MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 96

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The color makes the mind faint.

Jiang Yi suddenly felt like laughing, the joy of discovering that Yan Yiming was still alive was overwhelmed, that's why he didn't notice such an obvious thing?

The crown prince often sighed with him that if Jian Yuyan hadn't been dragged down by a woman, she would definitely be in the court like him now, because of the crown prince's words, Jiang Yi had never underestimated Jian Yuyan.

Therefore, such a person who was so affirmed by the crown prince has been drunk and dreamed of dying for a woman for four years, which shows the weight of this relationship in Jian Yuyan's heart. Everyone thought that he was going to live alone like this, and he was degraded with everyone like this. They didn't think that the princess of Lin'an County would really cheer him up four years later.

Even the crown prince thought that Jian Yuyan had finally let go of the past and had a relationship with Princess Lin'an. Only Jiang Yi knew that the reason why Jian Yuyan reappeared before the eyes of the world was still because of the woman back then, and Yan Yiming cleverly borrowed that woman to take advantage of her. Jian Yuyan.

Now thinking of Jian Yu'er's "Miss Ah Ming", everything mocked him like a joke again.

Jian Yuyan is not stupid, even very smart, but why he was aroused by Yan Yiming, even if he believed Yan Yiming's words at the beginning, now half a year has passed, how could he still be kept in the dark.

Unless Yan Yiming is really familiar with everything between Jian Yuyan and the actor, and even grasps the whereabouts of the woman, and obtains enough evidence to threaten or convince Jian Yuyan, but Yan Yiming told him clearly before that she just used It was just a plan to slow down the army and hold Jian Yuyan back, but the woman was never found.

Yan Yiming lied to him again.

And he actually believed it.

She is the person who knows the actor best, she knows all her whereabouts and news, because she is the one that Jian Yuyan can't forget for four whole years,

Ah, Ming, aunt, mother.

Everything seemed to be calm, Wei Xiongjie signaled the surrounding maids to step back, and sat on the chair opposite Yan Yiming, Yan Yiming poured him a cup of tea, Wei Xiongjie smiled a little more on his fair face , and the sound is much softer.

Wei Xiongjie took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, Yan Yiming leaned over to take a look, it was the map of the capital.

Yan Yiming brought the map over. Compared with the map he drew casually during the battle with Shao Jingyu, this map is simply conscientious, especially the topographic map inside the palace is even more accurate.

On the day Dingbei Hou Yimen was destroyed, Prime Minister Jian sent people to Guangdong and Guangxi to deliver a message, hoping that King Jiangxia would be ready to go north quietly in January, and that Prime Minister Jian and the secret agents buried in the capital would be in Jiangxia King Take down the royal family in one fell swoop before formally raising troops.

Today, the imperial guards lead the southern army to guard the palace city, and the lieutenants lead the northern army to guard the imperial capital. Cao Meng was demoted to a commoner after he became the general of the guard, and later Ding Beihou took over as the general of the guard. Now that Shao Jingyu has not returned, there is no one to take over the position of General Wei, so the emperor simply let the position of General Wei be vacant.

The Lieutenant of the Forbidden Army is a member of the Marquis of Dingbei. Now that Marquis of Dingbei is dead, he has already reached an agreement with Jian Xiang again, but the General Wei Wei who guards the palace is upright. For a while, Jian Xiang has no choice but to take him Reached under Weiwei's command, and sent people to conspire with the two lieutenants to successfully control the Southern Army.

Now that the palace is calm and calm, a cautious man like Wei Xiongjie even put on a bit of complacency and a smile on his face, and said with a chuckle, "After January, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. The meeting has been decided, and Nangong will be on the night of the full moon." When the family is wiped out."

Yan Yiming nodded with joy on his face, "Your Majesty likes to be lively. There will be a family banquet on Mid-Autumn Festival night, and more troops will be sent, but he doesn't want to lure wolves into the house."

"That's right," Wei Xiongjie showed joy, "After the emperor dies, he can announce the identity of Mr. Jian to the world, and I will invite the prince to come to Beijing."

