MTL - Eternal Country-v2 Chapter 2218 Way of Heaven

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There are starry battles in the starry sky, and land battles on land. This is a full-scale war, a subversive war, where the two realms merge and become one. Many original collisions will naturally occur. Even if they have the same origin and the same proving and Taoism, there will be an endless struggle for the Tao. , Is not dying.

Either you die or I die.

Bloody and cruel.

As one of the supreme stars, how could Lunar Star stay out of it.

But the problem is that the strength of the cultivation base is indeed at a disadvantage. This is also undeniable. If the strength is weak, then you will be beaten. This is the most primitive law.

"The integration of the two worlds is the general trend, and even the heavens of the two worlds can't stop it. Do you think I can help you fairy?" Yi Tianxing calmly looked at Chang'e and said, without showing the slightest emotion in his words.

Many things, even at the height of Xian Ting, still cannot be solved.

This is a kind of realistic helplessness.

The battle is just around the corner. Who knows if Da Yi can protect himself when the time comes, or if he has spare capacity to help Lunar Star. Those are all unknown things. In this kind of thing, there is no joke. The two worlds merge, who knows what will happen.

"Your Majesty, there is a large array of Zhoutian stars in the palm of the fairy palace."

Chang'e looked directly at Yi Tianxing, and slowly said: "If the Zhoutian star array can be operated, the vast starry sky can be coordinated and integrated into one, even if the eternal night merges and the billions of eternal night stars emerge, they can rely on it. The big formation, fighting against it, can guarantee that it will not be easily defeated, and it can even open up a starry sky battlefield. This is also good for Da Yi."

"The Zhoutian Star Array is built on the basis of the Star Ring, and it can operate freely with the Star Ring as the core. The Star Ring is a symbol of the status of my Dayi royal family. The blood of the descendants is proof. To run the Zhoutian Star Ring Array, that is to let all the fairy concubines and children in my fairy palace set foot on the starry sky battlefield. This kind of thing is impossible for this emperor to do."

Yi Tianxing said after hearing it, shaking his head slightly.

As a big trump card guarding the Dayi Immortal Palace, the Zhoutian Star Array is naturally not easy to move. The most important thing is that the array is all the royal family of Dayi, his women, sons, daughters, and even his Yitianxing Grandchildren.

It's not that they won't let them participate in the battle, but they won't easily use it for unnecessary things.

What's more, why should he let his woman protect the Lunar Star? Standing on the front line against Yong Ye, their man, father, is not dead yet, and it is not yet their turn to set foot on the battlefield first. Even if Da Yi is fighting for the eternal world, he has no obligation to do such a thing.

"Then if Chang'e is willing to be your majesty's woman, Lunar Star is willing to belong to Dayi Xianting."

Chang'e took a deep breath and said suddenly. On the other hand, his gaze also looked at Yi Tianxing without evasiveness. When saying this, there is no doubt that great courage is required. To obtain the Zhoutian star formation, you need to have the ring of stars. The ring of stars only has Only the royal family of Da Yi, then, becoming a woman of Yi Tianxing will be the only shortcut.

Lunar Star must not have any mistakes. This is her home and her own origin. Once it is damaged, there will be no possibility of proof.

"You really want to be my woman."

Yi Tianxing said in a deep voice, "If you want to seek blessing and protect the Lunar Star, you don’t have to. Although you won’t easily send out the Zhoutian Star Array, the Lunar Star is the supreme star, whether it’s me or eternal. Many powers in the world will not be destroyed just by watching. You don't need to use yourself as a bargaining chip. There is no shortage of women in my fairy palace. You should be very clear about this."

"Chang'e is a woman, and she is equally fond of and admiring for the truly powerful. His Majesty can rise from the end of his life, establish the current Great Yixianting, and create a brilliant civilization. Such a strong, a woman in the world, cannot but be moved. Chang'e is no exception. The willingness to be your majesty's woman is also from the heart."

Chang'e said with a chuckle.

Between the eyebrows, there is an inexplicable charm.

People can see, can't help but feel lost.

"If you want, the position of the lord of the Great Elbe Palace is yours."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

Having said that, the title of the first fairy in the world of Fairy Chang'e is not a joke. His face has the capital of admiration in his heart. Even if it is him, he is admired in his heart, and he cannot ignore his identity.

If Chang'e can be included in the fairy palace, it is definitely one of the biggest dreams of all men in the world.

I also knew in my heart that Chang'e's purpose was still to preserve the lunar star. However, if it is planned properly, it may not be impossible.

Knowing that the eternal world and Yongye must be merged, in fact, Yi Tianxing is already preparing a back hand for the future. This back hand, it can be said, is the power of the country, for how to preserve himself during the war, and even It is to make the great easy inheritance immortal. Even in the war, huge benefits were obtained.

