MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 45 Ancient palace text 9

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His Royal Highness, the King of Regent, heard the little emperor’s words and revealed a different expression. He asked to make a smile, although the results were somewhat unsatisfactory...

The man took a step back and held the person directly on the bed. The right hand rubbed back and forth on the waist of the little emperor. He whispered to his ear and said: "What did Xuan Er say? The uncle did not hear clearly."

Shao Qian secretly said that the goods were not serious, but because he took most of his attention in his movements, he was touched by the Royal Highness of the Regent, and the words he wanted to say were swallowed back.

He is also a konjac. What is the appearance of this product? Actually, I still want to test him. I have to say that with this second time, my IQ has been lowered by an average.

"There is no trouble." Shao Qian pushed the regent of the Royal Highness: "I am wrong."

"Baby don't want to say this again in the future, I don't like to listen." When the Queen of Regent heard the little emperor want to give himself a slut, he gave birth to a violent temper from the bottom of his heart, the feeling of anger that seemed to destroy everything. .

Obviously, I want to look at this person and ask him if he has put himself in his heart, but in his mind, he has told him that he can't hurt him.

"This is nature." Shao Qian smiled at the neck of His Royal Highness, "I can go out now? My Royal Regency, my Royal Highness."

"Follow, my majesty." The regent of His Royal Highness kissed the emperor's mouth, and his mood changed from cloudy to sunny. Only this good mood disappeared when I saw a bunch of candied fruit gourds entering the government from the side door.

"Uncle Huang, is the cook in your house also acting as a hawker?" Shao Qian’s memory is very strong, and he immediately recognized that the hawker was the one who sold the candied fruit to the blessing.

His Royal Highness Regent felt that today is still unfavorable, and the big words that have just been blown out have been seen. He felt that it was necessary to go to the Imperial Tomb to worship the ancestors and let them bless themselves.

The Royal Highness of the Regent, in fact, I think, if you dare to go to the Imperial Tomb to say that you are a little emperor, do you believe that your family’s ancestors will also kill you?

The little apprentice who led the hawker from the side door squatted down. He did not expect that the Royal Highness of the Regent would pass by here at this time. This is this ... arbitrarily leading the foreign people into the government, they are not enough to take a few lives.

"Wang... the prince is forgiving..." The little apprentice squatted on the ground.

"Go and get me a bunch." Shao Qian chin, the little apprentice smiled and said: "Let me also taste the difference between the candied fruit made by the chef of your palace."

The little apprentice now only knows that the squatting on the ground, and where can I hear clearly that the little emperor said? The Emperor of the Regent squinted at the little apprentice who had crawled to the ground and personally took a string to the little emperor: "I will help Xuaner first."

Then, squinting at a shameless person stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the icing on the candied haw. At the end, he nodded his head and said: "The taste is acceptable, but Xuaner can eat less, not to I can't use the meal."

Shao Qian is not really gluttonous, and naturally will not eat this snack. He just thought that this candied fruit is a gratifying red scorpion, and it makes people want to eat.

Shao Qian took a bite from the candied haws, a lot of sugar-coated bags, and the sour taste of the candied fruit is enough. However, it is not right to enjoy it alone. Since the uncle said that the taste is acceptable, how can I share it with two people?

One bite off the top, then squeezes the second one down, letting the Regent King bend his waist and give it to his mouth.

The Royal Highness of the Regent is not only sweet and mellow, but also sweet in his heart. The little emperor of his family has actually fed him one by one, which must be tasted carefully. Be sure to put it in your mouth a little bit.

Turned off... huh? Why not sweet? The king of Regent’s tongue licked, as if the maltose had turned. So, someone who had never eaten candied fruit went bite down... Then the whole person was stiff, and the face that had no expression on it was directly wrinkled into a ball, and the brows with tight eyes could pinch the flies.

"Hey, hahahaha." Shao Qian looked at the regent of the regent, and he was not smiling. He didn't think that he was so afraid of acidity.

