MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 117 Western Blood 1

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Shao Qian wants to ask, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't say a word. Just as he was anxious and violent, he suddenly felt that someone had hugged himself from behind, and the cold cheek of the man was sticking on his neck, as if he had been gently licking a few times.

Shao Qian, who was hugged, wants to resist. However, his body is as general as before, and he can't lift a little strength at all.

The man seemed to know that Shao Qian was resisting the general at this time. He extended his right hand from behind and closed Shao Qian’s eyes. Then he put the man flat and his fingers went down from his face until somewhere...

Even if he was not imprisoned, Shao Qian was also stiff at this time, and he was ridiculed in his mind...

The man seemed to chuckle, and then the cold hand plunged into Shao Qian's clothes and stroked back and forth over his chest. The hands seemed to be completely temperature-free, and Shao Qian was really a goose bump. However, he still can't move.

The man should have touched the addiction, touched the person's chest and said nothing, but also sneaked down all the way, and the claws had to reach into Shaoqian pants. This... can't bear it.

Shao Qian’s heart was very anxious. I didn’t know that the power of the soul that had just been huddled up suddenly came out. Shao Qian directly broke through the ban and opened his eyes. However, he recovered the familiar Xinghai appearance in front of him...

However, if it wasn't for his own open top, the body still had the cold touch on the hand, and Shao Qian felt that he was dreaming.

However, there are still other people in this star sea? Or is it that he is wrong in what strange place?

This box Shao Qian is annoyed and entangled, there are people more tangled over there. The talented and indecent assaulted Shao Qian’s man, looking at his paws with entanglement, how can he not hold back, you can’t help it? Say good for the time being? Modest is to accidentally come to this place, can you be such a beast?

However, while you are licking yourself, can you first accept the sloppy expression on your face? As far as you are concerned, it is not as good as when you couldn’t see your face. At least, at that time, the face was sloppy and the face could not be shown.

However, the man’s wretchedness is ridiculous. He has not forgotten the little traitor who dared to help his family to escape. The power of the soul is the source of his strength. He was afraid that his family would be hurt and put it into his body. Think of it, dare to resist the master now? You are really capable, don't come back if you have the ability, or you can't look good to clean it up.

Therefore, the power of the soul is not completely unconscious. After all, it has lived for thousands of years. With this time, an ant can be refined, not to mention the power of the soul itself. There is spiritual energy.

However, it is a dissatisfaction with the owner who touched the little master himself. He was so dissatisfied that he dared to resist it once and brought Shao Qian directly. Although... After bringing Shao Qian out, it scared to hide...

Here, Shao Qian blackened his face and buckled his clothes. When he was really gnashing his teeth, he wanted to know if the Wang Ba Lazi had touched his claws with a claw.

For the right situation, Shao Qian thought of the system for the first time. However, he also knew that the system has never had any form, how could it appear in the form of human beings, and not yet...self?

Shao Qian thought about it before, but he couldn’t think of any reason. In the end, he could only be angry and wanted to leave the Xinghai before going to the next world.

The man who had been hiding in the darkness saw his family’s humble eyes and rushed, waving a small spot of light to float in front of him. Really, Shao Qian did not want to directly grab the small light spot and disappeared into the Xinghai.

And this man, the man saw Shao Qian disappear, but also quickly grabbed the little light point and left the Xinghai.

When I got here, I had to feel that it was no coincidence that there was a small world floating in front of Shao Qian, but someone deliberately did it.

In the darkness, a tiny black shadow flashed through the dark corridor into the basement, and then the light-duty road penetrated into the innermost room.

The black shadow entered the room and became a human figure. The candles in the four corners of the basement were lit. After using the light, it was found that the room was very empty. Only the center of the room was bound by a silver chain. Diamond shaped coffin.

A man with long silver hair walked to the side of the coffin, the right hand of the white cicada passed the ruby ​​of the coffin, the exquisite three-dimensional carving, and finally went to the top of the coffin, pressed **** the red gem, and saw that the chains that were wrapped around the coffin fell in the On the ground.

The man opened the coffin with one hand, and among the gorgeous coffins, there was a teenager who was as refined as a ceramic doll. At the moment of seeing the boy, a man’s cold face showed a smile. The heart that was originally feeling empty was filled up when I saw the boy, and my heart was screaming that he was only him.

