MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1238 Domain beast

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"This small valley belongs to our hometown. You hand over the pet bag and roll away quickly, otherwise you will kill it."

Outside the small valley, a total of three spiritual masters were assembled, five in the Nangong family, another in the royal family, and seven in the family.

In the number of spiritual masters, Chang Jia took an absolute advantage, and they began to force the Nangong family and Feng family.

"Don't be too much, you can't make a big break."

Feng family is a spirit anger.

You must know that there are a group of upper-class mysterious beasts in the valley, each worth one trillion yuan of stone, a group of at least twenty, that is more than twenty trillion Chinese stone.

This is a huge fortune for them.

Not everyone is like Li Fuchen, and the reward is as high as 50 trillion yuan. They are not qualified to have such high rewards.

What's more, Chang Jia not only wants to occupy the small valley, but also they have to hand over the pet bag, this is absolutely intolerable.

"The fish is dead, and you can match it, let's die!"

Chang Jia, a five-star top-class animal family, has a domain owner sitting in the family. The number of spiritual masters they invite is not limited to more than 800, and the quality is also quite high. There are more than 30 powerful spirits. There are nine spiritual masters.

At present, among the fifteen permanent family spirits, although there is none of the spiritual masters, there are two powerful spiritual masters, none of the Nangong family, and the Feng family.

"Thunder and lightning."

Among the two powerful spirits, the powerful spiritual master who rules the rules of the thunder extends his right hand, and the amazing spiritual power bursts. The next moment, the infinite lightning and thunder blast to the Nangong family of five and the Feng family.

The strength of the other side is too strong, but for a moment, the Nangong family died three times, and Feng family died four.


The situation is stronger than the people, and the remaining spiritual masters of the Nangong family and Feng family began to escape.

They also planned to join forces at the beginning, but until now, they realized that the gap between them and the powerful spirits could not be compensated by this number.

"The fly is broken."

Another strong spiritual master of the Chang family took the shot. He majored in the rules of the waterway. He saw his hand wave and condensed to the extreme water.

After a breath.

There is only one spiritual master left in the Nangong family, and Feng Jialing is completely destroyed.

The Nangong family, the spiritual master, can survive because he is not only a medium-spirited lord, but also creates a supernatural spirit, so he can resist lightning and thunder, but at the moment, The spiritual power has also been annihilated for most of the time. If you come again, you will die.

"How can Li Fu dust not come." Gutian is very anxious.

When he discovered the small valley, he contacted Li Fuchen for the first time, hoping that the other party would come as soon as possible.

"The spirit of the gods is good, the thunder and the guns." The powerful spirit of the main rules of the mines grinned, and the right-handed thunder and long guns shot at Gutian.

The speed of the thunderbolt is too fast, and it will be seen that Gutian is about to die.

"Sorry, it’s late."

One hand, holding a lightning rifle.

"What person?" lei frowned and looked at the people.

This is a sword god, a powerful kendo spirit master.

His thunder and lightning guns, the strength of the power, was actually held by the other side with one hand.

"There are thousands of arrows."

Situ Tao, the powerful spiritual master who majored in the rules of the waterway, danced with both hands, and countless water arrows attacked Li Fuchen.

"Long hate knife."

"Frenzy fist."

"Cracking the ground."

The remaining spiritual masters of the Chang family also launched attacks.

"go back."

Li Fu's hand waved and countless water arrows were returned.


Destroyed and ruined, the fifteen spiritual masters of the home were all killed by the water arrows, and the spirits were wiped out.

"Saved." Gutian breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time a little sad, before they came, they had five people, and now only one of them is left.

It’s really a human being for a dead bird, and I don’t know if it’s worth it.

With a hand, a large number of **** pet bags floated in front of Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen opened it and saw that there was only one **** pet bag with a mysterious beast.

"Gutian, this small valley is what you found, I will tell you how the two heads of the mysterious beasts?" Li floats.

Although the small valley was discovered by Gutian, Li Fuchen could not be half-divided with the other party. After all, without him, Gutian not only could not get anything, but also was killed.

Gutian quickly shook his head and said: "I just have one end, and you will give me a note."

They get the beasts of the beasts, they are to be handed over to the three people of Li Fuchen, and the three people of Li Fushi will write them down.

"I said two ends, no more, no more." Li Fuchen shook his head.

"Thank you."

Gutian is still very happy. This is the two trillion yuan of Chinese stone, plus the rewards of the Nangong family. If you can live alive this time, you don't need to take risks for many years.

In the small valley, there are many cubs and beasts, and there are more than 30 heads.

If you switch to other spiritual masters, you must arrest them one by one. Li floats a hand, and all the upper-class mythical beasts are caught and sent one by one to the **** pet bag.

Did not immediately separate from Gutian, Li Fuchen arranged Gutian to another team of spiritual masters before leaving.

"Gutian, you are lucky, two trillion yuan of Chinese stone is enough for us to earn for a long time." The number of this spiritual team is quite a lot, there are more than 20, there are several envious.

