MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 41 Ancient palace text 5

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In the end, Shao Qian did not drive out the Royal Regent, but he was crushed by the clothes he had put on his body for a short time. The sleek regent of the Regent is holding the same bare squatting Zabazaba mouth. If his little emperor is bigger, he can do it.

The hand that slides back and forth on the back is enough. Shao Qian forced a hand on the waist of the Regent's Royal Highness: "Uncle, the child is sleepy."

"Then go to sleep." The regent of His Royal Highness slaps the back of Shao Qian's scorpion: "The emperor slaps and falls asleep."

Shao Qian has given up communicating with this cheeky. He should be glad that this body is still in love, and if you want to do so, you must find out the fire.

In the early morning of the second day, Shao Qian woke up and did not see the Royal Regent, and asked him because he was worried about his master, and he knew that after the cherished outside, the Royal Highness of the Regent left the day.

While saying that the Regent King left, he did not forget to wait until the Regent King’s ignorance of the key in the palace.

Shao Qian took a laugh and patted the shoulders of Xi Fu so that he didn't care too much. This silly boy, can you still win the Regent? I don’t want to say that he is his person in the whole palace. At least one and a half is listening to the command of the Regent. A few people don’t care about who the emperor is. There are only a few people who will read the emperor and help the emperor. .

Since he wants to be a good emperor, he can't be absent from the morning, and Shao Qian asks him to pack himself up and take it on.

At this time, many ministers in the DPRK were listless and ready to go home to sleep. However, standing in front of the front of the Regent Palace, staring at the dragon chair with no expression, several sneak peeks at his minister, I was afraid that this grandfather was upset and sat up.

To say that before, Helian Jingqi said that he would not really sit up, but now it is different. This son is his little emperor. He wants to see his little emperor carrying his chin and sitting on the dragon chair. That pair The appearance of the only one in the sky and the ground is really itchy.

This expressionless regent of the Regent is in a serious and cranky thought, Shao Qian's drive to the apse, let the little **** sing and then slowly walked to the dragon chair to sit down.

To tell the truth, this dragon chair is really not good to sit. It is said to be pure gold. It is sitting in the cold in winter and hot in the summer. It is still very hard and shelved.

"My emperor is long lived for ten thousand years old." The regent of the regent, the king of the regent, squatted on one knee, but the little eyes couldn’t help but squat in the direction of the dragon chair. He only felt that he saw the little emperor’s little expression. I feel itchy.

The ministers of this time were shocked. Or did you say that the night of the night ran away from the imperial mausoleum? When the emperor was alive, he didn’t pay much attention to him. Now he gave his nephew the little emperor a squat?

"All the people are flat." Shao Qian said seriously.

He didn't know, he thought that he had no expression on his face, and he was completely stunned in the eyes of the Regent's Royal Highness. The goods were even thinking, waiting for the little emperor to be bigger, sitting on the dragon chair... ...

"There is something to start, nothing to retreat." When Xi Fu shouted these four words, the nervous palms were sweating, and the master said, and he will come to him in the future, and he must practice his courage.

Shao Qian seems to be looking at the bottom without looking at it. In fact, it is the regent who has been in sight not far away. He looks at his seemingly dull expression and stares at himself. It is.

The Royal Highness of the Regent always knew that the little emperor was watching himself, and he noticed his serious eyes. The regent of His Royal Highness was shameful... Stone was even worse. Can he not know about his own physical changes? The regent of His Royal Highness was cold and covered with a wide-sleeved gown in front of him. Although it was spacious and tight, but let the little emperor see that he lost his face before driving, isn’t he losing face?

Dare to ask His Royal Highness, do you have other faces?

Shao Qian, who has been paying attention to him, saw that he had jumped on his forehead and had been with this person for so many years. Can you still know what he looks like? Since making such a move, I am afraid that the body has changed. It is not appropriate to think of something that should not be thought of.

An elderly minister trembled and stood up and saluted: "This year, the northwestern drought, the southern giants, the banker's granules have no income, the old minister asked the majesty to order the opening."

