MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-~ I don't know what to name

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"You should know that experimenting as a mage is expensive."

The experiments conducted by mages not only require a lot of money and materials, but are often used to satisfy their own curiosity. The results obtained from the research may not be immediately converted into combat power or products.

In addition, every research will discover more problems from the research, and those problems will become the next research topic.

For mages, research requires a lot of money, and neither the research funds approved by the academy nor the research paid out of their own pockets are far from satisfying their strong thirst for knowledge.

So in many cases, mages will often bring their own products and research reports, and find some wrongdoers... Ahem, it is the big nobles who explain how good the prospect of this research is, and how much money they can make to solicit sponsorship.

The mage received funds to continue research, and the noble also got a signature on the research paper published by the mage, and he was able to occupy a considerable share of the results.

"The teacher's experiment has reached a very critical point, but because of too much investment, the laboratory's funds are somewhat difficult to support. At the same time, investors have refused to continue investing because they have not received returns for their long-term investment."

Mo Cheng helplessly spread his hands, "That's why the teacher had to find a way to raise funds secretly, and then led the laboratory team to secretly develop and process some ointments, and wanted to sell them in exchange for some funds and materials to continue to invest in research."

When he was talking, Mo Cheng had a slightly embarrassed face, "But... you also know that the equipment and materials in the laboratory belong to investors in theory, and our behavior of using investors' things for private work has actually violated the law. The interests of investors, so we have to find an agent to come forward and sell these products."

"Obviously, neither I nor the teacher know anything about business operations, so that people from the Pharmacists' Guild came to me before."

Captain Margaret nodded, "That's why you thought of asking the law enforcement team to help you sell products?"

At this point in the conversation, the matter is almost ready to be decided. So Mo Cheng planned to use some strong medicine to make a final decision.

Mo Cheng straightened his body, crossed his hands and fingers in front of his chest, "Captain Margaret, with all due respect. Judging from your age, you should be directly appointed as the head of the law enforcement team. Presumably the law enforcement team treats you very well. The voice is somewhat resistant."

How old does Margaret appear to be? eighteen years old? Still twenty?

Mo Cheng is sure that if he wasn't the head of the regiment who was airborne up at this age, he would dare to eat the iron canned equipment of the law enforcer.

Since it was airborne, the subordinates would naturally be somewhat resistant to the voice of the regiment leader, and even those people might not be aware of this problem.

"You need some political achievements, some achievements that can make the members of the law enforcement team feel a substantial difference. Let them know that although you, the head of the group, are airborne, you can still do your job well, and even do better than others it is good."

These words hit Captain Margaret's heart, she leaned forward slightly, like a preying lion, "What can you offer?"

"Shimmer ointment, provided to the law enforcement group at the cost price of three gold griffins. The pharmacist's guild will check the supply of healing potions. It should annoy you, the group leader, right?"

Mo Cheng didn't believe that the pharmacy established by the Pharmacists' Guild only buys medicines from [regular] pharmacist teams, and Captain Margaret would not know what the consequences would be. Similarly, he could also guess how many times the pharmacist's guild, as the only supplier of medicines to the law enforcement group, had choked their necks with healing medicines.

When the pharmacist guild monopolizes the medicine, the law enforcement team must look at the face of the pharmacist guild if they want to buy healing medicine.

Monopoly is the most profitable method.

"After completing the initial cooperation, if Captain Margaret is still willing to continue to cooperate, then we can provide [enchanting] business to the law enforcement team at a low price."

This sentence really moved Captain Margaret, "Possession? Are you sure?"

Mo Cheng smiled and said nothing, and Captain Margaret also realized that it was too early to say this, "Then what convenience do you need from the law enforcement team?"

The other party said so many important things here, certainly not to help her control the law enforcement team. Obviously, the mage team behind the mage named [Carl] in front of him has some requirements for the law enforcement team.

"To cover up the source of the shimmer ointment, and to help sell it."

There are not many requests, but Captain Margaret still helped to raise some blind spots, "Your ointment cannot go through the city gate. People from the Apothecary Guild are watching at the city gate. Once they are found, they can easily pass through the traces." tracked down."

"We don't plan to transport it in from outside the city." Mo Cheng thought for a while, since he decided to cooperate with the law enforcement team, some information can be disclosed, "I have a friend in the civilian area, um, no one The kind who knows the connections. He'll help us make and transport the shimmer ointment to the law enforcement corps."

Mo Cheng continued to complete the lie and said: "Because my teacher's reputation is involved, no one in our team can come forward, so I entrust my friend to help produce and sell, he is No wonder You are going to cooperate with the Law Enforcement Team." Captain Margaret nodded, the civilian area happened to be the area that the Law Enforcement Team was in charge of, and with the help of the Law Enforcement Team, the Pharmacist Guild and others wanted to investigate the origin of the Shimmer Ointment. difficulty.

Mo Cheng emphasized: "The source of the low-light ointment cannot let others know the real source, at most it can only let them find out the production factory in the civilian area."

"No problem." Margaret agreed, "Where is the production factory, I will let people watch."

"The licker order in the civilian area, the name is the Albert House. Don't look at me like that, I pay the Albert House according to the output."

Margaret's contemptuous gaze obviously regarded Mo Cheng as someone who was looking for a group of child laborers as apprentices, although such things were not uncommon.

"Order of the Lickers? Your friend is a priest?"

Margaret finally understood why Karl said that no one knew about their friendship anymore. As we all know, mages and clergymen have never dealt with each other very well, and there are very few places where they chat together.

"His place is short of money, and I happen to have a project that can make money, so I naturally want to introduce it to my friends."

"So, happy cooperation?"

Margaret stared at the hand in front of her, and also reached out to hold it: "Happy cooperation."

After signing the supply contract, Margaret left the special seal of the law enforcement team on the contract, and Mo Cheng left a signature containing the fluctuation of the fire element.

After walking out of the restaurant, Mo Cheng didn't rush back to Roni's house, but carefully walked around the rich area first, making sure that there were no stalkers behind him, and then changed the mage's robe and wig in a remote corner Come down and wash your brows at the same time.

"Now you don't have to worry about money."