These are things to follow.

After confirming the relationship between the two parties, the atmosphere in the imperial court immediately changed, conveying a warm and ambiguous special atmosphere.

Taikoo Kowloon's speed is extremely fast.

When breaking through the void, a block of blocks was easily left behind.

Before you know it, you can see a vast and boundless continent in front of you. At first glance, there is no edge at all, and there are countless rolling mountains. The vitality contained is even stronger than ordinary people imagine. It really can be regarded as a spiritual and blessed land everywhere. Even if it is a handful of soil, placed in other realms, it is the top spiritual soil, scattered in the ground.

The poor soil can be easily transformed into a spiritual field for planting spiritual plants.

The Ancient Continent was too big, as big as a river, it was boundless, if it crossed, ordinary monks would have to work hard to do it.

A mountain may not get out for a lifetime.

In the realm outside the ancient continent, compared with here, it is completely insignificant. It's just like a remote corner, not worth mentioning.

"The Ancient Continent is too big. It combines the best parts of the heavens and the world. The top celestial mountains and spirit mountains gather everywhere. The ancestral courtyards of the heavens and the races are all here. The Ancient Continent is the real stage. Every day, Tianjiao rises, and every day the strong fall. There are countless opportunities and countless good luck."

Chang'e saw it and said with emotion.

"It's a pity that the stage here doesn't belong to me anymore. I'm still weak. It's like **** to me. When I'm strong, there will be no opponents of mine among my peers, and no one looks forward."

Yi Tianxing shook his head slightly and said.

The saddest thing in the world is this.

expensive! !

When stepping into the ancient continent, Taikoo Jiulong seemed to be very excited, and couldn't help but utter sky-shaking dragons. The sound was so loud that it instantly covered hundreds of thousands of miles around, and felt that the soul was shaking.

"Who is it, such a domineering dragon roar, from which you can actually feel a strong wild aura."

"This Dragon Yin, the proper blood of the real dragon, Longwei is really too strong, completely unstoppable, and it feels as if the mountains and rivers are about to collapse. It's terrible. It's amazing."

"Look, it's the Nine Dragon Emperor's Nine Dragons. This is the legendary lord of the Great Yixian Court, the driver of the Yixianhuang. The Yixianhuang has come to the ancient continent. What is he going to do? Why did he come at this time? Is it for the Chaos Ladder? Does he have to participate in the battle of the ladder?"

"It's so strong, only those nine Primordial True Dragons, each one possesses a terrifying power that is not inferior to the Dao Realm. I feel that that power will only be stronger. This is just a car. How can it be so strong."

"The direction he is going is Shiwan Dashan, which is the location of the barbarian ancestral court. What is he going to do."

Eyes converged from all directions. After seeing the Nine Dragon Emperor's servants, they immediately knew who was sitting inside. It was precisely because of knowing that they gave birth to strong fear and awe. But did not dare to step forward to stop.

Just watching the emperor break through the sky with his eyes, rushed to the hundred thousand mountains.

Rumble! !

And just as the emperor was about to reach the Shiwan Dashan Mountain, suddenly, without warning, a terrifying pressure appeared like a tide.

In the void, thunder and lightning flashed, and I saw that the endless void presented a terrifying and distorted scene.

Accompanied by distortions, golden chains of gods continue to emerge from the nothingness. These chains are intertwined and become a big golden net, all over the void, rooted in the entire world and everything. Anyone who sees it will Feel the stalwart.

This is the law of the eternal world, the skynet, condensed from another road of laws, containing the power of the entire world.

Behind the law of skynet, you can see the eyes that have been dark, and don't know when they will appear. In this eye, all you can feel is the eternal darkness and silence, which is the light of eternal night.

All creatures, UU reading www. As long as glances at it, it feels like you are in the endless night. The soul seemed to fall into the silence of eternal night, sinking completely, and not waking up again.

"Yong Ye Tiandao."

The Jiulong Emperor who was originally shuttled in the void was also at this moment, and was forced to fall to the ground. Yi Tianxing looked at the void, with a strong shock on his face, and felt the threat of a deadly companion. This eye is distinct. It is the heavenly eye condensed by the will of Yongye Tiandao.

brush! !

In the next second, in front of Yongye Tiandao's eyes, an equally huge golden eye appeared out of thin air. The momentum it exudes seems to be no less impressive.

That is the eye of eternal heaven.

The two heavenly roads appeared at the same time, and the aura emitted by them suddenly plunged the entire eternal world into a state of extreme horror. Many monks felt that they seemed to be in a marsh quagmire, and it became extremely difficult for their bodies to move around.

The two realms of heaven appeared at the same time, and the densely empty thunder bombarded like raindrops, presenting a world-destroying scene everywhere.