MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 61 Urban pets 1

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Lu Yi’s and Shao Qian’s sticky moments were taken away by the incumbent. The account of this accounted for some, and then kicked people away.

When he left, Lu Yi always felt that he seemed to have been cheated. Why do you always feel that something is wrong?

In the future, Lu Hao knew that the ally was so easy to let go, because these people are not good at it. People are eager to leave the stalls, he is good, and rushed to pick up this big trouble. In the first two years of the initial lord, he even felt that his hair was white.

Every time Shao Qian looked at the appearance of this product, he felt a sense of joy. After all, it would be true that he could wrinkle a handsome face into a group. Whenever this time, after watching the excitement, go up and comfort.

After Lu Hao took over as the ally, they also returned to the White House. For the son who has not returned home for more than two years, Mrs. White really shouted a slap in the face, and stood by the white man who was holding the white man sour and looking at Lu Hao, his family’s good Baozhuer was so A big tail wolf gave it away.

After two years of continuous returning letters, Bai’s lord gradually became relieved. The son of his family was held in his hands since childhood, for fear of being touched.

In the past two years, his husband and wife still thought, if it is to give Qing Xuan a woman in the future, how can he bully his child? The couple are really awkward.

The results of it? His son did not find any woman, and brought back a big three big five big masters. White Master and Mrs. White also thought that if this person really treats his son, then it will be fine. If there are other thoughts, even if you want to spend all your money, you must find the killer to kill the wolf.

However, when I saw this person seeing my son's eyes today, they were relieved. The man entered the white house and his eyes did not leave his son. The white couples are also coming over, and the true feelings are still clear.

Although these two people did not give Lu Hao a good look for a few days, but how much can be accepted.

Shao Qian is old in this world. Although he has the power of the soul to live longer, but the body can not last forever. Therefore, when he was getting older, Lu Hao also dissipated his skills little by little, until the two of them were white-haired and hugged.

In this world, Shao Qian closed his eyes earlier than Lu Yan, and he did not know that after he closed his eyes, the eyes of Lu’s turbid eyes were clear for a moment. At this moment, he stared at Shao Qian’s old face. Muttering in the mouth seems to say something.

Lu Hao and Shao Qian have no children. Now Lujia’s helm is Lu Ning’s pulse. This ugly gimmick can also become gentle when it comes to the sweetheart. The man should also Love is miserable, Lu Ninger, regardless of the threat of family delisting, it is necessary to follow Lu Ninger back to Lujiabao.

After the two people went to the place, the Lujia helm was buried for a hole, and the coffin was still the big man who could lay down two people side by side.

Shao Qian once again opened his eyes from the Xinghai. He should have beautiful scenery in front of him, but he was unconsciously bored. Even the heart gave birth to a violent temper and wanted to ruin the place.

However, he did not have this ability to destroy, and if he ruined it, he said that he could not see his partner.

How... How can I bring him back to Xinghai?

I can't think of it, Shao Qian opened the page of the system and wanted to check it out, but obviously he was disappointed. The system concluded that the people he met were not abnormal.

Even if I was mentally prepared, I still couldn’t help but be disappointed. Can't bring people back, he is a little lost in his heart.

The lost Shao Qian grabbed the light flashing around him and disappeared into the Xinghai. What he didn't know was that at the moment he left the Xinghai, a vague shadow disappeared.

When Shao Qian regained consciousness, he felt that there was something cold in his hand, and he subconsciously threw out his hand.

“Wo Wo.” The man who was thrown out by Shao Qian’s face directly slammed the table: “What are you doing on the horse?”

Shao Qian looked around and noticed that he should be at a bar or a nightclub? He wore a small vest suit with a touch of cold touch in his hand, and then looked at the cocktail cup on the table, so he should have been bartending?

Let the system check the identity of the man in front of him, the bar owner. well.

"What do you mean when you don't talk to the horse?" The man with a face of wine pointed to Shao Qian's anger and said: "If you don't give a reasonable explanation for labor, you don't want to go out of the bar."

"I just need to take the staff channel." Shao Qianfeng smacked a piece of rag on the man's face: "wipe."

The man reflected the rag and wiped his face. Then he thought that he was looking for trouble, and he threw the rag back to the table: "Xu An, I told you, don't think that you will not dare to move you when you have a good drink."

"Well, I know." Shao Qian raised his eyebrows slightly, poured a little whiskey on the table, and then put a few bottles of beautifully colored wine next to it, put them in ice, and screwed the lid. Shake in your hand.

