MTL - Eternal Country-v2 Chapter 2220 Eye kill

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It's just that there are too many uncertainties in the current situation. The body of an overwhelming dragon demon blends into Buzhou Mountain, so that the suppression of Yongye Tianjiao on Buzhou Mountain will enter the normal range. Whether it is Yongye or Eternal Tianjiao, what you can enjoy when you step on Buzhou Mountain is the same. There will be no bias in treatment. Obviously, Yong Ye's purpose is to make the two worlds Tianjiao fight a real fight in a fair environment. Either you die or I die. It's that simple and rude.

This is to transform the trial site so that Wu Zhoushan will not be majestic to Yongye Tianjiao.

If you don’t do this, once Yongye Tianjiao steps into Wuzhou Mountain, he will be immediately suppressed. Obviously, such suppression cannot exist. Only then will there be a confrontation between the two realms. Shot at night to transform Bu Zhoushan.

No one knows what kind of transaction is involved. However, there is no doubt that an agreement has been reached.

That kind of transformation is like changing heaven and earth.

Of course, this change is not over now, but will continue in the future. The longer it takes, the more big changes will take place, giving birth to greater good fortune. At this moment in the mountains, even the time has changed, and a great evolution is going on inside. An instant is the passage of thousands of years.

Ten years later is the day when the Chaos Ladder opens, and the Tianjiao fights. These ten years are the ten years of the outside world. In the mountains of Buzhou, there will be thousands, ten thousand years, and even amazing years calculated by Yuanhui. Let the various laws, Taoist rhyme, and even the fairy treasure of good fortune, grow and transform, and nurture complete.

Good fortune is not achieved in one piece.

It takes time to evolve.

The current Buzhou Mountain has become a restricted area, and no one can enter or leave, especially where the ancient Tianti Road is located. This is even more so, it is the top priority. Everything has to wait ten years before we can truly know how much has changed.

After witnessing countless Tianjiao, my heart is fiery.

At this moment, the battle of the ladder, which was longing for, has become even more hopeful.

Fighting with Yongye Tianjiao can truly become famous. If he survives, he will become the hero of the entire eternal world. I don't know how many people will worship and admire. That is what they dream of.

"This kind of power is really incredible, changing the world, but in this way, this is still on the mountain."

A solemn look appeared on Yi Tianxing's face.

Buzhou Mountain is the eternal first sacred mountain, and it is transformed from the body spine when Pangu fell. It has the powerful characteristics of immortality and immortality. It can even directly communicate with the chaos, absorb the energy of the chaos, and nurture the creatures in the mountain. Such a sacred mountain would not cause much damage if the innate Lingbao bombarded it. Fighting between the innate treasures will not cause damage to Bu Zhou Shan. This is the power of Bu Zhou Shan.

It is definitely harder than climbing to heaven if you want to bring down the mountain.

"This time the battle of Tianjiao, I am afraid it will be tragic to the extreme. According to records, in the last era, there was a battle between Tianjiao and Tianjiao. Such a war was extremely tragic. I don't know how many Tianjiao was buried in it, and the death was even worse. It’s miserable. If it weren’t for Wuzu's sudden emergence, a strong rampage, and killing a large number of Yongye Tianjiao, that battle would end in Yongye’s victory, and this era will start the Tianjiao battle again. The situation may not be optimistic."

Chang'e took a deep breath and said with a heavy face.

She is also a survivor from the last era. Many things and many secrets are not secrets to her. Some things, revealed, in this era, are the great secrets. The strength of Yongye Tianjiao is almost generally stronger than that of the eternal side.

Of course, this is about their combat effectiveness.

To decide the outcome, we need to look at various factors. Will have a great impact.

In short, the future battle will never be easy.

Be prepared for blood flow.

Yi Tianxing also frowned slightly.

You know, Tianjiao fight, he will not go, but Yi Xianhuang and the others are going to participate, just like what he said before, the choice he made, even if the front is boundless hell, even if it is kneeling. It is absolutely forbidden to finish this road and give up halfway.

In the long run, it will only consume one's own will.

Therefore, they have decided on this battle.

Even if they died in the Buzhou Mountains, it was still their own choice. At this point, he will not interfere. But as a father, his concern for his children is not false. Deep down, I still hope that they can all live. Even get a chance in the mountains of Bu Zhou.

"The accident came too fast. It seems that we must add a hole card to them. It doesn't matter if we lose, we will save our lives first."

A thought flashed in Yi Tianxing's mind secretly.

Just when the mutation on Mount Bu Zhou was about to end, I saw only the dark eyes in the hidden whirlpool. Suddenly, the light of the eyes turned and fell on the Jiulong Emperor, and also on Yi Tianxing and Chang'e. Body.

