MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 54 Fengyun martial arts text 5 (one more)

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No dreams overnight, the second day of the morning, Lu Hao got up, he carefully put Shao Qian aside, dressed up lightly Before looking out the door, I looked at the way my sweetheart was asleep, and involuntarily bowed his head and gently kissed him on his forehead.

After he noticed what he had done, his face suddenly became red, and some guilty ones saw Shao Qian, who did not open his eyes, and sneaked out of the room as a thief.

Not long after he left, Shao Qian woke up in confusion, and closed his eyes and reached out to lean on the side of the person, but only touched the warm bed.

Shao Qian struggled to open one eye and listened to a little movement outside. He thought that Lu Hao was outside the house. Now the window is just bright, what is it like this?

However, since I was already awake, I couldn’t sleep. I opened the bed and found the clean clothes and replaced them. I opened the door and went out.

Shao Qian pushed the door open and saw Lu Hao wearing a short dress and holding a three-footed Qingfeng sword. Tianmeng is still bright and not very clear, but it is because of this feeling of guilt, but let Shao Qian feel that the soft belt is just right, the sword is fierce and beautiful, and looks really pleasing to the eye.

Looking at Lu Hao's sword, Shao Qian also had some itch. He tied the hem of his gown to his waist, took off his long sword from the weapon rack next to him, and took a sword flower and attacked it.

Although he couldn't use the power of the soul against this person, the swordsmanship that was learned in the small world of the truth can not be said to be top, but it is also ranked. Although he can't use the internal force to make the most of it, he can master the skills and fight with Lu.

In addition, Lu Hao can play against him, can he use internal force? Therefore, Shao Qian is completely fearless.

Lu Hao is a martial artist. It is very difficult to get his ears with a little movement. When Shao Qian pushes the door open, he changes the previous single slashing movement and turns to the home. Fan.

His original intention was to think of showing off in front of his sweetheart, but he never thought that his sweetheart would actually pick up a long sword and wave at himself.

For fear of hurting the sweetheart, Lu Hao’s hands are not dare to move: “Qing Xuan?”

"Don't use the inner lining. You can't hurt me." Shao Qian chuckled: "I haven't practiced the sword for a long time. Xu is a little rusty. You will practice with me."

Lu Yi did not object to it, but he did not dare to have a big move at the beginning. He was afraid that the sword would have no eye injury.

Shao Qian saw that he was so cautious, but it was a bit funny, but his movements were even more fierce. You dare not let go of your hands and feet, and I will not let you stand up.

Lu Yiyuan thought about accompanying the practice and letting Qing Xuan become addicted. Who knows that he was gradually forced by the sweetheart to step back. Slowly, Lu Yan also took it seriously. Previously, he sneaked at Qing Xuan. This sword method is so subtle. If he kills at this time, he can't resist it.

Shao Qian saw that Lu Hao began to counterattack, and his movements were even more open. He had thought that he had forgotten this sword method. Who knows that the sword is in his hand, and the sword method is also spontaneously spread. It is as if the brain has forgotten how to move, but the body is keeping it in mind.

These two people really played the most, although they could not use the inner lining, but the action on the hand was to attack the other side, and the partial life could stop when the other party was injured.

Even so, both of them were sweating. Shao Qian looked at the sky and shook his body and stopped his hand: "Call people to take some water to bathe and use the breakfast."

"Yes." Lu Yan wiped his forehead and sweated and grinned: "Qing Xuan is a good sword, if you have internal strength, you can't be among the top masters." Listening to that tone is really proud.

"But it's better to win the sword. It's a pity that you are masculine, and you can't practice these swords. If you don't teach you, it's fine." The practice of comprehending the real world, is it the martial arts world is not everyone's content? It’s just that the world system is different. Even if the practice of comprehension is spread here, I’m afraid it’s hard to play it.

"I studied Lujiajia's sword-selling method. This sword is mainly masculine, and it is very sturdy. If you practice seven layers, you can still hurt your sword. However, it is still a little hurt." It was difficult for several generations of Lujia to make perfection. After all, it is difficult to control the outside of the sword and self-injury.

Shao Qian doesn't know how the sword is put out outside the sword. But if you have the opportunity to take a look at the sword, you might be able to help find a deficiency.

"I just practice the sword method and pay more attention to the body and spirit. If Lujia has a son-in-law, it should be possible to study." Shao Qian did not say that this set of exercises was created by women, although the swordsmanship is light and beautiful, but also If you don't defend yourself, you will be hurt.