Gutian smiled bitterly: "We died four, and I almost died."

"This is normal. We are going out to take risks. When it is not dancing on the knife edge, sometimes luck is good, you can get a lot of wealth. Sometimes you are lucky, you can't get anything. This little secret trip is us. The opportunity, as long as there is something to gain, the next few years do not need to take risks, you can safely practice, and always break through to mysterious."


Gutian nodded, and the rewards and rewards were too rich, worthy of thousands of adventures.


"These mysterious beasts are young, but each one has a very strong bone. It seems that only the **** beast can tame them." Li Fuchen secretly plays a small snake-like mysterious beast.

The small mystery is small, but it is incredible, and there is still a lot of space inside. Some beasts and beasts live in these spaces and are very hidden.

If it is not Li Fuchen who is proficient in time and space rules, I really can't find it.

"It is a domain beast and a cub, kill."

In front of a concave land, two spiritual masters smashed. In the center of the concave land, there was a small beast covered with red and red scales.

The lower domain is the beast of the beast.

A sub-domain of the beast and beast, but worth one billion billion of Chinese stone, everyone is crazy, desperately strangled.

"Fire beast beast, haha, luck is really good, black light swallowed."

On the edge of the concave land, I don’t know when a young man in a black dress appeared. He grinned and laughed.

The strong black light is like a wave, and all of a sudden killing of all the spirits who are killing.

If someone who is familiar with the spirit of the Lord is here, he will recognize the identity of this person.

The black light spirit master, the spirit of the main list ranked 790, majoring in the rules of black light rules.

Just as the black light Lord was preparing to capture the fire beast, a black sword suddenly came.

This black sword is too fast, and the black light spirit has no time to dodge.


The body of the Black Light Spirit is annihilated and turned into nothingness.

The nature of the shot is Li Fuchen.

A small secret trip can not allow him to show his mercy. When he kills, he will not keep his hands. This black light spirit has killed so many spiritual masters, and Li Fuchen has killed him. It is normal.

Of course, Li Fuchen is not a killer. If someone discovers a domain beast and does not actively attack him, he will only expel the other party and will not kill the other.

With a hand, the Huolin beast had no resistance, and was caught by Li Fuchen.

"One million billion Chinese stone, I will get it."

Li Fu's face showed a smile, and Nangong Feifeng gave him a reward, but it was only fifty trillion yuan in the middle of the stone.

Of course, Li Fuchen also knows that the domain beasts and beasts can not be met, unlike the mysterious beasts, they can be seen everywhere.

This time, he can get the fire beast and beast, and he is also lucky.

Sure enough, in the next half of the month, Li Fuchen never saw the second field of the beasts.

However, the mysterious beasts have got more than fifty heads, including 40 heads of the mysterious beasts, five heads of the mysterious beasts, and twelve heads of the mysterious beasts.

The reason why I can get so many upper-class mysterious beasts is because there were too many cubs in the last valley, and there were more than 30 heads.

Fortunately, Li Fuchen, in addition to the 30 **** pet bags given by the Nangong family, also got a lot of **** pet bags from other people, otherwise they could not be installed.

In addition to the plum dust, there are hoarfrost.

Her luck is no worse than Li Fu's dust, and she also gets a lower-fielded beast.

At that time, she competed with her in the ranking of the ninth and fifteenth.

The two men fought hundreds of strokes, and eventually the hoarfrost relied on the frost of the sky, and the other party froze the other side, completely annihilating the other's spiritual power.

On the strength, hoarfrost can almost rank more than 800th in the spirit list.

Of course, this is a relatively optimistic estimate. In fact, there are many powerful spiritual masters. Although they are not the spiritual masters, they are not inferior to the spiritual masters on the main list.

For example, a lake next to a silent and powerful martyrdom master, a move to kill the spirit of the main list of more than 600 existence, does not seem to be serious.

"It's too weak. I haven't even played the ultimate spiritual skills."

Tang Xing's face is very pale, but it doesn't give people a sick feeling at all. His fingers are very slender, and a thin sword is held in his hand. The silky sword is like a viper, which spreads out from his body. , the surrounding void, dip into the space of the sword.

This is a very powerful sword god, the strength to catch up with the North Ming, and even the North Ming.

The void that was immersed in the sword gas fluctuated a bit, and Tang Xing disappeared, and there was no trace of it.


Hoarfrost encountered trouble and a big trouble.

He encountered the existence of the second practice distortion rule, and this person's distortion rules are ten times ten times stronger than Zheng Xuelong.

The other hand's palm was just scratched by the air. She and her land were caught by the volley and then twisted into powder.

A stream of blood spouted, and hoarfrost appeared on a boulder not far away.

Too strong, a trick will destroy her spiritual power.

It seems that this is the reason why the other party is not too serious.

As a last resort, Baishuang passed the communication token to Li Fu.

Seeing this scene, Kavin did not stop, no matter who the other party called, came and died.