If a man says that he is just angry, it is almost the same now. Not to mention watching the movements of the men's hands, and finally the point of disappearance disappeared.

The beautiful man in front of him skillfully blended the wine, and the cocktail cup seemed to be transformed into a living elf in his hands. The action of the flowing water makes people look pleasing to the eye, and the appearance of men's extra points is even more difficult for people to open their eyes.

If so, how happy is it to bring people home to collect? The man who has been staring at Shao Qian’s movements has unconsciously slipped, and his eyes looked at Shao Qian without hesitation. He was afraid that the person in front of him would disappear.

Shao Qian stopped the action, opened the cocktail cup, took out the goblet and put it in front of the man who looked at himself. The crystal clear liquid slowly fell into the cup, and the ice that had not melted in the cup hit the cup. The creaking.

The man's gaze was turned from Shao Qian's face to the hand he was pouring, and he looked at the red spot on his hand, making him feel more thirsty.

"A bit stuffy." Shao Qian pushed the glass to the direction of the man. Watching the man stupidly drank as he said.

"The trough." The man was dumb in his throat: "What did you drink for the laborers?"

Shao Qian wiped his hands clean and then smiled at the opening: "Liquor."

Of course, men know that it is wine, and it is still spirits. I don’t feel like drinking it in my mouth, but it’s not the same when I get into my throat. The burning feeling is burning from the throat to the stomach. Don’t you mix the high-concentration wine together?

"Drink some water." Shao Qian put a pair of whiskey on the side of the ice and handed it to the man: "Boss."

Where can a man who has been corroded by alcohol can think too much? He took the cup and poured it directly into the stomach.

Shao Qian watched the man fall directly to the ground, calmly put the rag on his hand on the table, and took off his little vest to the servant who was already scared and stupid: "Have an emergency to the boss, alcoholism."

The waiters reflected, and when they took out their mobile phones, they called the ambulance. The original messy bar was reflected in the shock of this series.

Then there was a waiter shouting the security guard at the door, letting people prepare the water to wash their stomachs first. Some people wanted to catch Shao Qian. If the boss had three long and two short, this person had to pay full responsibility.

Shao Qian can also let a few foreign strong security guards seize? A few of the security guards who escaped from the fire have really been unable to hide, and they have opened their feet. There are so many people in the bar who can't help him, so he watched him leave.

Shao Qian, who left the bar, followed the road pointed by the system. The night wind was very cool, and his brain was sober.

It is said that he is idle, it is impossible to go to the bar owner's trouble, but the person's eyes are kinky, the evil sight is too obvious, so he can't help but want to give this person a lesson.

He started to be very measured, just to make this person slightly alcoholic, and will lie on the bed for a few days, the other is not a big problem.

Going back to Xu An’s home, lying in bed and passing the plot again. Xu An has a beautiful face, but there is a bit of mad temper. His bartending skills are great, but they always change places, from high-end private wineries to current nightclub bars.

But without exception, it was all about being expelled. Xu An was tempered and couldn't listen to any words that said he was looking forward. As long as someone said that he couldn't help but beat him.

It is such a troubled Lord that it is already seen in his good value without being arrested.

Xu An’s misfortune began with the arrival of the bar owner, who had a deceptive face and a hypocrite who smiled and whispered.

He has long seen that Xu An hates people talking about his looks. Therefore, in front of Xu An, he never said a word about his appearance.

The heart of Xu An slowly softened slightly, but the boss couldn't help it. He gave Xuan a medicine and gave it to someone. And after I got on, I also gave people a slap.

How can Xu An, who has always been arrogant, suffer such a gap? He rushed into the bar with a knife and wanted to cut the person. The result was stunned by the security guard at the door.

In the end, Xu An was accused of murder and was sentenced to 20 years. Xu An kept his head down and did not speak when he was tried, but when the verdict was over, the police held him down and wanted to take it away, but when he first touched his body, the man fell to the ground.

He broke his tongue and committed suicide, and did not let the blood flow out a drop, the bitten tongue was swallowed into the stomach.

Xu An died badly, but the bar owner was not brought to court for a long time after his death. In the end, I didn’t end up falling.

When Shao Qian first came, he was brought to the room by the medicine. He naturally controls the medicine in the body, presses it down with the power of the soul, and stuns the boss with a palm, and exchanges a system with a magical medicine to feed him.

The author has something to say: Sorry, the update is late today, my father came here to play, pick him up early in the morning. I came back to sleep and returned to the cage. It turned out to be late~ What? div