The man’s obsessive sight swept over the teenager’s cheeks, followed by a delicate three-breasted mini suit, a ring of golden bats worn on a teenager’s hand, and a golden cane placed on his side...

It seems to be tempted. When the man's hand gently puts on the teenager's cheek in the coffin, when he touches his cold cheek, the man's eyes suddenly become dark. This group of dark creatures really do not know how to live and die. They really think that this person is forced to sleep. Can you manage the overall situation? It is really foolish.

However, fortunately, this group of people forced the person to sleep in the past, or else even if there is God's guidance, he will spend a lot of effort to see this person. In this way, the group of stupid dark creatures helped him a lot.

The man was sincerely grateful to the dark creatures who helped him invisibly, and then the obsessed sight fell again on the teenager in the coffin. God tells him that his destined partner will wake up in the most noble person of the blood family and will work with himself to create a unique underground dynasty.

Although, for this god, men have always been skeptical, but they still have a great interest in the so-called "God" so-called partner. He wants to know what the ‘God’ so-called partner looks like.

After the secret investigation, he discovered that the most noble existence of the blood family was designed by the seven elders of the blood family as early as ten years ago, and was forced to sleep. After the man got the news, he was really scornful to the prince. The blood family was the most noble dark leader without the blood emperor, but he never thought that he would be sleepy by several elders.

For a moment, the man felt a little disappointed. He felt that even if he had a partner, he would definitely be the strongman at the top of the world, not the incompetent coward who was forced to sleep.

However, although he was somewhat disappointed, his heart was even more clamoring to see this person. If he did not go, he would regret his life.

In the end, the man still obeyed his desires, hoped, escaped the guards of the dark creatures, and entered the basement of the castle where the Prince of Blood was held.

When he saw the diamond-shaped coffin of the **** king and the silver chain tied to it, the man’s face was really cold and terrible. He always knew that someone in the Holy See cooperated with the blood, but did not expect the person who cooperated with the blood group to actually Give the dark creatures the chains that have been soaked in holy water.

At the same time as the heart was angry, there was a deep worry. He was worried that after opening the coffin, the eye was a group of ashes.

However, hesitation is not a man's nature. He wanders around the coffin, and then opens the silver ban, and then opens the exquisite coffin.

Telling the truth, when I saw the sleeping boy in the coffin, the man was really relieved. Fortunately, it was not what he imagined. If he opened the coffin and saw the ashes, he really didn’t know what he would do. The thing is coming.

However, his little companion is really beautiful.

The man looked at the sleeping teenager in the coffin, his face showed a strange and wretched smile, the little companion was a vampire, and his recovery ability was very strong. So don't worry...

If Shao Qian saw the smile on the man's face at this time, he couldn't wait for a sole to smoke. It was obviously a handsome guy with a cold look. The result was ruined by your smile and good-looking face.

Just as the man squatted on the coffin and stared at the young man in the coffin, when YIn, I saw a strange wave of sorrow in the boy in the coffin. The strange volatility was only a moment, but it was impossible. I have been paying attention to the young man in the coffin.

After perceiving the strange fluctuations, the man felt that his heart seemed to melt and he was generally full of tenderness. This is his partner.

The man stretched out his right hand and stroked the teenager's cheek, and then went down a little, sliding over the delicate chin, small and lovely throat knot, buckled to the top is very unsightly shirt button buckle...

The man thinks that the small companion shirt button is too tight, it must be uncomfortable, so it is still good to unlock. But to say, can you not find other excuses for your wretchedness?

Some fingers trembled and untied the two buttons on the shirt, and felt that the delicate suit worn outside was too hard, untied, and took off the coffin.

Ok? The little vest is awkward and must not be comfortable. It is also taken off and thrown out. In this way, after a while, the young man has only a messy silk shirt left... Finally, the man feels that the button must be stunned and untied...

In the end, the man looked at the half-naked teenager who was shackled, and his eyes were full of green light. At this time, the goods did not linger on the coffin. The shoes were kicked open and the whole person turned into the coffin. The head gathered in the neck of the boy and sniffed it there. The look was a bit like The reincarnation of certain animals.

It’s just a light nose sniffing, but what about your claws that are pinched on the chest?

This touched the feeling and it changed a bit. The man did not stop after he noticed the movement of the boy under his finger. Instead, he put out a little bit of the tongue to go to the neck of the boy, and then he was even more profitable. The teeth gently bite the neck of the boy.

