MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 683 couples and companions

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  Chapter 683 Husband and wife

  Qin Huai's arrival at Wang's house was more natural than his return to Yongguo's mansion, and the concierge had known him for a long time. Seeing Qin Huai and Ayu's carriage approaching from a distance, he ran back to the house to report.

   Soon, Zhu'er ran out, looked at Qin Huai who was getting off the carriage, and opened his arms to meet him: "Brother Qin Huai!"

Qin Huai picked him up, and Ah Yu, who followed him down, saw him and smiled: "Ah Niang just said yesterday that you are fat, and today you are in brother's arms, do you want to see if his strength has grown? ?”

   "That's not true." Zhu'er said, "I let brother Qin Huai hug me, so my sister won't have to hug me, so I won't be tired!"

  Ayu: "I didn't say I want to hug you. You are already this old, you have to learn to walk by yourself."

"Sister is lying, when you were this old, the brothers in the family carried you and carried you away, and you still have a lamb to ride." Zhu'er said, sighing like a little adult, "It's a pity, it's a pity, the lamb won't let me ride."

   If you can ride a sheep to go out to play, those little friends must be envious?

  Ayu was too lazy to talk to the little naive ghost, so she raised her foot and walked in first, intending to see what A Niang and the others were doing and if there was anything she could help.

"You're right, your sister was very delicate when she was young." Qin Huai said, "Who made her the most lovable little blessing in our family. Not only us, I wish you to grow up, and you can also carry sister , buy delicious and fun things for Sister, and take her on a tour, okay?"

   Zhu'er patted her small chest: "You don't need to tell me, I've planned it for a long time! My brothers are all brothers, and I'm my sister's only brother. Do you know what is unique? It's just me!"

  When the little boy spoke, his chin was raised high, exactly the same as the little Ayu back then.

Thinking of this, Qin Huai smiled and pretended to look forward, but whispered in Zhu'er's ear: "You know, elder brother and elder sister will not add more, but younger brother and younger sister will not add more." Fixed number."

  The implication is that as long as there are new children born in their generation, of course his younger brother cannot be the only one.

   When Ayu turned her head, she saw Zhu'er, who was originally in high spirits, suddenly frowning, with her mouth deflated, as if she was about to cry or not.

   "What's the matter?" Ayu first looked at Zhu'er, then at Qin Huai.

  Qin Huai shook his head slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Children are like this, they love to cry."

   Zhu'er said in a low voice, crying almost uncontrollably: "No, nothing."

  This brother-in-law is too bad, I won’t call him brother-in-law anymore in my heart, hum!

   When he grows up, go and find a lot of people who are better-looking and more powerful than Brother Qin Huai for Sister. When the time comes, let's see who will cry.

  After this episode, Ayu brought Qin Huai into the Wang family, and the daughters-in-law of several grandchildren had already prepared meals.

   Knowing that they brought back a sea crab, the cook, who had already washed his hands, changed into his outfit again and again, carried the sea crab and walked inside, saying that he wanted to show off to everyone.

   "If you want seafood to be fresh, you shouldn't cook it for too long. It's appropriate for us to wait while we eat." Wei Qianying smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down.

Jiang Turnip also nodded: "Yes, I once went to a branch of the canal with my grandfather. There were some seafood that were easy to feed and transport. The locals just cleaned them and steamed them in the same way as the crabs we usually eat. Ripe, it is extremely delicious.”

  Ayu said: "If you want to talk about what delicious food is around, you may be more familiar with it, but if you travel all over the world, where there is delicious food, our family also has other experts!"

   As he spoke, Ayu pointed at Zhou Chuchu who was silent.

  Zhou Chuchu raised her head blankly in the eyes of everyone, "Um" for a while, before she realized it, her face blushed suddenly.

   "Chuchu, we are all in the same family, are you still shy?" Jiang Turnip patted her on the shoulder, only to see that Zhou Chuchu's face turned redder, she was startled, "Are you okay?"

  Ayu also stood up, stretched his neck to look: "Fourth sister-in-law, are you okay?"

   "Cough, cough, cough!" Zhou Chuchu hammered her chest hard, and finally swallowed the thing in her throat, and then said with a sigh of relief, "It's okay, I'm just choking."

  It turned out that the kitchen made her favorite five-spice cake today, and she couldn't help eating two more pieces, and she didn't want to put it down when it was meal time.

  She was enjoying herself, when she was mentioned suddenly, she choked before she could react.

   "Then it's my fault, and I'll apologize to my fourth sister-in-law." Ayu hurriedly apologized to Zhou Chuchu.

Zhou Chuchu waved his hand: "It's not that serious, I'm just greedy. Where did you talk about just now? Seafood? Our family has indeed handled the seafood business in recent years, but this loss is relatively large, so my grandfather usually I used it for my family to eat a lot, but I know some dietary recipes for seafood, such as this sea crab..."

   Based on Zhou Chuchu's narration, everyone tasted the food and listened to the gourmet scriptures. When the sea crab was served on the table, everyone felt that the sea food was much more delicious than expected.

  On weekdays, the Wang family eats at the same table with the old lady. Now the old lady basically doesn’t make any claims on major matters, and let herself figure it out, as long as the big difference is not bad. But she paid great attention to etiquette, which made the Wang family very unaccustomed, because this was the thing the old lady cared least about in the past.

  For example, at the dinner table, the old lady does not allow everyone to laugh and discuss. After one person finishes talking, the others are allowed to continue.