Speaking of this, Wei Xiongjie paused before saying, "Mr. Jian, the princess is sure."

Of course I am sure, but it may not be the same as what you think, Yan Yiming thought to himself.

Jian Yuyan had clearly revealed all of Jian Xiang's old background. Since Jiang Yi knew Jian Xiang's breakthrough point, the emperor naturally knew it too. According to Jiang Yi's temperament, he would definitely not startle the snake, so it is very likely that he will be in front of Jian Xiang. Full of self-confidence, he forced the palace to perform a commercial performance on the same day.

Jian Xiang originally thought that everything was under his control, but in fact everything he had was also under the emperor's control.

Yan Yiming remembered that when he went to see Jian Yuyan, Jian Yuyan still had a calm and delicate face, and he was still painting and admiring the scenery without any haste, without a clue, when he saw her coming, he put down the brush in his hand, and ordered the surrounding area The serving maids retreated.

Yan Yiming saw it, and also deliberately talked about King Jiangxia's recent preparations, saying that when the matter is completed, the young master must not forget the agreement with her.

Jian Yuyan waved his hands and said no, the two of you talked to each other, and they clearly did a lot of tricks in private, but at this moment they are united like grasshoppers on a rope, and they can be called the new generation of actor and actress.

Yan Yiming and Wei Xiongjie assured that Jian Yuyan's side was also safe and sound, Wei Xiongjie was relieved, and Lai asked for two more cups of tea here before reluctantly leaving.

After watching Wei Xiongjie leave, Little Apple lit a candle for Wei Xiongjie in his heart. The young man is actually not bad, but he was born as cannon fodder, so there is no way to save him.

Looking back, Yan Yiming rubbed his eyes and casually asked her what's wrong, Yan Yiming pulled his eyelids and said, "Help me see if there is something?"

Little Apple checked his titanium alloy eyeballs and touched his head, "No, what's wrong?"

"The eyelid keeps twitching," Yan Yiming said, and it was still the right eyelid. He stretched out his hand and pressed it, and it still twitched. It was said that the left eye twitched for money and the right eye twitched for disaster. Yan Yiming always felt that his heart was not stable, something went wrong.

But everything is going as planned, so what could go wrong?

Maybe it's because she thinks too much and doesn't get enough sleep recently, Yan Yiming comforted herself, that after the Mid-Autumn Festival in another month, she can find a chance to slip away, and then take a small apple to travel freely and wait for the world to be peaceful , and then successfully returned home.

Then find the garbage that kills thousands of knives to plan to settle accounts.

Just thinking about it like this, he fell asleep, and in his dream, Yan Yiming dreamed that when she was still Miss Yan, she was carried into the East Palace in her wedding dress, but when she was approaching the bridal chamber, an assassin in black broke in. She stood up to protect the prince, but the assassin quickly abducted her. In desperation, she tore off the assassin's mask, only to see Nangong Ye's handsome face staring at her fixedly, and the dazzling silver chain tied her waist hands,

"If you agree to marry me, then stay and stay by my side forever."

Yan Yiming pushed Nangong Ye away with a jerk, and changed the background in the blink of an eye. The surroundings were pitch black, and the left and right were so narrow that it was impossible to get up. She wanted to reach out to feel what it was, but her arm seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't lift her hand at all. Suddenly, she heard footsteps, and then a familiar voice exploded in her ears.

Jiang Yi stroked the coffin with the gentlest voice, as if he was talking to his closest lover, "Even if you die, you can only stay by my side, and you can't go anywhere."

Yan Yiming was terrified, and completely passed out again under the fright.

He slept very restlessly all night, sometimes it was Jiang Yi's gentle and sickly voice, sometimes it was Nangong Ye's cold and stubborn cry, and finally he seemed to see Shao Jingyu holding a silver gun and staring at her with cold eyes.

Yan Yiming suddenly opened his eyes, covered his heart and gasped for a few times, and lifted the curtain of the bed, a few strands of optical fibers faintly passed through the window.

Yan Yiming breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

Finally, it was dawn.