The Nine Dragons Emperor Nine Dragons is the innate treasure, the Taikoo Nine Dragons aura is deep and exudes a breath, even if you want to not notice it.

This is like in front of an elephant. An ant is naturally not worth mentioning. Even if you see it, it will treat it as if there is nothing, and will not care too much, because the life and death of the ant is irrelevant to itself. And if it was replaced by a lion and a jackal, it would immediately attract attention, even if it was difficult to not see it.

The Emperor Nine Dragons is like a sun in the darkness between heaven and earth, dazzling, it is impossible to not see it.

Moreover, the surging weather fortune on Yi Tianxing's body is clearly visible as a guiding light.

"Oh it's you."

There was a fierce look flashing in his eyes.

In the next second, I saw that from those eyes, a jet of dark light instantly cut through the void at an unimaginable speed, and appeared on Yi Tianxing's body. The scary thing was not the light, but this one. The terrible will contained in his eyes.

The will to death contained in the gaze.

This look is to make you die.

Yi Tianxing only felt that there was a sudden darkness in front of his eyes, as if there was a vast boundless darkness directly sweeping over him, completely enveloping himself, and then the entire will would be wiped out in it.

"Sleep, return to silence, death, perish!!"

Countless terrible thoughts appeared in my mind and appeared in my heart. The whole mind seemed to be completely disintegrated at this moment.

From the outside, Yi Tianxing fell into silence for an instant, without the slightest expression on his face, as if he had fallen asleep, sleeping, and even stopped breathing.

Ding Ding Ding! !

Almost in the next second, the heavenly emperor altar in the body burst into bright divine light. In the altar, the prayers of countless creatures reverberated continuously. At the same time, the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower standing on the altar was also blooming for the first time. The splendid divine light, from the tower, conveyed bursts of mysterious heavenly sounds, and a bodhi seed bloomed with a brilliant bodhi divine light, which originally swept through and filled the darkness in the soul, but was stopped on the spot.

Even, it began to be quickly dispersed.

The Hongmeng Tiandi Pagoda, which has reached the most innate treasure, possesses incredible power. When all burst out, the darkness and death will in the soul are forcibly dispersed. However, in the process of dispersing, the whole soul still received a huge impact.


When it was completely dispelled, Yi Tianxing spouted blood from his mouth on the spot, and even a strange paleness appeared on his face.

He raised his eyes to look at the vortex of the void, and looked at the pitch-black eye.

"Interesting, it can actually block one of my eyes, it's a little daunting."

A thought came out of his eyes.

However, in the next second, I saw that the law of the sky, Skynet, seemed to be completely angered by the actions of the eyes, and countless golden lightning bursts wildly, completely submerging the vortex, and all of a sudden, the vortex disappeared from the void.

"The evil eye rules, this account will be settled sooner or later."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath, and his injuries had quickly recovered. Who is the owner of those eyes is very clear in my heart, that is clearly a terrifying evil eye ruler in the eternal night, if it is not for its strong foundation and the guardian of the Hongmeng Tiandi tower in the body, it will be wiped out and the soul will be completely pulled. Into the darkness.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible look in the eyes.

Just look at you and people die.

It is so cruel and terrifying.

In the eyes of the evil eye ruler, Yi Tianxing's identity clearly has no secrets. After discovering it, the first move he made was to obliterate him, completely obliterate his huge threat, and strangle him in the present.

It's a pity that his power has been weakened for the most part through the law of Skynet. If all of his power, even the Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor Tower, may not be able to resist it, it would be truly deadly and cruel to the extreme.

Just look at you and you will die.

Let you die now, you must die now.

Really, this time, Yi Tianxing felt the breath of death.

At this point, I can already feel the terrible dominance of the evil eye. UU reading

Not an opponent now, but not necessarily in the future. In any case, he has written down this hatred, and the master may not be truly unmatched.

"Okay, very good, although I can't deal with you, then I will let you feel the pain forever. If you are beaten, then you have to return it, and it must be returned ten times a hundred times. Otherwise. , Doesn’t it make people think that Yi Tianxing is a bully."

A stern look flashed in Yi Tianxing's heart.

Various thoughts flashed through my mind.

"What happened to the fairy emperor just now."

Chang'e's face changed in shock, looking at Yi Tianxing, showing concern.

In the situation just now, it was obviously under attack.

"It's okay, this little means can't help me. If the emperor is so easy to kill, how can he survive now."

Yi Tianxing said with a sneer, and with a wave of his hand, the Jiulong Emperor continued to walk through the void.