first discussed the agreement that the agreement we signed has a confidentiality agreement. If you disclose the content of the agreement to others, we have the right to refuse to pay compensation."

   Aunt Cao seemed to have such a thing when she thought about it, she was a little flustered, "You, what do you mean?"

   "It means that you have violated the spirit of the agreement, and we will not compensate you a penny." Xu Chi gave her a cold look, and his voice was as cold as ice.

  Aunt Cao's face turned ashen, her lips were trembling, "Why, why?"

   "That's right! Why? You just want to play tricks and not give money, black-hearted..."

  People around also came forward to report their injustice.

   Seeing their emotions getting more and more excited to avoid accidents, Xu Chi said coldly: "I have already called the police. If you don't leave, you will be taken away for picking quarrels and provoking trouble."

   "So what if the police come! Who's afraid of you!"

   "Don't think that being rich means you are great. Even if you buy JC, we won't give up. We will petition. If the city doesn't work, we'll go to the province. If the province doesn't work, we'll go to Beijing."

Jinjin took a deep breath, and said calmly amidst the noise, "Uncle Cao's incident was an accident. We have also reached an agreement with the company that hired Uncle Cao to pay compensation in accordance with the labor law. In addition, we also bear all the medical expenses. expenses, recuperation expenses, and an extra 50,000 yuan in nutrition expenses.”

   Everyone gradually quieted down.

   "If you have doubts about the compensation, you can go to a lawyer in this area and ask if we have lost money!"

  The light and joyful voice is resounding, and every word floats into everyone's ears clearly.

   "Aunt Cao, you think the compensation is too low, why didn't you bring it up at the beginning, and then you suddenly regretted it when you were about to sign the agreement?"

   "I..." Aunt Cao opened her mouth but did not answer.

  Jinjin answered for her, "It's because someone told you to make a fuss, and if you make a big fuss, you can get more money, isn't it?"

  (end of this chapter)