   Now that Mrs. Wang is out of control for the time being, everyone can talk freely, and the whole family is full of cheerful atmosphere.

  Qin Huai was also in a good mood, and even ate an extra bowl of rice than usual.

   After dinner, Qin Huai should have left, but when he thought of going back to Yongguo Duke's Mansion, although it was much better than other places, it was still a noble family and lacked some human touch.

  He bought it in the yard next door, even though it was separated by a wall, he felt much deserted.

"Brother Ayou, help me to digest food." After talking with Zhu'er, Ayu turned to Qin Huai, "Go for a walk in your yard. I haven't visited it for a while, and I don't know what I planted. How are the flowers growing?"

  Qin Huai smiled: "Let's go."

  Seeing this, Zhu'er also followed me: "I'll go too! Don't worry, Sister, I go to water the flowers every day, and they are growing well."

  The two greeted Mrs. Liu and the others, and then took Zhu'er to the next door.

After arriving at the next door, Chi Jia was very straightforward, picked up Zhu'er, and flew to another entrance. There were many things that could be played at night, and Zhu'er enjoyed it as soon as he got there, and forgot to look at it. what flower.

   Waiting for no one else around, Qin Huaicai said to Ayu: "It's not convenient to talk to you in the imperial city during the day, but I have found out some clues about the affairs in the village, and it's pretty much the same as your grandma."

   "Did you tell the queen's cousin?" Ayu asked, "Does she believe you?"

  Qin Huai: "She can only trust me."

In fact, long before they arrived in Wanning City, Queen Qin had already learned the news through the eagle message, and made corresponding arrangements. Before they had gone halfway, Queen Qin sent a large number of people to Hu home village.

  Actually, none of them could be sure whether they had alerted the enemy that night, but only if they acted as if they hadn't, would the other party minimize their suspicions.

  As long as they leave, they have shown their attitude. Even if Mrs. Wang is in charge of the overall situation in the village, it is not difficult to delay it for enough time.

   Even if it is difficult for others, it should be easy for her.

   This is Qin Huai, after combining all kinds of information, he has already determined that Mrs. Wang is the princess of Yongchang. If she is such a stunningly talented person, and has the experience of living among the people, she will naturally be able to do things more easily.

  Qin Huai didn't go into too much detail with Ayu, and he didn't want to make her worry too much. What's more, the royal family is not a clean and innocent family, so there is no need to tell Ayu about things that cannot be brought to the table.

  Ayu didn't ask much, just said: "If you need my help, don't be polite to me."

   "If there is a need, of course I will not be polite."

  Ayu patted Qin Huai on the shoulder, and said boldly: "That's right, after all, we will be husband and wife in the future."

   This slap was very firm, and her tone was very free and easy, as if she was not talking about husband and wife, but sworn brothers, full of chivalry and courage.

   But Qin Huai couldn't tell if there was anything wrong with it specifically. He could understand the relationship between husband and wife, but he didn't understand it.

  In Wanning City, if a man is not particular about his family, he will let him eat meat at the age of ten, and if he is later, he will arrange to have **** at the age of twelve.

  As for girls, at the age of eleven or twelve, they will start to teach men and women, the way of husband and wife, how to take care of their parents-in-law, teach children, discipline servants, etc. After four or five years of learning, they will officially get married.

  Qin Huai is not interested in these.

  Looking at Ayu's appearance, I don't have the heart to study these things.

   "Well, we are husband and wife." Qin Huai went on to say, "We are also trustworthy companions."

   After speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

  Time is like water, summer turns to autumn, after a downpour, Wanning City begins to feel cool.

   In the blink of an eye, it was the second day of August. Mrs. Wang and Lao Wangtou were on their way back, only a hundred miles away from Wanning City.

   The carriage was driven by two young men from the village. At a fork in the road, the entire carriage suddenly shook violently.

  A young man said: "Too bad, the shaft is broken!"

   "Grandpa Wang, Grandma Wang, hold on tight, I'll go down and have a look." Another young man jumped off the carriage.

  At this time, a dozen or so people suddenly emerged from the bushes on both sides of the carriage, all masked and holding knives, staring at them unkindly: "Leave the things, and save your lives!"

   "Not good, I met someone who robbed me!" The two young men quickly jumped into the carriage, and were about to get into the carriage to find the two old men, but they were held around their necks with a knife.

  The person at the head smiled and said, "Hey, the people inside are still planning to be turtles?"

  Old Wang was about to speak, but Mrs. Wang patted the back of his hand, and he mouthed a few words.

   "I count to three, if I don't come down, don't blame me for being rude. Three..."

"Go ahead and count, I want to see how many dogs you have that dare to do it!" Mrs. Wang's voice came from the carriage, "If those two younger generations lose a hair, I can guarantee that your hair will be lost in the future." No more grass will grow on the grave."

   at the beginning: "..." How is this different from what was agreed?

   Sorry, I asked for leave from the editor, but I don’t know how to use the platform to ask for leave from readers.

   I have been infected for the past few days, and my condition is very bad. Fever and headache are the most basic, my whole body hurts, and my hands and feet are cramped. As of today, only cough, stuffy nose and back pain remain.

   As long as my head and hands don't hurt, I can keep working.

   Several elderly people in the family were infected, some with mild symptoms, and some with severe symptoms that were sent to the emergency room. The doctor told us to be mentally prepared.

   If the old man can’t make it through, he will have to go back to his hometown for the funeral in the next few days, but I still hope that this process will not go through



  (end of this chapter)