-------------------------------------------------- - The text ends, what?-----------------------------

Shao Qian hurriedly covered his head, and then found a little empty space to quickly climb up, but others were still shorter, and they were squeezed directly into the empty streets.

The messy horseshoe on the right was far and near, and Shao Qian looked in that direction, but saw a carriage rushing.

"Xuan Er, I will avoid it." The Regent Palace is under the urgency of the color, and force the crowd to squeeze out, but how can he be compared with everyone? He took only a few steps to exhaust his whole body.

Shao Qian can now be said to be retreating. He gnawed his teeth and refused to take care of others. At the moment when the horse approaches, the power of the soul is applied to the extreme, and the speed of the horse running is also true. Seeing that the horse passed by, the carriage was about to bring him down, and quickly broke into the bottom of the carriage.

Helian Jingqi seemed to fall into the ice cave at this moment, and the blood of the whole body stopped as the little emperor was caught in the bottom of the car. The carriage has run far, the front is all people, he can't even see where Xuan is lying.

"All the kings roll." Helian Jingqi screamed, and the person in front of him was taken to the side by him, and he did not effortlessly push the obstacles in front of him.

He wants to see Xuan Er. His Xuan Er is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. If there is a blessing from the Emperor, how can he be killed by a carriage?

The Royal Regent has not yet reached the front, Shao Qian himself climbed up, he patted the dirt on his body, frowning at the forehead crushed in front of the wheel. Good courage, I dare to drive the horse to murder, if you find out who this person is, you must cure his sin.

"Xuan Er, Xuan Er." The King of Regent squeezed to the front and saw his little emperor looking down at the ground. He hurriedly held the man in his arms and stalked him in his arms: "Is there any injury?" Let the uncle see."

"I have nothing to do." The ancient carriage wheel was higher, he was small, and he was not hurt, but the clothes were dirty. Also, the forehead...

"Nothing is fine. Nothing is fine." After confirming that the little emperor was fine, the Regent’s Royal Highness began to warm up, and the heart that violently beats slowly calmed down: "It’s not good for the Emperor, it’s not good. child."

"Do not blame you." Shao Qian took a picture of the shoulder of His Royal Highness: "Uncle, the amount of the ornaments you sent me is broken."

"There are still a lot of uncles, as long as people are fine." The Royal Highness of Regent was really scared this time. It can even be said that there has never been anything from small to large, which can change his mood.

"Well." Shao Qianxi was on the shoulder of His Royal Highness: "Uncle, take this forehead and go home, let's go back."

Now that you are dirty, you must go back and change your clothes. What's more, the Royal Highness of the Regent seems to be scared, or to return to the palace to rest.

"Listen to Xuan'er." The regent of His Royal Highness smashed the broken feet and held the little emperor back. However, Xu has not recovered from the shock of the talented person. When he walks, his footsteps are slightly messy.

The dark guards who have been hiding in the dark have never dared to be idle. They have not been able to save the emperor in time and have been guilty of death. Now it is only possible to find out who is sitting in the carriage. I don’t ask the prince to spare their lives, just want to redeem the sin before dying.

When he went out, the little emperor and the Regent King were happy to go out. When they came back, the regent’s face was cold and he was holding the dirty emperor’s house.

I have been standing in the concierge and waiting for the filth to see the dirty emperor crying out: "The master, the master, are you okay?"

"Shut up." The King of Regency screamed and hugged the little emperor and went back to the bedroom. He quickly recruited the doctor to look good. He was afraid that his little emperor was injured by a carriage, or he was scared out.

Shao Qian also knew that his partner was scared, and he obeyed the doctor.

"Wang Ye, your majesty is not a problem." When the doctor was pulled, he was really scared. He thought that this man had something big. When I came to see it, I realized that I was going to see a doctor. I was so scared that the cold sweat of the doctor was shocked.

So, what is your impression of the rest of the world?

When the doctor asked about the doctor, he was shocked when he was caught in the bottom of the car. He was in a hurry and rushed to diagnose the pulse. He confirmed that his pulse was powerful, and he did not let him down until he was relieved: "Wang Ye, later. Open a few pairs of soothing soup to your majesty."

"Very good." The Royal Highness of the Regent, listening to the doctor, was half assured. He waved to the crowd to retreat.

After no one in the room, his face was still ugly. His Royal Highness Regency gently held the man in his arms: "It’s really scary to me."

"When the medicine of the doctor is coming, you will also drink a few with me." Shao Qian feels that his partner needs to drink Anshen soup more than him.

