MTL - Eternal God Emperor-Chapter 3982 Messenger from the God Realm

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For 50,000 years, Zhang Ruochen has not returned to the Kunlun Realm for many years because he has been busy practicing. Therefore, after coming out of Wangshan, he did not leave here, and went to Zhenlong Island first.

True Dragon Island is said to be an island, but it is actually millions of miles long, and it is no different from a real continent.

The Dragon Temple, which was once in ruins, was re-established in the hinterland of Zhenlong Island. It was majestic and majestic, like a giant wall at the end of the world that blocked the view.

"Why does Ruochen have time to come to my place? You haven't returned to the Kunlun Realm for tens of thousands of years, right?"

The Dragon Lord is wearing a white silver embroidered soft armor, which complements the long golden hair. He has a handsome appearance and an extraordinary appearance, with a pleasing smile on his face.

Zhang Ruochen said: "I came here to congratulate Uncle Long on his improvement to the next level."

The Dragon Lord waved his hand lightly, and said: "It's all with the help of the ancestral dragon's spirit. I have inherited the legacy of my ancestors. I still need to work harder myself."

But you, everything is a brand new path, you need to explore step by step and trial and error, the difficulty of cultivation is much greater than ours, but you have come ahead of us, this is gratifying!

"By the way, I heard that Ni Cai and Xing Chen got into trouble again. You punished them to guard the tomb of the Qianxing God Ancestor for five years?"

Zhang Ruochen smiled thoughtfully, "Linglong asked Uncle Long for intercourse?"

"It's not Linglong, it's me."

The eight-winged Yasha dragon came out from the back of the hall. Zhang Ruochen knew in his heart that although the eight-winged Yasha dragon looked fierce to everyone, he always loved Ao Linglong. It was normal for Ao Linglong to seek her.

Chi Xingtian followed behind the eight-winged Yasha dragon, with a face of reluctance, but he still said: "It's normal for children how old to fight, what do they know? Five years, you know that five years is not good for two What does it mean to children? That is their childhood!"

The sundial has been in the sword world for 50,000 years, and the internal time is equivalent to more than 18 million years. Coupled with abundant resources, Chi Xingtian and Eight-winged Yashalong are both first-class existences. Especially Chi Xingtian, who was once known as the number one in combat power under immeasurable power.

Therefore, the cultivation bases of both of them have reached the limitless level of freedom, and they are both considered to be high-ranking figures in the Cangmang universe!

It can be said that in the past 50,000 years, the monks under Immortal Infinite have improved by leaps and bounds, crossing many levels.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and if you enter the practice in the heat of the sun, you will also consume your lifespan, and you will have to go through the calamity of Yuanhui.

Therefore, the higher the talent and the more stable the monk's foundation, the greater the improvement in cultivation.

On the contrary, they didn't even dare to enter the sundial to practice.

The Dragon Lord said: "Actually, I don't want to get involved in your family affairs. But you know the situation of the Shenlong Sun and Moon Chaos Tower. The five-element chaotic body of the stars and the true **** body of Ni Cai are very important for the mobilization of the Shenlong Sun and Moon. The Chaos Tower is very important, and I think that by cultivating them as soon as possible, they can really help me in the future."

After the Dragon Nest was born, after many tests, the Dragon Lord finally figured out why the body of the true god, the chaotic body of the five elements, the body of the innate extreme yang, the body of the innate extreme yin, and the body of the real dragon are needed to fully activate the dragon sun and moon. According to the Chaos Tower.

With the blessing of the ancestral dragon spirit, the Shenlong Sun Moon Chaos Tower can even collide with black hands.

In the Dragon Lord's conception, he is in charge of the Shenlong Sun and Moon Chaos Tower, and with the assistance of monks with five major physiques, drawing the spirit of the ancestral dragon will definitely increase its power to another level.


The meaning of the existence of the Dragon Nest may be the energy source of the Shenlong Sun Moon Chaos Tower.

Zhang Ruochen said with a smile: "Uncle Long is a curve saver! But, I have been here for so many years, so I don't need to worry about these five years."

The Dragon Lord didn't force it, after all, it was Zhang Ruochen's family business to discipline the children, and he could mention that, with Eight-Winged Yashalong and Ao Linglong, he had an explanation!

Zhang Ruochen said again: "However, it's rare for Uncle Long to speak to me. How about it, for the past five years, the two of them have stayed in the ancestral land of Qianxing Civilization for half a year, and Uncle Long has been studying here for half a year."

Chi Xingtian clapped his hands and said happily: "Great! Both sides are right, everyone is happy."

The Dragon Lord's expression became solemn, and he said, "Has Ruochen heard about the envoy of the martial arts?"

Zhang Ruochen nodded and said

: The Lord of the Palace of Truth has sent news before, so I should be careful to deal with it.

Eight-winged Yashalong knew from the expressions on the faces of the two of them that this matter was no small matter. Apart from the disaster of the ancestor, what else could make them all look very nervous?

So, she asked curiously: "Why haven't I heard of any Shenwu envoys, what's going on?"

Dragon Lord glanced at Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen nodded lightly: "Based on their cultivation, they are still qualified to know. However, we must ensure that the news cannot be leaked for the time being."

"Is that an exaggeration?"

Seeing Zhang Ruochen's serious eyes, Chi Xingtian immediately apologized with a smile: "I guarantee, absolutely guarantee, I will keep my mouth shut."

The Dragon Lord said: "The news from the Heavenly Court is that there is a messenger who claims to be from the God Realm. He forcibly broke into the Heavenly Palace and disturbed all the heavens in the Heavenly Court Universe. This person claims to be the Messenger of Divine Martial Arts!"

Chi Xingtian's jaw was about to drop from shock, and he said, "Are you really a person from the God Realm?"

The Dragon Lord shook his head and said: "I don't know! But it is said that there are heavens in the heaven who want to attack him, but the mark of martial arts on his body burned by itself, and almost exploded, destroying Shenhai."

The Eight-Winged Yaksha Dragon said: "Impossible. The Divine Martial Seal is the most important gate of life for monks, and it is also the most closely guarded place. How could it be possible to spontaneously ignite? I still believe that such things happen to ordinary gods. But it is the heavens! The current heavens of the Heavenly Court Universe are the weakest in their cultivation, and they are also in the early stage of Immortal Immortality."

Zhang Ruochen said calmly, "It's true, the gods who want to fight are Bianzhuang God of War. But, the battle is over before it starts."

Chi Xingtian said: "It's not really from the God Realm, is it? From ancient times to the present, it has never been heard that people from the God Realm will appear in our universe."

Eight-winged Yaksha Dragon said: "If the heavens are like this, wouldn't other monks be slaughtered even more?"

The Dragon Lord said: "Wu Quan is bestowed by the gods, and the imprint of Shen Wu comes from the God Realm. From the beginning of our cultivation, we have been wearing It's just rice planted by others! When you want to harvest, We can't even fight back."

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