MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1217 Upper spirit

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Samsung's high-level sacred fire and fire dragon, 80 trillion down the **** stone.

Samsung's high-order **** Mars nuclear fire, 95 trillion down the **** stone.

Samsung's high-end sacred fire glass fire, one billion billion under the **** stone.

The price of Shenhuo is too expensive and too expensive. After reaching the high-end of Samsung, it is basically around one trillion.

This is equivalent to the full body of many spiritual masters.

In the end, Li Fuchen chose the glass fire.

One trillion is not too far off the mark for him.

After getting the glass fire, Li Fuchen first integrated it into the firepower.

"This feeling is really incredible."

Incorporating the glaze fire, Li Fuchen feels his own firepower, and it is more than a hundred times stronger. His original firepower is only the upper level of the god, and now it has been upgraded to the upper spirit level.


Hit a ring, a crystal-like flame appeared on the fingertips of Li Fuchen, swaying and swaying.

"I hope the results will be as expected."

Li Fuchen is full of expectations.

After a long walk, Li Fuchen also failed to see the best material of the gods and gods that refine the realm of life.

"It seems that we can only continue to swallow ordinary gods."

Li Fuchen returned to the inn.


Courtyard Alchemy Hall.

"It’s just too overbearing, and it allows me to refine the ultimate low-end Samsung."

The effect of Samsung's high-level fire has completely exceeded the expectations of Li Fuchen.

To know that Li Fuchen can only refine the excellent low-quality Samsung Shendan.

"This million-dollar downstory stone does not have white flowers." Li Fu's mouth was smiling.

Next, Li Fuchen began to refine the Samsung mid-level Shen Dan.

Originally, Li Fuchen could only refine the Samsung Zhongtian Shendan of ordinary quality.

However, at that time, he was mainly limited to the firepower, not powerful enough, dragging his hind legs, otherwise, Li Fuchen felt that it is not difficult to refine the medium-quality Samsung mid-level Shen Dan.

With the first oven Samsung's mid-level Shen Dan released, Li Fu's face once again smiled.

This time, he failed to refine the ultimate quality of the gods, but it is not bad, this furnace Samsung mid-level Shen Dan, all are perfect quality.

In other words, he is now a Samsung mid-level **** in the eyes of outsiders.

There is no hurry to refine the Samsung high-end Shen Dan, Li Fuchen continues to refine the Samsung mid-level Shen Dan.

He needs to refine the Samsung mid-level Shen Dan to lay the foundation for refining the Samsung high-end Shen Dan.

Sharpening the knife does not mistake the woodworker. Sometimes, the urgency will be bad, and it is always right to lay the foundation.

Ten furnaces, twenty furnaces, thirty furnaces...

A furnace of Samsung's mid-level Shen Dan was released, and Li Fu's alchemy technique was more and more skillful and vague. There was a vague concept appearing in Li Fu's mind, flashing from time to time.

The forty-eighth furnace Samsung mid-level Shen Dan was released. This time, the gods in the furnace are all of the ultimate quality.

In the past, Li Fuchen can also produce the ultimate quality Samsung mid-level Shen Dan, but at most once, that is, the majority of the furnace.

Forty-ninth furnace, the fiftyth furnace...

In the next few furnaces, each furnace is the ultimate quality god, without exception.

If there is a senior Shen Dan division here, it will definitely shock the stability of Li Fuchen.

Li floating dust is too stable. As long as it can refine the ultimate quality of the gods, it is impossible to refine the perfect quality of the gods. This stability is more than ninety-nine.

Samsung's mid-level Shen Dan is followed by Samsung's high-end Shen Dan.

The first high-end Shen Dan, which was released from the first furnace, is just a **** of ordinary quality.

After a few furnaces, it became a medium-quality god.

After dozens of furnaces, it is the **** of excellent quality.

However, after hundreds of furnaces, it did not produce the perfect quality Samsung high-end Shen Dan.

Li Fuchen knows that with the increase of Shendan's rank, the difficulty of refining will become higher and higher, and the glass fire is only Samsung's high-level fire, which corresponds to Samsung's high-end Shen Dan.

"You can start refining the gods that enhance the realm of life."

The gods that can enhance the realm of life are more difficult to refine, and Li Fuchen does not want to swallow the gods below the perfect quality. There are too many erysipelas, and it takes a lot of time to get rid of it.

There are only two kinds of Samsung mid-level Shendan that enhance the realm of life. One is the hemolytic meditation, and the other is Bailing Shengdan.

Without any accidents, Li Fuchen refines a furnace of the highest quality of the hemolytic land and a furnace.

These two kinds of gods can enhance the life of the middle spiritual god. According to Dan Fang’s introduction, taking six thousand hemolytic meditations can raise the realm of life to the level of the upper spirits, or take four thousand Bailing vitality. Dan can also raise the realm of life to the level of the upper spirit.

Obviously, the effect of Bailing Shengdan is better than that of hemolysis.

However, there is a lot of material needed to refine Bailing Shengdan, and it is also a lot of trouble to refine it. This is not the case of hemolysis.

With the last experience, this time, Li Fuchen first refines a thousand **** places.