This matter has already been said earlier, but the little emperor did not understand this, so he did not pay attention to it. Under the command of the Regent, who has always been in power, I don’t know if I’m thinking about the little emperor’s jokes, or other ideas, and I’ve been commenting on it.

However, at this time, the King of Regents did not think so. He now has a family (not temporarily) who has to worry about his own little emperor. Just as he was going to speak, the little emperor sitting on the top sounded clear.

"Ordered the opening of the warehouse, dispatched the imperial **** food to the northwest, the regent king ordered the army to send and protect, if there was a dare to have anti-intermediation food on the road, killing innocent people. Ordering the Ministry of Labor to catch up the abundant rain in the south, exploring the terrain, summoning the people to repair the river, The water flow is led to the northwest. Alleviate the drought." Shao Qian did not panic and ordered.

His voice just fell, and the minister of the Central Committee consciously turned his attention to the regent of His Royal Highness. Is this going to listen to the emperor?

"Look at what I do? Your Majesty said what it is." The regent of His Royal Highness. In my heart, I have smashed this group of officials. You are so stunned by me, my little emperor still ordered not to move you? If you can't get along with his little emperor, you can't go with him.

However, if you are under the Royal Regency, you don’t want to think about it. Who was the one who monopolized the political affairs and did not give the little emperor a chance to touch the power? Almost all of you in the hall, the dare to listen directly to the command of the little emperor?

The Minister of the DPRK heard that the Royal Highness of the Regent had opened his mouth and immediately gave a breath. The Ministry of Industry still hesitated to open the mouth: "Your Majesty, repairing the river is too long, I am afraid that the river has not yet passed through the water, and the people in the south and northwest will have lost their lives. In addition, I am afraid that I will not be able to pick up the food."

"Call the people to dig the river, but if they are willing to join, one or two silver tubes will be enough to eat and drink every month. Ordinary hungry people, set up tents for people to rest, daily porridge to stop hunger."涝 lead, but this is not a good deal in a short time. After all, repairing the river is a big project. Nowadays, it is not only necessary to lead out the southern leeches, but also to prevent the plague. This time, it is not only necessary to send imperialism to these two places, but also the doctors who accompany them.

"But your Majesty, you can't do with the country's treasury and the grain, this..." The mouth said that everyone will, the key is no money, no food, how about repairing the river? Then support the victims?

"How? These things still need to worry about?" Regent King's eye knife directly poked on the work of the Ministry of Industry: "Silver is not enough to find me, the food is not enough to find those who only know the crush of the homesickness."

"Yes." Hearing the regent king to speak, others did not dare to speak. But this time the Regent is eating the wrong medicine? How is this abnormal?

"Uncle Huang, do you say that the two are best suited to the South Tour and the northwestern imperialism?" The person in the middle of the DPRK, or the Highness of the Regent, is the most clear, and it is more appropriate to let him choose.

"Who wants to go to the northwest and the south to stand up." The regent Royal Highness turned to look at the DPRK and the ministers with no expression.

Those who were originally a little careful, and thought that the minister who took the money would not dare to act, if the little emperor asked, they would definitely ask for it. But His Royal Highness the Regent...

Thinking of the means of His Royal Highness, those who are a little careful can only give it down.

"How? Do you dare to come out?" His Royal Highness Regent snorted: "Can't do it for the sake of your sorrow, what do you want for these courtiers?"

The meaning of this statement is ashamed, as if you had previously worried about your Majesty.

"Chen, Li Huan is willing to go." Standing at the end of the first person stood up and bowed.

With this first person, the second person naturally stood up: "Chen, Song Lu is willing to go."

“Very good.” Shao Qian nodded. “This trip to the north and the south depends on two adults.”

"I am willing to share my worries." The two men expressed their loyalty.

There are still a few people who are hesitant to repent in the hearts of those who have not stood up. This is the best time for Gaosheng. If this matter is handled well, it will be a step-by-step, and the chance of being born and hesitating will be lost.

The author has something to say: it will be completed soon, and I always feel like I have completed a big project.