MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-Chapter 30 gold skill points

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Because of the food stuffed in his mouth, Mo Cheng's words were a bit vague, but Lilia didn't pay much attention to the content of the words.

On the contrary, Mo Cheng kept eating with his mouth. Ever since he strengthened his dragon bloodline, his body is a bit special. He can often eat several people's weight without feeling full, and then in the next few days You won't feel hungry at all.

Mo Cheng felt that it might be a matter of dragon blood, and Slyric's blood made him a humanoid dragon. Although he is still a juvenile dragon, without fangs, claws or wings, and even his internal organs are human organs, but in essence, his life class has jumped to become a dragon.

This is a very strange feeling, and Mo Cheng doesn't know whether he is a dragon that looks like a human, or a person who has turned into a dragon.

But soon Mo Cheng threw this question into the trash bin in his mind. Who am I, where am I from, and where am I going? These three ultimate questions have no standard answers at all.

"Speaking of it..." Mo Cheng looked at the small bag on Lilia's body. Although the two of them were going to travel a long distance later, there were very few salutes on their bodies.

Mo Cheng only had one suitcase, not even a change of clothes. Lilia was carrying a burlap package, which contained several pieces of clothing that were not stained by blood, as well as the admission letter of Winterhold College and some textbooks.

It is worth mentioning that Lilia did not throw away the blood-soaked burlap, but folded it and put it in the package.

"By the way, Lilia." Mo Cheng pointed to the clothing store not far away and said, "Let's go there to buy some change of clothes first. This time the journey is quite long, and there is not enough in your package."

In addition to the daily clothes, cloaks and burqas to protect from wind and sand are also necessary. As for the tents and the medicine to drive away insects and beasts, the stewards of the [Golden Rose] team will help prepare them.

The two walked into the clothing store, Mo Cheng first asked the waiter to help Lilia choose a few suitable ones, and then ignored it.

He doesn't pay much attention to this aspect, and he can't give suitable advice, so it's a good choice to ask professionals.

After choosing the azure blue burqa and cloak, Mo Cheng also walked around the clothing store, and suddenly his eyes lit up when he saw the neatly arranged mage robes.

There are no strict regulations on the clothing of mages in the Principality of Aundair, or in order to allow more mages to appear in the country, the Principality of Aundair does not allow civilians to wear mage robes, so that the people have a better understanding of mages. Much longing.

What is used to identify a mage is obvious magic power, or an inimitable badge issued by the Arcane Council.

For this move, some mages find it unacceptable, but in the opinion of the president of the Arcane Council, the president of the Winterhold Magic Academy, the president of the Royal Arcane Association of the Principality of Aundair, and the legendary great magician of the eighth step: Your Excellency Muzel With support, all the unacceptable becomes acceptable.

He picked out a few ordinary clothes and a mage robe.

Mo Cheng knows that sometimes the clergyman's costume on his body will bring him great convenience, but sometimes he has to use some identity that has nothing to do with [Priest Mo Cheng].

Not long after the selection, Lilia followed the waiter out.

"It feels weird." Lilia, who had changed into a light yellow dress, grabbed the skirt, as if she wasn't used to wearing such light and fluffy clothes.

"Yes, it won't take more than three days to wear this dress for a long distance." Mo Cheng looked at the waiter behind Lilia with a business smile, and pointed to the fluffy lace clothes stacked in her hands. "I need all of these, but change her into clothes that are easy to move in the field, and three sets."

The clothes selected by the shopping guide are all suitable for Lilia, so there is no need to return them, but it is necessary to add suitable clothes.

When Mo Cheng and Lilia came out of the clothing store, they already had a big package in their hands.

Seeing that the appointed time was about to arrive, Mo Cheng and Lilia bought emergency dry food for two after finishing their lunch, and then walked out of the town.

After walking about one kilometer, the convoy of [Golden Rose] has packed up and is about to set off.

"Priest Mo Cheng." As soon as he walked in, Mr. Riley, the team manager, greeted him, "You are on time, we are about to set off."

"I hope I didn't waste your time." Mo Cheng smiled, pointed to Lilia and introduced, "This is my sister, Lilia. Lilia, this is Mr. Riley."

Lilia bowed slightly, "Hello, Mr. Riley."

"Hahaha, good boy." Mr. Riley took out a piece of candy from his jacket pocket and handed it to Lilia, and then said to Mo Cheng, "Your location is carriage No. 11, and the tent and related things are all on the carriage .By the way, there is also a priest of the Radiance Church who also wants to hitch a ride, but he will get off the car when he passes through the city of Deimos."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Riley left The departure is imminent. As the supervisor of the team, he has a lot of work to do.

He took Lilia into carriage No. 11, the space inside was quite spacious, at least there was no need to curl up with hands and feet.

Looking at the busy crowd outside the carriage, Mo Cheng actually gave Mo Cheng a feeling of his hometown train station.

At this time, I heard Mr. Riley's voice amplified through magic props: "Okay, let's go now."

With this sound, the entire convoy ran in an orderly manner, and the carriages moved one after another like a long snake.

The carriage was driven by a man with a gilded rose, and Lilia looked at the scenery outside the carriage with great interest. She had never traveled far since she was a child, and she was quite curious about everything.

And Mo Cheng fell into silence when the convoy set off.

Because of the tasks in his taskbar, there was finally movement.

[Task: Left and Right, complete! 】

[Equipment obtained: Acceleration Gloves! 】

[The equipment bar is open! 】

[Get 1 gold skill point! 】

"It turns out that the judgment of the completion of the mission is to take Lilia out of the reach of Viscount Joestar?"

Mo Cheng can probably guess how to complete this task. The simpler way should be to take Lilia away from the border, out of the range that Viscount Joestar can influence.

And another way to complete it should be to kill it directly.

Killing the people who belonged to Viscount Joestar's side, and the killed Viscount Joestar's influence can't get out of his own gate, and even the toilet can't even get out of the toilet, naturally the task can be completed.

Of course, this is just a guess, and it might just be that the men sent by Viscount Joestar stopped hunting after they couldn't find anyone.