"That happened, let Lu Linger come back and let her learn." Lu Hao will put a sword in his hand, and throw it into the weapon rack: "It’s not too early to watch the time. You go to the room first, I am going to go. Get some hot water."

"Good." Shao Qian put the long sword in his hand and walked into the room.

Lu Yan looked at Shao Qian into the room before he turned out of the courtyard. Who knows that this is out of the courtyard, he saw the butler holding the clothes and standing at the door. He swayed in front of the butler: "Four uncle, are you?"

"Less... little master." The butler loosened his clothes and changed his hand to Lu Yan: "You...who is the man back?"

“When did I say that Qing Xuan is a woman?” Lu Yi did not understand: “Furthermore, if a woman is as tall as me... it’s really scary.”

Lu Wei is eight feet tall (about one meter and eighty-five). This figure is not low. Shao Qian is only one finger lower than him. How can he not be a woman?

In addition, his family can be worn by Qing Xuan. So, where did the four uncles see his family as a woman?

"Less master, mistake me." Four uncles really want to cry without tears. Yesterday, he gave the Fortress a letter that seemed to have words, and the girl was beautiful? This is simply to his old life.

No, you have to quickly pass on the letter to the owner, if you are guilty, you will be big.

Lu Yan looked inexplicably and looked at the housekeeper's uncle who stumbled and left his own courtyard. Was it right for the uncle to send clothes for Qing Xuan?

Pick up the clothes on the ground and shake them to see this... Isn't this a woman's skirt?

Fortunately, this object was not sent to Qing Xuan, otherwise he did not know how to explain it.

The housekeeper just wrote a letter to send people to the old lady. As a result, he still has a screaming man in the future, and a servant has come to report it. The owner has already rushed to the gate of the city, and he can go to the house by touching a fragrant martial arts. .

The butler rushed to go out and wait for the greeting, and the letter was also stuffed into the pocket of the sleeve.

After Shao Qian and Lu Yugang finished washing, they heard someone returning to the fort. Lu Yan heard his eyes bright, he took Shao Qian and went: "Qing Xuan, I will take you to see my mother."

Shao Qian followed Lu Yan forward, but in his heart he thought about the reaction that the Lu family should have. However, you should not watch your own baby break with the man.

When the Lujia couple returned to the government, they went to Lulu, and the housekeeper wanted to open the door several times. They were interrupted by Lu Ninger’s problems.

Until I saw Shao Qian and Lu Hao, the housekeeper failed to make it clear that the ‘girl’ was a son.

"爹娘,小妹." Lu Hao smiled at the big white teeth.

"Oh, that girl..." Mrs. Lu changed her usual image of pungency and arrogance, and the words were really whispering and amiable.

"Mother, are you sick?" Unfortunately, the opposite is an incomprehensible: "If you are sick, you can see the doctor. I don't know why I heard you talking like this. My son only feels cold and erect."

Mrs. Lu’s face was a little stiff, and the blue veins on her forehead jumped and jumped. However, I thought that I would like to give a good impression to the children in the future. I just put pressure on my heart: "Mother has not seen me for a long time, and I really miss it."

"Mother, we only saw it three days ago." Lu Yan was helpless: "Are you really sick?"

Mrs. Lu wouldn’t endure that she was not the overlord of Lujiapu. The foot flashed to the side of Lu’s body, and she reached out to the head of the coffin.

However, Lu Hao could not stand in the same place and be beaten. He jumped out of the palm of Mrs. Lu’s hand: "Mother, you should be angry with me when you are annoyed."

So, on weekdays, the landlord is the same purpose?

"Mrs. Hey." The housekeeper can be said to find an opportunity to speak: "You have not noticed that the young master has followed a son?"

Listening to the butler, the Lujia three will see this Qingmu son followed by a Qingjun son.

"This is?" Lubao master looked up and down the son, how can he not be wearing this man's stupid son's clothes?

However, he knows all the talents he has made with his son. This person is a tight-eyed person. Isn’t it a young child of a hidden family?

"Hey, this is the person I have identified." Lu Hao was chased by Mrs. Lu, and did not forget to take the time back.

However, the lethality of this statement is indeed huge. In the original book given by the housekeeper, the girl’s beauty was clearly stated. As a result, they will become a son when they come back? How is this... what is going on?

The author has something to say: Hey, insomnia. I got up at 11 am on the 11th, and then I didn’t feel a little sleepy at 6:40 on the morning of the 12th. Turn on the cultivation mode again. It’s sour and sour. Can't sleep, let's go ahead.唉