MTL - Exploiting Hollywood 1980-Chapter 18 Ronald's choice

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  Chapter 18 Ronald's Choice

   "Ronald is indeed a bit talented. What he lacks is the accumulation of experience. As long as he can work in various crews for three or four years, he can direct independently." The proprietress Julie Coleman discussed with her husband Roger in the president's office. "Will you give him a formal job?"

   "Yes, he has a good aesthetics, which depends on talent, and it is difficult to learn it. He also has street smarts, and can solve problems with unexpected tricks." Roger replied,

   "But I heard from Gail that he is only 18 years old this year. He took a year off after graduating high school. He came to Hollywood to be a portrait photographer and earn money to go to college."

"What? 18 years old? Earn money to go to college..." The proprietress Julie sighed, and stopped mentioning the idea of ​​Ronald working for the new world, "I see good qualities in him, he is motivated, Responsible and cooperative.

   Maybe you should have a good chat with him and help him if you have the chance. No matter what this guy does in the future, he will achieve something. "

   "Yeah", Roger took off his glasses, wiped them with a flannel and put them on again, "You may not know that Ronald suggested on the phone that he should be the interim director to continue shooting."

   "Why did you agree to him? He's just a crew assistant, and he didn't show his talent as a director."

   "Because he gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse," Roger said.

   "What proposal?"

"He said that we only borrowed the filming venue and group performance for one day. If the reshoots are not completed on the same day, we must pay an extra day for the venue, actors, staff, equipment, etc. The two he shot were approved by the director of photography, and he also It's better to let him shoot. If the material is feasible, it will save a lot of money. If not, it will just lose some film."

   "Ha." The proprietress Julie was amused by Roger's remarks, "It seems that you appreciate that he considers things from a cost perspective."

   "Yes", Roger Coleman himself laughed, the young man's proposal was very much to his appetite.

"The vast majority of novice directors only care about whether their artistic ideas can be photographed; only one-third of the cost of realizing their ideas can be considered; those who can photograph their ideas under cost constraints, Not even a tenth."

  Julie thought for a while: "If you say so, Ronald seems to be suitable for being a producer. Many producers nowadays don't know how to direct and perform. They can only do what the crew says."

   "So, I'll give him two options..."

   "Well, that's fair to him, but I guess you'll be disappointed, he should go to college." The proprietress Julie knew that Ronald was motivated and had a bit of a maternal attack.

   "Roger, how is your preparatory film doing now?"

  The two began to discuss the daily life of Shinsegae Corporation again.


  Ronald was sitting on the sofa outside the president's office, drinking "great-tasting" Nescafe instant coffee, waiting for his boss to summon him.

   looked up and saw Gale typing quickly on the typewriter, the clicks of the keys were rhythmic.

  Ronald likes to watch Gail type, and he can do it himself. Maybe he learned it in China in his previous life.

  Gail's seat was outside the president's office, and the door to the inside was closed. Roger Coleman is still chatting with the producers of "High School of Rock". The second group director Jerry Zucker enters in front of him, and the proprietress Julie is in front of him.

  Roger's conversation is very efficient. If one person gives 20 minutes, it will be his turn. Ronald put down the disposable paper cup and rubbed his palms, still a little nervous.

  The young body has a strong secretion of hormones, and when waiting for the opportunity of life, the secretion of adrenaline is accelerating.

   Ronald reminded himself not to be nervous, but it didn't work very well, and his palms were still sweating. He simply stopped thinking about how to ask, put his name on the credits, and closed his eyes.

   The scene of yesterday's shooting came to mind again, "Start shooting, Cut...", and surprisingly, Ronald relaxed.

With a   snap, the door opened and the producer came out. Ronald got up and said "Good morning."

   The producer nodded with him and walked out of the president's office.

  Roger Coleman's voice came through the open door, "Gail, please come in Ronald."

  Ronald tidied up his pants, picked up the folder, and stepped inside.

  "Please close the door", Roger Coleman looked delighted, "Ronald, you really gave me a surprise, the dailies were very good yesterday."

   "Mr. Coleman, thank you for your trust."

   "I invite you to come today. I want to talk to you about your future. What is the ultimate goal you want to achieve in the film and television industry in the future?"

   Ronald didn't expect the boss to ask such a question, he couldn't say what he said to Gail yesterday. After pondering for a few seconds, Ronald said:

"I only have a high school diploma, and I love watching movies, but I don't know much about the film industry. My original dream was to get a job in a film crew, so that I could attract more actors to come to me for portrait photos for auditions. This way I To be able to make up for the cost of college.”

  Roger nodded slightly, obviously already aware of this. After a pause, Ronald continued:

"But during the ten days of filming on the set of 'High School of Rock', especially after yesterday, my dreams have changed. I really like this dream-making industry, and I hope to have the opportunity to direct a movie in the future, and the audience will like it Look, years later they'll still occasionally remember."

  Roger Coleman nodded, "Very good. In this industry, whether you are a director or a producer, it takes time to polish. You have potential, but you also need to accumulate experience."

   "I give you two options: First, be my assistant and help me handle various things, so that you have the opportunity to get in touch with the film's investors, distribution, production, and over time you can understand the whole process of film production.

   Once you have a suitable script in hand, you can get investment to be a director or producer. Francis Coppola, the director of "The Godfather", was my assistant back then, and he took this path. "

  Ronald nodded desperately, Coppola's name was so loud that he didn't expect to debut with Roger Coleman.

   Roger Coleman continues:

"Second, keep working on the 'High School of Rock' crew, and I'll put you in as an editing assistant. A movie is ultimately cut in the editing room. Once you understand this step, and then learn to write your own script, go to Find producers to pull investment.

   As long as someone is willing to invest in you, you can be a director. That's what 'Taxi Driver' director Martin Scorsese took. In 1972, he filmed and edited a "Cold-Blooded Torch" for me. After the release, Jack Warner recognized his talent and gave him the budget to film Mean Streets. "

   "Which one do you choose"

  Ronald stayed for a while, the boss looked at people, it was really accurate. Martin Scorsese, who also debuted here? This is to exalt oneself. I'm Ronald Lee, the talent that you, Roger Coleman, saw.

   But his top priority is to earn money to go to college. Going to university is not only the last wish of my mother, but also the expectation of Aunt Karen, but also the instinct of the Chinese soul. If you can't get into a prestigious private school like the Ivy League, you have to go to a state university, or even get a community college diploma.

  Roger Coleman saw that he was a little tangled, and said: "You don't have to promise me right away, you can think about it, come back tomorrow and tell me your answer."

   "No need. Thank you for your trust, Mr. Coleman. I still want to try to apply for a film major in college. Until the acceptance letter comes in, if I can, I want to stay on the set and study editing."

Roger Coleman smiled, as if guessing his decision, "Gail told me your story, that's fine. If you need a letter of recommendation, you can come to me. You're applying for fall admission. Right? You can work for me in the new world with peace of mind during this time.”

   "Thank you, Mr. Coleman." Ronald is very grateful. Roger Coleman's recommendation letter should have a heavy weight in the industry.

   reached out and shook hands with Roger. "However, I have a small request. I don't know if you will allow it, Mr. Coleman."

   Roger Coleman motioned him to continue.

   "I want to be signed in 'High School of Rock'."

   "What, that won't work." Roger Coleman refused with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)