MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-v2 Chapter 34 The boring journey and isolation will always make people do all kinds of boring things

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Since Darwin left the convoy, Mo Cheng felt much more at ease. The convoy did not encounter any delays along the way. Even if there were monsters that sprang out occasionally, they were just extra meals for the mercenaries accompanying the convoy.

It's not that there were no stops along the way, but according to the route, the places they stopped were some small villages, and they stayed for supplies and repairs for about a day before leaving.

There was no fight, no injury, not even the slightest accident. After halfway through the journey, Mo Cheng felt that something was going wrong with him.

Troubled by boredom, Mo Cheng simply began to teach Lilia some [common sense].

Well, [common sense] for [foreign land] players.

"Didn't your enlightenment courses explain occupations and levels?"

Mo Cheng read all of Lilia's textbooks. Except for some common-sense things, there were only detailed explanations on the introduction to meditation. They didn't even explain how to construct magic. The only spells in the textbooks were constructed by pure spiritual power. shield.

Although Mo Cheng knew that the Principality of Aundair spread education to border towns in order to produce more spellcasters. After all, the Principality of Aundair was famous for the number of spellcasters, and the country's development once relied on spellcasters.

Under such an environment, it is understandable to try to cultivate the seedlings of spellcasters by inferring education, but this tutorial is so strange.

Lilia shook her head, her small eyes were full of great doubts, "No, besides the usual courses in school, the meditation class is to teach us how to enter meditation faster and better, and which of the three types of basic meditation is more suitable .”

"What kind of basic meditation did Lilia use? What step has she achieved?"

"Palace-style meditation, two floors have been built, and the furniture is still working hard."

Drip meditation, bonfire meditation, and palace meditation belong to the three basic meditation methods of the caster.

The dripping style turns the spirit into drops of water, collects each drop of water and grows stronger, one cup, one pot, one bucket, and the volume continues to increase until finally forming a stream of flowing water.

Campfire-style meditation is more difficult. Turn the spirit into a flame and light the firewood, first the match, then the torch, continuously purifying the spiritual power, and finally forming a bonfire that can burn all night.

The dripping style focuses on the accumulation of quantity, the campfire style is the purification of quality, and the palace style meditation is a representative of both.

The palace style requires a piece of bricks for meditation, and then put them firmly, starting from the small room to meditate, the second floor, the third floor, and finally a palace group. At the same time, the furniture decoration inside the house also requires the meditators to carefully carve and place it.

The upper limit of dripping water and bonfire meditation methods is not high, and most of the people who come out eventually become spellcasters. The palace-style meditation method is the test for Winterhold College to select excellent mage seedlings.

Mage is a profession that requires talent. It does not rely on hard work and diligence. It is only based on the premise of being "talented" that you can get the fruits of harvest.

"The second floor, no wonder."

At this age, Lilia has already built a second-floor meditation building, which already belongs to the [excellent talent] category. It is no wonder that Winterhold College will directly issue an admission letter.

"Okay, okay, let me think about what I should teach." Mo Cheng scratched his hair, almost half a month of boring time had already made him act like he would rather play teacher-teacher games with Lilia, "Let me tell you first Let’s talk about universal hierarchy.”

The level of the Koyare continent is generally divided into nine levels. Each country or each profession has a different name, but for the players of [Foreign Land], they simply use the first to ninth steps as the common name. call.

The first step, also known as apprenticeship, is the starting point of all professions, exercising the body or meditating on the spirit, laying the foundation for one's own extraordinary.

The second step is to give birth to fighting spirit, magic power and other extraordinary energies, and to control them.

In the third step, fighters begin to involve the [Four Fluids Theory], which consists of blood, black bile, jaundice, and mucus in different proportions, which are combined with battle qi to give birth to unique attributes. The mage began to try [Astral Projection], linking the small source of the individual with the big source of the environment, and began to involve the mutual influence between magic and the environment.

The fourth step is to start the supernaturalization of a single organ in the human body, such as muscles, bones, nervous system, lymphatic system, and even the brain.

The fifth step is the stage of qualitative change. Soldiers get [Heart Light Body] to greatly enhance their resistance to external damage and magic, while mages get [Spellcasting Brand], which can engrave a certain spell on their body to reduce consumption. There are at least three characteristics of spellcasting without singing, enhanced duration, level-up, and strengthening. Whether it is a fighter or a mage, it will make up for its own shortcomings.

The sixth step is to continue to superhumanize human organs and form a simple maintenance system. Warriors are mostly heart-bone marrow, emphasizing their ability to recover and regenerate. A mage is a brain-nervous system, not too concerned about self-protection, but tends to strengthen magic research.

Of course, the very important point of the sixth step is that there is no exact limit to the supernaturalization of human organs, and theoretically it is completely possible to superhumanize the whole body. It's just that the resources, energy consumption, and talent required are too many to make people feel scary.

At this point, Mo Cheng stopped and did not continue, "Probably that much, you are now on the first step, work hard to get your furniture decoration on the two floors done before you arrive in the capital."

"Didn't it say there are nine levels? Why only six?"

Glancing at Lilia, who seemed to be happily listening to a story, UU read www. Mo Cheng closed the enlightenment textbook and said: "Because according to the level of your current trainee, it is enough to know six levels, and the rest of the school will teach it. And there is a big difference between me and the school in terms of address, save the trouble." Then you have heard my joke."

Lilia asked unwillingly: "Then what level are you, big brother?"

"Me?" Mo Cheng pointed to himself, pondered for a while and said, "In my case, the pure level is probably the fifth step."

The dragon lineage is promoted from [Youth Dragon] to [Youth Dragon]. Although it is only one level, it is a leap from underage to adult. In terms of his own attributes and physical fitness alone, Mo Cheng has already approached the first echelon of the fifth ladder.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not impossible for Mo Cheng to leapfrog challenges with the skills he has drawn.

And Mo Cheng is also very curious about what it will be like if the dragon blood continues to upgrade.

The first two levels are Juvenile Dragon and Youth Dragon, so what about after that?

Adult dragon, adult dragon? Or a very old dragon and a great dragon?

When acquiring golden skill points, Mo Cheng once saw a new description on the skill column, the general skill level is capped at level 4, and the ultimate skill level is capped at level 3, but there are exceptions.

Aghanim's magic crystal enhancement can make the skill upgrade to LV5 and gain talent enhancement.

And Aghanim's Scepter can increase the skill to LVMAX.

It's just that Mo Cheng just glanced at these two items, no matter whether it's a magic crystal or a magic wand, it doesn't know how long it will take to collect the equipment rewards according to the system tasks.

It is completely like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, and the big cake painted can be seen or not eaten.