After a thousand hemolytic meditations were taken, Li Fu's life was raised a lot, and the middle of the spiritual spirit reached the middle of the middle spirit.

“Sure enough, the absorption efficiency has been reduced by a factor of two.”

If Li Fuchen continues to take the hemolysis, the effect will get worse and worse.

This is because as long as it is a god, it will be resistant. If you take too much in a short time, it will produce strong resistance. If you take two of them for a long time, there is no such problem.

"First raise to the middle of the spiritual **** later."

Li Fuchen refining a thousand **** places.

After waiting for the thousand hemolysis sites, the life of Li Fuchen came to the middle of the middle of the spiritual gods, only a little, can be promoted to the later realm.

"The effect is too bad."

Li Fuchen shook his head and went to the back. The effect of taking the hemolyzed meditation was almost only 20% of the first one.

Abandoning the refining of the hemolytic phlegm, Li Fuchen began to refine Bailing Shengdan.

In one breath, Li Fuchen refining 1,500 Bailing Shengdan.


With the fact that Bai Lingsheng Dan took almost the same, Li Fu's life realm broke through to the level of the upper spirit, and the improvement of the essence of life made Li Fu dust very comfortable, and the whole person was like a bubble in the hot spring.

After half a sigh, Li Fu’s eyes flashed through the light.

The martial spirit is the time to break through again.

After the Yuanji 斩 and the 无 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李Big, otherwise, he is not likely to kill a black masked man with the power of ordinary spirits.

Now his martial spirit is about to break through again, and the strength can reach it. Li Fuchen is looking forward to it.

Huang Fengcheng is not isolated from the outside world, and Li Fuchen’s breakthrough is no bigger, and to be honest, it will not cause any attention.

Huang Fengcheng is too strong, and there are a lot of domain gods. There are so many mysterious gods, and the spirits are almost everywhere.

It can be said that every moment, there are countless people in the breakthrough realm, there are mysterious gods, there are spiritual gods, there are true gods.

Li Fuchen is just a spiritual god. The breakthrough of the movement is no bigger than that of the mysterious god. Therefore, Li Fuchen began to improve the martial arts in the courtyard.


The horror of the gods and the vitality of the pillars of light descended from the sky, countless vitality poured into the body of Li Fu, together with the spirit of the gods.

Without these rules, Li Fuchen could not break through.

At the same time, Li Fuchen took out a large number of lower gods and began to absorb the vitality of the lower stone.

One trillion, two billion, three billion...

The martial spirit is like a bottomless pit, madly devouring the spirit of the gods and the spirit of the gods.

I don't know how long the past has been, the divine light column gradually dissipated, and Li Fu's martial spirits were repaired and finally stabilized at the level of the upper spirit.

At this time, he has already consumed seven hundred million yuan of lower stone and two billion yuan of Chinese stone, and the stone is almost not enough.

As a result, Li Fuchen has only a few trillions of products under the stone and billions of Chinese stone, and his body has been reduced by more than ten times.

However, all of this is worthwhile. At this moment, Li Fu's martial arts power is not only increased from six to seven, but the spiritual power index has reached eight billion, which has more than doubled.

We must know that the divine power index has doubled and the strength has increased tenfold. That is to say, the strength of Li Fu's kendo is ten times stronger than before, and with the improvement of the strength of the martial spirit, the strength has been improved by at least tens. Times.

What is the concept of dozens of times.

He is not an ordinary spiritual god. He is a powerful spiritual master who is directly in pursuit of the lord of the blue spirit. He is able to sweep the ice lord by a dozens of times, and even one stroke can seriously hurt the other. It is hard to say whether it can be killed or not.

The martial arts spirit broke through, and then it was the spirit of time and space.

It only consumes a small amount of the lower **** stone, and Li Fu's time and space spirits break through to the upper spirit level.

Undoubtedly, the strength of Li Fuchen's time and space has also increased by dozens of times. It is really necessary to fight. The strength of time and space may not be lost to the strength of Kendo. The former means are too rich. The dream of life can make you enter a vast and endless. In time and space, and constantly and sometimes the power of the sky erodes your life, time and space cutting can cut you and your time and space directly into two halves, the attack power is amazing, time and space are not destroyed, you can guarantee that you are not dead, unless the opponent is more than He is hundreds of times stronger than a few times.

Not to mention, there is also a mysterious heroic star.

Li Fuchen is confident. At this moment, he is playing a star, and most of the median gods can't catch up with him.

A finger is extended, and a space-time square that only Li dust can see appears on the fingertips.

The space-time squares become larger and Li floats into it.

For a moment, Li Fuchen came to a void of time and space. This time and space is very broad and bigger than the entire Huangfeng City.

You must know that this is real time and space, not a lifelike dream, a means of distorting time and space.

Of course, just because it is real time and space, the time and space inside the space-time square is not very big. It is only a little bigger than Huangfeng City, and the life and space created by the dreams are distorted by time and space, but it is endless.

"There is still some instability. I don't know what level to go to create the time and space that exists forever."

The time and space that Li Fuchen now creates is like a bubble. It can only exist for a while and cannot exist for a long time.