"Yeah." The King of Regency hugged the little emperor for a while and then released his heart: "From now on, you have to leave the uncle."

"Listen to you." Shao Qian nodded. At this time, the second thing in his family needs comfort.

"A good shirt has also been stained." His Royal Highness the King of Regent said, he threw the little emperor's belt and threw it on the floor, then the outer shirt, and the clothes were all faded.

However, after taking off the clothes, the bruises that came out of the little emperor were exposed, and a piece of blue-purple bruise was really shocking.

His Royal Highness, who was always as hard as iron, shook hands when he saw these bruises. He stretched out his right hand and wanted to touch it, but he was worried that he would hurt the treasure again...

"It's just watching scary." Shao Qian grabbed the hand of His Royal Highness, and placed it on the bruise of his left arm: "Even if you used to hurt, it won't hurt if you touch it."

Well, sometimes Shao Xiaoqian’s skill in telling love is also full. At least he said that the king of Regent was not only placed on the human arm, but his mouth was also on his shoulder.

"In the future, I will definitely stop you from being hurt." The King of Regent gently swayed the little emperor, and his head came to his neck and said: "If you can't protect you, why don't you hit the river?"

I want to lay down the river, just because my treasure is this emperor. He wants to give him a peaceful and prosperous world, and he wants to give him a complete world.

His treasures should be best and most complete.

"This is nature. You should protect me forever." Just like then...

I thought of Shao Qian’s unfortunate moment, at that time? When is it? He always feels that he has forgotten something. Every time he sees the truth, there will always be something to stop...

"Follow. My sire." The King of Regency hugged people in bed and pulled over the thin cover to cover him: "Now we don't go back, you rest for a moment, the uncle is preparing for dinner."

"Okay." Shao Qian closed his eyes and rested. His Royal Highness Wang sat down and looked at him until the little emperor breathed slowly before he got up and left.

When the regent's palace went out of the bedroom, his face was completely cold. When he saw the dark guard lying outside the small courtyard, his face was even more ugly and terrible. He stepped forward to the leader and fell to the ground, screaming and screaming: "The useless things can't be protected even under the armpits. What do you want?"

"Wang Ye redeemed." The leader quickly rushed to kneel and squatted to the ground: "The carriage is a woman who is a big man in the dynasty. It is difficult to quit under the sin of the distress, and he hopes that the prince will spare these people. ”

The leader of this person will have to take the sword and swear by himself, but the sword has not yet been smashed, and he will be kicked off by the Regent’s palace: "All the kings will go to the temple to receive punishment."

"Yes. Xie Wangye does not kill the grace." The leader of the face is grateful, and then seems to be afraid of the lord's remorse, and quickly got up and left behind with a few people.

These people can leave their lives, nothing more than the little emperor is not much damage, if they are not enough to have several heads are not cut.

However, when the Chaopin is a big man...

The regent King’s eyes were slightly confined, and the sky was cold. Hong’s family had to squander. (His Royal Highness, are you eulogizing?)

Here, when the literary genre is holding the youngest daughter to enjoy the family, I don’t know that my good days have come to an end.

"Hey, the last time I asked the person who was looking for it, can I have a message?" Hong Lianer sat in Hongrui's arms and took his clothes and spoiled him: "It’s been a long time, and I still don’t tell my daughter."

"Miss Zhongzhong, how can you say such unscrupulous words?" This is a blame, but the pets in the tone can't cover it.

His daughter really had a vision, but after going out for a trip, he took a fancy to the current Regent Royal Highness. If he wanted to let his daughter enter the palace before, now he has no idea.

How can I get into the palace? The little emperor is just a slap in the hands of the regent, can he pull out any waves? Nowadays, this dynasty is in the hands of the Regent King. Only by pleasing the Regent King can it fly into the sky.

"This will also tell you." Hong Lianer twitched his mouth and swayed a few times of Hongrufeng's clothes: "Hey, people want that person."

"Good." Hongrufeng is most uncomfortable with his daughter. The smile on his face can't be concealed: "The eyes are good, but the man is the first person."

Hong Lianer was even more anxious to hear this: "Hey, have you found that son?"

"What kind of son? That is the king of the Regent." Hong Confucian fists to heaven: "If you can become his king, isn't it more honorable than the Queen?"

This Honglian children would like to have Helian Jingqi, now they are listening to their father.

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