The Royal Highness of the Regent swallowed the things in his mouth, swallowed his teeth and picked up the little emperor. He kissed him in the corner of his mouth: "The little bad guy will see the uncle's joke."

"There must be a joke to see." Shao Qian looked at his partner with the eyes of a candied fruit with a candied fruit: "I still want to eat."

The Royal Regency King did not want to go over and kissed him: "You feed and eat."

Shao Qian bit a piece of sugar smack and plucked it into the mouth of the Regent's Royal Highness and fed it in it: "It is not sour to eat some sugar."

His Royal Highness Regent now feels that walking is like floating. The lips of his own little emperor are soft and sweet. The little tongue that comes over is sweeter. It really makes the Regent’s Highness feel drunk.

If Shao Qian knows the idea of ​​His Royal Highness, he must tell him that this is the smell of maltose, and has nothing to do with his lips and tongue...

The King of Regent, holding his own little emperor out of the palace, did not forget to tell the housekeeper before leaving the house, to stop the little follower, but don't always follow his little emperor.

Shao Qian listened to the regent of the Royal Regent and told him to turn his eyes: "I don't want to listen to him nonsense. My little **** asked, and said that there is something to do, let him stay in the palace and wait for me."

"Yes." The steward was brought out from the palace by His Royal Highness, and it is natural to know this. Although it is not clear why his own prince now loves the little emperor, but as the most loyal steward, he should not ask if he should not ask.

And, Wang Ye, you will go out with such a chicken head, will Minger become the laughing stock of the Imperial City? Of course, these words as a obedient steward, he will never ask for an exit.

His Royal Highness took his own small emperor out of the door, but after arriving at the street, the little emperor said that he would not let him hold it, which made the King of Regent inadvertently happy.

"I am not young, I am always uncomfortable." Shao Qian looked at the regent of the Regent, as if the dog was abandoned. The whole person was dim. He quickly explained the opening: "You are tired and not tired."

I have to say that Shao Qian caught his mind or grasped it very stable. The regent of His Royal Highness immediately became uncomfortable and turned into a small emperor who was worried about me. The moment of inadvertent and clear mood turned into a sunny day, and the speed was definitely faster than the book that people said.

"The people who come and go in the imperial city seem to have increased a little." On that day, he did not have so many people when he came out with him, or did he say that the time when they came out was wrong?

"The droughts and floods in the two places are serious. The wealthy people in the family will leave the housekeeper in the house and leave with their family members." The Regent King guarded the little emperor in case he was accidentally touched by others.

"They don't worry that after they go back, the family is divided by the housekeepers." Shao Qian was guarded by the regent of the Regent, and looked at the people who are dressed in the light. The mind is thinking about the northwest now. In both places, I am afraid that the hungry people are already thin and thin.

"They are holding the deeds of the housekeepers in their hands. For the disobedient housekeepers, even if they kill directly, no one can say anything." The Royal Regent, let the little emperor walk in front of himself: "Dare to throw this directly The people who leave home are either treating the family and being kind, not afraid of those who are divided up by the people, or they are more strict at home, deterring those who do not dare to come."

Shao Qian seems to understand and nod his head: "Now these people are in the imperial city, you must be better guarded."

Who knows who these people are entering the Imperial City? Just in case, it is better to take care of others.

"This is nature." His Royal Highness Regent said that he knew that the site of his little emperor would be well guarded.

Just as the Regent King guarded the little emperor to go to the teahouse where he usually sat in the weekdays, there was a mess of noise in front of him, and even some of them screamed. The face of the Regent’s Highness was black and terrible. He quickly guarded the little emperor and stepped back, fearing that his treasure would be met by something that was not long-sighted.

In the panic, Shao Qian was stepped on a foot. He stood unsteadily and fell to the ground. His Royal Highness was squeezed away from the side of the little emperor. He watched him fall to the ground, and several people stepped on the ground in a panic. The emperor has a few feet.

The author has something to say: 嗷嗷嗷~ finally replaced ~